Top of the big era

Chapter 1961 Brave

In the afternoon, Zhou Buqi saw Boss Ma, accompanied by Meng Houkun, Zhang Yinlei and Xu Baihui, and went to see Kazuo Inamori's style.

When Boss Ma saw him putting up such a big show, he half-smiled, "Have you figured it out?"


Zhou Buqi was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Boss Ma laughed and said, "It seems that I have figured it out."

Zhou Buqi sighed, "Everyone has his own ambitions."

Boss Ma looked at him deeply and said nothing.

The so-called learning from Kazuo Inamori is a phenomenon. No matter how powerful this person is, he is still a Japanese and cannot be widely studied by entrepreneurial groups.

The main purpose is to study his corporate philosophy, find the essence of traditional culture, and create a corporate management system that combines tradition and modernity with local characteristics in an era of cultural confidence.

In fact, it is a cliché.

History keeps repeating itself.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, in order not to shake the imperial power and at the same time want to learn from the advanced science and technology of the West, the royalists put forward the idea of ​​"learning from the foreigners and developing skills to control the foreigners".

Almost at the same time, a similar argument emerged in Japan, that is, "Japanese talents and talents."

Wahun yosai refers to the soul of Yamato, and Western talent means accepting the practical knowledge and applied techniques of Western learning while abandoning its theoretical and spiritual content.

It is exactly the same as the concept of "Chinese learning as the body and Western learning as the application" advocated by the Qing Dynasty.

There have been several dynasties changes in the country, but similar views have not continued. It's different in Japan. Japan still has an emperor, and it still has a set of deep-rooted ideas to this day.

Kazuo Inamori's corporate philosophy is a typical example.

His ideas come from tradition, but the tools and methods for managing the company are all imported. He even learned English in middle age.

Boss Ma obviously wants to follow this path, actively moving forward and adapting to the big times.

As Mr. Liu gets older and the situation of the times changes, the domestic entrepreneurial world will also undergo new changes, and the "leader" of the ordering world will be replaced.

With Zhou Buqi's current status and reputation, he is fully qualified to compete for the alliance leader.

However, he chose another path. He is in the world, but there is only his legend in the world. We should follow the example of Mr. Ma from Penguin and Mr. Ren from Huawei and keep a low profile.

Boss Ma is different. He proactively strives to improve himself. He is very confident and enjoys the feeling of being surrounded by stars.

After Zhou Buqi had the embarrassment of being a teacher, he stopped giving him advice and said with a smile: "I think you really misunderstood. I never said that Inamori Kazuo's approach is not good."

"Really?" Boss Ma was surprised, "Did I understand it wrong?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Everything has advantages and disadvantages. Singapore is developing very well and is the pearl of Southeast Asia. But there is a reality you have to admit. Singapore has not brought any form of innovation to the world, let alone technological innovation. There is no innovation in business models. Apart from having money, they have not brought any changes to the world."

Boss Ma glanced at him.

Zhou Buqi said: "Ziweixing's positioning is innovation, what is innovation? Innovation is different, it is an old thing that completely breaks the past. It is provocation, not submission. I can't let Ziweixing be torn apart in terms of values. , thereby destroying the foundation of a technology company."

Boss Ma shook his head, "It's not that serious."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "So, I am innovative and you are conservative. This is the difference. We are all like this, so don't be too harsh on our scientists and young people for not having the spirit of innovation."

Boss Ma disagreed, "Haven't you heard Guo Degang's cross talk? What did he say? If you want to innovate in cross talk, you must first learn all the hundreds of traditional cross talks in the past."

"You still listen to cross talk?" Zhou Buqi couldn't help laughing, "You are really free."

Boss Ma had figured out his attitude at this time and kindly suggested: "Then you should keep a low profile in the future, especially don't speak in public. What you are doing is inappropriate, don't blame me for not reminding you."

Zhou Buqi laughed.

The two of them took a car together and went to Shenghe School on Jianguo Road.

On the way, Boss Ma asked again who those young people were. He knew Xu Baihui, the female overlord of Jieyu Media, but he didn't know the other two.

Zhou Buqi said briefly.

"Group buying?" Boss Ma was a little surprised, "That Zhang Yinlei is the president of"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Yes, he has been in charge of in the past few years. This year I made a slight adjustment and arranged a new CEO to compete with, Wowotuan,, and 24 Group buying rivals such as Quan, and”

"This industry is too chaotic."


"Fortunately, I didn't invest in Lashou last year."

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi turned to look at him, "Is there anything else?"

Boss Ma said: "Yes, this company has a good background. They found me and wanted me to invest in them. I invested as soon as I saw it. They have the resources and Alibaba has the money, so we can cooperate. Later it became a bit too much. ”

Zhou Buqi asked: "What's wrong?"

Boss Ma said angrily: "At that time, Taobao was planning to launch Juhuasuan. Group buying... is essentially an e-commerce, and Taobao couldn't miss it. But put forward very excessive requirements, saying that group buying was not allowed. A great deal online.”

"I go!"

Zhou Buqi really didn't know what to say.

This kind of O2O industry is too expensive and must be backed by giants. If relied on Alibaba, it might not need so many messy things behind it.

There may even be nothing to do with Meituan later, and will take its place and become an emerging Internet giant.

Boss Ma said: "I was very unhappy at the time. They didn't understand the situation at all. Ali paid to help develop, not to help Ali make money."

"Then you put Juhuasuan online?"

“Not only did we launch Juhuasuan, but we also stopped investing in, which was considered a bridge.”

"no problem?"

"It's all little things."

I met Kazuo Inamori. The old man was 79 years old this year. He was dressed very formally, with a black suit, a blue tie, and a slicked back hairdo.

This person is very powerful, you can tell just from his language.

When he first started his business, he didn't know English. But the company is getting bigger and bigger, and Kyocera has become a world-class company. It is impossible to do it without knowing English.

At that time, he was in his forties and began to learn English.

Now, his English is very good, not as good as Boss Ma, and almost as good as Zhou Buqi.

When talking about his own theory, Boss Ma was so fascinated that Zhou Buqi really couldn't agree with it.

"In life, we are resistant to many things and cannot accept the possible misfortunes in life. We all hope that life is beautiful, but in real life, we will definitely encounter setbacks and misfortunes. Many people will change once there are flaws in their lives. I was extremely anxious and couldn’t sleep all night.”

"Perhaps this is what God has given us to make our lives more exciting. This is how God allows you to see different worlds in your life, making your life full of layers. Full of diverse perspectives."

"Especially in the past few years, the global economy has been bad. Under this background, many companies have been depressed, unemployed and salary cuts. How do we deal with it? The most important thing is how to accept this imperfection in our hearts. Imperfection is It is the normal state of life. No matter what happens to us, no matter how harsh the situation is, there is no need for us to be resentful. As long as we respond positively and consistently, we must face it with gratitude."

"Sometimes when our things go a little smoother and the people around us praise us, our hearts will be shaken. It is difficult for us to understand ourselves clearly, like a kite with a broken string, flying around. This is human If this situation continues, we will unknowingly become more arrogant. We will also adopt an arrogant and unreasonable attitude toward others. At this time, our lives may enter some misunderstandings..."

Except for the later part of self-cultivation, which Zhou Buqi quite recognized, he completely rejected the previous part of the chicken soup for the soul advice from others.

At first glance, it seems to make sense. If you are short of money, you work hard; if you encounter setbacks, you can face them with a smile; if you are wronged, what is the use of complaining?

It can be summed up in two words - obedience.

It means standing up and speaking without any backache, urging others to be obedient, to be content with poverty, to accept reality, to be selfless, and to find the reasons within oneself.

It is the greatest essence of traditional culture.

If employees can do this and obey the company boss's wishes to work hard and selflessly contribute to the company, then how could the company not prosper and thrive wherever it leads?

This is Shenghe School, which is different from those MBA classes and has a higher threshold. MBA and EMBA classes held outside are aimed at a wider group of people. Students, journalists, businessmen, celebrities, and hosts can all participate, as long as they pay.

Shenghe School is not so good. Only entrepreneurs who have made certain achievements can enter.

Obviously, this set of concepts of Inamori Kazuo will be very helpful for entrepreneurs to manage and control their employees, and has been praised by many entrepreneurial friends.

Boss Ma sat next to Zhou Buqi and could see his disapproval, so he smiled and said, "This Shenghe School is really good!"


Zhou Buqi was slightly startled.

Boss Ma said: "One of the most important qualities of an entrepreneur is courage, but many people only have courage and lack experience in how to run a business and manage employees. MBA training courses are all nonsense, and they are all just talk on paper. Or Shenghe School It’s a good model.”

Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes slightly, "So?"

Boss Ma said: "Kazuo Inamori is Japanese. We can't let domestic entrepreneurs learn from him, right? When we have time, when Ali is finished, I will unite some people and let's build a domestic business A real entrepreneurial university in the circle. It provides guidance to some entrepreneurs...especially young entrepreneurs and helps them avoid some detours."

Zhou Buqi hesitated for a moment and said cautiously: "Is it possible that because Inamori Kazuo is Japanese, Shenghe School can be opened without restrictions? You run an entrepreneur university and you want to be the principal? "


Boss Ma shook his head repeatedly, a little disappointed with this boy's caution.

As I said just now, the most valuable quality of an entrepreneur is courage. This has only been a few years, and all his sharpness and edges have been smoothed away.

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