Top of the big era

Chapter 1953 Who teaches whom?

No one is a saint, everyone has shortcomings and cognitive biases.

Even Kazuo Inamori, whose spiritual state makes people admire him and is comparable to a saint, still makes mistakes. It is obvious that he is a bit trying to save others by himself.

He has a very high level of selflessness, dedication, love for others, respect for God, and a heart-centered outlook on life, and then uses this set of ideas to educate others... Damn it! How many people in the world can really do it?

Zhou Buqi had visited Inamori Kazuo several times in Japan. At that time, he was still a monk in a temple, and he was full of respect for this man. This time he went out to save JAL, and he didn't get a penny in reward... However, compared to his legendary life, it was nothing at all.

Kazuo Inamori is a great entrepreneur who started his own business twice.

For the first time, he founded Kyocera and turned it into a Fortune 500 giant. When he reached middle age, he founded KDDI... Yes, it is the second largest communications giant that ASDA cooperates with in Japan. Fortune 500 companies.

A single person founded, operated, and managed two Fortune 500 giant companies, which is unique in the world.

He is very rich.

Thirteen years ago, he found out he had cancer and chose a new life. He truly fulfilled the principles of selflessness, dedication, love for others, and respect for God. He almost spent all his family wealth, and then distributed all the company shares to the employees of the two companies, and then went to the temple to practice.

Such a rich man who once stood out among the others in the wealth list has to rely on alms to make a living. If you can't melt it, you will be hungry.

Just such a resume is enough to make people respect him.

However, Zhou Buqi has an advantage, that is, foresight.

His foresight did not cover the Japanese business market, and his understanding of Japanese companies only limited to world giants such as Sony, Panasonic, and Honda.

However, foresight has a very important derivative effect, which is "disenchantment".

Zhou Buqi knows what the world will be like in more than ten years.

So in this life, it will be interesting when he comes into contact with many great people, many legendary entrepreneurs, and many world elites.

When these people say something that is deafening, inspiring, and makes people feel tearful and passionate, he often feels like he is watching a joke.

Even Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Masayoshi Son, Boss Ma, Larry Page, Lei Jun, and Musk often say nonsense that is completely inconsistent with the future world.

This had a great alerting effect on Zhou Buqi.

History is a little girl who can be dressed up by others, and so are the high-ranking big shots. The successful resumes of the best elites in the world have all been whitewashed. The right words they said and the right things they did are extracted and spread around the world.

In fact, they made more mistakes and made more jokes.

Zhou Buqi had close contact and felt deeply.

This gave him a far more profound awareness of disenchantment in practice than others. Kazuo Inamori makes people look up to him, and even Boss Ma is immersed in it. However, he can look at this school of thought with a calmer attitude and a broader perspective that will have a huge impact on the entire domestic business community.

Zhou Buqi said: "I don't believe Inamori Kazuo, I still believe more in Mr. Liu's tactics."

"What?" Meng Houkun was amused, "Mr. Liu? What has Lenovo become?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Lenovo is failing because times have changed and the PC industry is declining. Look at Dell and HP in the United States. Are they not trying every means to survive?"

"Old Liu is not doing well." Meng Houkun pointed upward and yawned, "We are not optimistic from top to bottom. Inamori Kazuo's influence is not only in the business field, but his achievements can strengthen cultural confidence."


Zhou Buqi was confused.

Meng Houkun curled his lips and said: "I thought you had already taken this issue very seriously. Do you know how Lenovo got started back then?"


"In the early days, it was speculation, reselling TVs, refrigerators, etc. In the middle period, it developed Lenovo Hanka, and then it became a slightly famous technology company. Later, it produced computers and became an industry giant."


Zhou Buqi nodded.

Meng Houkun said: "Computers were very expensive at that time, and the competition in the market was unprecedentedly fierce. There were more than a dozen foreign brands, and there were also giants like Great Wall in China. Great Wall computers, you know, right? They were very powerful back then, and they were made in China. The backbone of all major government agencies and institutions purchase Great Wall computers. Do you know how Great Wall, a state-owned enterprise giant with the most resources and policy support, was defeated by Lenovo?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Mr. Liu has come to power, market economy."

Meng Houkun said: "What you say is too simplistic."

"Then tell me something complicated."

"Great Wall was a state-owned enterprise at that time and had to shoulder great social responsibilities and obligations for national scientific and technological development. However, Lenovo fully launched a modern business philosophy..."

"Well, making money for shareholders and paying taxes for society, in the final analysis, it all comes down to profit."

"Yes, Lenovo opened its eyes to the world and was at the forefront of reform and opening up, and then influenced generations of entrepreneurs, including you. If we follow the topic of Inamori Kazuo just now, this is actually the result of Mr. Liu taking the lead to The modern concept of pursuing personal interests in business has emboldened the entire private enterprise industry to take the lead, so you people all admire him."

Meng Houkun is indeed no ordinary person.

Zhou Buqi couldn't help but praise him again, "I think we can make an exception and let you hire a young girl to be your secretary. I think you have the ability to handle it."

Meng Houkun laughed, he didn't dare, and then waved his hand, "Modern business management is to find ways to adapt to human nature and stimulate their work mentality through the selfish attributes in everyone's genes. Employees earn more, The company will earn more. Instead of letting employees selflessly dedicate their own interests to the company, the company will earn more."

Zhou Buqi couldn't help but applaud him.

This is his train of thought and his biggest refutation of Kazuo Inamori’s philosophy.

Unexpectedly, Meng Houkun has already seen this clearly, and feels that he is more powerful than Boss Ma... Well, Boss Ma is not easy to evaluate. Maybe he is deceiving people and pretending to be stupid on purpose.

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, egoism. The modern corporate outlook is egoism, and everything is based on personal interests. Working hard is not to contribute to the company, but to be promoted and to make money. Employees work for their own interests. Work, not for some other larger vision. This is exactly the opposite of Inamori’s philosophy. The concept of modernization is selfish and self-interested, while Inamori advocates selflessness and dedication.”

Meng Houkun gave a thumbs up and said with a smile: "Boss Zhou is Boss Zhou. That's a great summary!"

Zhou Buqi couldn't help laughing, "I thought I was going to give you a lecture, about some misunderstandings you may have about Inamori Kazuo, but I didn't expect you were teaching me."

Meng Houkun continued: "Great Wall is a state-owned enterprise... In fact, so is Lenovo. However, after Mr. Liu took charge of Lenovo, it was basically what he said. But Great Wall is different. It must respond to the country's call and contribute to industry progress and the country's science and technology. To contribute to development, we must use domestic spare parts and develop independently developed technologies. Lenovo has a modern corporate philosophy. An atmosphere of striving for self-interest has quickly formed from top to bottom in the company, with salary increases, equity requirements, Strive for welfare, and enthusiasm will be mobilized immediately. Then there is marketization at the strategic level, purchasing the best product spare parts at the business level, assembling world-class PCs, and relying on products to speak for itself. Great Wall's model is inefficient and costly , employees are not motivated to work, and the product configuration is too low and is several generations behind competing products, and it will be eliminated by the market.”

From his words and tone, Zhou Buqi seemed to feel some disapproval of Lenovo's model, so he said: "With or without Lenovo, Great Wall cannot survive. The PC market is an open industry. Great Wall's concept, In fact, it is very similar to Inamori Kazuo. You must have a selfless character, a spirit of dedication, and demand your employees according to the standards of a saint. Look at the Japanese PC industry. It was also world-class at one time. How can there be any computer companies now? ?Either went bankrupt or got acquired.”

Meng Houkun nodded, "Well, even Sony is dying."

Zhou Buqi said: "How old is Inamori Kazuo? He is almost 80 years old. His peak period was the confrontation between the United States and Japan in the 1980s. Japan was not at all inferior. He could look down on modernization. Corporate outlook. This has been decades ago, and the Japanese corporate outlook has long since ceased to exist. The pursuit of personal interests is the driving force within the enterprise. The concept of 'changing the world' promoted by Silicon Valley is actually individualism. , is the pursuit of spiritual interests that has risen from material interests. They are all the same in essence. They are all inward self-satisfaction. You must first benefit yourself before you can benefit others. Kazuo Inamori suddenly moved out the old antiques, and then affected a large number of people. ."

"you're right."

"The Japanese economy can't get up now because Japanese companies can't get up. Why can't Japanese companies get up? The root cause lies at this level. Japanese companies have the most inefficient and least motivated employees in the world. It is worse than our state-owned enterprises. The fundamental reason is the serious derailment of Japanese enterprises and modern enterprise concepts, the most typical ones are the lifelong employment system and the class system."

Zhou Buqi saw it with his own eyes.

He saw such a scene with his own eyes when he went to Sony for research.

A director called several middle-level leaders under him and lined them up. Then the director went over and started slapping them in a row, and no one was left behind.

After being slapped, the person who was slapped would also bow his head and say "hi" to show his obedience.

This is actually the residue of tradition.

Meng Houkun said: "Yes."

Zhou Buqi said: "So as long as Inamori Kazuo's ideas are not in line with modern concepts, there is no point in promoting it. Saving JAL is just an example. It comes from his personal charm that can be called a saint, not his business philosophy."

"Boss Zhou, you are absolutely right, but..." Meng Houkun looked at him deeply, "You said you won't promote it if you don't want to promote it. Do you have the final say?"

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