Top of the big era

Chapter 1936 Still have to overturn the table

Bargaining is an art, especially when both parties are prominent figures. They cannot succeed but offend the other party. A sign of higher emotional intelligence is that the other party knows they are at a disadvantage, but feels warm and comfortable in their heart.

Zhou Buqi is obviously very good at this.

He will help Xiaomi for many reasons. In terms of business cooperation, one of them is to leverage the early social influence of Xiaomi mobile phones and tie them into WeChat.

Let the WeChat product remain invincible in the competition in the domestic market.

Even though WeChat is already the first in the industry in this field, it is far ahead.

But the more stable the better.

As for the 10-20 Apps pre-installed on Xiaomi phones, it’s good to have them, but it doesn’t matter if they don’t exist. 3 or 5 will do. This is the negotiation space left by Zhou Buqi.

Ziweixing has laid out the mobile Internet so early, all major business lines have been launched, and the strategic direction of "mobile first, cloud first" has been determined early.

It can be said that the future is bright.

Whether there are Xiaomi channels or not, the impact is not too big.

Yes, it is the icing on the cake; if not, it will not affect the overall situation.

Zhou Buqi's attitude towards the previous requirements was very firm, leaving no room for maneuver for Lei Jun. He had only two options to choose from: either accept it, and the future would be bright; or give up, and Xiaomi would continue to be trapped by the lack of supply chain channels and lack of supply chain channels. Sales channels are in trouble.

The pre-installation requirements for these 10-20 apps were deliberately left with room for bargaining by Lei Jun.

He is also a respectable big shot, and he cannot be allowed to obey orders like a primary school boy. With Boss Zhou's strength and influence today, he can actually do it. He can completely suppress Lei Jun until he can't breathe, so that he can only grit his teeth and accept all unequal treaties.

But that would offend people.

Privately, the two have a good personal relationship; publicly, Xiaomi is also an excellent company, and Zhou Buqi plans to take a share in it in his own name.

To put it more deeply, it is actually a transfer of power.

As the more advantageous party, Zhou Buqi must make some concessions and show his personal style; as the disadvantaged party, Lei Jun can gain greater rights and interests.

However, the current situation is obviously one of information asymmetry.

Zhou Buqi has too much information here, he can advance, attack or retreat. He knows more about Xiaomi and the future trend of the company than even Lei Jun.

This puts Lei Jun in a very delicate situation.

Of course, he was not willing to accept this third request, but he was cautious and did not dare to refuse directly. He had to find a way to explore Boss Zhou's tone first.

At this time, both parties were drinking tea in the teahouse.

Zhou Shaoning was present.

Lei Jun was a little uncomfortable. After all, both parties were making mobile phones and would definitely be competitors at the business level in the future. Seeing that the sun was about to set, he put aside the discussion for the time being and went to eat first.

Zhou Shaoning left knowingly.

It has become a two-person world between Lei Jun and Zhou Buqi, and he has more opportunities.

After two glasses of white wine, Lei Jun plucked up the courage to say that he could agree to the first two requests and that he would go to the company to disband the "Mi Liao" team tomorrow.

However, this third requirement is really difficult to accept.

There is no limit to the number of pre-installed apps on your phone, the total space is only that large. All of them come pre-installed with Ziweixing’s App, which is equivalent to killing a lot of Xiaomi’s future imagination.

Zhou Buqi sighed secretly in his heart.

I didn't expect the other party's attitude to be so soft and cautious.

Thinking back to those days... it didn't take too long. Even two years ago, when the two sides sat down to discuss business cooperation on YY, the two sides could still maintain a very equal status.

It's completely different now.

Even though the two parties had a good relationship in the past and had cooperated many times, Lei Jun's back was somewhat bent, suppressed by the international reputation and world-class influence of Boss Zhou.

Zhou Buqi actually doesn't like this kind of domineering status advantage. He prefers the feeling of being with Lao Zhang and Lao Ma. It is a very equal exchange and he will be more comfortable. It doesn't matter if you scold me in front of me. If you scold me, I will scold you too, but don't bend down or lower your head.

Once there is psychological inequality, the personal relationship between the two parties will become weaker and weaker, and it will become more and more superficial.

This is a pity.

With Zhou Buqi's current status, it is really difficult for him to make new friends. His relationship with Lei Jun was not bad at first... But in the past two years, Boss Zhou has grown too fast and has become one of the world's top entrepreneurs. .

Lei Jun felt a psychological gap. He became more and more polite, friendly, social, and routine-oriented.


Zhou Buqi sighed in his heart.

The next step is very simple.

It all depends on Lei Jun’s performance, drinking one cup after another, and fighting for Xiaomi’s rights again and again. The pre-installation requirements for these 10-20 apps must be greatly reduced!

Mainly three points.

First, Xiaomi can provide free pre-installation of 5 apps to Ziweixing. Which of the five apps will be depends entirely on Ziweixing's arrangement. However, this is not a permanent term and is limited to 5 years.

Pre-installed apps are one of the main sources of revenue for smartphone software services.

Lei Jun is an Internet-based entrepreneur. His long-term plan for Xiaomi is to become Internet-based, and he must keep long-term software service resources in his own hands.

Second, after the 5-year free period is up, Ziweixing can choose to renew the contract.

However, this costs money.

Xiaomi will give a relatively large discount on the price.

Third, Xiaomi can reach strategic cooperation with Ziweixing, and Ziweixing’s App will have priority over third parties.

For example, QQ Music invests 100 million every year and wants to pre-install it on Xiaomi mobile phones.

At this time, because Ziweixing has priority, it can get news from Xiaomi that QQ Music has offered a price of 100 million per year, and Weidian Music should match it.

If there is a match, Weidian Music will invest 100 million per year, so it can crowd out QQ Music and be pre-installed on Xiaomi phones; if there is a mismatch, QQ Music App can be pre-installed on Xiaomi phones.

However, QQ Music is a third-party App.

If Xiaomi launches a Mi Music App, it will not be a third party, and Ziweixing will not have similar priority.

Zhou Buqi didn't have much expectations in this regard, and it didn't matter if he completely lost this clause.

Now it's like getting a bargain for free, if you don't want it, it's free.

After the negotiation was reached, Lei Jun breathed a long sigh of relief, and an inexplicable excitement surged in his heart.

Xiaomi is alive.

Even with the strong support of Ziweixing, Xiaomi is likely to stand out in the fiercely competitive mobile phone market!

This is an Internet mobile phone. Essentially, this product does not belong to the hardware industry, but to the Internet industry. It is the industrial Internet after the consumer Internet.

Although "China Cool Alliance" now dominates the market, these are traditional mobile phone manufacturers. Although Lei Jun has not expressed it, he has some disdain for them in his heart.

In the industrial Internet, mobile phones are just tools, and the Internet is the soul.

These traditional manufacturers certainly have rich experience and strong channels in making mobile phones, but they lack understanding of the Internet. Lei Jun is different, he is an Internet expert.

In his opinion, Xiaomi's future opponents will not be such traditional mobile phone manufacturers, but will probably be Baidu and Alibaba, which are about to be eliminated. Both companies have a huge appetite and want to build a powerful smartphone. platform.

Compared with such Internet giants, Xiaomi is so weak that it can be drowned by someone's spit.

Fortunately, I feel at ease now.

Got involved with Ziweixing!

After the big framework for cooperation was negotiated, Lei Jun was very happy, so he could tell some more truths. He smiled and said: "In the middle of this month, Xiaomi will hold a press conference. The price of mobile phones... haha, it will cause a shock in the market. "

"Is it?"

Zhou Buqi continued to hide the known situation and remained calm.

Lei Jun said solemnly: "The prices of today's smartphones are too high... Of course, I am not talking about the Aster series. Like the iPhone, these are high-end models, and a higher price is acceptable. But many domestically produced phones , any of the lowest-end mobile phones from China Cool Alliance costs at least 3,500 or 4,000 yuan, and the cost may only be 1,500 yuan, which is so unfair to consumers."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Now is the early stage of the industry, and it is not surprising that there are some chaos. I believe that the role of the market will gradually bring the price of smartphones back to the normal range."

The function of the market is competition.

When prices are high and profit margins are high, many smart people will see opportunities and rush in to find opportunities to make money.

As more people enter the market and competition becomes fiercer, prices will continue to fall and profits will become less and less.

When this industry becomes unprofitable, many people will leave, many companies will go bankrupt, and the industry will be reorganized, with the few remaining large companies sharing the few remaining profits.

Once there are only a few large companies left and a monopoly effect is formed, they may raise prices in pursuit of higher profits.

The industry's profit margins have appeared again.

Someone will rush in again.

Back and forth cycle.

Lei Jundao: "Really great companies will definitely take the initiative to reduce their own profits to break the market cycle linked to monopoly."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "This is not an easy choice."

Lei Jundao: "It's not easy, but it doesn't mean it won't happen. Just like Wal-Mart. I've been to some small towns in the United States, and there is basically only one large shopping mall, Wal-Mart. There, Wal-Mart doesn't have any competitors. It is said to be a 100% monopoly. But when I walked around, I found that the prices were very low, and there was no price increase at all because of the monopoly."

Zhou Buqi analyzed: "Once Wal-Mart raises prices, profit margins will appear in the market, and competitors will discover profitable opportunities and enter the market, and a circular effect will occur."

Lei Jun smiled and said: "Yes, so I just took the initiative to lower the price and compressed the market profits. I made less money, but my competitors couldn't come in. Small profits but quick turnover, Wal-Mart's survival time has been extended. , the total social cost has not been lost due to meaningless internal competition.”

Zhou Buqi said "Yeah", "Monopoly is an economic concept from a hundred years ago, and it is related to the operating principles of the market economy at that time. The corporate profit model decades ago was basically a simple and crude monopoly. model, so monopoly must be strictly controlled to prevent large companies from harming the interests of consumers. This has developed into 2011, there are more and more innovations in business models, and the understanding of monopoly will become more and more complete."

"The technology industry is at the forefront of business model innovation. If economic concepts can have a new interpretation of monopoly, it must not come from Wal-Mart, but from the technology industry."


"But many large companies in China still follow the simple and crude business model of decades ago. This is true for state-owned enterprises, and the same is true for private enterprises. Whether Xiaomi can become a great company, I don't know, but I will move towards that Work hard in the direction.”

"Are you so confident?"

Zhou Buqi gave him a meaningful look.

Lei Jun smiled and said: "Yes, of course!"

Zhou Buqi said: "Of course I know that you have confidence in Xiaomi. I'm talking about long-term entrepreneurial confidence. Wal-Mart will adopt that model, rather than a monopoly strategy in the traditional sense. It comes from Wal-Mart's long-term vision for the future." existential confidence.”

Walmart has a 100% monopoly on a small town.

If you take the initiative to lower prices, you can make 100 yuan a year; if you take the initiative to raise prices, you can make 200 yuan a year.

Why not raise the price?

If you raise the price, you can make 200 yuan a year, but the profit is too high, and competitors will come. By then, Wal-Mart may only be able to survive in the small town for 10 years.

A total of 2,000 yuan was earned in 10 years.

If you don't lower prices and make 100 yuan a year, but no competitors enter the market, it means that Wal-Mart can survive here for 100 or 200 years... From a longer-term perspective, Wal-Mart will make more.

Many large domestic companies cannot choose a route similar to Wal-Mart. They all want to make money as quickly as possible. Maybe the policy will change ten years later? Will this industry be banned? Or maybe a lot of messy things happened, the shares were forced to be bought at a low price, the company was taken away, and the emperor was appointed to the company...

In the final analysis, market economy depends on confidence.

Dancing with a pair of invisible shackles on your feet, no matter how good a dancer is, it will be difficult for you to dance gracefully. The audience couldn't see the shackles on the dancer's feet, so they could only criticize him for his poor dancing skills. There has even been a misjudgment of worshiping foreigners and favoring foreigners, thinking that foreign dancers are better and more outstanding than domestic dancers.

Lei Jun looked suspicious and his eyes were bright.

Zhou Buqi is as immovable as a mountain.

Lei Jun was silent for a long time and then said slowly: "At least this is the key to breaking the situation. Only in this way can Xiaomi break the monopoly formed by the 'Chinese Cool Alliance'. I will not comment on Asda's high-end phone strategy, but high-end phone After all, the audience is limited. Conventional means cannot break the high-price blockade of the 'China Cool Alliance', so we can only flip the table."

Turn over the table...

Sure enough, I still have to flip the table.

There is no way, the "Chinese Cool Alliance" is too powerful, and it can't even afford to offend Zhou Buqi. For Xiaomi, a small start-up company, there is no way to play without flipping the table.

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