Top of the big era

Chapter 1905 Ability and Loyalty

Xue Baoshan looked at him with watery eyes, "What is it?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "It's just my guess, it may not be accurate. It seems that there are restrictions here in New York, that is, the mayor can serve for up to three terms. He is already in his third term and will be there in a few years. Get off at the station."

Xue Baoshan said thoughtfully: "So he wants to make arrangements in advance while he still has power? Befriend you?"

"It's possible." Zhou Buqi didn't feel guilty at all. He knew his own strength. "The technology industry has always been relatively weak in New York's industrial structure. Because it is weak, it will be more decisive if he does it. Like In industries such as finance, fashion, and publishing, even if he wants to do something about it, he can't make it work."

Xue Baoshan nodded lightly, "Yes, I can still keep a good relationship with you. When he leaves office in the future, he may still need your help in business."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Maybe he still won't give up!"


Xue Baoshan blinked a few times.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "As the mayor of New York, he has great power. The opposition parties can't restrict him at all. If he can't be the mayor, he may want to run for president next. Maybe this is what he wants." The main plan.”

Xue Baoshan vaguely thought of something, "It seems so. He seemed to be running for office a few years ago, but he didn't get the qualifications, so he ran for mayor of New York for the third time."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, that's pretty much what it means. It wasn't obvious a few years ago, but now the general trend has become more and more obvious. Zuckerberg became Time Magazine's Person of the Year last year. Microsoft, Silicon Valley giants such as Google and Yahoo are all developing social business. I also conducted a special investigation and found out that Mr. Bloomberg has made many olive branches to companies such as Google, Facebook, Yahoo, and Twitter in the past few years.”

"Social..." Xue Baoshan suddenly realized, "Online speech? Internet public opinion? Influence the election through the Internet community? No wonder he is so enthusiastic about Ziweixing."

"It's all just guesswork on our part." Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Even if it's true, we won't be involved in this kind of thing. I'm planning to sell Twitter to Google, let them play with it! Anyway, we are planning to sell Twitter to Google. No matter what the rich mayor’s long-term plans are, let’s get the benefits first! As the first technology giant to settle in New York, and bringing a group of juniors with him, the intensity of attracting investment will definitely not be too bad.”

When I arrived in London, I met Wu Yu, Ning Yameng and Shi Jingyue.

This season is coming to an end, with only the last Champions League final left, and the blind box business also needs to take stock of the season. Zhou Buqi didn't pay much attention to this business. Anyway, under the command of his second sister Shi Jingyue, this business was doing well.

That night Wu Yu briefly talked about the report card in bed. This past season, the net profit was expected to reach 85 million US dollars.

So happy, so excited.

Zhou Buqi actually doesn't care at all, this is all a small business.

Or Ziweixing's business is bigger.

The next day, he went to see Tang Binchen.

Tang Binchen is so powerful now that the Japanese market really can no longer accommodate him. He did not break out of the Japanese market by relying on his appointment at the headquarters. He broke out entirely by relying on his own strength.

Ucgram, the picture social tool he single-handedly led, has become one of the core products of Ziweixing International, on par with Helo!

Now, he is no longer focused on the Japanese market.

Ucgram's core priority is to conquer the European and American markets. He now often sits in London to personally manage Ucgram's global product development.

Whether in public or private, Zhou Buqi would go to see him. I haven't seen him since the New Year, so it's okay to chat with him after such a long absence.

Tang Binchen was very happy to see him, and the two sat down and chatted for more than half an hour.

Zhou Buqi doesn't care, he is very laid-back.

Tang Binchen can't do that. He has to make good use of his time and stop arguing with him. "By the way, the picture social market is booming. I plan to acquire 4 startups and merge their products and teams into Ucgram. It will take about Spend $26 million..."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said, "Agree!"

Tang Binchen said speechlessly: "You can't always do things based on your feelings like this. You have to analyze based on data and models. When everyone understands your routine, you will be sure to set a trap in it."

Zhou Buqi stretched his waist and said with emotion: "Yes, when I first started the company, I always secretly told myself that I should appoint people on their merits and not on nepotism. Now it seems that it is really difficult to do this. ."

Tang Binchen said with a smile: "Don't you always read "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" and appoint people on their merits? Isn't that what is written in history books?"

Zhou Buqi said: "That's really different. There is only one imperial court, and the imperial officials cannot change jobs, and there is a family with no way out. The company is different. Managers can just jump away if they want to. There is no way out. Any future troubles. Between ability and loyalty, you really can’t just value ability.”

Tang Binchen immediately understood the meaning of his words and said with a smile: "Looking at your tone, am I going to be promoted?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I think you are doing a good job in London. How about you hand over the Japanese business and then come over to take charge of the European business?"

"Anything is fine."

"Ziweixing Digital Media will be listed on the London Stock Exchange next year, and you will also become a director."

"Okay, I'll supervise it for you."

Tang Binchen was so familiar with him that he could tell what his plans were just from a casual comment.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "How is it? What new discoveries are there in London? How is their mobile Internet developing?"

"Not very good." Tang Binchen shook his head, "I have been paying attention to British Internet startups, mainly in a few popular directions, social networking, online advertising, cloud computing, convergence algorithms, P2P..."

"What?" Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "P2P?"

"Yes, it is to attract investment from users with high interest rates, and then lend the funds to small and medium-sized enterprises. The platform earns commissions as an intermediary. It is mainly for the plight of small and medium-sized enterprises facing financing difficulties. Isn't there an economic crisis in the past few years? The industry is developing very fast, and many such companies have emerged.”

"Is this business developing quickly?"

"It's pretty fast. The earliest one... was probably Zopa. It appeared in 2005, and the average return rate was above 5%."

"That's it..."

Zhou Buqi finally understood that there was not yet such a big P2P trend in Silicon Valley, but it was popping up like mushrooms after a rain in the UK. It turns out that the P2P model was born in the UK. It is indeed an established capital empire and quite innovative.

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