Top of the big era

Chapter 1923 Don’t miss the opportunity to buy the dip

Now is the stage of bargain hunting in the technology industry. Although Ziweixing International is "short of money" in its account, Zhou Buqi will not be stingy in this regard. If you really need it, you still have to buy it!

The rejection of the Luqi team's plan to acquire the advertising company Admeld does not mean that Ziweixing will miss the current best stage of bargain hunting.

Ziweixing currently has many international businesses, which can be roughly divided into three parts: C-side business, B-side business and scientific research business.

The C-side business is handled by Luji, mainly Helo and Ucgram;

The B-side business is led by Kurian, mainly Ziweiyun;

In the scientific research business, Shen Xiangyang leads the global industrial R\u0026D layout of Ziwei Galaxy, mainly for artificial intelligence.

There is nothing to acquire on the scientific research side. Ziweixing is currently the world's top artificial intelligence laboratory, and it still focuses on attracting talents and developing itself.

The C-side wanted to acquire Admeld, but Zhou Buqi rejected it.

Next, the B side took action.

Kurian comes in force.

That appetite is much greater than that of land vessels.

He came to talk to Zhou Buqi alone, holding a thick document about Zi Weiyun's development program for the next ten years. Zhou Buqi read it carefully for 20 minutes, and was confused. It was too complicated.

Ziwei Cloud is now the world's largest cloud computing service provider, with a market share 17 percentage points ahead of Amazon Cloud. Ziweiyun has developed to this extent, and it is no longer a business that can be understood by Boss Zhou's superficial understanding of cloud computing.

In the past, Zhou Buqi adhered to the principle of "employing people to do things", which was his method of managing business.

Now, he can only "use people to do things".

Because even if he wanted to do it himself, he wouldn't be able to do it himself. Now Zi Weiyun has exceeded his superficial understanding of cloud computing.

All I could do was listen to Kurian's cool instructions.

Kurian said: "We have completed the integration of Lufthansa's IT infrastructure department. In the past two months, we have launched our Ziweiyun outsourcing business in Europe, and the results have been very good, with year-on-year performance growth reaching 120%."

"Nice data."

Zhou Buqi read the form. Although he didn't understand it very well, there was no reason for him to be dissatisfied with such beautiful data.

Kurian made another request, "But now there is still a problem that needs to be solved."

Zhou Buqi already knew, "Lu Qi told me that you want to acquire an IT services company?"

"The main focus is on IT service management and IT operation and maintenance management. The industry's term for this is ITSM and ITOM." Seeing the serious look on the big boss's face, Kurian waved his hand. Make your reasons clear.”


Zhou Buqi nodded, feeling complicated.


It seems that you can't be too pretentious in the future, don't pretend to be omniscient and omnipotent, and you should still show weakness when the time is right.

This is great, I'm going to be taught a lesson by this guy Kurian again!

Taking classes is actually a good thing.

The key point is that the big boss’s understanding of cloud computing is at the level of a primary school student, but Kurian thought he was a super genius who knew everything and directly started a course for college students.

You're going to suffer now!

Kurian said to himself: "The purpose of ITOM is to monitor the operating status of IT infrastructure in real time. The purpose of ITSM is to help the IT department establish a standardized process management system. All services are oriented to the IT department within the enterprise. , helping employees in the IT department improve work efficiency and reduce the possibility of errors."


Zhou Buqi activated all his brain cells and tried his best to understand what this guy was talking about.

Kurian continued: "The traditional IT operation and maintenance management model is too error-prone. Under traditional human-managed IT operation and maintenance, once a problem occurs in a large IT system, it is difficult to find the root cause among thousands of devices. It also wastes a lot of manpower for maintenance personnel to rely on manpower to troubleshoot and maintain equipment. At the same time, IT information can easily form information islands, and the team cannot standardize and summarize historical information, making it impossible to solidify solutions into a problem-solving system."

Zhou Buqi tried to answer, "So the emergence of ITSM can solve the problem."

"Yes, this is my personal judgment."

Kurian nodded solemnly, seeming to want Boss Zhou to start a discussion. After all, from ITOM to ITSM, this is also a cutting-edge topic in the cloud computing industry.

Whether this direction is correct or not is not certain!

Maybe with the development of the cloud computing industry, better solutions will emerge.

It takes a certain amount of courage to make a decision.

Zhou Buqi couldn't discuss this topic at all, "Well, you continue."

Kurian said: "The ITSM platform can give the IT operation and maintenance team standardized tools, so that the effectiveness of standards replaces the possibility of human mistakes. The advantages brought by ITSM are to reduce the cost of IT staff, reduce downtime, and speed up services. The core of the delivery time is to reduce costs and increase efficiency for the enterprise IT department."

Zhou Buqi tried to understand, "It's an online cloud computing platform."

Kurian said: "Yes, it is a SaaS service based on cloud computing."

In this way, Zhou Buqi understands better.

The three major directions of cloud computing are IaaS, PaaS and SaaS.

The model that Ziweixing wanted to do in the early days of constantly building cloud data centers and then leasing cloud servers to merchants was actually the most basic IaaS business.

Now, Ziwei Cloud has dominated the IaaS market and is the undisputed number one in the world, with a higher market share than Amazon Cloud.

Next, it’s time to develop in a more cutting-edge direction.

Zhou Buqi gave his own judgment. He didn't know the specific business details and couldn't understand them at all, but the general direction was always right.

Google Cloud is doing PaaS, and Microsoft Cloud is doing SaaS. Both companies have missed the most basic IaaS. Now that Ziweiyun has laid the foundation, it is time to attack more cutting-edge areas.

Kurian went on to sort out his thoughts on cloud computing IT services. “In the past, there were six major IT management service technology vendors in the U.S. market, BMC, CA, IBM, HP, Oracle and Cisco. This industry pattern has almost 20 Years of development inertia, so it is very difficult for new companies to enter..."

"IT management services..." Zhou Buqi finally understood something, "Isn't it just outsourcing services?"

Kurian said: "Yes, it's basically the same. After we acquired Lufthansa's IT infrastructure services department, our outsourcing business can only stay in the European market, but it is difficult to compete with Big6 in other markets. If you want to compete, you must use the help of The new changes in the era of scientific and technological revolution break the traditional inertia of the past and blaze a new path of development!"

Zhou Buqi suddenly understood and finally understood, "Outsourcing services based on cloud computing use cloud computing to defeat those traditional IT service giants!"

Kurian said: "The current market has become disgusted with the cumbersome, expensive and low user experience of the traditional operation and maintenance service model. Cloud computing is the core key to solving the problem. The disadvantages of some local outsourcing services must be solved through the cloud platform. ."

"After completing the integration of Lufthansa's IT infrastructure department, the next step is to completely reorganize the outsourcing form and connect it with our cloud computing platform."

Zhou Buqi gradually figured out Kurian's big plan, and it was really a continuity.

He comes from Oracle and develops enterprise-based services, which is his old profession.

Everyone has different areas of expertise and cognitive tendencies. If Kurian is appointed as the CEO of Ziweiyun, he will definitely lead Ziweiyun along this development path.

Kurian continued: "By the way, Oracle is launching a big deal recently. I wonder if you have heard about it."

"It seems that they are going to acquire a cloud computing manufacturer called..."


"Yes, RightNow." Zhou Buqi vaguely guessed what the other party meant and opened his eyes wide, "You mean Oracle is already taking action? Is it the same as your plan?"

Kurian looked serious and said in a deep voice: "Yes, traditional IT management services have been criticized too much. With the development of the cloud computing industry in recent years, the share of the traditional Big field is gradually decreasing, and more and more The company chose to cooperate with cloud computing vendors. This is a general trend, otherwise Lufthansa Group would not be so determined to spin off the IT infrastructure department. The era of traditional outsourcing is already changing."

Zhou Buqi was unable to provide guidance on details and could only express his views in a general direction, "Well, cloud computing will completely change the operating model of the entire IT industry."

Kurian felt the support from the big boss and said happily: "Yes, Zi Weiyun is a leader in the industry, so we should pay more attention to the layout!"

"Bidding for RightNow with Oracle?"

Zhou Buqi had previously rejected Lu Qi’s plan to bid for Admeld with Google, but this time it was different.

It’s just Oracle, don’t be afraid!

"No, we don't want RightNow." Kurian shook his head and gave the reason, "There are mainly two reasons. First, I don't want to completely turn against my old club. After all, Oracle trained me; second, is RightNow worthy? Go up to Ziweiyun."

Zhou Buqi supported these two reasons, but he was surprised by the second reason, "Not worthy?"

Kurian smiled and said: "Of course it's not worthy. Ziweiyun is now the world's largest cloud computing vendor and the industry leader. Many companies are learning and continuing Ziweiyun's development model. In ITSM In the field, RightNow is not the best company."

Zhou Buqi twitched his lips, "I heard that Oracle is going to spend US$1.5 billion to acquire RightNow!"

"Not enough!" Kurian said with a big appetite. "Oracle is too lagging behind in the field of cloud computing. They can only acquire cloud computing vendors at a substantial premium to make up for the shortcomings of their own business. If Ziweiyun comes to acquire it, Without a premium, RightNow might be worth US$700-800 million."

Zhou Buqi felt the arrogance in the other party.

Yes, in the field of cloud computing, what is Oracle? They can only pay a substantial premium and use the temptation of money to acquire some second-tier cloud computing vendors.

Ziweiyun is different, it is number one in the world!

There is no need to lower oneself to compete with Oracle.

If Ziweiyun wants to take action, it must choose the SaaS vendor that has the most development potential in the current market and is most in line with its own outsourcing service plan to enhance its overall strength and achieve the effect of the strong always being strong.

"Then which company are you interested in?"


Zhou Buqi had never heard of it, "How much does it cost?"

"Hmm..." Kurian glanced at the big boss carefully, "Overall, ServiceNow can outperform two RightNows."

Zhou Buqi almost collapsed.

what's going on?

Oracle is going to spend $1.5 billion to buy RightNow. Now, what? ServiceNow is equal to two RightNows? Worth $3 billion?

You Kurian, you have such a big appetite!

Last year, it just spent US$1.25 billion to buy the IT infrastructure department of Lufthansa Group. It has only been more than half a year. Ziweiyun is about to launch another big deal worth US$3 billion?

Kurian also knew that the company's funds were tight, and he quickly said: "RightNow's market price is only US$700-800 million. Because Oracle is too weak, it can only complete the acquisition with a substantial premium. RightNow's valuation It’s probably around US$1.5 billion, and we’ll put a slight premium on it... With Ziweiyun’s strength and industry status, it’s estimated that we can complete this transaction at a cost of no more than US$2 billion.”

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath, "If it is in line with the strategy, the money must be spent!"

For such a big matter, you can't just listen to Kurian's words.

In the next few days, Boss Zhou personally presided over three meetings, one was the executive meeting of Ziweixing International, the other was a joint meeting of the technical committees of Ziweixing and Ziweixing International, and the other was with the domestic Ziwei Cloud An internal team meeting.

Due to different national conditions, this set of cloud computing-based IT management services is not currently needed in China.

Compared with large international companies, domestic digital offices are still relatively backward, and even traditional IT services are not fully covered. It is a bit difficult to upgrade to SaaS services in one step.

However, this general direction has been generally recognized.

The unified opinion given by the domestic side is that ServiceNow can be purchased, but it cannot only rely on ITOM and ITSM services.

This type of service is mainly focused on large customers whose IT systems are complex enough and have a strong need for systematic process management tools.

There are relatively few such large customers, the ceiling is not high, and the competition is too fierce.

We also need to use ServiceNow's business resources and customer resources to further try to develop businesses based on HCM and CRM, and fully tilt towards SaaS, etc.

Zhou Buqi didn't quite understand either.

The only thing that is certain is that everyone supports Kurian's plan. This is a grand plan, and its opponents are the Big 6 in the traditional IT service field in the United States. This is a super huge market.

Not to mention anything else, as long as the ITOM and ITSM markets can be developed and capture about 25% of the market share, it will be enough to support a market value of US$150 billion.

For ordinary people, it is impossible to even think about it. Big6 has dominated the market for more than 20 years, and the industry has already formed cognitive inertia. It is as difficult as trying to challenge them.

Kurian is bold and wants to get into the ring and beat six of them.

For this courage alone, you should support him!

Zhou Buqi has been widely recognized by domestic and foreign teams, and this is also in line with his own business philosophy. There are also a number of direct descendants of technical factions such as Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, Shen Xiangyang, Wang Jian, Zhou Feng, Wang Xiaochuan, Tang Binchen, Zhou Shaoning, Xu Liangjie, etc. Support from go-getters...

Then he didn’t run away!


It only took three days for Zhou Buqi to send an office email to Kurian. The content of the email was simple: "ServiceNow's plan has been approved, let's start taking action!"

This is a time period for bargain hunting.

Don't miss the opportunity!

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