Top of the big era

Chapter 2061 Equality between Men and Women

Zhou Buqi sits in the office and spends more time talking to people. Choose a direction first, and then use close communication to further understand the details within the company.

After talking to Zhang Yiming, he had conversations with Zhang Xuhao, president of, Gu Xinyuan, director of human resources, and Zheng Xiaoli, vice president of search business, in the morning.

Especially Zheng Xiaoli, her eyes were red, as if she had cried.

Zhou Buqi made an exception and sent her directly out of the office and to the elevator when leaving.

Zheng Xiaoli was in charge of mobile products. She became pregnant in April, but she never rested. Unexpectedly, she fell in the office last month and had a miscarriage after being sent to the hospital.

This thing is so embarrassing.

It also makes people feel how difficult it is for women in the workplace.

However, this sister Zheng did not compromise and took half a month's rest before returning to work in the company. Zhou Buqi talked to her, not about business, but mainly to comfort her. At the same time, he asked her how the company should pay more special attention to women in the workplace in terms of welfare.

Zheng Xiaoli cried not because she was shocked or wronged, she was not that fragile, but because she was moved by the big boss's caring attitude.

However, when it comes to workplace benefits, she has a completely different idea.

Zheng Xiaoli shook her head firmly, "I think we should not increase the benefits for women. On the contrary, we should further reduce the preferential treatment of women and strive to achieve equality between men and women as much as possible."

"Why?" Zhou Buqi didn't dare to adjust the company's system rashly, not because Ziweixing couldn't afford the welfare expenses, but because he was worried that it would affect his whole body. "This time I went to the United States, I went to Google several times. I also learned about one of their welfare policies. Female employees at Google can have 2-3 days of menstrual leave every month.”

Zheng Xiaoli immediately refused, "Don't!"

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised by her resolute attitude, and said with a smile: "I know you are a senior executive and a strong woman, but I think... we can fight for more welfare benefits for women. I know how difficult it is for women in the workplace. It’s difficult, and the company is willing to provide more support and encouragement.”

Zheng Xiaoli sighed softly, "Boss, it is precisely because I stand from a female perspective that I think the company should be more inclined towards gender equality in terms of policies and benefits."

"You are a strong woman, you can even control most men..."

"No, that's not the reason."

"That is?"

"I..." Zheng Xiaoli sighed again, "Boss, I have experienced this kind of thing personally. This is really not gender discrimination, nor is it the company's welfare is not good. I am a woman, but when I employ people, there are several people who This time I had a special explanation with HR, saying that this position is quite special and only male employees are recruited."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "The workload is too heavy. Do you have to work overtime?"

Zheng Xiaoli said: "It is indeed because of work. Of course, I do not rule out that there are many outstanding female employees. They have strong fighting spirit and strong mental willpower. They are no worse than male employees. However, compared to male employees, the probability is lower after all. Some."

Zhou Buqi said "hmm".

This is like the recruitment of a large company, which requires candidates to be selected from 985 or 211 colleges and universities.

It’s not that college students from ordinary universities are not good enough.

In fact, there are many outstanding talents in society who have graduated from ordinary universities or even have not attended university.

But this is a question of probability.

By selecting talents from 985 and 211 universities, the probability of recruiting excellent talents is higher. The company's trial and error cost is lower, which can save money and efficiency.

Zheng Xiaoli sighed and said: "I know, boss, you have a big picture. The company is willing to provide more trial and error costs and higher workplace benefits to support women in the workplace. However, when it comes to individuals and every group unit, No one wants to bear the cost of such trial and error. You have such a big picture, not everyone has it. If you look at yourself, I can't do it."

Because Zhou Buqi had talked to her about pregnancy and miscarriage before, and expressed deep concern, which moved Zheng Xiaoli. It also brought her closer to her boss, and she felt how approachable the big boss was.

Therefore, the subsequent communication will be more open and honest.

Zheng Xiaoli talked about her workplace experience, "I was promoted from product director to vice president of product in February this year. At that time, there were four other colleagues competing for this position at the same time as me, all of them were excellent, and they were all men. I had to Admit it, I have the gender advantage.”

Zhou Buqi immediately comforted her and said with a smile: "You are too worried. The company will not promote you just because you are a woman. It must be because you are good enough."

Zheng Xiaoli smiled and said, "If they are equally good, I still have a certain advantage in being promoted first."


Zhou Buqi was noncommittal.

This is real.

For IT companies, there are relatively few female executives. Domestic companies are okay, like big companies in South Korea and Japan, if you can see one or two women among the top executives, that’s an outstanding company.

This kind of atmosphere is actually not good.

The more talented and outstanding employees are, the higher their spiritual level is. If there are too few women among senior executives in a company, it will appear that the company's spiritual level is too low. It only cares about making money but lacks humanistic care and social responsibility. Many employees...including male employees will be disappointed with the company.

Therefore, when domestic IT companies recruit, promote and promote women, they have more or less priority. If there are two employees, one male and one female, with similar abilities and similar comprehensive indicators, the female employee will often be given priority.

But even this is not enough.

The middle and senior management are basically all men, and it would be good if the proportion of women can reach 25%.

Zheng Xiaoli's tone was lighter, somewhat self-deprecating, "At that time, I was able to get promoted... Of course, to a certain extent, this was indeed reasonable, because of my performance and various indicators, and my ability to unite my colleagues. , the communication between superiors and subordinates is better than that of several other colleagues.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Of course, you are good enough!"

Zheng Xiaoli said: "It is also a gender advantage. Because I am a woman, I dare to use male employees more boldly. The other four colleagues are all men. They should not pay too much attention to male employees and always take care of them outside of normal work. Female employees are not selected and assigned tasks because of the work itself, they are mixed with gender factors.”

Zhou Buqi was silent.

This is a difficult topic to talk about, it's too politically incorrect.

Zheng Xiaoli can say this because she is a woman, but Zhou Buqi cannot say nonsense. Just like black people can make fun of niggas, but others say it is discrimination.

However, an outstanding woman like Zheng Xiaoli has long since passed the level of simple and superficial gender distinctions and low-level discrimination. Excellent people are not only able to accept the ridicule of others, but even actively laugh at themselves.

Zheng Xiaoli said: "I am a woman, so when I communicate with my superiors, everyone will respect me more. Even if I face some male colleagues who have a rough work attitude, they will give me face. This allows me to I got full marks for 'unity with colleagues'. At the same time, I can use male subordinates more boldly, only based on their work ability and nothing else."

After a pause, she continued: "When I first started working, there were many female employees under me, and I also thought about using my power as a leader to help them. However, if I helped them, my business score would be low. It seems that my business ability is not good enough. With male employees, I can use them as cattle and horses, and scold them as much as I want, without restraint. I can even arrange some very stressful tasks, and I can use them purely from a work perspective. to treat them."

Zhou Buqi remained silent.

There is also somewhat little that can be done about it.

Let alone Zheng Xiaoli, he couldn't handle this kind of thing to him.

For example, Zheng Xiaoli had a miscarriage, and Zhou Buqi called her to the office to comfort her, encourage her, and give her spiritual comfort.

Also last month, He Yang's wife had a car accident and broke several ribs. She is still lying in the hospital. He has to run to the hospital every day.

But this kind of thing is almost never mentioned in the company. A big man deserves to work harder and suffer more. Zhou Buqi just said a simple greeting and said nothing else.

The treatment was completely different from Zheng Xiaoli's.

When Zheng Xiaoli opened the topic, she became very calm and said calmly: "Later, I gained experience and used a large number of male employees when selecting people. I didn't use female employees if I could. Then, my performance improved and became more and more popular." The better I get, the better I am, the more I will be promoted as I am far ahead of my colleagues at the same level. In fact, I know that this is my gender advantage. Other male managers dare not not use female employees, but I dare. Even if I use them, no one will. Call me sexist. In fact, I really don’t discriminate against women. I am a woman. Why am I discriminating? It’s really because female employees have too many troubles. They fall in love, break up, their parents are sick, and they feel unwell during their period. A quarrel with a colleague, rent due... there are too many emotional things that have nothing to do with work that will affect the entire team."

Zhou Buqi said: "Equality between men and women should not mean treating men and women with the same standards, but should use a series of welfare policies to allow men and women to meet the same standards."

Zheng Xiaoli sighed softly: "Boss, I know you mean well, but menstrual leave benefits really cannot be provided. It will only make it worse for women in the workplace. There are 10 people in a team, and if female employees increase their menstrual leave, it will mean that the team There are several days every month where there is a shortage of people. The more female employees there are, the lack of team fighting capacity will be doubled. People will be even less willing to use female employees, and there will be fewer employment opportunities for women. Unless they can be like Like European and American countries, additional subsidies will be provided at the national level."

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