Top of the big era

Chapter 2044 Capital Bubble

In the afternoon, the highlight begins.

Zhou Buqi wanted to hold talks with Larry Page on multiple topics in multiple fields. Both parties attached great importance to this meeting and had nothing else scheduled for the afternoon.

I talked about Twitter first, and it went very smoothly.

The Doshina Pass has been passed.

Next, it just needs to convince most of the investment institutions. This is what Google has to do.

Everything is ready.

It is expected that the final result of this case will be announced to the public at the end of this month or at the beginning of next month at the latest.

Next, Zhou Buqi talked about the cooperation between Zi Weiyun and YouTube.

When Larry Page heard this, he burst into laughter.

Such a trivial matter was actually brought up.


Cooperation is possible, then just let the outside team negotiate the terms of cooperation.

This meeting was an informal private meeting between the two.

Both parties had only one most trusted assistant, and there were only four people in the whole office. Zhou Buqi was accompanied by his most trusted secretary, Ning Yaxian.

Then, Zhou Buqi mentioned another personal matter, "By the way, there is something you need to help with."

Larry Page smiled and said, "What?"

Zhou Buqi said helplessly: "Google Maps must protect personal privacy."

"Were you harassed too?"

Larry Page was slightly startled.

This is something that has put a lot of pressure on Google and caused a lot of social controversy. It is the leakage of privacy by Google Maps.

Google Maps can be called the best map product in the world. It has complete information and is connected to Google Earth. It covers almost every corner of the world and is very clear.

However, relying on Google's own strength, it is impossible to make this product perfect.

For example, a building appears on the map. What is this building?

It is impossible for Google to send its own employees to check, and mark it on the map so that users can have sufficient information.

Therefore, Google Maps has opened up permissions to users.

Users can mark some locations and buildings on Google Maps themselves. This is an invasion of privacy. Many users will mark other people's properties, which is why Google Maps is banned in China. Many military facilities and official residences of dignitaries have been marked.

There are similar hidden dangers in the United States.

A relatively big news in Silicon Valley recently is the mansion of Oracle boss Larry Ellison. Larry Ellison has too many affairs, loves to show off his wealth, loves to hype, and has a high-profile style, so he always makes headlines and attracts a lot of attention.

Some time ago, media reports came out, saying that Larry Ellison bought a super mansion worth more than 40 million US dollars on the beach in Los Angeles!

In fact, it’s not worth much, just 40 million US dollars.

Zhou Buqi's Florentine-style mansion on the top of Beverly Hills in Los Angeles had a transaction price of US$100 million during the real estate bubble in the past few years.

However, this news was not revealed.

Larry Ellison became the subject of media attention.

Then the event came into focus.

Someone marked the location of his home on Google Maps.

Normally, many people would drive to the direction of his home, either taking pictures or looking at it. It was regarded as a tourist attraction, which caused great trouble to Larry Ellison's life.

Google responded quickly and blurred a group of luxury properties on the map, mainly Hollywood stars. They are the group of people who receive the most attention from the outside world.

Zhou Buqi was not willing to let high technology invade his privacy, saying: "I haven't been harassed yet, but I should take some necessary precautions in advance."

"No problem, it should be." Larry Page did not hesitate, and then explained, "This matter is indeed very important. I have asked the Google Maps team to adjust the product immediately and provide it to homeowners. More options.”

"Oh?" Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

Larry Page said: "Google Maps should launch a new function. If a user does not want his or her property to appear on Google Maps, he can upload relevant information and apply to blur his or her property. Others I can’t see what’s going on at his home.”

Zhou Buqi praised: "Yes, this should be done. High technology cannot be used as a tool for evil."

Larry Page is a little embarrassed.

After all, “Don’t be evil” is Google’s motto.

During this time, Google Maps has been caught in quite a storm.

Larry Page said: "It may take a long time for new features to be launched. You can give me the real estate information that needs to be blurred, and I will handle it directly for you."

Zhou Buqi looked back at Ning Yaxian, "How many are there?"

Ning Yaxian said calmly and gracefully: "It doesn't take too many, 50 properties are enough, distributed in the United States, Britain, France, Australia, South Korea, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Singapore and other countries and regions."

Larry Page looked a little weird, "Okay, no problem."

Then, Ning Yaxian contacted his assistant and said that the matter could be completed within two days.

Next, the topic returned to work, and it was Larry Page's turn to exert his strength.

Ziweixing International is currently the best-performing Internet company in the field of mobile Internet. It owns Helo and Ucgram, two global best-sellers, as well as UC Browser, Photo Scanner, Rotten Tomatoes, Xiumeipai, Evernote, and Evernote. There are a large number of well-known mobile apps such as Pan, YikYak, Haima Weather, Youdao Translation, etc.

Google hopes that the search business of these products will choose Google by default, especially UC Browser, which has more than 120 million installations in overseas markets.

This is of course no problem.

As long as the money is available, the Google search engine can be your default choice.

Next, we talked about cooperation in the Japanese market.

A consensus was quickly reached. Google obtained the required data from YikYak, and both YikYak and Jingtao obtained Google’s platform traffic resources.

After chatting for 2 hours, both parties took a break.

Had a cup of afternoon tea and a snack.

This snack is really not that good, it is a piece of pizza delivered from takeaway, which according to Larry Page, is his favorite pizza.

After eating one piece, Zhou Buqi really couldn't stand the thick cheese flavor, it was too greasy, and the milky flavor felt richer than breast milk. Breast milk is a little easier to tolerate, but the strong-flavored cheese that Westerners are used to eating is really not suitable for me.

Next, the two continued to negotiate privately and talked about key business matters.

Asda acquires Motorola's mobile phone business.

Motorola Group was originally a listed company. It spun off the Motorola mobile business and the "Motorola" brand, and sold it to Google for US$12.5 billion.

The case has been made official.

Next, Asda bought the Motorola mobile phone business of Motorola Mobility from Google, including the main brand "Motorola".

Motorola's mobile phone business executives have already negotiated.

The only last step left is to negotiate the price with Google.

Larry Page said loudly, "$5.5 billion."

"This is impossible!"

Zhou Buqi flatly rejected this proposal.

Larry Page frowned, "Motorola's mobile phone business is the core business segment of Motorola Mobility."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "There's no need to say that. This is just a low-end business. Everyone knows that Motorola's most valuable assets are those patents."

Larry Page glanced at him, coughed, and whispered: "I have only been CEO of Google for half a year. I need a good deal to convince Google's board of directors."


Zhou Buqi was shocked.

Is there any such theory?

In order to convince Google's board of directors, I have to make huge sacrifices of myself?

Our relationship isn't that good yet, right?

In Zhou Buqi's eyes, the value of Motorola's mobile phone business should not exceed US$3.5 billion, and preferably should be within US$3 billion.

Larry Page's smile means a lot.

Some things seem inconvenient to say.

Seeing that Boss Zhou didn't seem to react, Larry Page's assistant reminded him friendlyly, "Mr. Zhou, even if Asda has relatively abundant cash flow, there is no need to spend a large amount of cash to promote This transaction. I believe the transaction model is mainly in the form of stock exchange."


Zhou Buqi nodded.


Such a large multi-billion dollar transaction cannot be bought with money, it must be a stock swap. For example, Google spent US$12.5 billion to buy Motorola Mobility, with only US$1.2 billion in cash, and the remaining US$11.3 billion were additional Google shares.

Ning Yaxian had already reacted and whispered in Zhou Buqi's ear: "Astar has not been launched yet."


Zhou Buqi's eyes suddenly lit up.

I discovered the trick here!

I go!


It’s so high!

Or will you Americans play capital tricks?

Asda will buy Motorola's mobile phone business in the form of its own stocks, but the question is, Asda is not listed yet. How much is Asda's stock worth?

There is no precise concept of this thing at all.

It's how much it is.

With Asda's current scale, it is easy to say that it is valued at US$20 billion, and it is not a big problem to be valued at US$50 billion.

This leaves a lot of room for maneuver.

The specific valuation of Asda is related to the price of Asda's stock and the final transaction price of this transaction.

For example, Asda gave up 10% of its shares to Google in exchange for Motorola Mobility. If ASDA is valued at US$20 billion, then the value of this deal is US$2 billion.

Of course Google will be very dissatisfied.

Larry Page, the CEO, will be under tremendous pressure from the board of directors, and Google's stock price will plummet; but if Asda's valuation is US$50 billion, 10% of the shares is US$5 billion... This is very important to Google. It's a very beautiful deal. Everyone is happy, Larry Page is satisfied, the board of directors is satisfied, Google's shareholders will be satisfied, and Google's stock price will rise sharply.

In fact, in both plans, Asda only transferred 10% of its shares.

There is essentially no difference.

However, because of the capital bubble that was blown up and the difference in valuation, this transaction had a completely different follow-up trend.

Zhou Buqi understood what Larry Page meant.

The Motorola mobile phone business transaction should be a real capital operation and should be operated in this direction.

Google must sell this business for a sky-high price.

Only in this way can he, the newly appointed CEO, have higher prestige and greater confidence in front of the board of directors and subordinates.

And Asda doesn’t need to pay much extra.

All it takes is the acquiescence of both parties to give Asda a higher valuation.

It is indeed full of tricks.

At this moment, Zhou Buqi felt that he was such an honest person, no wonder he became a successor.

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