Top of the big era

Chapter 1978 Internal Journal

Tang Binchen said: "In the past few years, I have increasingly felt that in the process of business operation, the most valuable resource is information resources. I can grasp policy trends in advance and have a deeper understanding of the changing models of the industry, including the work of many senior talents. The industry analysis produced is very valuable.”

Zhou Buqi couldn't help but praise him, "You are really an entrepreneurial genius, better than Zhang Yiming and Guo Pengfei."

"No, no," Tang Binchen waved his hands repeatedly, acting very modestly, "The focus is different. Their current focus is on operations, and my side is still focused on expanding territory."

Because of the success of the "Instructions" project and ucgram, he has now been promoted and became president of Europe. The complex European market has good infrastructure, but the truly popular Internet services are much worse than those in China.

The overall number is quite large, but there are too many types of languages.

If the threshold is too high, it will be difficult to handle.

It is difficult for French startups to expand their business in the UK; it is also difficult for German Internet companies to develop their companies in Spain.

It's different in China. Start-up companies in the capital can directly spread their companies across the country; Internet companies in eastern Guangdong can also quickly open up the northern market.

Nothing stands in the way.

The "national" Internet companies in Europe are actually the "provincial" ones in China.

Therefore, the European market is a fertile ground for the Internet. Once a truly world-class Internet giant comes, it can push and sweep all the way.

Tang Binchen's current goal is to make a big splash in Europe!

For example, if we acquire some national Internet companies, integrate them all the way, and use Ziweixing's resources to quickly cover the entire European market, we will become a "continental" company.

If you want to accomplish this, you must first establish a broad cooperation community in Europe, so that Ziweixing can gain support from many Internet companies in Europe and let them become Ziweixing's younger brothers.

So the question is, how can we make them willing to become Ziweixing's younger brothers?

I'm afraid just giving money is not enough. European Internet companies are a bit like Japanese ones. They all have good profits. They have good business in their own countries and have stable development, so they are not necessarily short of money.

Moreover, there are many big companies with money, including Silicon Valley giants. Why choose Ziweixing?

Zhou Buqi was talking to Tang Binchen yesterday and the topic of data security came up. Ziweixing wanted to keep all European data in Europe, which was an attraction.

But Tang Binchen felt it was not enough.

He has a new idea.

Tang Binchen said: "If you want to start a business, you must first be brave enough, just like you led the 'Ten School Entrepreneurship Alliance'. I admired your ideas at that time. You encouraged them to skip classes and took them to some unhealthy places." Looking for a small place..."

"Ahem..." Zhou Buqi said with a serious face, "What kind of unhealthy place is there? It's just drinking in bars and singing in nightclubs. It's not that serious."

Tang Binchen said with a smile: "That's what I mean. In my opinion, bravery is the most precious quality. Just like Mandela, there are too many people with his kind of thinking, but people as brave as him are too It’s rare.”

Zhou Buqi said: "South Africa is not doing well right now."

Tang Binchen said: "So this requires the second element, which is talent. If you want to start a business, you must be brave. But bravery is not enough. You must have enough talented people to do it."

"Yes." Zhou Buqi nodded, "Bravery is a prerequisite. In the final analysis, it depends on talent."

Tang Binchen said with a smile: "Yes, bravery is the quality of the chairman. You take the greatest risks and make decisions that may affect the life or death of the company, and then the talents will execute them."

"That's right."

Zhou Buqi's face was not red, his heart was not beating, and he felt somewhat ashamed.


He felt that the biggest risk he had ever taken in his life was to tease Aunt Xue when he had his little sister, which might cause turmoil within the family...

Tang Binchen said: "The reason why many companies cannot develop may be that they have talents but are not brave enough, or they may be brave but do not have enough talents."

Zhou Buqi added a little, "Being brave alone is not enough, you must have the most correct judgment to give the appropriate strategic direction."

Tang Binchen then got to the point, "But if you want to make the right strategic direction, you must collect the most extensive information to avoid misjudgments due to poor information."

Zhou Buqi sighed, "But, how many people can master all the information? More often, they rely on the inspiration and business sense of entrepreneurs to rush forward desperately, taking all the information. Net worth to try and make mistakes.”

Tang Binchen also heard about the promotion of some domestic schools of mind science, "So Kazuo Inamori's ideas will be recognized by many non-scientific schools. In fact, it is moving towards idealism, such as Yangming's 'My Heart Is Enough' , The mind has no external objects. It doesn’t even use information, it seems that all problems can be solved by relying on the heart.”

"Yes, China is teaching Marxist-Leninist materialism while still advocating Wang Yangming's idealism. I really don't know how to integrate such contradictory ideas... Forget it, let's not talk about this." Zhou Buqi waved his hand. "No matter what, sufficient and rich information is the basic guarantee for enterprises to make correct strategic decisions. You can't always rely on metaphysics to get lucky."

Tang Binchen said: "Yes, the larger the company, the more information it usually has, especially a large Internet company like Ziweixing, which has the largest number of outstanding talents in society. On our intranet, there are many targeted Excellent articles on industry judgment and market analysis, we can also make visual business models based on data, and even have an impact on many traditional industries."

Then, he gave an example.

In Spain, which region has the most Manchester United fans?

The large number of fans can provide more inventory when Manchester United derivatives are launched to avoid repetitive logistics turnover, thus saving costs and improving efficiency.

It would be really difficult for Manchester United to do it.

Ziweixing can do it easily.

Analyze directly from ucgram to see where users upload the most pictures related to Manchester United; if you use the football community goal platform, it will be easier. You can make a very intuitive judgment by looking at which region's fans interact the most in the Manchester United circle.

The information formed by these related data has no value in the hands of Ziweixing. But if it is passed to Manchester United, it can be converted into real pounds.

Zhou Buqi said with deep understanding: "Another reason is that there are no secrets in the Internet industry. Except for some highly confidential information, most of the information can actually be captured by the outside world. In many cases, this kind of public information There is not much difference between Google, Microsoft, MSI, and Facebook and Yahoo.”

Tang Binchen said: "Yes, when the e-commerce era comes, the e-commerce data of all its products will skyrocket. It is not a secret for giant companies. But for some small and medium-sized companies, this is a huge information gap. . There is this trend in the current mobile Internet. Most entrepreneurs come from large companies. In large companies, they feel the rapid growth of mobile data and thus discover entrepreneurial opportunities."

Zhou Buqi also paid attention to this perspective, "The loss of this type of talent is a huge loss to large companies."

Tang Binchen said with a smile: "So, we must solve all these problems at once."

Zhou Buqi had long understood what he meant, "Information sharing?"

Tang Binchen said: "Yes, every month... or every quarter, we summarize some excellent articles on the company's intranet, as well as some popular information data and business models within the company, and compile them together to compile an internal publication."

"Sell for money?"

"No, no, don't sell it for money, give it away for free."

Tang Binchen laughed dumbly.

Zhou Buqi also laughed, "Selling it for money has no effect. Since it is something for the public, they can always find it for free. Instead of letting them steal it, we might as well give it to them proactively."

Tang Binchen said: "Yes, one edition of Ziweixing's internal magazine will be published every quarter, and then mailed to each of Ziweixing's partners for free. It can not only strengthen the cooperation between the two parties, but also play a marketing role for Ziweixing, and also It can truly popularize information and help partners grow."

"This allows partners to have greater stickiness in their cooperation with Ziweixing and continue to work together for a long time."


"Then this internal magazine can't be too shabby. It must be made by the best design company. It must be creative enough and reflect the brand value of Ziweixing from the appearance."

Zhou Buqi agreed to the plan without any hesitation.

This is not a profit-making project.

Sending internal magazines to partners for free is a marketing strategy, a way of brand building, a means of strengthening mutual cooperation, and the basis for mutual benefit and common growth.

Another very important point is that it can strengthen the involution of the industry.

The more involution an industry becomes, the better it is for big companies.

For example, the era of mobile Internet has arrived. Employees of large companies first felt this atmosphere from the data and information level, and then they left their jobs one after another to start their own businesses.

If Ziweixing shares the relevant data at this time... then there will be something good to watch. There are too many people in the industry who have not grasped this level of information. They will also find opportunities and rush in.

The phenomenon of involution appears.

The fiercer the competition, the greater the risk of starting a business.

Many employees who want to leave Ziweixing to start their own business will make their choices carefully... The risks outside are so great, is it a better career choice to stay at Ziweixing and be under the wings of such a large company?

Retaining talents means retaining profits.

You have face, you have lizi, and you have potential benefits.

Why not?

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