Top of the big era

Chapter 1941 Blessing

In fact, there is a complete set of formulaic procedures for rescuing bankrupt companies, which is a very important category in MBA courses. If a well-known American or European entrepreneur were to deal with JAL's bankruptcy crisis, he would probably be able to do just a few tricks.

One, layoffs.

This is the most effective way to increase revenue, reduce expenditure, and reduce expenses.

2. Debt restructuring.

The main reason for corporate bankruptcy is too much debt pressure and too little income. The little money earned may not even be able to pay the interest on the debt. At this time, you need to find ways to restructure some debts, such as spinning off the debts to subsidiaries, or packaging and selling them, or borrowing new debts to repay old debts.

Third, debt-for-equity swap.

If the debt is not repaid, the interests of the creditors will be harmed. At this time, you can communicate with the creditors. Once the company goes bankrupt, you will lose all your money. In this case, it is better to convert the debt into equity and the creditors become the new boss of the company. In this way, the company will have no debt and can travel lightly.

Purple Star Global used a similar strategy when it acquired MGM. MGM was going bankrupt. At this time, Ziweixing only needs to buy all of MGM's foreign debts and directly convert the debt into shares, so that it can own 100% of MGM.

Fourth, apply for relief subsidies from the government.

This trick is the most commonly used method by state-owned enterprises around the world, and it is the same regardless of region.

For example, Germany's Lufthansa has the best aviation resources in Germany and even Europe. However, its operations are in a mess and it has to constantly apply for financial subsidies from the German government, which can cost billions of euros.

With the best aviation assets of all Germans, it cannot create much social value. On the contrary, it must continue to suck blood from the German people.

Fifth, sell valuable assets to recover funds and survive the crisis.

Or Lufthansa.

Last year, Lufthansa sold its IT infrastructure department to Ziweixing International’s cloud computing business.

In fact, a more typical example is General Electric.

At that time, General Electric was the world's most valuable super giant, tied with Microsoft. Later, Jack Welch retired, and the company plummeted. In the past few years during the economic crisis, we have been dismantling and selling things all the time.

Sixth, a major shake-up of the board of directors and senior executives.

Just like Changyou, after the stock price crashed, market confidence was greatly hit. Zhou Buqi’s strategy is to replace Changyou’s board of directors and senior management.

7. Strategic adjustment.

For example, Japan Airlines gave up its asset-heavy model and sold all its large aircraft to third-party aircraft leasing platforms, and then leased these aircraft back from the third-party aircraft leasing company.

This time, JAL has become an asset-light company.

Because a large part of the airline's debt is on the aircraft. Selling the aircraft is equivalent to getting rid of the debt burden.

It is easier to operate with light assets and withstand greater pressure. This is the main operating model of many emerging European airlines.

When Wanda Real Estate encountered a business crisis, it adopted this strategy to transform from asset-heavy to asset-light.

8. Business transformation.

At this time, the rise of low-cost airlines has seriously eroded the market of high-end airlines in the past. In this case, JAL can also adjust its business and become a low-cost airline, just like the response strategy adopted by Lufthansa.

9. Mergers and acquisitions.

To acquire more high-quality assets, create a new business line ecosystem, and drive the development of old business lines through new business lines...

There are many ways to cope.

These are business concepts from Europe and the United States, which are highly practical and modern, just like formulas. If any company encounters a crisis, it can just follow a similar plan and implement it according to the script.

The role of an MBA is to turn the knowledge of doing business into solving mathematical problems.

In the past, doing business was too difficult.

Only those who are born with a talent for business can do business.

However, with the development of modern business, this industry has become more and more practical and logical, greatly lowering the entry threshold and allowing more people to participate.

Only then has the global business world experienced greater development.

However, in the eyes of some people, the MBA model is too utilitarian and logical. Doing business is not about solving math problems. There are many variables. How can we simply apply formulas?

In other words, you can apply a formula, but it can only be used by ordinary companies.

Therefore, many top entrepreneurs do not like the MBA program.

It’s not that this set is useless.

But it has little effect on the top companies they control. What they pursue is the tiny but crucial different and scarce things, which has some metaphysical color.

It just so happens that the Japanese have the ultimate exploration in metaphysics, and even getting a massage is "seeking the truth."

At the business level, the person who has gone to the extreme is Inamori Kazuo. He is simply mysterious and mysterious. He does not live at home every day, but lives in a temple to comprehend Buddhism. He has reached the state of having no external possessions.

As a godfather of entrepreneurs, he has not taken shares or even salary for decades. He only pursues the truth, not wealth. To save JAL this time, he served JAL completely free of charge, and his spiritual state was like that of a saint.

This time, Inamori Kazuo did not adopt any MBA formula to save JAL, did not adjust the board of directors and senior management, did not fire any employees, did not sell assets, did not restructure debt, did not initiate mergers and acquisitions, and did not even carry out much strategy. and business adjustments.

For JAL, he only did one thing - metaphysics.

Instilling his pursuit of truth into JAL’s 270,000 employees is like brainwashing.

He kept giving lectures within the company, telling everyone about the dangers of JAL's bankruptcy. Everyone would be unemployed, the country's economy would be severely hit, the aviation industry would be in decline, and people's travel would be affected...

The harm is too great.

It is the responsibility and mission of every JAL employee to find ways to eliminate these hidden dangers that overwhelm the country, industry and everyone!

To this end, all employees must work hard, be dedicated, and greet every day with a more enthusiastic and passionate work attitude...

JAL is a state-owned enterprise, and it is the same with state-owned enterprises all over the world. Employees are lazy and work efficiency is extremely poor.

The reason why JAL's performance is poor is largely because its employees don't work hard and there are too many zombie positions that do nothing.

After Kazuo Inamori came to power, he neither laid off employees nor adjusted his business. He only used one trick, which was to encourage everyone to work hard, be selfless, and pursue the truth through his personal charm and constant appeals. Struggle, have structure and feelings, have a spirit of sacrifice, and contribute to the industry and the country...

In addition, he leads by example and does not take a penny in compensation. At the age of 78, he is on the front line. He travels, dresses, and eats very simply. He is like an ascetic, working hard and making selfless contributions.

People's hearts are made of flesh, who wouldn't be touched?

Then, he succeeded!

The spiritual pursuits of 270,000 employees have been mobilized, and their work enthusiasm has been stimulated. JAL is still the same JAL, but the working attitude of its employees has changed, and the company has taken off immediately and become the most dazzling pearl.

Last year, JAL was on the verge of bankruptcy; this year, they created the best half-year financial report in the history of JAL; next year, they will be listed again!

This model is actually difficult for Europeans and Americans to understand and implement. But Asia, which is influenced by Confucian culture, has a huge market.

In fact, the way Kazuo Inamori rescued JAL can be understood using a more well-known domestic argument. In one sentence: "996 is a blessing."

Definitely different approaches but similar results.

Now, the price of Alibaba's Hong Kong stocks has fallen to the bottom, and it has been criticized by the outside world. Boss Ma is under great pressure.

He once visited famous mountains and rivers, and even went to a temple to retreat for three months. Basically, he follows the same approach as Inamori Kazuo, looking for the answer on the "big road" to a higher spiritual level.

Coincidentally, the JAL case shocked the world and gave Boss Ma a strong sense of belief. He began to give more and more speeches and transmit values, and Alibaba's values ​​began to have a complete system.

Essentially it's all a set of things.

It is to tell employees to work hard and make their due contributions to individuals, the industry, the country, the nation and the world. Only those who work hard will have good luck.

A person lives a lifetime, just for a few decades, doing nothing and being confused. What is the meaning of living?

Everyone should reflect their own existence value.

This is actually the oldest set of management thinking, with a strong religious overtones. It was slightly modified by Kazuo Inamori and applied to corporate management.

For example, the people of the Jesus lineage believe that people are sinful when they are born, so they should care, pity, sympathize, and help others throughout their lives. When they are rich, they should do more charity. If the money is not dispersed after death, they will not be able to enter heaven. .

Zhou Buqi didn't like this very much.

He met Inamori Kazuo several times. At first, he was shocked and planned to study under him like a disciple, but after chatting a few times, he lost interest.

This is completely contrary to the individualism of modern society.

Everyone has their own choice. I just like to lie flat, right? I'm just lazy and don't want to work, can't I? I just want to go to work and get off work on time, right?

Everyone lives for themselves. This is the mentality of modern society...especially young people.

Young people are the hope and the future.

Kazuo Inamori is 78 years old and half buried in the earth. His tricks are really effective? It’s not that I don’t respect the elderly, but the elderly will definitely be out of touch with society, without exception.

As a friend, Zhou Buqi wanted to persuade Boss Ma to come back and not be deceived by this old Japanese man. "It is indeed shocking that Kazuo Inamori saved JAL. This is an unreplicable business miracle and is enough to be recorded in the world's business history." But, do you really think this is possible? Don’t you think it’s weird?”

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