Top of the big era

Chapter 1927 Personal Outsourcing

Hastings didn’t quite understand what Boss Zhou meant.

Isn’t it a good thing to have more talents?

With fewer positions and more talents, the company has more options. Under the market mechanism where supply exceeds demand, it can also greatly reduce labor salary expenses.

However, in actual operation, many accidents will always occur.

Especially Netflix’s seemingly advanced and loose management.

Zhou Buqi said: "China and India, the two most populous countries, have trained too many computer engineers. Of course, the level of most of them is not very high. But in the Internet industry, except for a few businesses, most businesses are not What are the high-end technical requirements?”

Hastings frowned, "So what?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The performance appraisal management system of Netflix has very few requirements for employees. As long as employees complete the tasks assigned by the company, it can give employees the greatest freedom."

"That's right." Hastings nodded. "In my opinion, this is the true heritage of Silicon Valley culture, rather than what the outside world calls anti-Silicon Valley."

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "There are too many computer practitioners in China and India. This is a market where demand exceeds supply, and the number of jobs is far from meeting the market demand. There are two other points. Most Internet jobs require The technology is not very high, and the salary in Silicon Valley is high enough.”


Hastings was confused and still couldn't understand what this legendary boss meant.

The background has been laid out, and then it’s time to reveal the secret. Zhou Buqi said expressionlessly: “If I were a programmer at Netflix and my monthly salary was US$10,000. At this time, I could Find an engineer in China and India, give him $2,000 a month, and ask him to complete all the tasks assigned by me."


Hastings gasped.

It seems that I have never thought that the Internet industry can still play like this!

Yes, China and India are both populous countries and have cultivated too many computer talents.

For Netflix, most jobs are actually not very technical. How much technical content can a video streaming platform have?

Then there is an opportunity to take advantage of the loopholes.

If the company's management is very strict and all employees are allowed to work in the company's office, this is actually easier to handle. They can be supervised in real time from both front and rear, and the team leaders will also conduct regular inspections.

But it doesn’t work well for Netflix’s loose management system.

This is a performance-led management system.

As long as employees complete their work tasks, they can do whatever they want.

In this way, employees can "outsource" their work to programmers in China and India, the two most populous countries. Due to differences in national conditions and employment benefits, employees in the United States only need to spend part of their wages. In a small part, such "outsourcing" work can be completed.

Transfer the work and just complete the assigned tasks anyway.

As for who did it and doesn't matter, the company won't investigate at all. In this way, Netflix employees have a huge system loophole to exploit. They don’t have to do anything at ordinary times. They can eat, drink, have fun and enjoy life, and they can even find a part-time job to make more money.

As an employee of Netflix, he devoted almost no time and energy to the company and all was outsourced.

This is too dangerous.

Boss Zhou is indeed a capable person, with a sharp and unique vision. He immediately found the most fatal link in Netflix culture!

Hastings felt his heart tremble.

Zhou Buqi said: "I don't know much about technology, but I also know that there are many loopholes in computer codes. If employees are not familiar with these codes, then when an emergency requires code rewriting or vulnerability repair, A crisis will arise. There is a 12-hour time difference between China, India and the United States, which will definitely cause problems in the efficiency of emergency response."

Hastings took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "There are more serious consequences. The company's employment is actually a process of cultivating talents. While employees can complete the work assigned by the company, their personal abilities, vision and Industry awareness has grown. The cultivation of talents is the greater value."

Zhou Buqi was relatively happy. It seemed that he quickly realized the seriousness of the matter, "Yes, talent cultivation. Netflix employees outsourced their work to programmers from China and India. Even if the company's layout was completed on time, tasks, but the personal growth environment is missing, and the talent training system is gone. In the short term, it may not be a big problem. But in the long term, this has threatened the excellence of Netflix’s organizational structure.”

Hastings looked solemn, "This is indeed an obvious flaw in Netflix's corporate system. I never thought of this. It is too dangerous."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "This is a big crisis. Judging from the current situation... the point I was worried about has not happened yet, right?"

Hastings said solemnly: "I will launch an investigation immediately!"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "I think this is not a serious problem for the time being. The online collaborative office market has just started. But Netflix must be careful. As long as this loophole exists, problems will definitely occur in the future. This is Mo Fee’s Law.”

This is so true.

As Netflix becomes more and more successful, Netflix culture is becoming more and more respected, and many professional books explaining Netflix culture have appeared on the market for Internet entrepreneurs around the world to learn from.

Then, more and more people follow suit.

Technology giants such as Microsoft, Google, and Facebook are following suit and trying to follow this more advanced management strategy full of respect.

Next, more and more shortcomings were exposed.

The most typical example is Twitter.

After Elon Musk acquired Twitter, he was really furious. He took action one after another and ruthlessly carried out drastic layoffs, with the proportion of layoffs reaching as high as 75%.

The whole Twitter was emptied.

The reason why layoffs are so severe is that, in addition to strategic needs such as business restructuring, Twitter is too deeply poisoned by Netflix culture.

A product like Twitter really has little technical content. Whether it is product design or technical iteration, it is far behind the domestic Weibo.

Therefore, many programmers at Twitter have engaged in this kind of outsourcing, outsourcing the work indicators issued by the company to programmers in China or India, and letting them work on their behalf.

Then, many uninformed people were shocked.

Praise these people as technical experts.

They are so awesome!

The code written is so beautiful, and the work efficiency is so high. As long as all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases are left to these people, they can always complete the tasks on time and on time. It is really excellent!

Unlike many normal employees, they always fail to complete tasks on time.

As everyone knows, these people may not have even written a line of code, and they have all been outsourced to "experts" in China and India to collaborate remotely and secretly.

The Americans actually don't know much about this kind of thing.

It has long been spread in the domestic industry, and an industry based on personal technology outsourcing has been formed.

From a domestic perspective, the workload assigned to employees by American Internet companies is really too low!

For some motivated and hard-working programmers in China, the daily workload in the United States may only take 2 hours to complete the task.

If you pay a lot, you can easily get an outsourcing fee of 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.

Working 2 hours a day and earning 20,000 yuan a month, why not?

Therefore, many people usually make short videos at home, write public accounts, or open a milk tea shop, or find a stable and easy job in a state-owned enterprise, and use their free time to pick up an outsourcing job from the United States.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Musk is a pragmatist, and his philosophy is to strive to get rich, rather than distribute it. He admires the domestic Internet model very much and often humbly consults domestic Internet companies. He is very familiar with this type of gray outsourcing industry.

Deeply disgusted.

So after acquiring Twitter, the first thing to do was to lay off a large number of employees and fire all the non-working vampires who were attached to Twitter.

With the development of globalization, the emergence of digital office, and the increasing popularity of collaborative office software, more and more jobs can break the limitations of space and geography.

It started as a large company, then a small company, and finally it has developed into an individual.

A work task issued in San Francisco can be synchronized in real time to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and then rely on the online collaborative office model to complete the collaborative cooperation that spans thousands of rivers and mountains from details to a code symbol modification.

Everything has pros and cons.

Technology has created better office conditions for the world, and many people will take advantage of the new situation. This is definitely not possible. This is a gray product and is even suspected of breaking the law. It is suspected of leaking company secrets without authorization.

Hastings asked: “The success of Netflix is ​​inseparable from the institutional advantages of Netflix’s culture, which helped Netflix find the most outstanding talents and allowed Netflix to compete with large companies for talents even when it was very weak. Strength."

Zhou Buqi heard the worry in his tone and reassured: "I'm not asking you to give up on Netflix culture. Every system has its advantages and disadvantages. What Netflix needs to do is to give full play to the advantages of this system and Find ways to close any gaps that may arise.”

Hastings pondered and said: "The direction of LBS is very popular now, and we can make some precautions based on this function."

LBS is a service based on geographical location.

Can obtain personal geographical location.

If an employee is in Silicon Valley and finds that his account is logged in to countries such as China and India, or his collaborative office software is connected to China and India, this is a sure thing.

Zhou Buqi said: "Again, streaming media actually has no technical difficulty. The cost of employment in Silicon Valley is too high. It is conceivable that it will get higher and higher in the future. This is not cost-effective."

Hastings heard what he meant and said in a deep voice: "Indeed, rather than letting individual employees transfer business, it is better to promote it at the company level."

Zhou Buqi was very happy and said with a smile: "Goodbye!"

Hastings said awkwardly: "But I don't have much contact with those streaming media platforms in China."

With the face of the big boss, India will automatically give up.

Zhou Buqi said easily: "It doesn't matter, you know Youku, right? This is a company invested by Ziweixing. It has been listed in the United States and is now the streaming media platform with the highest market value in our country. From a technical point of view , there are too many talents engaged in the streaming media industry in China, and you don’t need to worry about anything in terms of technology, products and business models.”

Hastings said: "Okay, then I will discuss with the team that it is necessary to transfer part of the business to China and open a branch."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "I know you are worried, and I can tell you clearly that there is no need! When Hulu was first established, the first thing he did was to build a branch in our country, right next to the Ziweixing headquarters. , in the Tsinghua Science and Technology Park. Online collaborative working will be a major trend in the Internet industry, which is enough to solve most business needs. The remaining complex problems can be solved at the Netflix headquarters."

Hastings looked embarrassed and said: "Netflix...can Netflix launch a formal platform in China?"

"Impossible." Zhou Buqi waved his hand and completely stopped his thoughts. "From supervision to market, from copyright to the general environment, Netflix's model is not suitable."

On Netflix’s side, you can shoot whatever you want, and then hang it up after shooting, and it’s available all over the world. This is not the case in China. Film and television works must be reviewed and approved before they can be released online.

Most of the content on Netflix is ​​difficult to play in China.

Then there is the business model.

Netflix does not have a free version. It is a streaming media platform that relies entirely on membership. The membership fee is too high and does not conform to the domestic habit of watching dramas for free.

Then there are a large number of competitors such as Youku, Tudou, iQiyi, Penguin Video, Sohu Video, LeTV, Baofeng, etc... The competition in the domestic market is fierce on a cosmic level. Netflix is ​​okay to play abroad, even if it is really Entering this red ocean market in China, it is impossible to compete with these domestic rivals.

Hastings said: "If the platform cannot be launched online, then in the past when we opened branches, we could only do business research and development."

Zhou Buqi said: "R\u0026D is enough. The online collaborative office model can break this spatial barrier. Hulu has been doing it for several years, isn't the effect very good? More core business content can be placed on R\u0026D center here in Silicon Valley.”


Hastings nodded, intending to carry out the plan.

The loopholes in the system are really scary.

You must start in advance and block it in advance.

Zhou Buqi went on to say: "Netflix wants to become a multinational streaming media platform, especially copyright operations. Silicon Valley has a geographical disadvantage. It might as well put the R\u0026D center in Silicon Valley and the business center in New York. You can see Looking at Ziweixing Universal’s model, the film production companies are all in Los Angeles, but the distribution company’s headquarters is in New York.”

Hastings laughed, "This is a big plan."

Zhou Buqi looked at him deeply, "The market value of Netflix is ​​getting higher and higher... By the way, when will "House of Cards" be launched?"

"At the end of the year, it will definitely be launched this year." Hastings seemed high-spirited, "This is the first self-made series launched by Netflix, and it is one of the most important tasks in the second half of the year."

Zhou Buqi said: "It is conceivable that after "House of Cards" is launched, Netflix will be further recognized by the capital market. You have to have a psychological expectation that Netflix is ​​developing in the direction of a technology giant. Netflix is ​​developing in the direction of a technology giant." Netflix is ​​no longer a small company. If Netflix wants to become a giant company, you must first be mentally prepared to become an industry giant. Huddled in the Bay Area, it is obvious that it cannot support the boldness and size of a technology giant. Next, Netflix Fei should work with Ziweixing to expand into the New York market."

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