Top of the big era

Chapter 2097 Invest 15 million

At night, staying in a Manhattan apartment.

Zhou Buqi had another phone call with Boss Ma, and with the help of Ning Lu, he made arrangements for tomorrow, mainly two things.

1. To investigate the distribution division of Ziweixing Global in New York;

Second, go to HBO with people from Netflix to conduct research on Game of Thrones, an American drama that shocked the United States and even the world this year.

The reason why Netflix CEO Reed Hastings obeyed Boss Zhou's words was that he said that if he wanted to acquire Dark Horse Comics, he would start the acquisition plan immediately.

Because the big boss is so great.

As early as two years ago, Zhou Buqi stepped in and got the "Game of Thrones" project in his hands, which was still at risk at the time.

Universal Pictures can participate in the investment and get the streaming rights to the entire series!

After obtaining the streaming rights, of course it was licensed to Netflix.

At the beginning, there was much concern about this project, which aroused concerns from all parties and was considered to be too much investment and too risky. This year, this drama was aired, and it changed the public's perception of TV dramas.

It turns out that TV dramas can still be filmed like this!

The protagonist actually died as soon as he said he would die.

Now, the first and second rounds of the "Game of Thrones" TV series have ended on HBO. According to the contract, the streaming channel can be launched.

Of course HBO will be very reluctant.

The threshold for TV series like "Game of Thrones" is relatively high. It is not as popular as "The Big Bang Theory" and "Friends". The viewing threshold is even one or two levels higher than AMC TV's "Breaking Bad".

The higher the threshold, the higher the audience level, and the higher the charge.

Therefore, the TV stations that play "The Big Bang Theory" and "Friends" are generally free TV stations; the TV station AMC that plays "Breaking Bad" charges a relatively low fee of US$3.99 per month.

HBO charges $8.99. Relying on higher-standard and higher-standard film and television works, "Game of Thrones" has become synonymous with HBO.

If this were transferred to Netflix, wouldn't this be using HBO's flagship product to support Netflix?

So what Warner and HBO want to do is to pay a sum of money to buy out the streaming rights of the "Game of Thrones" series.

This is of course impossible.

Zhou Buqi wanted to go over and talk to them.

At the same time, you can throw some sweet dates to HBO, and Marvel can cooperate with HBO to jointly develop one or two "dark" Marvel TV series.

HBO can obtain two rounds of television broadcast rights. On the one hand, it is compensation, and on the other hand, it will continue to strengthen cooperation between the two parties.

In terms of the level of TV series production, Universal Pictures and Sony Pictures are actually very good, but there is still a big gap with HBO. If we can maintain long-term cooperation with HBO, it will be beneficial to both parties.

It is worth mentioning that when Zhou Buqi went to HBO's headquarters the next day, he met an acquaintance who turned out to be a visiting delegation led by a vice president of UEFA. It seemed that he wanted to invite HBO's documentary team to produce for the Champions League. programme.

Zhou Buqi understood it at a glance.

Depend on!

Ask the HBO team to make a documentary?

How much will that cost?

I feel really bad spending other people's money, and I don't know how much interests and power are involved.

After a busy day, Zhou Buqi and his party returned to Silicon Valley from New York at night. Boss Ma had already returned to Silicon Valley from China and continued to work on the Yahoo case.

Judging from the current situation, the idea of ​​​​acquisition of Yahoo as a whole package has become increasingly unfeasible.

Don’t look at the fact that Yang Zhiyuan only has 3.9% of Yahoo’s shares left. He has been dismissed from the positions of chairman and CEO several times, but he is the founder. As long as he retains the title of director and is still on the board of directors, he has a huge influence. force.

So many people are aggrieved, saying that Yahoo's board of directors is "Yang Zhiyuan's board of directors."

It takes 6 hours to fly from New York to Silicon Valley.

However, Western Time is 3 hours behind Eastern Time, so it will be around 10pm when we get home. Zhou Buqi looked at the time and stopped fussing. He planned to take a bath and rest.

"Yao Yao, do you want to go to my room tonight?"


Yao Yao suddenly received an invitation from the big boss, and she felt numb as if she had been electrocuted.

She was still in a daze, and Gu Zanli came over to push her with a smile and help her speak: "Yes, yes! She is willing! Boss, you don't even know, she has been talking about it these days, she is so anxious Damn it, I thought you didn’t like her.”

"Where is it?"

Yao Yao was ashamed and embarrassed, so she pushed her, but she followed the steps of Boss Zhou coyly, and went to the bathroom with him and her second assistant Sun Wanran.

While soaking in the bathtub, Zhou Buqi looked at the delicate Yao Yao sitting in his arms, feeling very comfortable both physically and mentally. He suddenly remembered something, "By the way, how's Momo's financing going?"

Sun Wanran said: "We are talking, and there seems to be progress."

"So fast?"

"It seems that Meng Houkun came to interview."

"Oh, no wonder."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

When investing in Momo, it is not convenient to participate in the name of Ziweixing. After all, as far as the current market is concerned, WeChat, owned by Ziweixing, and the emerging product Momo are the main competitors.

Zhou Buqi could only pay a sum of money, clear up the relationship in various ways, and participate in the investment in Momo, mainly to earn financial gains.

He would definitely not do such a small thing.

Originally, a person named "Li Xuekai" was asked to help operate it. He was an employee of the school network in the early years and is now Meng Houkun's assistant. Zhou Buqi has relatively few male assistants. The number one assistant is actually Meng Houkun. Meng Houkun or Meng Houkun's assistant Li Xuekai helps with many personal matters.

Sun Wanran said: "It seems that the valuation of the other party is not low. Meng Houkun had no choice but to show up in the name of the senior vice president of Ziweixing Group. Only then did the other party agree to the deal."

Zhou Buqi held Yao Yao's sister in his arms. The warm and fragrant nephrite was very comfortable. He looked at Sun Wanran sitting opposite and was a little surprised. "The valuation is very high? How much?"

"60 million."


"Where is that?" Sun Wanran couldn't help laughing and rolled her eyes at him, "It's Huaxia Coin, and Momo is a start-up company that has only been established for a few months."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "I thought it was too much!"

Sun Wanran nodded and said: "Well, Meng Houkun came forward and said it was for 15 million, accounting for 25% of the shares. The other party agreed, and the contract will be signed soon."

"15 million?" Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "Didn't you say 10 million? Why did it increase again?"

He invested in Momo not for strategy or to make money for himself.

But for these ten little secretaries in the office.

Find a way out for them.

These ten young secretaries, who are as beautiful as flowers and in their prime, are different from many secretaries in the previous office. In Zhou Buqi's office, many female secretaries had been replaced in a hurry.

However, when I chose a secretary, it was more out of work needs.

After all, Zhou Buqi had not delegated power at that time, and there was a lot of work to be processed every day, and there were dozens or hundreds of documents to be signed every day.

Another point is that the previous secretaries did not have any requirements in their personal lives. Some were even married, and some had boyfriends.

This time is different.

Guan Nanqing, Gu Zanli, Yao Yao, Mai Feixue, Yan Qiqi, Zhuo Wensi, Zhao Li Muge, Liang Lexin, and Li Shuruo are all real girls, just like Sun Wanran and Ning Lu back then.

And after many layers of screening, they are closer to Boss Zhou in terms of thoughts and values. You can't just give a small amount of money or buy a house and spend it.

Zhou Buqi prepared in advance and invested in Momo to solve this problem.

The original plan was to invest 10 million, which was equivalent to lending 1 million to each of these 10 little secretaries to help them invest in Momo. After Momo goes on the market, they will truly complete the leap in social class and change their lives.

Unexpectedly, the amount of investment this time was 15 million.

5 million more.

Sun Wanran rolled her eyes at him, "I told Meng Houkun. I didn't do this just in case."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What's just in case?"

Sun Wanran hummed and said: "In the office, there will always be new people coming in in the future, right? We must set aside some more space to make plans for new people in the future."

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