Top of the big era

Chapter 2093 The sinking of products

Zhou Buqi was helpless, "Yahoo has even outsourced its search business. From this point of view, it really has no long-term strategic value."

Lu Qi smiled and said: "Fortunately, the traffic is very high and the brand is very big."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "All that's left is this empty shell, which can be considered of some value. With the explosion of mobile Internet, the future market will become more and more diversified, and marketing costs will rise rapidly. No matter what,' Yahoo is an Internet brand with high visibility and strong influence."

Lu Qi was very worried, "Are you really going to take action against Yahoo?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It would be good if we give up our fantasies and have no ambitions, and just regard Yahoo as a stable money-making tool. Cut off some irrelevant departments and retain only the most basic website structure. Reduce costs to the greatest extent.”

Lu Qi twitched the corner of his mouth.


Just now, I said that in order to reduce costs and increase efficiency, Yahoo is constantly laying off employees, reducing departments, and even outsourcing its search business. This strategy is a self-defeating strategy.

This time it was his turn, and he wanted to do something even harder.

I want to dismember Yahoo directly.

To completely cut off Yahoo's dream of growing wings and taking off, it would just be lying on the ground earning advertising fees. They gave up Yahoo's ideals and only regarded Yahoo as a money-making tool.

The reason why Yang Zhiyuan is obsessed with Yahoo, and the reason why investments including Carol Bartz have repeatedly failed...the same big reason behind it is that they are still full of longing for Yahoo.

They hope to find an angle to regain market recognition for Yahoo and lead Yahoo back to the top.

Boss Zhou didn't seem to have such an idea at all.

He wanted Yahoo to accept its fate.

Zhou Buqi glanced at him and said calmly: "Do you have a way to give Yahoo wings of dreams?"


Lu Qi shook his head.

Zhou Buqi said: "Neither have I, I really can't think of it. It's similar to domestic Sohu, Sina, NetEase, etc. How can this kind of portal model be transformed? In the era of smart phones, portals are even more Not good. In the domestic mobile phone market, Toutiao’s share is three times higher than the four major portals combined.”

Lu Qi tentatively asked, "Is it possible for Yahoo to try Toutiao's model?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I'm afraid it's difficult. This kind of UGC products mainly rely on content."

Lu Qi smiled and said, "Don't we have other content products, such as Quora and Knol?"

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "There are Weizhi and Toutiao in China. Do you know why Toutiao's traffic is ten times that of Weizhi? Quora and Knol can link up with Yahoo, but they can only be superficial cooperation. Once the relationship is too deep, If this happens, it will be difficult for Yahoo to have a traffic advantage."

Lu Qi was startled for a moment, then suddenly realized, "The quality of the article."

Zhou Buqi said with emotion: "This has something to do with the education system. Although the domestic nine-year compulsory education and college entrance examination system have been criticized a lot, they are still much better than the bullshit happy education in the West. If there weren't so many in Europe and the United States, After going through the country, I was almost deceived by the legend of happy education."

Lu Qi said with a smile: "That's not accurate. Europe and the United States pursue a dual structure of 'happy education + elite education', which divides children into different classes from the time they receive education. In China, it is relatively average, with the college entrance examination Every student can be treated fairly.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, so this will inevitably lead to text-based UGC products such as Toutiao, which are difficult to develop in Europe and the United States because they have no content."

UGC products are to build a platform where users produce content and upload it to the platform for other users to see. In domestic education, Chinese is a key subject, and composition is an important item in Chinese.

Basically, students who have graduated from high school can write a relatively complete and fluent article.

that's enough.

As the saying goes, "fish looks for fish, and shrimp looks for shrimp."

Just read articles written by different people.

If you ask a university professor or well-known scholar to write an article for a group of high school students to read, they will not be able to read it at all, because their vision, knowledge, knowledge structure and ideological level are completely different.

On the contrary, if a very ordinary high school student writes an article... He has no experience or knowledge. He just writes an article full of errors based on his superficial social understanding and various false news reported on TV and the media. Articles... Only articles like this are most likely to become hits.

Because it can resonate with more similar people.

It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong, true or false. Resonance is the key to "likes", "attracting followers" and "drawing traffic".

With the development of the Internet, the number of low-end users has exceeded that of high-end users. This phenomenon will be particularly obvious when the mobile Internet develops and everyone has a mobile phone.

All popular content often comes from controlling these “low-end users”.

For example, a sociology article written by a sociologist is not as popular as a sociology article written by a middle school student; an entrepreneur who comes out to teach people how to start a business is not as respected as a successful master who talks about success; even if He is an international movie star who sells goods live. Because he has a lot of experience and knowledge, he will feel distant from his fans when communicating on live broadcast. It is not as good as a little idol who has never read a book and has no knowledge to make people spend money to place orders. .

This is the reason why Weizhi’s traffic is not as good as Toutiao.

It’s not that Wei Zhi’s content is too bad.

On the contrary, because the content on Weizhi is too excellent, it is not popular.

The same is true for Yahoo.

If there were too many excellent, senior and opinionated articles like Quora and Knol on Yahoo, it would be difficult to win the favor of users.

If you want Yahoo to transform in the direction of Toutiao, you have to find enough "mid- to low-end content sources" for Yahoo.

However, foreign happy education has created a group of happy fools.

It is impossible for them to write articles like domestic self-media creators. They simply do not have the skills to write articles. Even after graduating from high school, it is considered good if you can write a 200-word essay. People who have the skills and courage to write articles often have better content, but it is difficult to resonate with mid- to low-end users.

This will lead to the inability to produce UGC products in this headline model.

Zhou Buqi's thinking continues here, and he sees the booming prospects of the short video industry in the future.

Today's Toutiao does not work abroad, and the threshold for words is still too high for those idiots who have grown up with a happy education.

Video is much easier.

As long as you can shoot with a mobile phone, it doesn't matter whether you can write or not. As long as you show off like a fool in front of the camera and be as vulgar as possible, a group of similar people will come around and give you likes.

The threshold for writing is too high, so making videos is much easier.

The lower the threshold, the more fans, and the more money you will make.

Zhou Buqi continued: "Overseas, it is okay to make some mid-to-high-end content products like Quora and Knol. They only serve mid-to-high-end users. There are both creators and readers. They are all A group. The threshold for text products is still a bit high, and it is still too difficult to sink into it.”

Lu Qi sighed, "Yahoo also has a video business, but it is not developing well compared to YouTube."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yahoo's content should be more high-end, which will affect the video business. High-end content will attract high-end users. YouTube has a lot of low-level and interesting content for lower-tier users. It would be inappropriate on Yahoo."

"That's really it!"

Lu Qi hasn't paid attention to Yahoo for several years. It makes sense to hear what the big boss said.

There are many videos of girls on YouTube. Each time they are filmed wearing only underwear and showing off their figures. Such videos are easy to sink and attract a large number of fans.

There are also a lot of sidekicks.

But Yahoo videos are more serious and don’t have these.

Zhou Buqi said: "Didn't we acquire Twich, a game video platform? If we want to achieve better results and reach more game players, we can provide some guidance in this regard. Some time ago, Liu Qiangdong and I also To put it bluntly, if e-commerce companies want to sink their businesses, they must rely on deception and deception. The principles are the same, and the video business is the same. If not deception and deception, at least it must be in low-level taste.”

Lu Qi nodded, "Then I'll tell them that when pushing streams, they should focus on recommending some marginal game videos."

Zhou Buqi said: "It's nothing more than food and sex. We must make good use of the precious resources of female players to attract male players. This is the consistent routine of the game. The recommendation algorithm must be combined with human nature. In this regard, game companies obviously If you are better at it, they are recruiting psychology analysts to join the game design team. Go back to Changyou to do some research and learn."

Lu Qi twitched his lips, "You want to make the product as magical and attractive as a game?"

Zhou Buqi said: "In the next mobile Internet era, there will be unimaginable competition, and every industry is a red ocean. Whoever can capture the minds of users as much as possible and make good use of them will stand out."

Lu Qi murmured to himself with emotion, "It's an era when machines control humans, von Neumann..."

Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "Huh?"

"It's nothing," Lu Ji shook his head, and then thought of something, "It's not about Yahoo, why did it come here? I made a call to my colleagues at Yahoo yesterday, and there is a big event going on inside Yahoo!"

Zhou Buqi asked: "What's the matter?"

Lu Ji said: "After Carol Bartz was fired, Yahoo's CFO Moore temporarily took over the duties of CEO. This is just a stop-gap measure. Yahoo is looking for a new CEO."

Zhou Buqi said: "It's not easy to find."

Lu Ji said: "It is difficult to find a new CEO. This is one aspect. There is also a more important aspect. There is a fierce proxy battle going on in Yahoo's board of directors!"

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