Top of the big era

Chapter 1930 Dark Blue

Zhou Buqi is actually not worried about how much IBM can do in the field of artificial intelligence. This traditional giant has been a bit behind the times.

The future artificial intelligence giants must be Internet companies.

A very important factor is talent.

IBM's investment in talent is really far behind that of Internet companies. Take Amazon as an example. Its announced recruitment positions in AI-related fields are ten times that of IBM!

Amazon is in a very leading position in this field. It has been investing continuously for ten years and has invested a lot of financial, material and manpower in this field.

But Ziweixing is not bad either. As a rising star, the AI ​​team led by Shen Xiangyang is not inferior to Amazon.

In this field, Ziweixing is the first-class technology giant in the world today, in the top echelon.

But there was still a little problem.

The ultimate goal of research and development is still to fall on the market. No matter how high the technical level of research and development is, it will be in vain if the market does not recognize, accept, or understand it.

Although the Ziweixing AI team that provides technical support has become popular thanks to the Rokid voice assistant installed on Aster4, this is not enough.

It's really far from IBM's marketing planning.

Last year, IBM first launched "Watson", an artificial intelligence solution based on natural language; this year, it cooperated with a well-known TV program to play a PK between human and machine brains to answer complex semantic questions.

Relying on the promotion of popular programs, IBM's "Watson" became popular immediately.

Then various articles appeared.

All kinds of nonsense.

For example, “Watson” will improve the U.S. medical system, “Watson” will cooperate with weather centers, and “Watson” will help develop programs. News is overwhelming.

For a while, "Watson" seemed to be omnipotent.

Even the big boss of IBM boasted when talking to the black president of the United States, saying that "Watson" could help improve people's livelihood in the United States and change everything.

This made Zhou Buqi very dissatisfied.

I feel that Ziweixing’s AI team’s low-key R\u0026D approach in the past few years is wrong.

Children who cry will get milk!

Research and development needs to be done, and marketing cannot be left behind!

Ziweixing's current level of artificial intelligence should be higher than IBM's, but this summer IBM made such a publicity that it seemed that IBM was number one in the world.

This is the brand!

It’s influence!

As a rising star, Ziweixing needs this external reputation most to break through the market as quickly as possible and establish its own reputation as a giant.

But it gave IBM a head start in vain.

Zhou Buqi noticed this kind of news while reading newspapers in New York. After some questioning, he realized the seriousness of the matter and criticized Shen Xiangyang on the phone.

Shen Xiangyang felt helpless and could only put down all his work, quickly rented a private plane at his own expense and came to New York to meet Boss Zhou.

The two parties met in a two-story office building temporarily rented by Ziweixing International in New York.

The renovation of the Farley Building will be very complicated. Because it is a nationally protected cultural relic, ordinary real estate companies are not allowed to accept orders. Only the company that built the Farley Building has the monopoly.

That's a sky-high asking price, and the lion opened his mouth.

Instead of US$2 billion, US$1.5 billion is needed.

In any case, Ziweixing won't have to pay for the renovation, it will be paid for by the New York authorities. It doesn't matter if the money is more or less. It's just that the efficiency is so poor that the renovation project won't be completed for three to five years.

During this period, Ziweixing can only choose temporary office space outside to survive this period first. Fortunately, this kind of office building has relatively supporting office facilities. If you purchase some more and decorate them, you can move in and work in them in ten and a half days.

Now, there are more than 120 employees here, half of whom are sent from Silicon Valley on business trips and half of whom are newly recruited from New York.

In the next year, it is expected to recruit 500-800 employees, reaching 1,500 employees in two years, and 4,000 employees in three years, and then move into the Farley Building headquarters.

Zhou Buqi waited for Shen Xiangyang in the small office with transparent glass walls. He looked a little tired and had dark circles under his eyes. He must have been under a lot of pressure.

Zhou Buqi didn't criticize him anymore.

This kind of thing is really not surprising to Shen Xiangyang. He is a scientist and his business is scientific research. The marketing was not done well, so it was somewhat unfair that the blame fell on him.

But the responsibility must be borne.

After all, he is the top person in charge of Ziweixing’s AI field.

Zhou Buqi didn't criticize too much and asked Sun Wanran to make him a cup of strong coffee. He smiled and said, "Did you come here overnight?"


Shen Xiangyang sighed, feeling somewhat guilty.

Zhou Buqi stood up and took back a printed A4 paper material from his desk, "Since last night, I have studied the development of IBM's artificial intelligence. It is of great significance!"

Shen Xiangyang reached out and took the materials and flipped through them quickly.

Zhou Buqi was not in a hurry, so he slowly said: "If you want to make money from AI, you still have a long way to go. But IBM is a very good teacher. Making money from AI is difficult, but it can be done." Another way of thinking is to use artificial intelligence as a tool to expand other businesses.”


Shen Xiangyang raised his head, looking confused.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Just like Micropoint Antivirus, Ziweixing has invested a lot in Micropoint Antivirus, but has not made a penny back through this product. But the existence of this product has helped Ziweixing's other products It has achieved rapid development and played a cornerstone role.”

"Brand Value?"

Shen Xiangyang somewhat understood.

Micro-point antivirus can divert traffic.

However, the role of artificial intelligence in attracting traffic is relatively poor. It is more about building a brand image, just like IBM's promotion and marketing of its "Watson" this summer.

Zhou Buqi said: "IBM has been around for decades and has experienced many transformations. Especially after entering the 1990s, the competition in the PC industry has been unprecedentedly fierce. IBM, the former PC market leader, has gradually fallen into decline and has to face new challenges. Transformation. At this time, IBM launched a world-renowned artificial intelligence product."

"Dark Blue!"

Speaking of this, Shen Xiangyang is very familiar with it. This can be called an iconic product of artificial intelligence.

"Deep Blue" is the software developed to play chess, and then defeated many world champions in this field in one fell swoop.

This made the world realize for the first time the power of AI, which can be smarter than the human brain!

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, Deep Blue. After the launch of this software, IBM planned a marketing campaign and competed with the chess champion, winning in one fell swoop. Then IBM's powerful software service technology became famous."

Shen Xiangyang followed Boss Zhou's thinking, "So, this provides a brand opportunity for IBM's next transformation from hardware services to software services."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, IBM used to sell hardware products. After the emergence of Deep Blue, with a sophisticated marketing, the whole world realized IBM's strong technical capabilities in the software field. When IBM launched After the strategy of transforming to software services and transforming to IT outsourcing services, because of this world-shaking chess effect, too many businesses will choose to trust IBM. IBM has not made any money from 'Deep Blue'. But 'Deep Blue' helped IBM reconstruct its brand and helped IBM quickly complete its industrial transformation."

Shen Xiangyang said with a smile: "'Deep Blue' has still created some value for IBM, mainly patent value. IBM invests US$100 million in patent lawsuits around the world every year, and this US$100 million investment can earn them US$1 billion. of patent fees, of which approximately US$20 million in patent fees will be related to AI.”

"Whether we make money or not, that's the next best thing." Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "What we have to focus on now is a bigger proposition, which is artificial intelligence empowering Ziweixing's brand image!"

Shen Xiangyang nodded, "Indeed, I ignored it before and failed to examine the importance of my AI team from a higher perspective."

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "Now, what is the significance of IBM's planning of 'Watson' artificial intelligence? Or transformation! Traditional software services, IT operations and other outsourcing services can no longer keep up with the times. The future is cloud computing. . IBM wants to transform into a cloud computing manufacturer. They want to copy their successful cases in the 1990s and rely on marketing supported by powerful technology to reconstruct the IBM brand! Through this kind of mass communication, they can enhance their influence and let them Merchants can choose IBM's cloud computing services."

This angle is too high.

Shen Xiangyang looked solemn, and for a moment he felt huge pressure on his shoulders.

Listening to the big boss’s analysis, Ziweixing’s AI team, which he is in charge of, is really careless and focuses too much on R\u0026D while ignoring the importance of the market!

You deserve to be scolded!

This mistake is serious.

If you meet a very strict leader, your position may change.

Zhou Buqi has no plans to adjust his job position. He does not have such high requirements for scientists... Moreover, this perspective is too high and is beyond Shen Xiangyang's scope of authority.

This "oversight" mainly came from the board of directors.

In other words, Zhou Buqi is the first person responsible.

Such a big plan is related to artificial intelligence and cloud computing, and is related to the construction and shaping of the "Ziweixing" brand in the world... Only the person with the most power will have such a perspective, and let others take responsibility. Throw the blame.

People can not escape from doing wrong?

Looking at the world, it is IBM that can play such a clever marketing strategy.

Not only did Zhou fail to observe, but a large number of giant technology companies that have invested heavily in the field of artificial intelligence, such as Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Oracle, Adobe, and Nvidia, also failed to observe.

What IBM did was definitely a genius idea.

"Oversight" is entirely reasonable.

There are many heroes in the world, and every technology giant has no shortage of geniuses.

Shen Xiangyang said solemnly: "I know about Watson. I have been paying attention to it since last year...well, mainly the technical direction. Watson is a continuation of Deep Blue's technical route, and behind it is the same technical route."

Zhou Buqi saw that he was a little depressed, as if he had made an unforgivable mistake, so he smiled and said: "Look at it, this matter is not that serious. IBM caused such a big drama, it is just to do it again. Strategic transformation, aiming at cloud computing. However, if you want to do cloud computing, it is much more complicated than doing software outsourcing services. This requires hard core technology, and marketing alone is not enough. In the big market of cloud computing, these traditional IT manufacturers don’t have much chance, whether it’s IBM, Oracle, or Adobe, they don’t have a chance, the main thing is to see the performance of the Internet giants.”

"If so, that would be great."

Shen Xiangyang breathed a long sigh of relief.

He has unconditional trust in Boss Zhou's market judgment.

If nothing else, just talk about IBM's marketing of "Watson" this time. How many people in the world can see that the fundamental purpose behind this is strategic transformation and to promote the development of cloud computing?

Anyway, Shen Xiangyang didn't have such thoughts.

Boss Zhou's words made him suddenly enlightened.

Cloud computing is Ziweixing’s core business.

But it must not be because of the mistakes of the artificial intelligence team that the development of Ziweiyun is restricted by the market. That would be too serious and it would be Ziweixing's sinner.

Fortunately, Boss Zhou is more relaxed.

If he says it's not serious, then it must not be serious.

Zhou Buqi didn't want to put too much pressure on him, and said easily: "IBM has no chance in the field of cloud computing. If you want to do a good job in cloud computing, it is not enough to rely on cleverness, but also need hard power. In this field, IBM will always None of them will be Ziweixing’s opponent.”

Shen Xiangyang deeply agreed, "Well, in terms of talent pool and talent selection in the job market, even though IBM is a traditional technology giant and Ziweixing is an emerging outsider, Ziweixing is far more attractive to talents than IBM. . In this field of hard-core technology, the technical level will greatly affect the market share."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "However, what happened to IBM this time also gave us a wake-up call. This kind of thing can only happen once, not the second time! Fortunately, it happened to IBM this time If it happened to Amazon, the consequences would be disastrous."

"It really is."

Shen Xiangyang also had lingering fears.

Amazon Cloud is no worse than Ziwei Cloud, and Amazon’s AI team is even stronger than Ziweixing’s AI team.

If Amazon comes up with this and the hype starts, it will probably draw a large number of merchants into the Amazon Cloud camp.

That would have a huge impact on Zi Weiyun.

Zhou Buqi said: "So, we have to strike first! IBM is a very good teacher. This marketing strategy is very classic. We might as well learn from it."

Shen Xiangyang is really not good at this kind of marketing and market operations. "Should it be operated through the Rokid voice assistant installed on the Aster4 mobile phone? This may be difficult. There is actually a very powerful AI team behind Rokid, but the smart phone The computing power is too limited, and it is difficult for us to equip Rokid with more powerful functions on our mobile phones."

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