Top of the big era

Chapter 2051 Financial Crisis Resolved

Zhou Buqi slept for 4 hours on the plane.

In order not to disturb the rest of Ning Lu and Guan Nanqing beside him, he gently got up from the bed, found a random nightgown and put it on.

The flight is very long, but the stewardess won't sleep and is watching a movie.

After asking, I found out that there were still four or five hours left before arriving at the Capital Airport, so it was still early.

Zhou Buqi casually ordered some snacks and fruits, and sat in front of the computer, planning to check his emails. These are all filtered and classified emails, and they are all relatively important information.

There are several categories, such as sports section, real estate section, financial section, business section, personal section and so on.

Among them, the commercial sector is the most important.

Zhou Buqi read the email here first. Lu Ji had told him on the phone before that he should pay attention to Ziweixing International's cash flow.

Although the game division was sold to Changyou at a high price of more than 8.2 billion US dollars, this was a merger and acquisition model. Ziweixing International only received stocks but no cash.

Fortunately, there is Twitter!

Zhou Buqi checked the email.

Now, Ziweixing International has US$1.25 billion on its books.

This is thanks to the sale of a friend's studio to EA more than two months ago. At that time, it received US$750 million in cash from EA and 49 million shares with a total value of US$1.17 billion.

Zhou Buqi has already explained before that there is no need to keep these 49 million shares of EA stock. He will look for opportunities to sell them all and cash out before the end of the year.

Getting the money in your hands is the last word.

Changyou and EA are destined to be competitors, and Ziweixing International cannot be both Changyou's major shareholder and EA's core shareholder. This can easily cause confusion among the management, capital institutions, financial markets and even regulatory agencies of the two companies.

Next, there’s Twitter.

Ziweixing International currently holds 28.5% of Twitter’s shares. Although it has been diluted many times, it is still the largest shareholder.

Google will acquire Twitter for a total price of US$20 billion, mainly in a stock model.

In other words, after this transaction, Ziweixing International will be able to obtain Google shares worth US$5.7 billion. Ziweixing International is an investor, not a manager, so the lock-up period after the merger and acquisition transaction will not be too long.

Zhou Buqi had previously communicated with Larry Page about this. The lock-up period for stocks is mainly three stages, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months.

In other words, after 12 months, Ziweixing International can completely sell all these stocks and withdraw funds.

It is worth mentioning that when it sold YouTube and AdMob, Ziweixing International also received some shares, which are now worth about US$800 million.

The hostile relationship between Ziweixing International and Google is not strong, and the share of Google stocks totaling US$6.5 billion is very small. It is not considered a core shareholder, and long-term holding is not a big problem.

However, Ziweixing International is really short of money now.

According to the current plan, the IPO of Ziweixing International will have to wait until 2014. We should still find ways to raise more money and pass the two to three-year window period.

Beyond that, there's Facebook.

Ziweixing International currently holds 148.84 million shares of Facebook and is an absolute core shareholder. Zuckerberg was unwilling and was thinking of ways to get rid of this shareholder.

Zhou Buqi agreed.

The first wave of cleanup plan is to use Facebook's IPO to go public. Purple Star International will follow the IPO wave and invest 50 million shares in the secondary market.

This operation will allow Ziweixing International to withdraw at least US$1.6 billion to US$2 billion in cash.

Calculated throughout this article, through cashing out the stocks of EA, Google and Facebook, Ziweixing is likely to have capital income in the next year...nearly 10 billion US dollars!

Coupled with the existing funds of 1.25 billion US dollars in the account, such a large sum of money is enough to support the company's listing in 2014!

Zhou Buqi was doing simple calculations while reading emails.

The mood is wonderful.



Only by contrast can the greatness of Boss Zhou be shown.

In order to cope with the menacing Google, Facebook will go public in advance and get a large amount of money to compete with Google. After a wave of IPOs, Facebook will only receive US$20 billion from the capital market at most.

Ziweixing International does not need to go public at all. After a wave of operations, Boss Zhou, with a quick move, completely solved the company's financial crisis as if by magic!

After a series of capital operations, 10 billion US dollars can be directly recovered from EA, Google and Facebook!

This is just a conservative estimate.

Because with Changyou's big move, the global game industry has been driven up. In the past few days, game stocks have been rising collectively, and EA is also rising.

This means that when you sell EA stock, you may make more money.

And Google.

Google's stock is a stock with great potential. The current stock value is US$6.5 billion. By this time next year, it may have risen to US$10 billion.

Not only that.

Ziweixing International still has nearly 100 million Facebook shares in hand, and it will sell them off one after another; if it is really short of money, it can also sell off some Changyou shares.

In short, after several operations in the past two months, Zhou Buqi has completely solved the problem of hidden fund risks on Ziweixing International's books!

Next, Ziweixing International can confidently and boldly continue to make big moves in the two major technological directions of artificial intelligence and cloud computing, as well as the development and investment of mobile Internet.

As long as Zhou Buqi exists, Ziweixing will not be short of money.

Then, he sent an email to Lu Qi, Tang Binchen, Shen Xiangyang and Kurian respectively, telling them to firm their direction and move forward boldly!

This boss is your firm support, don’t be afraid of spending money.

The imagination of the future is more important than the cash of the present.

At this time, Guan Nanqing rubbed her eyes and walked over wearing a cute pink nightgown with cartoon patterns, and Zhou Buqi waved to her.

Guan Nanqing blushed a little, pursed her lips and walked over.

Zhou Buqi patted her thigh, and she sat on it, her body soft and light, and kissed her on the face, "How was your rest?"

Guan Nanqing was a little embarrassed, "It's pretty good."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "What's the point of being embarrassed? When you get back, call Mai Feixue and I'll teach you two."

Guan Nanqing lowered her head, as if she didn't know how to write the word "reject" in front of the big boss. Although she was reluctant, she said "hmm" softly.

Zhou Buqi asked: "Where is Ning Lu? Are you still awake?"

"She said she wanted to sleep a little longer."

"Then do you want to eat something? Or wait until she gets up and we can eat together?"

"Wait for her."

Guan Nanqing is very considerate.

Zhou Buqi nodded and pointed to the fruit plate on the table, "Let's eat some fruit first."

Guan Nanqing had a lingering lingering feeling and her body was soft and soft. She didn't want to sit on his lap, so she came down and sat down next to him. She looked at the computer and found that many of the emails were in English, so she stuck out her tongue cutely.

Zhou Buqi put one hand around her slender waist and continued to read a more important email.

This is a plan for a new feature "circle" in Helo.

In the domestic market, it is WeChat’s “circle of friends”.

This is not ordinary!

The domestic market is okay. There are three circles on friend circle, interest circle and secret circle.

WeChat’s launch of “Moments” is actually linking WeChat and Moments. WeChat’s “Moments” is the “Moments” of Moments.

Through the combination of this product, we will continue the vitality of SNS products in the domestic market.

Abroad it is much more complicated.

In overseas markets, this is Facebook’s world!

Not only that, Google has also entered the market aggressively, and Google+ is also aimed at this kind of acquaintance socialization. There are many benefits of socializing with acquaintances, the most critical one is its super earning power.

The effect of advertising in a circle of acquaintances is much stronger than that in a circle of strangers.

In the past few years, Ziweixing's most profitable business in China has been

In overseas markets, a battle between Facebook and Google+ will soon break out.

Regarding the product design of "circle" on Helo, there is actually not much to say. It is mainly based on operations and supplemented by products, with basically no technical content.

It's very simple to make.

Zhou Buqi's main concern is the online time.

After thinking about it, Zhou Buqi felt that it was best to avoid its edge for the time being.

Google+ has been online for a few months, but the popularity has not yet passed. Google is full of momentum; Facebook also shares the same hatred and wants to fight with Google.

At this stage, it is best not to fight head-on with them.

Let them fight each other.

For Ziweixing, this is actually an opportunity.

The competition between Facebook and Google+ revolves around the PC field or the traditional website model. When both sides put all their resources and talents into the decisive battle on the PC battlefield, Ziweixing decisively stepped out from behind, launched the function of circle of friends, and opened up the situation in the field of mobile Internet.

Now, Ziweixing International is still waiting to cash out its stocks from Google and Facebook to maintain stable cash flow.

Take your time.

Wait until next year!

Here, Zhou Buqi replied to Lu Qi's email. When he turned around, he saw Guan Nanqing's watery eyes looking at him.

Zhou Buqi was a little funny, "Why are you looking at me?"

Guan Nanqing said with a faint face: "Boss, you are so charming when you are working."

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "If you don't work, will you lose your charm?"

"No, I mean..." Guan Nanqing waved her hands repeatedly, and then said coquettishly, "Oh, boss, you are the most attractive man in people's hearts."

Zhou Buqi thought deeply, "This is true."

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