Top of the big era

Chapter 1949 University has a soul

Liu Qiangdong originally wanted to complain because he found an insider inside

The insider leaked Jingdong’s internal plan to block, and then establish its own business plan of a joint vertical alliance by “making distant and close alliances and complementing each other’s advantages.”

This is a trade secret.

Lao Liu believed that Boss Ma most likely did this.

In fact, there are some things that Lao Liu does very badly. When he encounters trouble, he will always throw Boss Ma out and let him take the blame.

For example, later there were rumors on the Internet that he was in love with the famous Internet celebrity Milk Tea Sister, and the rumors were very realistic.

This made him very angry, and he posted on Weibo saying that Boss Ma was playing dirty tricks behind his back to discredit him.

Many people believed it.

Even Penguin's boss Ma felt that this business competition method of making a fuss about other people's privacy was too much, so he sent a text message to Boss Ma to question it.

Boss Ma was stunned after receiving the text message.

Milk tea sister?

He had never heard of it at all. He thought milk tea referred to Rene Liu.

It didn't take long for the truth to come out.

The rumors are all true, Zhang Liu is in love.

Liu Qiangdong and Boss Ma are not familiar with each other, so they are prone to many misunderstandings.

Zhou Buqi is different. He is too familiar with Boss Ma.

Boss Ma never pays attention to these trivial matters. In recent years, he has been exploring more and more in the direction of seeking the truth, and will look for answers to business operations from a higher spiritual level.

Especially the legend and success of Kazuo Inamori made him go further and further on this road. Even if some things were really done by Ali, they were definitely not done by Boss Ma.

In fact, this is one of the reasons why Liu Qiangdong has always disliked Boss Ma.

When discussing a certain business, Liu Qiangdong will discuss the business matter-of-factly and has strong business ability.

Boss Ma actually has no business ability. Whichever business he manages in Alibaba will definitely die. So he gradually began to transform from "real" to "virtual", thinking about issues from a higher philosophical realm. He would explain his understanding of this matter from a larger perspective and avoid the actual business itself.

This is very annoying.

The general meaning is: What you said is very good, but you are talking about the field of "skills". I look at this issue from the perspective of "Tao". Come on, let me give you some advice.

Depend on!

Vomiting blood!

I obviously have no business ability at all and I don’t understand anything... Well, but you still give me advice from a high position? It's like you are the teacher and I am the student. Do you think it's irritating or not?

Most people will be very annoyed when this happens.

However, there are exceptions.

For example, Musk has also discussed business with Boss Ma.

Talking about artificial intelligence, electric cars, rockets, and landing on Mars... Musk has a typical engineer's mindset. He has always discussed business matters and is very clear-cut when it comes to technical details.

The same cannot be said for Boss Ma. How does he know this?

But the end of "skill" is "Tao".

There are thousands of "skills", but the "Tao" that reaches its end is the same.

Boss Ma stood at a higher position and talked about the principles of business management from the perspective of "business ethics"... The two parties couldn't agree on one point at all, which was very embarrassing.

Many people who don't know what's going on will be very disdainful, thinking that Boss Ma's level is too low and he is not worthy of discussing high technology with Musk.

The real situation is completely opposite.

Musk can fully understand Boss Ma’s corporate philosophy, and humbly learns and imitates it, and even really tries to introduce some of Alibaba’s organizational structure and values ​​into his own company.

Among domestic entrepreneurs, the one he respects most is Boss Ma.

However, this life is different. When Zhou Buqi appears, Boss Ma may only be ranked second.

When it came to studying in the United States, Liu Qiangdong smiled and said, "Yes, I have this plan. I plan to go next year after the three major battles are over."

"Three major battles?"

Zhou Buqi found this statement very interesting.

Liu Qiangdong said: "Dangdang, Suning and Ali. We have basically achieved an overwhelming advantage in the first two battles, and then we just need to slowly clear the battlefield. Now the confrontation with Ali is the last battle."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Competition in the e-commerce industry is not that simple."

Liu Qiangdong said with a smile: "Even Ali has passed this level, what are you still afraid of? It is too difficult to defeat Ali, and it is difficult to gain an advantage in the short term. However, as long as can hold on, it will be a victory. It can give The outside world has left a public impression that and Alibaba are equally matched, and's brand has been completely established."

"I really didn't see how you could take the hype to such a high level."

"Is this a compliment?"

"I heard that you and your girlfriend even hyped it up?"

"That's really a misunderstanding."

Liu Qiangdong laughed.

Now, he has a girlfriend who is an employee in the company. Since you are engaged in Weibo marketing, love hype is of course also an essential environment.

That day, his girlfriend sent a photo of tomatoes growing on the balcony at home.

At the same time, Liu Qiangdong also posted such a photo.

Sit down directly.

Then, a strong commercial smell came out. After public opinion fermented, launched a tomato series of fresh products, opening up the category of fresh food online shopping.

This was also the reason why the scandal between him and his milk tea sister was hyped on the Internet later, which made him very angry and blamed Boss Ma.

He is very anxious!

He is not single. He needs to settle things at home first before he can officially reveal his relationship with Milk Tea Sister. Then, there are breakups, reunions, clearing Weibo, reopening Weibo, getting married, and returning to hometown together after marriage... Netizens love to watch it, and the popularity of continues unabated one after another.

There is a lot of hype, especially in the entertainment industry.

However, what level are those little stars in the entertainment industry? Including the talent agencies and entertainment companies behind celebrities, what level can they achieve?

One is stupider than the other.

The result is a hype routine that can be seen by any ordinary person at a glance, and it can’t be more fake.

When truly powerful people play this kind of trick, they influence the public subtly, without any trace, and have extremely sensational social effects.

Zhou Buqi would not accept this approach. He would never put his privacy and family affairs on the table. "Is that sure?"

Liu Qiangdong nodded, "Well, I have already signed up for a class, the Entrepreneur Training Class of Harvard Business School, which lasts for about more than a month. I will try it out first and see how it goes. If it's okay and I can adapt, I'll give it a try when the time comes. Official admission."

"Formal admission?"

"Yes, it won't be long, just one semester. Take half a year to be on campus and experience it. You can also calm down and have a more complete long-term thinking. The main thing is to adjust your mentality. I think I am a bit too hasty now. ."

There is a difference between going to school and going to school.

Going to school in a general sense is to learn knowledge and skills. Most college students go to college basically for this purpose. After they graduate, they choose to find a job and work part-time.

Going to the next level is no longer about learning knowledge.

Just like what Zhou Buqi did when he launched the "Ten School Entrepreneurship Alliance", the slogan he shouted was "Long Live Sixty Ten". Use the least time to learn book knowledge and the most time to learn social knowledge, including skipping classes, clubbing, and going to nightclubs.

In fact, it is in this dimension that he chooses entrepreneurial partners instead of wage earners.

Why should we study hard and get into a prestigious university?

To be honest, the knowledge you learn about mathematics, physics, chemistry, politics, foreign languages ​​and many other subjects is not of much use in life, but it can become a "screening" mechanism.

Create barriers through these difficult subjects and screen out outstanding people.

What matters is screening.

After entering a prestigious university, a circle of outstanding talents is formed. Network of contacts, vision and relationships are also part of a person's abilities.

To judge a person's level, just look at the seven or eight people he often interacts with. The average level of these people is the person's level.

Being in a circle is much more important than learning skills. It is the same all over the world, especially in China.

A scientist who has thoroughly studied science and technology has to start from the grassroots level and struggle; a person who works in a small circle can easily apply for scientific research funds, and can easily be promoted to a high position... Then, he can recruit A few scientists who are really proficient in business come to help themselves.

If you write a paper, you will be the first author; if you create a project, you will be the first developer.

Even if he is a low-level person who has been in contact with so many scientists for many years, his level will not be too bad, and it will be difficult for him to reveal his secrets, and he can maintain his reputation for a long time.

Learning skills is "skill" and hanging out in circles is "Tao". This is the cruel truth in the real world.

Many children from ordinary families regard knowledge as a ladder for advancement. They work hard in school, learn good science and technology, and wait enthusiastically to work hard after graduation. Then they find that there are bumps in the road after work. .

It's a good thing that I went to an Internet company. The upward path is very transparent. Cruel industry competition requires Internet companies to respect professional talents. It is different in other fields. Professional talents have to work under the unified leadership of unprofessional people.

The mixed circle is the second level.

Liu Qiangdong wants to study in the United States. In fact, there are few factors at this level.’s territory is mainly in China. What he pursues is the third level of reason—enlightenment.

College is an amazing place.

It would be a waste of money to just treat this place as a place to learn knowledge. The things taught by various training institutions are more professional than university knowledge.

Knowledge is the body of the university, and the circle is the backbone of the university.

The university still has a soul.

Liu Qiangdong has been in business for so many years, and it has been a hard journey. In the fierce competition, his mentality may be stained with some dust. In particular, the "three major battles" fought with Dangdang, Suning, and Ali in the past two years, according to Buddhist theory, will produce many causes and effects.

Go to university to study for a period of time. Studying is fake. Cleaning your mind and pursuing poetry and distance in such a pure, harmonious and free place is the spirit of university.

However, it is not easy to study like a college student for one semester at a prestigious school like the Ivy League. It's easy to go to Harvard Business School's training class for a short period of time, just pay the tuition.

Living and studying in school like a formal college student is not easy even for Liu Qiangdong.

Liu Qiangdong said: "Columbia University is okay. Columbia University will provide some temporary places and similar service projects in cooperation with China... You know Wang Lihong, the singing star. Just spend money to study at Columbia University. After a period of time, I thought I was a graduate of Columbia University.”

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Then the price will drop, and you will go too?"

"Do you have any idea?"

Liu Qiangdong's face suddenly flushed, and then he remembered Boss Zhou's powerful influence in the world.

Zhou Buqi said: "I have a college classmate. I arranged for him to study abroad at the University of Southern California and learn how to make games. How about... you also go to the west and study at Stanford for a semester. How about it? is an Internet company. , it’s better to go to a place like Silicon Valley to experience it, maybe there will be more sparks of inspiration.”

Columbia University is in New York, and the Internet industry has just begun to show signs of starting under the leadership of Ziweixing International. The gap with the West Coast is too big. is an Internet company, and the best choice is of course Silicon Valley.

You can learn knowledge, make connections, and purify your soul. From a functional point of view, it is much better than going to college on the east coast.

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