Top of the big era

Chapter 2010 Cloud native is cloud

Next, we talked about the technical details. Let alone a layman like Zhou Buqi, even a technical executive like Guo Pengfei was a little confused because the technical field did not cover databases.

I can only listen to the discussions among these experts with senior attainments in the database field.

Dr. Zhou Feng has a decisive opinion on this. The development of the database on Ziwei Cloud must be a three-step process.

The first stage is to purchase a license.

The second stage is cloud hosting.

Next, is the third stage, which is the real database thinking in the cloud computing era, that is, cloud native database!

Every step forward marks progress in the cloud computing industry.

From the traditional model, an Internet company needs to buy a server, then build a database on the server, and then send its own people to operate it. In the era of cloud computing, it is about renting a server on the cloud, deploying a database in the cloud, and then sending people to operate it.

This is the “licensing purchase” stage.

Offline, the company uses Oracle database; on the cloud, Ziweiyun wants to cooperate with Oracle, buy a genuine database from Oracle, and then deploy it in the cloud, so that users can purchase and use Oracle database in the cloud.

This is the first stage.

Some companies have grown in scale. If it is too difficult to operate a huge server cluster by themselves, they will ask IDC operators to help them operate it on their behalf.

If this part of the IDC operator's business is also placed on the cloud, this will be the second stage, which is "hosting the database on the cloud."

That is to say, you can buy both a database and a hosting service in the cloud.

Currently, more than ten versions of databases are used in Ziwei Cloud. Different businesses have different needs, and different databases will be deployed.

However, these databases are individual entities.

Technically speaking, this is the thinking of the previous era. It just puts the traditional offline database application logic in the cloud, without any substantial changes.

Not so with cloud computing!

What is cloud computing?

The thinking of cloud computing is the centralization of computing power.

In the past, there were 1,000 computers, and each computer was scattered and working independently. When individual users use computers, if someone processes a small amount of data, the computer's computing power is wasted; if someone processes a large amount of data, the computer's computing power is not enough.

The thinking of cloud computing is to connect these 1,000 computers to form a central pool of computing power, and then users can use as much computing power as they need from the computing power pool.

In this way, some people will not waste their computing power, and some people will not have enough computing power.

Ziwei Cloud's current main service is IaaS, which mainly means that customers can rent servers in the cloud. In fact, it is a centralized server. The cloud forms a super huge server cluster. Customers can rent as much as they need according to their needs.

This is the logic of cloud computing.

However, in the current era of "cloud hosted databases", these databases on the cloud are independent individuals and have no connection with each other.

Oracle is Oracle, MySQL is MySQL, PostgreSQL is PostgreSQL, SQLServer is SQLServer…

Different versions of databases are different individuals.

Like decentralized personal computers, they are not centralized and centralized.

The so-called cloud native database integrates all the databases in the world now, just like a "database pool". There are a variety of database services in it, and whoever needs it can use it. Take as many resources as you need.

In other words, in this era of cloud database 3.0, cloud native database is not just a database, but a platform!

The database and the cloud become one, the cloud is the database, and the database is the cloud.

Ziwei Cloud, which provided storage services in the past, was an IaaS service. The next cloud native is PaaS service, and the platform is the service.

The database is a tool, but cloud native is a platform, a platform that can promote Ziwei Cloud 1.0 to become Ziwei Cloud 2.0.

This requires that this cloud-native database must have extremely strong compatibility, be fully compatible with the two mainstream open source database frameworks MySQL and PostgreSQL, and be highly compatible with Oracle syntax.

Now, the cloud databases developed by Ni Qiang's domestic team and Kurian's foreign team are online. However, these are all in the tool stage and are far from reaching the cloud native platform stage.

For example——

A hundred years ago, every household had to drill a well for drinking water, and each well was independent of each other. If there were unexpected guests one day and there was not enough water, we would either dig the well deeper or go to the neighbor's house to fetch water.

This is how traditional databases work.

In the era of cloud-native databases, the water resources at the bottom of these wells are connected. On the surface, they are still independent wells, but the bottoms of the wells have been connected together to form an invisible pond, which can realize water on demand at any time. .

Whoever uses more will get more; whoever uses less will get less.

This has the advantage of scalability.

How can we connect the water resources at the bottom of the well?

First, you have to dig a water well, then drill it underground and connect all the water wells underground, and you're done.

To dig a well is to develop the tool Ziwei Cloud Database.

The water resources in the underground wells are all connected to form a centralized pond, which is the platform of Ziwei Cloud Database, which is PaaS among the three major directions of cloud computing: IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS.

Both Ni Qiang's team and Kurian's team developed water wells.

This is actually not very conflicting.

Because this underground pond needs to be supported by many ground wells. Different companies have different needs and require different types of databases.

But the underground pond is public, which is the essence of the "public cloud".

What the decision-makers have to do now is to temporarily shelve the well of Ni Qiang's team, then assign Ni Qiang's construction team to Kurian's team, and then continue to study the well dug by Kurian. Go to the lowest level, and then dig out a large pond deep underground that can connect all the wells together!

There are many types of databases on Ziweiyun now, such as Oracle databases. This requires Ziweiyun to first spend money to purchase them from Oracle and then sell them to users.

This is such a loss.

All the money was made by Oracle.

In the cloud native era, this will no longer be the case.

At that time, there will only be one kind of database on Ziweiyun, which is the Ziweiyun native database, which is the big underground pond.

Above the big pond, there are many wells, which are many different versions and models of database tools.

At this time, Zi Weiyun even claimed the underground pond as his own, which was equivalent to having a monopoly on water resources.

If there is water in that well, or if there is no water in that well, it can be controlled.

For example, customers like to go to the well called "Oracle Database" to fetch water?


Ziweiyun only needs to develop a "Ziweiyun Database Oracle Database" that is fully compatible with the Oracle database, and no longer supplies water to the Oracle database.

In this way, users will all use the "Oracle Database of Ziweiyun Database", and Ziweiyun will not have to pay huge licensing fees to Oracle.

It’s only 2011, and the cloud-native database business model that will become popular in the future has not yet emerged. It will take many years of exploration to gradually take shape.

The reason why Ziweixing's team was able to design such an idea early was actually related to Boss Zhou.

Although Zhou Buqi doesn't understand technology, he is very good at studying business models.

What he admires most is Penguin’s business model, which is particularly powerful.

He has repeatedly stated in executive meetings that he must respect competitors. QQ is a great product. Penguin has created a great business model around the QQ platform.

Then, Zhou Feng and technical experts were provided with a new business model based on cloud computing, which is the concept of cloud native database currently being discussed.

Technically, Kurian's team is in the lead; in terms of model, it is the first in China.

I really got inspiration from Penguin.

For example, "Audition", "Bubble Hall", and "Kart Run" are all independent games. Each game is very good, but they stand on their own.

How did Penguin do it?

Based on the QQ platform, games such as "QQ Dance", "QQ Hall", and "QQ Speed" have been developed... This is a cluster product backed by the platform. It is a well that shares a pond, and its combat effectiveness is strong.

With QQ as a "pond", what wells cannot be dug?

It can be seen that Ziweixing still has a long way to go in the big project of "cloud native database".

At this stage, it is just getting started.

The teams of Ni Qiang and Kurian just dug a less mature well. Next, you need to choose a well and sink it to the bottom to create an underground pond.

After the pond is built, new wells will continue to be built. Moreover, as the amount of data increases, water wells also need to be continuously expanded, and underground ponds need to be continuously expanded, reinforced, expanded, and reinforced.

This will be a super project that is getting larger and larger in scale and more complex.

Not to mention that the Chinese and American teams each have more than 100 people now. When it really develops, there will be a development team of at least tens of thousands of people.

Domestic development teams cannot lag behind in technology. They must keep up with the times and retain domestic technological fire in the era of cloud-native databases. Now, digging wells and ponds with Kurian is a rare learning opportunity.

Once the pond is dug and the commercial Ziweiyun native database is officially launched, it will be good for both parties to go hand in hand.

It would be fine if each developed many water wells with different characteristics based on different enterprises and different national environments. This would not create a contradiction.

Generally speaking, a company will only use one database.

However, different companies have different needs, and there are more than 300 databases around the world.

Just like most people only have one car, but the Volkswagen Group owns Audi, Scania, Seat, Skoda, Bugatti, Ducati, Bentley, Lamborghini, Porsche and many other brands.

Because different people have different preferences.

When Dr. Ni Qiang's team stops cooperating with Kurian, both parties will fight on their own... In fact, you develop the Bentley brand, and I develop the Audi brand. We don't interfere with each other, but we are all working hard for the Volkswagen Group.

However, Dr. Ni Qiang's team lacks experience and skills. Before developing the Audi series, they can go to Kurian to learn how they develop Bentley.

Not a bad thing.

Studying is not a waste of time.

Cloud native is a too complex concept and is the forefront of the cloud computing industry. If you are not in the database industry, even people in the industry will not be able to figure it out. Cloud native database is not only a database tool on the cloud, but also a database platform for cloud thinking. The author's writing power is limited, and it is really difficult to explain such a complicated matter in simple and easy-to-understand language within a few chapters. I feel that I have greatly overestimated my writing ability. I shouldn't have written in such detail. I should just be general. If any friend still doesn't understand, then go look up the information. I can't write this paragraph anymore, as if I'm writing about hydrology. If I write another 20 chapters, I guess I can explain the truth here clearly.

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