Top of the big era

Chapter 1966 Difficulty in moving

Zhang Chaoyang curled his lips and said: "What are you doing? You can't change it to Ziweixing Swimming, right?"

"how come?"

Zhou Buqi laughed.

In the past, Changyou was a subsidiary of Sohu, so this building was called "Sohu Changyou". If after the board of directors is reorganized, the name of the building is changed to "Ziweixing Changyou", it will be equivalent to announcing to the outside world that Sohu and Lao Zhang have completely lost power, and it will be like a slap in the face.

It will make Lao Zhang lose face in the industry.

Zhou Buqi would definitely not do such a thing. He said angrily, "It's just the name of a building. It doesn't matter whether it is changed or not."

Zhang Chaoyang said: "Then what do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "I told you a long time ago, don't run this way. This is already at the West Fifth Ring Road, isn't it too far away? It's completely decoupled from the mainstream. If nothing else, this What else is the park called a science and technology park? Are there any decent technology companies? Changyou is in the same park as those companies, so you’re not afraid of those who get close to you?"

This is very troublesome.

A person's level is the average level of the seven or eight people around him who often have contact with him. A company is similar. Those who are close to red are red, and those who are close to ink are black.

There are really no decent technology companies around this Shijing Mountain area. How can Changyou employees feel a sense of new era technology and fast-paced pursuit?

Although this is also the capital, it is really lagging behind. Historically, it was just a large and marginal state-owned factory area with heavy industry everywhere.

The domestic science and technology industry first originated in Zhongguancun, backed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The early technology companies all took root and sprouted here, and most of them have been eliminated by the times. The only ones left are Founder, Lenovo, Tongfang, Ziguang and so on.

However, the industry is developing too fast, and land resources will soon be insufficient.

Almost all the land resources in Zhongguancun are occupied by traditional IT companies. When the Internet industry rises, it will be very troublesome. It was okay at the beginning. It was enough for companies like Baidu, Sina, Dangdang, and Sohu to directly rent two floors of office buildings in Zhongguancun.

But as the company grows, new needs arise, and it is necessary to have its own headquarters.

There is no land in Zhongguancun, what should we do?

Then we can only expand outward.

Heading all the way north, we arrived at Houchang Village. With Baidu and Sina as the symbols, major internet companies with nationwide presence, such as NetEase, Penguin, and Alibaba, came to Beijing to open branches, and they all settled in Houchang Village.

Zhongguancun is the birthplace of the older generation of technology companies, while Houchangcun is the gathering area for Internet companies. With so many Internet giants leading the way, many rising stars have also chosen Houchang Village when starting their own businesses.

Driven by the Internet industry, this wilderness area has become the most economically developed place in the capital with the highest density of legal wealth.

However, this is not the end.

The domestic Internet industry is too developed, attracts worldwide attention, and is developing too fast. In the mobile Internet era, Houchang Village is also a bit full and resources are insufficient.

what to do?

They could only develop newer base areas. Next, Wangjing District, located outside the Fourth Ring Road in the northeast, appeared.

Originally, Wangjing was founded by foreign companies, but the rise of the Internet trend after 2013 made Wangjing the de facto second largest CBD. It is also a popular area for start-up companies after Zhongguancun and Houchang Village.

Specifically, it is actually the area where Ziweixing's headquarters is now located.

This large area of ​​Wangjing was a place planned by the capital for foreign companies and foreign businessmen in the early years. It happened that Yan Guangming had a relationship with German foreign businessmen and approved a large piece of land here to start building a factory.

The factory building was bulldozed a few years ago and turned into the headquarters campus of Ziweixing.

However, the area of ​​the original factory area is very large. Not all of Ziweixing's headquarters park has been used up. There is still a part left. It is planned to be developed into the headquarters park of Aisda Group when the time is right.

The current Ziweixing headquarters campus is within the Fourth Ring Road and has an excellent geographical location. Later, most of the Wangjing District that became popular with Internet entrepreneurship was outside the Fourth Ring Road and even outside the Fifth Ring Road.

This was also Zhou Buqi's early plan.

Don’t worry about Zhongguancun, the landmark is Tsinghua University and Peking University. The landmarks in Houchang Village should be Baidu, Sina, NetEase and other big companies that entered the market earlier.

If Ziweixing gets closer, I'm afraid he will be ranked at the bottom.

This area in Wangjing District is different.

Now, the Internet trend in Wangjing has just emerged. Even if it develops in the future, it will continue to expand outwards. The real central area... is the headquarters of Ziweixing!

Ziweixing is the landmark and industry leader here!

In fact, a new gathering area appeared later, the Yizhuang Economic Development Zone... The location was even more remote, but it attracted

Jingdong Group has become the big brother of Yizhuang!

From this perspective, there are some similarities between Lao Liu and Zhou Buqi. They would rather be the head of a snake than the tail of a dragon... maybe a snake can transform into a dragon in one day!

However, what does it mean to visit Shijing Mountain in the West Fifth Ring Road where Changyou is located?

Sohu is the earliest Internet company. Even Houchang Village looks down upon it. It is a landmark in Zhongguancun, but it actually came to Shijing Mountain?

What’s the point of coming here to claim the throne?

In later generations, the headquarters of Jingdong did not go to Houchang Village or Wangjing, but to Yizhuang... That's because Yizhuang gave super preferential treatment and was the only one to enjoy the dual preferential policies of the national economic and technological development zone and the national high-tech industrial park. The region has received huge policy dividends.

Zhang Chaoyang understood what he meant and said in surprise: "You said you want to move?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, birds of a feather flock together, and I suggest you go to Wangjing. Under the leadership of Ziweixing, there is already a trend of development there, including Rice Ball, Snowball, Youku,, and Ctrip ,, and even Alibaba Cloud are lagging behind there.”

Zhang Chaoyang had a toothache, "I just completed all the procedures last year and ended up here."

"Not here!" Zhou Buqi shook his head firmly, "Look at the surrounding environment. Is there any technological atmosphere?"

"New York is different and doesn't have a technological atmosphere?"

"Can it be the same? New York is a commercial metropolis, a big market for art and creativity, capital and imagination. These are all indispensable elements of the game industry. What is there in Shijingshan? They are all old-fashioned state-owned enterprises, all It’s heavy industry. Aren’t we also issuing policies to relocate some central enterprises in the center of the capital?”

"But..." Zhang Chaoyang felt very embarrassed, "I have to move out not long after I settled in. This is too offending. Do you know what it means to swim here in Shijing Mountain?"

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "What do you mean?"

Zhang Chaoyang said: "In July this year, the capital released a list of the city's top 100 private enterprises. In the top 100 list, there are only 4 companies in Shijingshan, besides Yonghui Supermarket, Changyou. At the same time, Changyou was also selected for technological innovation. Top 100, Top 100 Cultural Industry, Top 100 Social Responsibility, etc., they are the most representative private enterprises here in Shijing Mountain."

Zhou Buqi felt helpless, "I'm really convinced!"

If this were the case, it would be really difficult for Changyou to move out, which would offend people so much. It has only been a year since we settled here, and we are about to move out... What do you mean, the local public servants are not providing good service?

Zhang Chaoyang shook his head and said, "We can't move it."

"No matter what, we can't be too far away from Ziweixing." Zhou Buqi complained somewhat, feeling that he had made a mistake in leaving Changyou in Shijing Mountain. "It takes more than an hour to get from Ziweixing's headquarters to Changyou Building. How do you want me to run between the two companies? Teleport?"

Zhang Chaoyang was also helpless and sighed, "Coming to Shijingshan is determined by Changyou's positioning. We are not a game agency, we are a game development company."

"What difference does it make?"

"The difference is huge! If you want to be an agent, you can choose any headquarters. Zhongguancun and Houchangcun are both good. But it's different when it comes to game development. The competition in this industry is too fierce, and all kinds of dirty tricks are emerging in an endless stream. . I let Changyou stay in Shijingshan just to keep it secret and keep Changyou far away from competitors to prevent them from having private contact with our employees and causing leaks."

This reason is very powerful.

Many game companies are engaged in agency business. They are agents of Korean or American games to be promoted domestically. After making money, they are divided in proportion. They have no ability to conduct self-research.

In this regard, Changyou's level is very high. "Dragon" is as famous as "Perfect Era" and "Fantasy Westward Journey". It is a truly domestic self-developed online game.

Wang Fang is also most passionate about game development. Such a company's positioning really requires a certain degree of confidentiality.

Zhang Chaoyang said: "This arrangement is the most economical way. Penguin has also developed many excellent games in recent years, including NetEase. Do you know how they do it?"

Zhou Buqi asked: "How to do it?"

Zhang Chaoyang said: "They have many secret game studios in many places in the country. Didn't Ren Yuxin leave Penguin and travel abroad now? You can ask him when he comes back. When he was managing Penguin's game business, He has established more than ten game studios in many provinces and cities in China."

"so much?"

"Yes, that's how you can hide it from others. Even if you get inside information and know what game Penguin is developing, it's hard to know which game studio has taken over the development task. The country is so big, where can you find it? Like this We can keep it a secret. By settling Changyou in Shijingshan, we don’t have to waste so much money and open studios all over the country. Shijingshan is so remote, there is geographical isolation.”

"Small family spirit."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, not thinking that this was such a wise decision. In other words, Penguin's game business can quickly catch up from behind, and where is the pattern?

The Changyou tour led by Lao Zhang was like having little feet bound.

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