Top of the big era

Chapter 1903 The Utilization Value of Twitter

Last year, Zuckerberg became Time magazine's Person of the Year.

You know, Silicon Valley legends such as Jobs, Dell, HP, Ellison and others have never received such honors. It can be seen how important Internet social networking is in today's era.

Just like Bezos who created Amazon, this thing has truly changed the way modern people live their lives.

In the past few years, all the major Silicon Valley giants have been working hard to develop social business, but basically they are not very good. The worst is actually Microsoft. Back then, Microsoft's MSN was the world's largest chat tool. However, after so many years, few people used it.

With no choice, Microsoft had to give up the MSN business and spend huge sums of money to acquire Skype.

Zhou Buqi is not anxious at all.

But the same cannot be said for others. After Larry Page took office as CEO, he vowed to put all his efforts into social networking. The results were great. Before he even made any move, his competitors already made big moves. .

Against this backdrop, Twitter’s industry value has undoubtedly been greatly increased.

Because he still has to negotiate with Apple and Microsoft about Asda joining the anti-Google alliance, and he also has to say a few good words to Boss Ma to get Yahoo and SoftBank... Zhou Buqi is very busy now. In the next half month , just like a messenger, walking among the major giants in Silicon Valley.

Similar to previous expectations, the financial environment continued to deteriorate and all stocks continued to fall. Even though the drop in stock price has no impact on the company's normal operations, it has a huge impact on the shareholders behind it.

The impact on shareholders means the impact on the board of directors and management.

If it has an impact on management, it will affect business development.

Therefore, major companies are working hard to find ways to save their stock prices from crisis.

The most effective way is to start the merger and acquisition model all the way. The more monopolistic the industry model is, the more favored it is by the capital market.

Microsoft's $8.5 billion acquisition of Skype has been officially announced, and several large-scale acquisitions have been reported in the market.

eBay wants to acquire e-commerce service provider GSICommerce, and the transaction price is expected to exceed US$2 billion; Oracle is negotiating with cloud service company RightNow, and if the deal is reached, the price will not be less than US$1 billion; Apple wants to acquire Anobit, Adobe Acquiring Efficient Frontier, EA wants to acquire a friend's studio...

The most powerful among them is HP.

With the impact of the Internet and the popularity of smartphones and tablets, life for traditional PC manufacturers has become increasingly difficult, and they are all thinking about transformation.

Dell's approach is to reorganize after delisting, while HP's approach is completely different. They want to start a super shopping spree.

HP wants to transform into a software service provider and is negotiating with Autonomy, the second largest software company in the UK. The transaction price may exceed US$10 billion...

What Zhou Buqi cares most about is Google.

After Larry Page came to power, he has made great adjustments to the business line. He has successively closed down a large number of messy products such as buzz, knol, desktop, labs, Sidewiki, Reader, etc., and also launched two acquisitions to acquire 400 million yuan. It bought the advertising service company Admeld for US$700 million and the travel software company ITA Software for US$700 million.

These two acquisitions are “small businesses.” Next, it’s the turn of the real big business, right?

On Sunday, May 15, Larry Page invited Zhou Buqi to play golf and talked about Twitter. His intention was very clear. Three days later, the two had a private meal and expressed similar sentiments again.

Zhou Buqi finally spoke up, expressing his willingness to sacrifice his personal reputation and sell Twitter to Google.

However, Google must provide corresponding bargaining chips.

It's not just money.

Specific plans have not yet been discussed.

We have to wait for the outcome of Nortel's patent case.

To say that Microsoft has been ruthless in this regard, it organized and planned an anti-Google alliance, and joined forces with HP, Nokia and a large number of other technology companies to file a lawsuit against Google to oppose Google's acquisition of Nortel's patents.

Everyone knows that after Google obtains this patent, it will only license it to manufacturers in the Android camp and exclude other camps.

This is a fatal blow to other operating systems.

Therefore, Microsoft took the lead and demanded that "Nortel Networks' patents should be permanently free worldwide." Of course Google is not willing and is working hard to get it.

Another big battle.

I won't be involved in these things if I don't know it. Anyway, he has foresight and knows that Google will definitely acquire Motorola in the future, which means that they will have no chance of Nortel's patents.

In contrast, Zhou Shaoning was very concerned about this. He came over that night and said, "The current lawsuit is just delaying time."

"Delaying for time?"

"Yes, legally speaking, there is no reason to prohibit Google from acquiring Nortel's patents."

“What’s the point of procrastination?”

"Raise money."

Zhou Shaoning seemed to be involved and looked very satisfied.

Zhou Buqi asked: "Raising money? What do you mean?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "Once Google and the anti-Google alliance join the bidding for Nortel's patents, the price of these 6,000 patents will go up to the sky. Enough cash must be raised. This recent lawsuit is actually the first Fighting lawsuits, stalling for time, and postponing the bidding time will give Microsoft more time to organize."

Only then did Zhou Buqi figure out what was going on, "Is it organized?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "That's it. There are seven giants in total, Apple, Microsoft, BlackBerry, EMC, Ericsson, Sony and Asda. We must get these patents at all costs."

"At all costs..." Zhou Buqi was cautious about this. "For Apple and Microsoft, they have to do it at all costs. They are mortal enemies with Android. But for Asda, it still needs to be appropriate."

Zhou Shaoning said with a smile: "I know that Asda currently has a net cash flow of US$1.52 billion on its account. I have already agreed with them to invest up to US$320 million."

Zhou Buqi asked: "How long will it take to end?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "It is estimated that the lawsuit will be over in June, and the formal bidding will begin in July. Now Motorola is also listening to the letter, and their negotiations with Google are already in progress. Once Google acquires Nortel's patent If the rush-buying fails, Motorola will definitely be targeted."

"Motorola is waiting, and so is Twitter!"

"Twitter?" Zhou Shaoning's eyes were filled with joy, "Have we agreed?"

Zhou Buqi said very normally: "That's more or less. It was originally a matter of mutual consent between you and me. There is nothing to talk about. Now we just have to wait for the Nortel case to be over and Google to officially switch to Motorola before we can finalize the Twitter case."

Zhou Shaoning said excitedly: "Yes, we must make full use of the value of Twitter and strive for more benefits. But... wouldn't it be a pity to sell Twitter at this stage?"


"Twitter should be the second-largest social network in the world after Facebook, right? It's better than MySpace. The social market is so high, selling it now would be..."

Zhou Buqi disagreed, "Only when the market is rising can we sell at a high price and maximize the use value of Twitter."

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