Top of the big era

Chapter 2046 Share Dilution

Today is an informal meeting, and the business frameworks in several directions are almost discussed.

Tomorrow, both parties will send out professional teams to discuss specific cooperation.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, Zhou Buqi and his team left Google, feeling that they had gained a lot today. In particular, Google wanted to ax a product called Knol. Larry Page felt it was a pity and planned to transfer it to Ziweixing International.

Although Boss Zhou is likely to act as a takeover again, it is not bad to have a chance to take over.

Tesla is also a project that Musk took over from others, and then thrived and flourished under his operation. Taking over is not scary, it just depends on whether you have the ability to take over projects that others have given up on, transform them, optimize them, and operate them well.

Zhou Buqi has been a receiver several times in China, with good results.

Now, it’s time to move to the international market and take over overseas deals.

After leaving Google, he felt that he still had time, so Zhou Buqi decided to meet with Sun Zhengyi at the last minute. This guy had urged him several times and wanted to meet, saying that he wanted to talk about the listing of MSI Global.

Procrastination was not an option, so Zhou Buqi walked over. SoftBank's office in Silicon Valley was also on Sand Hill Road next to Stanford University, right next to Senior Sister Zhen Yu's small studio.

After going there, both parties spoke concisely and to the point.

Son Zhengyi said that he felt the excitement of the mobile Internet era and he was going to make a big move. However, the funds on his books were a little tight, and he needed to get his money back first.

Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "Through Ziweixing Global?"

Son Zhengyi said: "Yes, during the IPO, I want to release some stocks."

When a company goes public through an IPO, it has to sell a large amount of shares into the secondary market.

Where do these sold shares come from?

Generally there are two types, one is additional issuance and the other is dilution.

The vast majority of IPO listings are basically the first type.

Son wants to choose the second option.

That is, the company will issue part of the additional shares, and SoftBank will sell part of it to complete the sales task to the secondary market.

According to Zhou Buqi’s established plan, Ziweixing Global wants to put 20% of its shares into the secondary market. The 20% of the shares sold through the additional issuance will become abundant cash flow on the company's books after the money is collected.

What Son means is that MSI Global will only issue 10% more shares, and SoftBank will take out the remaining 10% of MSI Global shares it holds and sell them into the market.

As a result, 20% of the circulating shares still exist in the secondary market.

But from a financing perspective, MSI Global can only get 10% of the sales revenue from its shares, and the other 10% falls into SoftBank's pocket.

SoftBank will reduce its shareholding ratio in MSI Global, obtain cash, and actively invest in the magnificent mobile Internet market.

Zhou Buqi gave him a meaningful look, feeling that the little old man was deliberately betraying his favor.

MSI Global was built by buying and selling all the way. It spent too much money. In order to get this thing done, Zhou Buqi raised more than 20 billion US dollars, most of which came from SoftBank.

This has resulted in SoftBank’s shareholding ratio in MSI being extremely high, currently still 62%.

The reason why Zhou Buqi wanted to rush for the listing of Ziweixing Global, and the financing scale was so large, he issued an additional 20% of the stock... A very secret reason was that he wanted to dilute SoftBank's shareholding ratio.

Reduce SoftBank’s shareholding ratio to less than 50%.

In this way, even if SoftBank is still the largest shareholder of MSI, Zhou Buqi controls the board of directors and management, and has super voting rights with 1 vote worth 10 votes, so he can firmly control the company. Power up.

Unexpectedly, Masayoshi Son actually proposed to sell shares and dilute his shares in a large amount. I don’t know if he is really short of money, or if he is taking the initiative to withdraw to make himself more comfortable in this cooperation.

If it is the latter, then he really has the demeanor of a big shot, a bit like Du Yuesheng in Shanghai.

Zhou Buqi pretended not to know, and waved his hand angrily, "No problem! No problem! Just do as you say!"

Son Zhengyi sat on the chair, bowed slightly and thanked: "Thank you, thank you."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "However, I also have something to ask you for help."

"No problem, just say it!"

"I mentioned it to you before, about the Japanese maid..."


Sun Zhengyi was caught off guard. He thought it was something important.

Zhou Buqi didn't talk to him outside, and said with a smile: "Those maids in your house are very good, I like them very much."

Son Zhengyi raised his eyebrows, not understanding what he meant, "Shall I forward it to you?"

"No, no," Zhou Buqi waved his hands repeatedly, rejecting the idea, and said something in Chinese, "A gentleman does not take away what others like."


Of course Son didn’t understand.

Zhou Buqi said: "I have some maids at home, mainly from Brazil, Paraguay, and Colombia. They don't understand the language and have different habits. When the contract expires next year, I don't want to renew the contract with them. I’m going to change a batch.”

Son has seen this kind of thing too many times.

What you are not used to is nothing more than a found reason. They must be tired of this group and want to replace them with a new group. He has an entrepreneur friend in Japan who has more fun.

That man is an old man in his 70s this year, and he will definitely not be able to play anymore, but this does not prevent him from enjoying the happiness of "food, sex, and sex" in his later years.

"Food and sex" is Chinese culture, but it is a bit conservative in China.

After being introduced to Japan, it has been carried forward at the application level. The most typical representative is the female body. This kind of girl's body feast really expresses this sentence vividly, and it is also something that many cultural celebrities and people with social status are willing to participate in.

That entrepreneur friend who is over 70 years old often changes maids in batches at home.

It's not that he likes to play, but that he likes to eat this kind of human body feast in an arty way.

When this batch of girls gets tired of eating, they will be replaced by the next batch.

The ultimate enjoyment.

Masayoshi Son is Japanese. He has seen too many weird, alternative, and fancy ways of playing, especially many old men, who become more and more perverted as they get older.

In comparison, Comrade Xiao Zhou is pretty good.

Sun Zhengyi did not refuse, "Okay, I will help you arrange it."

Zhou Buqi hesitated for a moment, then coughed and said, "It's better to remain a virgin, less right and wrong."

Son Zhengyi smiled and said, "Okay."

Their country already has virginity worship, and the world-famous human body feast can only be done by beautiful girls who have used up their bodies. This is "clean" and the food will not get dirty when placed on them.

Zhou Buqi was very satisfied with this cooperation and went home happily.

On the way, he called Lu Qi and asked him to find someone to study Google's Knol and then make a report and submit it tonight.

After returning home, the first thing Zhou Buqi did was to play with the children.

Unexpectedly, I saw Senior Sister Zhen Yu holding Ning Ning in her arms. She didn't know what she was saying. Her little daughter was giggling. Holding the child in her arms, Zhen Yu's eyes were full of warmth and tenderness.

Zhou Buqi observed it very keenly.

Well, speaking of which, Senior Sister Zhen Yu is also 30 years old this year.

It’s also the age to have children.

"Senior sister, why are you back? Didn't you say you were going to England?" Zhou Buqi walked over with a smile and held her and her daughter in his arms.

Zhen Yu raised her head to look at him, pursed her lips and said, "I'm not going, just give it a few days. There's no rush for Spotify's new financing. They have plenty of cash in their account. I suggest they wait until next spring before initiating financing."

"Strong woman."

Zhou Buqi leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

Zhen Yu blinked her eyes, "I heard from Bao Shan that you are going to make a big deal again?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, a baseball team... the Los Angeles Dodgers, seems to have filed for bankruptcy. This is an opportunity to buy at the bottom, and it is a legendary team. Don't give up."

Zhen Yu asked: "Will it cost a lot of money?"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "You can't buy it without it, but it's not a big problem. American professional sports are different from European football."

European football is really dark.

There are too many tricks in it.

Accounts are being kept constantly, and there is almost no situation where the club will pay dividends to shareholders. If the club makes a profit this year, it will be invested in the budget for next season.

American sports are different.

There is a salary cap limit.

You can’t invest even if you want.

American sports are commercial sports, and their purpose is to make money continuously. Once they make money, the bosses can happily divide it up without having to plan for the future.

Because the system of this professional major league is very complete and the team is guaranteed.

How could the Los Angeles Dodgers, a legendary baseball team in the Los Angeles area, file for bankruptcy?

In fact, the team is running normally.

There is just a problem with the cash flow on the account.

All the money earned in previous years was taken away by the team owners. In the past two years, the team's wages have exceeded the standard and they have paid a lot of luxury taxes, but their results have been poor, leading to losses.

In fact, the loss is not much, that is, more than 20 million US dollars.

However, the boss is unwilling to pay for the shortfall out of his own pocket.

They asked Major League Baseball for financial assistance, but Major League Baseball wouldn't give it. They wanted to get a loan from the bank, but Major League Baseball was worried that it would put the Dodgers into a debt trap, but they still didn't agree.

There are only three choices left for the Dodgers: Either the owner digs into his own pocket to cover the shortfall, he goes bankrupt, or he sells the team. The owner of the Dodgers became angry, stopped playing, and simply filed for bankruptcy with the court.

If this were put in European football, what would this be called?

Not to mention the loss of more than 20 million US dollars, even if it is a loss of 200 million US dollars, the big boss will still have to pay for it. If the big boss doesn't contribute money, he can use the club's name to get a bank loan.

The supervision of American professional leagues is extremely strict and there are many restrictions, which ensures the continuity of the professional system.

So, despite the Los Angeles Dodgers filing for bankruptcy, there is actually no big problem at all.

The baseball league is extremely profitable, second only to football.

The average annual net profit for a baseball team is $40 million.

In a large metropolitan market like Los Angeles, as long as the Los Angeles Dodgers operate normally, it is not difficult to achieve an annual net profit of US$60 million to US$80 million.

In other words, with the Los Angeles Dodgers as a team and being able to "draw" $60 million from the team every year, this deal will not be bad.

It is much simpler and more straightforward than the football business.

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