Top of the big era

Chapter 1982 In high spirits

Old Trafford was abuzz.

In the 37th minute of the game, Manchester United scored again. Bell passed the ball and Robben scored twice from the distance!

Manchester United also took a 2-0 lead at home.

However, the score cannot explain how powerful this Manchester United is on the field. This is a strong control that even Ferguson's Manchester United has not shown in the past few years.

Possession rate of 68%, 22 chances created, 12 shots completed, 5 shots on target, 7 corner kicks, 9 crosses...

It can be called a one-sided crushing game.

Before the game, everyone thought that Tottenham was likely to cause trouble for Manchester United on the road, especially at this complex stage of transformation for Manchester United.

Unexpectedly, Manchester United embarked on a completely different football path!

The past two decades have been a world of defensive football.

Whoever defends well can win and win the championship.

Mourinho, in particular, can be said to have brought his defensive art to the extreme.

Manchester United has suffered losses and gains in this regard.

In the Champions League final the year before last, Manchester United VS Inter Milan, Manchester United was the main attacker and Inter Milan was the main defender. The result was that Inter Milan relied on several defensive counterattacks to win the game.

In last year's Champions League final, Manchester United VS Barcelona, ​​Barcelona was the main attacker and Manchester United was the main defender. The result was that with several counterattacks from the wing, Manchester United also won the championship with revenge.

It can be said that the old-school coaches in the past all had strong defensive skills, and Ferguson was the same. Attacking football like Arsenal's is very frustrating.

Every time Manchester United played Arsenal, Ferguson was very relaxed. He didn't need to arrange any tactics before the game. He just told the players: "Defend deeply and look for opportunities to counterattack."

Then Arsenal was beaten to a pulp.

This is even more true for Mourinho's Chelsea, who can be called Arsenal's biggest sufferer.

However, that is all in the past.

Football has ushered in a new era.

As Spain won the World Cup and Barcelona's "Dream Team" swept across Europe, people gradually realized that the football environment had changed.

Everyone is more and more encouraged to attack and appreciate offensive football more and more.

And offensive football can also win the championship!

This is different from the Netherlands, which had such an aggressive offensive back then. Attacking football can no longer only be the uncrowned king, but can also win the championship.

However, today’s football world is still dominated by old-school coaches.

Among the coaches of the Mesozoic era, Mourinho, Guardiola, Benitez, Allegri, Conte and others are represented... This is terrible. Except for Guardiola, everyone is a defensive coach.

In this game, everyone understood and saw clearly the direction of Manchester United's transformation!

Manchester United made a choice, Manchester United chose to embrace the new era!

Manchester United led by Klopp is focusing on offensive football!

But whether such tactics can win the championship, but for the fans, it is so friendly, so comfortable, and so passionate!

The formation presses forward, presses with high intensity, and the attacks come one after another.

There is no Spanish-style grinding back and forth, but the German-style is cold, direct, crisp, and cannonball when the opportunity arises.

The Red Devils fans in the stands were drunk.

Not only did the players on the court give a very convincing performance and beat Tottenham with a suffocating pressing attack, but the head coach on the sidelines also became a scenery on the green field.

Robben scored two goals.

But his celebration was far less passionate and shocking than Klopp's.

It's like rock music at a music festival.

As soon as the music started, everyone jumped up and the mountains roared and the tsunami roared.

This game is so cool!

In the 64th minute of the game, Manchester United scored again.

It was Bell's pass from the side again. This time the goal was scored by new aid Vidal who followed up in the middle and violently volleyed straight into the upper right corner of the goal!


Manchester United achieved a complete victory!

Subsequently, Manchester United began to mobilize their troops and replaced Robin van Persie, Modric and veteran Giggs. The team's offensive was still there, but they failed to change the score again.

But even this is enough to make the fans excited.

They see hope in the post-Ferguson era!

When leaving the field, Zhou Buqi saw Sir Alex Ferguson, who came to watch the game. He and Sir Charlton were walking together. The two old men were all red-faced and happy from ear to ear, just like ordinary fans.

The match was covered by almost every media outlet in the UK the next day.

All praised this new Manchester United.

However, there are also some nitpicks.

Some reporters thought that Klopp's passionate celebration on the sidelines was like a clown and ungentlemanly; other commentators said that Manchester United's victory did not mean anything, and Tottenham was too weak.

If you want to prove yourself, the real test will be the match against Arsenal in the third round of the league in midweek.

Attacking football?

Okay, Arsenal, under the leadership of Wenger, has been playing offensive football for more than ten years, and the football is pleasing to the eye, but they have not won many championships.

Manchester United wants to transform and see if they can get past Arsenal!

At this time, Zhou Buqi had returned to London.

After signing and depositing, the formalities were completed with Shi Jinglin.

Then I paid attention to relevant media reports.

This complete victory against Tottenham gave him full confidence in Klopp's team. This is Klopp's rock and roll football that left a deep impression on him in his memory!

There is no reason not to succeed!

Therefore, he decided to stay in the UK for a few more days and wait until mid-week to watch the game against Arsenal to test the quality of Manchester United with a strong team.

But it wasn't just football that led him to this decision.

There is also the business development of Ziweixing.

Something went wrong with HP’s acquisition of British software service provider Autonomy! Thunderstorm!

It is said that HP has found conclusive evidence that Autonomy has made financial fraud and inflated its profits. As a result, HP spent an extra US$5.5 billion to complete the acquisition and suffered huge losses.

However, the transaction has been completed and approved.

I can't get my money back even if I want to.

HP's stock price plummeted.

They also formally launched a lawsuit against Autonomy's original board of directors, CEO, financial officer and others. If the money is not returned, they can only send these people to prison to vent their anger.

This is a big deal!

Even Kurian, the president of Ziweiyun, traveled from Silicon Valley to London, as excited as if he had discovered a golden mountain.

Very good!

Just last week, Zhou Buqi approved the acquisition of cloud computing-based software service provider ServiceNow by Ziweixing International for US$1.84 billion with a stroke of his pen.

ServiceNow can be called the best independently operated SaaS company in the United States at the moment, with huge big that Oracle was not even qualified to buy it, so it had to buy it at a substantial premium of US$1.5 billion, which is far inferior to ServiceNow. A copycat of RightNow.

Purple Star International's cash flow is very tight.

Although the US$1.84 billion in this case was mostly equity swaps and the cash disbursement was only US$780 million, it was still a huge amount of money.

The big boss’s support for cloud computing is obvious to all.

Kurian is also under a lot of pressure.

He must achieve results.

ServiceNow's current business is only in the United States. Next, what he has to do is to promote ServiceNow to overseas markets. The first stop is of course the United Kingdom, where there is no language barrier.

But, how to get in?

Unexpectedly, someone brought me a pillow while I was dozing off!

HP’s acquisition of Autonomy is a scandal!

Autonomy's financial fraud case, HP's stock price plummeted... These have nothing to do with Zi Weiyun, but the reputation of the industry can wax and wane!

Autonomy is the second largest software service provider and the largest SaaS service provider in the UK. They have many industry talents under their hands.

However, the more outstanding talents are, the more they have non-material pursuits.

When they heard that their company had a financial fraud scandal, how could these ambitious internal employees endure it? Doesn't staying here mean joining a group of criminals?

It is conceivable that Autonomy will definitely usher in a wave of large-scale resignations.

The company Autonomy is basically dead.

No one who has the ability and pursuit will stay or tolerate this kind of bottomless fraud; only those who are not very capable, have less noble personal pursuits, and are worried about not being able to find a job after leaving their job will do so. Will stick to it.

For Autonomy, this is not about the survival of the fittest, but about the survival of the fittest, and the good people are all gone.

These screened resigners are all good enough, and they happen to be the best candidates for Ziweiyun to develop its software services business in the UK.

Not only that, Kurian said enthusiastically, "Autonomy's thunderstorm will not only bring us enough outstanding talents, but also a large number of orders."

"Order?" Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "It won't be too much, right?"

This is about business ethics.

Of course, many core management personnel will leave Autonomy and join Ziweiyun. They have a large number of customers who used to belong to Autonomy, and they have the opportunity to snatch orders from them.

However, this kind of method of trying to kill the old employer when changing jobs to a new employer is really a taboo in the workplace. For employees who change jobs, it can bring a lot of benefits in the short term, but in the long term, it is the biggest hidden danger.

No smart person would do this.

Being able to do it this time means that he will do the same thing next time. It will be difficult for such people to enter the core areas of the company.

Kurian said with a smile: "We don't need to send people to take the initiative to grab orders. Such a big thing happened to Autonomy. Its reputation has been lost and its brand has been damaged. Coupled with the loss of a large number of employees, many businesses will be hindered. The service to many old customers will also fall behind.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, customers will choose to leave on their own initiative."

Kurian said: "Yes, they left voluntarily and gave up cooperation with Autonomy. When the time comes, it will be logical to switch to Ziweiyun's platform. Compared with the little SaaS service provided by Autonomy, Ziweiyun obviously wants Being more powerful, we can provide more cloud services and meet all the needs of customers. Next, Ziweiyun must be prepared to receive large-scale teams and customers."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "It seems that we should really thank HP. Without them, Ziweiyun's software services business would not have been able to enter the British market so quickly."

"Yes, I should really thank HP."

Kurian seems to have won the lottery... No, how much does it cost to win the lottery?

Once this business is completed, it will be possible for Ziweiyun to dominate the British market in all aspects. Quickly deploy, enter the market as early as possible, and seize the market, which will be at least tens of billions of dollars in business.

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