Top of the big era

Chapter 197: The Snake Swallows the Elephant is running a group buying activity for rechargeable table lamps.

But it's all small talk.

The next group buying mobile phone activity is the focus.

For this event, all offline channels are run by In view of the particularity of group buying on campus, in addition to cheap mobile phones, foreign brands are also not suitable. It is best to use domestic mobile phones.

After some screening, four domestic brands of "one strong and three weak" were selected.

The top one is Bird, which is currently the best-selling and best-reviewed domestic mobile phone.

The three weakest players are Capitel, Kejian and Panda.

Among the three, Capitel's sales have plummeted since last year, and it has left the mainstream view. Except for a large amount of inventory, it has basically withdrawn from the mobile phone market.

Kejian's old-fashioned domestic mobile phone was once the number one brand in China, affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and has a strong background. However, it has not been able to operate in the past few years, and it is about to close, and the inventory is nearly one million.

In the past few years, Panda has had a lot of momentum. It also invited Liang Chaowei, who was once the CCTV standard king. With a wave of explosive publicity, the sales were good. However, since last year, the amount of advertising has decreased, and the performance has slumped sharply. Up to now, the mobile phone business has been divested, and it is the final stage of inventory clearance.

Of course, having stock does not mean that it can be dumped at a low price.

Just like what is written in textbooks, when a western capitalist society encounters a financial crisis, it would rather dump the milk than give the milk to the poor.

It's not absurd, it's reality.

It is the most economical only to throw it away.

There is a set of extremely complex market laws behind this.

Some people who don't understand economics think that this kind of mobile phone in stock is cheap... even if it is sold at a loss, it is good to sell one. In fact, none of these mobile phones in stock can be sold, at least not at the moment.

There are three solutions.

One, keep it, wait five or six years, and dump these mobile phones in the market at extremely low prices as obsolete products;

Second, changing the shell to sell, this is the most mainstream way to clear inventory. If a mobile phone can no longer be sold, it needs to be replaced with a new case and packaged as a new phone to continue selling. If the first- and second-tier cities cannot be sold, they will be sold to third- and fourth-tier cities.

Third, disassemble the parts, which is the practice of a big factory with a conscience. The mobile phones that cannot be sold in the inventory are all dismantled, and the chips, screens, speakers, motherboards, buttons, etc. that are dismantled are all new anyway and can be recycled and reused.

"Compared to the three bankrupt brands, Bird is the best at talking." Sitting on the sofa, Liu Qiangdong sighed, with a bitter expression on his face, "Bird is even willing to drop another 10% on the ex-factory price to give discounts to college students. However, they also have a requirement that the group purchase price should be at most 25% lower than the official guide price, otherwise the suppliers will have objections.”

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Boguo has a lot of ambitions. I guess it wants to take advantage of this wave of spring breeze to carry out campus promotion. Look, this summer, Boguo will definitely launch a campus strategy."

"Bird is fine. The new D208 is pretty good. The official ex-factory price is 1,250 yuan. Let's get the goods, 1,100 yuan is enough. The market price is 2,680 yuan, and the lowest price for group buying is 2,000 yuan..."

As he talked, Liu Qiangdong also felt a little embarrassed.


A mobile phone with a profit of 900 yuan?

too dark!

This is the lowest price group buying on Xiaonei in the whole country...

It’s frightening to make money. The key is not to make money. The company Bird does not allow too much price reduction, so as not to seriously disturb the market price.

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "What's wrong with those three families?"

Liu Qiangdong sighed and said: "This is the market. Once this kind of inventory is dumped at a low price, it will inevitably seriously affect the price of mobile phones on the market. Therefore, even if they want to sell, others will not agree. They have no sales of their own. Channels rely on distributors and major shopping malls to ship, who would do such a thing to disrupt the market?"

In this era, almost 99% of mobile phones are sold in major shopping malls and mobile phone retail stores. They are the most lucrative links in the mobile phone industry chain. Of course, they don't want the market to fluctuate. The more stable the better.

Popular brands like Bird are highly recognized by the nation, and they dare not offend big shopping malls. They can only allow group buying prices to be 25% lower than market prices.

As for those inventory machines that cannot be sold, even if the purchase price is extremely low, the big shopping malls will not cooperate with the low price dumping, because this will seriously interfere with the market mechanism, and the more you sell, the more you lose.

This is the power of the market.

Therefore, the three bankrupt mobile phone manufacturers, Capitel, Kejian, and Panda, all have nearly one million mobile phones in stock, with a total value of one or two billion yuan. No one dares to dump them at a low price.

Anyone who wants to sell it through a certain shopping mall or retail store... will be boycotted by the entire mobile phone industry.

The inventory worth 100 to 200 million yuan is really going to rot in his hands, and no one will take over.

Faced with this situation, the only solution is to find some mobile phone manufacturers to cooperate and sell these inventory machines to them at a low price. As for whether after they get these storage machines, whether they will be replaced by shells or parts will be disassembled, they can't control it.

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously, and said lightly: "It's not that serious, is it? The company has gone bankrupt, so why bother? Of course, it's a little less loss."

Liu Qiangdong was stunned for a moment, very surprised, " don't know the truth about this, do you? Of course they are happy that can help them sell goods. But this is equivalent to breaking with the mobile phone industry. Boycotted by all manufacturers and stores."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "If you boycott it, boycott it, so what? They're all bankrupt anyway."

Liu Qiangdong couldn't laugh or cry, and shook his head again and again.

After all, he is a young freshman, he really doesn't understand the market.

He said earnestly, "Brother Zhou, the water here is deep. Yes, they can pay less if they cooperate with us. But this is just a superficial phenomenon. Once they are resisted, they will completely cut off their way out."

Zhou Buqi said: "They're all bankrupt, what else is there to do?"

Liu Qiangdong was also a little angry, "Of course it's the remaining part of the inventory! Cooperate with us and sell a batch of mobile phones, and they can pay less. But the remaining inventory can't be sold, so they have to rot in their hands. If you calculate it, you will only lose more!"

Zhou Buqi couldn't help but laugh.

Picking up the coffee and taking a sip, he frowned: "Is this for quick brew? Treat me with this?"

"On this condition!"

Liu Qiangdong was not very happy.

Zhou Buqi shook his head and sighed: "Brother Qiang, it seems that you are not confident enough in our cooperation, or in Xiaonei Network."

"What do you mean?" Liu Qiangdong frowned.

Zhou Buqi said: "Kejian belongs to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, right? It can be regarded as an educational institution. Since we are all a family, we might as well choose Kejian."

Liu Qiangdong looked puzzled, "What are you talking about?"

Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes, and spit out an astonishing word: "Pack."


Liu Qiangdong was startled for a moment, then jumped up suddenly, and said in shock, "What did you say? You want to pack all the mobile phones in Kejian's inventory?"

Zhou Buqi snorted coldly: "They are unwilling to cooperate because they are worried that the inventory will not be cleaned up. It's actually very simple. Let's eat all the goods and help them solve the biggest problem! The biggest obstacle has been eliminated, what else? Reason for not cooperating?"

Liu Qiangdong's expression changed for a long time, and he took a deep breath.

Seeing Zhou Buqi sitting peacefully on the sofa in his office, he was beyond shocked.

This kid is really courageous!

He has a domineering style, dares to fight and fight hard... What a hunk!

You know, the total value of those mobile phones in Kejian's inventory is 100 to 200 million!


One or two hundred million is the packaging price for mobile phone manufacturers to "collect junk".

Maybe a third of the cost.

The real value of those mobile phones may exceed 500 million!

Such a heavy asset is more than Xiaonei and combined.

This is a snake swallowing an elephant!

The ambition is too big!

Liu Qiangdong was very ambitious and ambitious, but at this moment he realized that he was like a coward in front of this freshman.

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "The Chinese Academy of Sciences is for education. Just because of Shengshi Bicycles, I also met some leaders of ministries and commissions, so I can help make peace. We can get the goods first, and then pay when they are sold. "

Liu Qiangdong sat down, took a few sips of coffee to suppress his shock, and said in a deep voice: "There are more than 700,000 mobile phones in Kejian's inventory, and 400,000 of them are new models this year. Buy it, sold a total of less than 30,000 units, which led to the bankruptcy of the former domestic first brand."

Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, and he said pleasantly, "There are 400,000 new phones? Is there such a good thing? Great!"

Liu Qiangdong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "A new machine means a higher cost price, which means more severe market resistance."

"Market resistance? You mean the mobile phone industry?" Zhou Buqi shook his head disapprovingly, and looked at him intently, "Aren't you afraid? Are you afraid that those mobile phone manufacturers will not supply"

Liu Qiangdong was silent.

This statement is accepted.

Zhou Buqi said indifferently: "The deformed market will definitely be reversed. Just look at it, in a year or two, the era of huge profits from mobile phones will pass."

"why do you say so?"

"The current mobile phones are better purchased from foreign chips, and the price is ridiculously high. Now the country is mainly promoting the chip industry. When domestic chips appear, the procurement channels do not need to go overseas, and the entire mobile phone industry structure will change. Fundamental change."

Zhou Buqi's words are half true and half false.

It is true that the country is promoting domestically produced chips, but there is a big joke. The proud "Hanxin" made in China is a stolen Motorola chip, and then someone polishes off the logo and prints "Hanxin", defrauding the country of huge funds.

What really revolutionized the domestic mobile phone industry is Formosa’s MediaTek chip, which has low prices and simple channels, which has changed the domestic mobile phone industry and ushered in the era of “cottage phones”.

Then Xiaomi came out and put an end to copycat phones.

Liu Qiangdong has never been a coward.

In any case, Zhou Buqi is the second largest shareholder of, holding 25% of the shares.

It will definitely not cheat

"Since that's the case, then it's settled!" Liu Qiangdong took a sip of coffee, put the cup heavily on the glass tea table, and said loudly: "I'm going to talk to Ke Jian now! All the inventory, pack it up!"

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