Top of the big era

Chapter 1945 Group buying hits everyone

At noon, Zhou Buqi, Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, Liang Rubo, He Yang, Meng Houkun, Zhang Xuhao and others had a working meal in the private room of No. 2 canteen in the park.

Take advantage of the meal to have a meeting.

Zhou Buqi is returning to China temporarily this time. These executives have a full daily work schedule, and he does not want to change their work plans at will just because he is the boss.

At noon, we met first and had a brief exchange.

After 8 o'clock in the evening, it's time to get off work. Everyone will hold a formal meeting together to explain the significance of the short-term strategic cooperation between Ziweixing and Xiaomi.

It's actually not complicated, just a few reasons.

The first is the foresight. Behind Xiaomi is Lei Jun, known as "Rebus". With or without Zhou Buqi's help, he can make Xiaomi happen.

The low-price smartphone market is still blank. As long as Xiaomi appears, it can sweep the entire industry and put several major domestic mobile phone brands such as China Coolian, Jinli, Meizu, etc., as well as many foreign brands such as HTC, LG, Nokia, etc., to collectively put a stop to business. The market for copycat phones has been thoroughly cleaned up.

Price is the biggest competitiveness.

Why don't you just go with the flow?

It’s cheap if you get it for free, don’t get it for free.

Moreover, this is not a smooth process in the ordinary sense.

From Lei Jun's perspective, Xiaomi is now in an abyss with countless difficulties. Boss Zhou comes to the rescue. This is a timely help!

Not to mention the infinite gratitude I received from Lei Jun, if there is some business friction with Aisda in the future, it will not go too far and it will be easy to talk and discuss.

This is what Zhou Buqi values ​​most.

In the future, the domestic smartphone market, especially the mid-range and low-end phone market, will see unprecedented competition. It will be so fierce that it will kill all foreign brands. Even Apple’s mid-range phone will not be able to compete in the domestic market.

All the foreigners were eliminated early, and in the final battle, only a few domestic brands were left.

The fight was a bloody one, and he kept showing off his limits.

Even a good-tempered good old man like Lei Jun, after being cornered, angrily publicly shouted the slogan "Look down on life and death, if you don't accept it, do it".

This phenomenon is very bad. If you have such energy and ability, why go abroad to work with foreigners? What's the point of engaging in internal fighting behind closed doors? Experts in civil war and outsiders in foreign war are a chaos that exists in many fields.

This phenomenon will become more apparent when public opinion is controllable, and domestic public opinion happens to be controllable.

This has provided the ground for unfair competition and vicious competition in many commercial markets. If your product is not good enough, public opinion will crush you to death.

Zhou Buqi didn't like this very much.

What's the point of one's own people beating one's own people? It is better to be an outsider in civil war than to be an expert in foreign war. This is the relationship between competition and cooperation that he has been preaching internally.

Don’t just talk about competition.

Competition and cooperation must be linked. There are no sworn enemies in the business market.

No matter what others do, protect yourself first and let the other person leave some thoughts of possible friendly interactions. Once the door to one's own is completely closed, and the two sides are ready to fight to the death, all kinds of competitive methods can be used.

In the past few years, Zhou Buqi has often played this trick.

That's because he was "poor and white" back then and had nothing but struggle. Things are different now. Once you are successful and famous, you have to find a way to "wash your name".

And this leads to the next reason to support Xiaomi.

How good is the domestic smartphone industry now, under the leadership of China Cool Alliance? The profit margin is so high that everyone joins forces with foreign mobile phone manufacturers to make a fortune together.

This little life was very peaceful.

When Asda launched its domestic route, the initial design was also to launch low-priced models to meet the needs of a wider range of consumers.

But later, when Zhou Buqi chatted with several people in the industry, he realized something was wrong.

Asterini quickly adjusted its business, and Asterini was only targeted at the university market. It was a benefit given to college students by the United Campus Network and was not sold to the public.

Shoot the first bird.

Asda is now an industry giant, so don't go out and offend all your peers. Lei Jun rushes in with high spirits, so just let him rush in.

The disruptors in the industry must be ganged up on and punished!

It's okay if Xiaomi doesn't do it, but if it does, it will definitely attract public outrage and become a thorn in the side of the entire industry. If you can't be killed in market competition, then we can kill you in public opinion.

Back then, Zhou Buqi brought down the antivirus market with free antivirus, but how big of a market is this? Annual sales are only 500 million, and the impact is limited. The smartphone market is different. This is a trillion-dollar market.

This influence varies by several orders of magnitude.

After Xiaomi completely subverts this market, there will be no risk for Asda to enter the market and start some friendly competition with its domestic counterparts.

If Zhou Buqi encountered this kind of thing in an overseas market, he would probably rush in and do it. It's great if he wins, it's a territory he earned in vain; it doesn't matter if he loses, it's not his territory anyway.

This is not the case in China. This is the base camp and must be operated with a steady, low-key and thoughtful attitude.

These are the two core reasons why Zhou Buqi wants to support Xiaomi.

The remaining reasons are less important.

For example, he would invest in Xiaomi in his own name and earn some equity investment income; should take it as its own responsibility to help college students, and the price of Xiaomi mobile phones happens to be low enough, so it can get some of the goods and sell them to college students in the name of kind of help.

Zhang Xuhao originally had a supportive attitude and said with a smile: "The profit margin of low-end mobile phones is very low and they are not profitable. The existence value of such products is just a user-oriented terminal platform provided for Internet service providers. What is this platform? It makes no difference to Ziweixing whether it’s a Xiaomi phone or an Asda phone.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, that's what it means. I want to open an online store to sell things. Is there any difference between opening a store on Taobao and opening a store on Jingdong? Our purpose is to sell things. On Taobao, Jingdong, eBay, Opening stores on platforms such as Dangdang, Paipai, and Amazon is the best choice.”

Meng Houkun's face darkened, "Isn't it your 'immortal' plan?"

The “Immortal” plan is Ziweixing’s plan to build relationships with the “China Cool Alliance” and pre-install Ziweixing’s App into their mobile phones.

Just like opening an online store, go to the platforms of major mobile phone manufacturers to open stores and sell MSI apps.

Opening a store costs money.

The two-year budget of the "Immortal Plan" is 500 million yuan. With the development of the industry, this expenditure will only become larger and larger.

How great is it to cooperate with Xiaomi and get a 5-year free pre-installation agreement for 5 apps?

You may not realize it now, but in a few years, this will be of huge value.

When Vipshop started to rely on mobile phone pre-installation to promote its products, it cost a lot of money. The price for Xiaomi mobile phones is 1 yuan per pre-installed phone. If the user opens Vipshop and registers and activates, another 12 yuan will be given.

That year, Xiaomi sold 60 million units in China and brought 8 million activated users to Vipshop... This order alone was worth 200 million.

Ziweixing cooperated with Xiaomi and reached a free cooperation of 5 apps, which is definitely a big advantage!

Zhou Buqi said: "In the early days of this mobile phone era, this is the most effective means of marketing!"

Zhang Yiming originally disagreed, but after hearing what he said, he changed his mind and said slowly: "Well, that's true, you can't be afraid of spending money!"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "By spending money, we can not only build good relationships with major manufacturers such as China Cool Alliance, but also effectively promote Ziweixing's products. The former is strategy and the latter is business. Both are important. "

The big boss spoke eloquently, and any objections were suppressed. At the formal meeting in the evening, the tone was set. Everyone can follow this argument and carry out more extensions.

"Xiaomi will hold a press conference soon."

"Well, mid-month."

"Then hurry up." Zhou Buqi nodded, looked at Zhang Xuhao, and said with a smile: "You have been promoted to the president of the school network, how do you feel?"

Zhang Xuhao felt embarrassed and scratched his head, "It's not bad, I'm just busy."

Zhou Buqi said: "We are still busy next. The stock of Xiaomi mobile phones is very small and the price is so low. The market is likely to become restless. By then, on-campus group buying must carry out rush buying activities of Xiaomi mobile phones. The supply exceeds the demand. We must do Emotionally comforting college students who didn’t get a cell phone.”

Zhang Xuhao said half-jokingly: "Of course, with the Xiaomi mobile phone business... next month's on-campus group buying sales will be able to beat those competitors again."

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was surprised, "Are group buying websites so powerful now? Can they compete with our group buying during the back-to-school season?"

"Yes, Wowotuan,,,, Nuomi, 24 coupons, etc... and our Rice are also involved." Zhang Xuhao counted them one by one, and then laughed, "However, the opponent of on-campus group buying is not one of them, but all group buying websites."


Zhou Buqi glared at him, it turned out that he was trying to sell things off.

Zhang Xuhao said: "Originally, I was a little worried about the sales of on-campus group buying in September, because the group buying market outside is still growing, and it is expected that it may reach 1.2 billion or 1.3 billion in September. If we buy a wave of Xiaomi mobile phones in a group during the beginning of the school year, , as long as the business takes off, the sales in a single month can steadily exceed the sum of all group buying websites.”

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "This data is meaningless. The school season is a special period, and on-campus group buying is not pursuing sales and profits. This is not the value of Do not use this as a marketing point. Make your products well. On-campus group buying does not participate in those group buying trends in society.”

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