Top of the big era

Chapter 2048 The strong must be brave

In the study, Zhou Buqi, Ning Yaxian, Ning Lu, and Guan Nanqing made arrangements and made continuous phone calls to plan a series of cooperation with Google tomorrow.

Focusing on the two blockbuster transactions between Twitter and Motorola, Ziweixing and Google, which were originally at odds with each other last year, suddenly became good partners and launched a series of business cooperation.

This has something to do with Google changing its CEO and Larry Page coming to power.

Schmidt used to be an old man, but a young man like Larry Page of the same era had more in common with Zhou Buqi.

As his status gets higher and higher, Zhou Buqi dislikes conflicts with others less and less. Only by making more friends and forming good relationships can he have a better reputation and influence in the world business community.

It’s okay if Sun Zhengyi wants to sell part of Ziweixing Global’s shares to get the money back; it’s okay if Zuckerberg wants Zhou Buqi to gradually withdraw from Facebook’s major shareholder list.

As long as there is no core conflict in the general direction and each side takes a step back, everything will be easy to talk about.

After finishing all the arrangements, Ning Lu sat in front of the computer, "There is another email here. It was sent by Lu Qi. It is... it introduces Knol, a product of Google..."

"Oh, by the way, let me take a look."

Zhou Buqi walked over and felt a little angry. After downloading the document, he found that it was in English.

Lu Qi probably asked someone else under him to write it.

Although Zhou Buqi's English is very good, it is still difficult to read some more professional English materials.

Fortunately, there are two English speakers around me.

Especially Ning Lu, her English skills are extremely high.

Zhou Buqi picked up Ning Lu and let her sit on his lap, while Ning Yaxian and Guan Nanqing blinked and stood beside them, looking at the document with four pairs of eyes.

It started by introducing the original intention of the product.

Ning Lu was afraid that the big boss's English was not very good, so she continued to translate and explain briefly while reading, "In 2007, Wikipedia was in a credibility crisis, and many people casually posted some false information on it. At this time, Google wants to take advantage of the situation and launch a product to compete with Wiki, which is Knol.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, held her in his arms, and held her slender waist with one hand, "It's not surprising that Wikipedia can beat so many similar competing products. The big reason is that Google search gave Top position on the wiki."

Next is the product introduction. You don’t need to read too carefully, just have a general understanding. Ning Lu said: “Knol is different from Wikipedia. This product invites many experts to write articles, and the author of the article will be clearly marked. , to ensure the provision of authentic and credible information.”

Below are some detailed product introductions.

Just like what Larry Page said, Knol is a product with high quality and a good demonstration of Google's pursuit. Not everyone can publish articles on it, only some influential people in their respective professions.

This is destined to be relatively niche.

For example, discuss the "Battle of Guandu".

If you use Wikipedia to look it up, it will give you some relatively objective things, such as the year it took place, the two sides fighting, who the commander-in-chief of both sides was, the comparison of military strength and other objective and basic things.

If you use users from Weizhi or the US version of Zhihu Quora to answer, the content will be much richer.

They will explain their respective troop formations, tactics and other strategies.

A fuller description of the war itself.

Use Knol to query, and the content given will be more in-depth.

Subjectivity is also evident.

The authors who answer questions are generally history professors and historical researchers. What they often give are some personal insights and experiences in the process of studying history for so many years, such as the economic, institutional, and cultural differences between the two camps, as well as the The differences in the use of talents, as well as the secretive relationship between local clans and the central power in the late Han Dynasty, etc., analyze this battle from a deeper perspective.

Kind of like a thesis.

In Zhou Buqi's view, the Internet needs such a product with enough depth and professionalism to serve users around the world. The Internet is a platform for providing information. It can't just provide some basic information that is sketchy, right?

Providing valuable content is a valuable product, which can represent a value orientation of the enterprise.

This value is not commercial value, but social value.

But the problem also arises.

It is difficult to reflect the commercial value of such a deep content product, and it is too difficult to make money. The more in-depth the content, the smaller the audience scope.

Let’s look at the business model designed by Google for Knol…

Ning Lu looked at English and spoke in Chinese, "Knol article authors can choose whether to add ads to their Knol. Once ads are added, Google will share the advertising revenue with the author."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, thinking this was ridiculous, "What is enough advertising money for? So many experts, professors, and scholars publish articles, relying more on their inner desire to popularize knowledge to the public. . This business model does not work. If you give money, you must give more money; otherwise, it is better not to give it at all. To order advertising fees is simply an insult to the author of the article."

Ning Lu smiled and said, "Maybe it's because the advertising fees in the United States are higher."

Zhou Buqi said: "The advertising fee for a single click is quite high, but the traffic is low. Can it be one-tenth of that of Wikipedia?"

"No, far from it."

Ning Lu pointed at a piece of data on the screen and then pulled up a list.

When Knol was first launched, it performed quite well and quickly gained many columnists and users. The number of pages reached 100,000, while Wikipedia had 2.7 million in the same period.

It can be seen from the list that the gap is getting wider and wider as time goes by.

Currently, the English version of Wikipedia has more than 25 million pages.

Knol currently only has an English version, with a page count of 980,000.

The gap is very big.

However, the amount of data does not represent a gap in products.

Zhou Buqi is very interested in the Knol product.

Because this is an advanced product, a professional version of the information platform.

In overseas markets, the "basic version" is the open source product Wikipedia, the "advanced version" is Quora, a subsidiary of Ziweixing, and the "professional version" is Knol, a subsidiary of Ziweixing.

The product matrix also appears.

In overseas markets, products like Quora, the “American version of Zhihu”, become more and more popular as time goes by. With the development of the Internet, it will develop more and more in the direction of content being king, and it will accumulate more and more products. loyal users.

The better the content, the more loyal users you will have.

This is especially true for Knol. Excellent content will never go out of date. If you stick to it, there will be hope.

Judging from the information currently available, Zhou Buqi has already made plans to take over the product that Google is giving up. If Google can't do well, but if it bravely takes over, Ziweixing may not be able to do well.

Zhou Buqi checked the time. It was almost 12 o'clock in the evening. "Okay, it's getting late. You guys should go back and rest first. I'll make two more calls."

Ning Yaxian was already sleepy. She pulled Ning Lu and was about to leave, but she glanced at Guan Nanqing and said with a half-smile, "Are you staying? Talk to your big boss?"

Guan Nanqing's face suddenly turned red, she bit her lip lightly and said "hmm".

Zhou Buqi pretended not to know, and looked at Guan Nanqing who stayed behind strangely, "Aren't you sleepy yet?"

Guan Nanqing stood nearby, lowered her head, hooked the index fingers of her hands together, and whispered a little shyly: "Boss, I... I want to talk to you."

Zhou Buqi couldn't help laughing, "What are you talking about?"

"" As soon as the words came to her mouth, Guan Nanqing started to squeak again. It was not pleasant at all, and it was completely different from the Mai Feixue who took her with her when she went on a business trip to England.

When Mai Feixue was with her, Zhou Buqi didn't even say anything to her. He just went to her room one night in the name of delivering fruit and talked for a while. Then, Mai Feixue readily invited him to stay overnight. Zhou Buqi agreed, and it was a matter of course.

Zhou Buqi was never a good person. He coughed, turned his swivel chair, faced Guan Nanqing, and said, "There is a rule in this world, that is, everyone has the mentality of worshiping the strong and sympathizing with the weak."


Guan Nanqing stood up immediately, straightening her chest and raising her head.

As long as she doesn't talk about those things, she is relatively calm.

Zhou Buqi said seriously: "Different people have different mentality. There are mainly two types, the mentality of the strong and the mentality of the weak. Many people do not position themselves accurately enough and always think that they are very strong, which will lead to some misjudgments. In fact, you can examine yourself from the perspective of mentality. The stronger you are, the more you admire the strong person, because you want to be like him; the weaker you are, the more you sympathize with the weak person, because you can see yourself in him. shadow."

Guan Nanqing took a deep breath and said decisively: "I want to become better and better. I don't want to be at the bottom of society and see all the misery in the world."

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "You do the same thing."

Guan Nanqing's face turned red and she whispered: "If you have a choice, who wouldn't want to live a life like a master?"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "If you are a strong person, then you can do some bold things. If you have a weak mentality, then I suggest that you should be steady and conservative, find a stable job, and discuss marriage. Get married and live an ordinary and simple life.”

"I don't want to be ordinary."

Guan Nanqing refused without any thought.

This is no surprise.

Following the big boss, she went directly to the top of the mountain and became a half-god. She saw the most beautiful scenery in the world. Then she returned to the foot of the mountain and became a mortal to farm. This was an almost impossible choice to turn back.

Zhou Buqi hooked his hand at her.

Guan Nanqing bent down and bowed her head.

Zhou Buqi whispered in her ear: "Is she really a yellow flower girl?"

Guan Nanqing's face suddenly turned red.

Zhou Buqi's eyes were burning, "Really?"

Guan Nanqing said: "Yes."

"Let me check." Zhou Buqi stood up, "If you didn't lie to me, I will accept you."

"How dare I lie to you..." Guan Nanqing said in a long tone, turned around, a little dumbfounded, " to check?"

Zhou Buqi pointed to the sofa, "Come here and lie down... By the way, I have a high-gloss flashlight in the drawer of my desk. Take the middle drawer."

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