Top of the big era

Chapter 1896 Oops! be cheated!

Zhang Chaoyang would not be polite to him and stared at him, "You must be on guard against others!"

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Do you understand? I made the game division of Ziweixing with great care. If you hadn't given up your position as Changyou's chairman, I wouldn't have sold it to you if you wanted to buy it." Woolen cloth!"

Zhang Chaoyang was very wary, "Do you really want to buy it?"

"You must buy it." Zhou Buqi's attitude was very firm. "I won't talk about the strategic and business aspects. You won't understand if I do. Let's just talk about the market level. The board of directors and management have been reorganized, and some new measures must be introduced. To boost the confidence of the capital market. The new official has three things to do when he takes office! The first thing is to promote the merger of the game business groups of Changyou and Ziweixing International!"


"Why does EA want to acquire a friend's studio? Isn't it just to gain market recognition? Lao Zhang, your situation is not good!"

"You are so clever."

"This has nothing to do with whether I am smart or not." Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Ziweixing's game division has too many high-quality assets, and my friend's studio is the junk asset I despise the most. Just sell it to EA. The remaining core assets will of course be merged into Changyou. Don’t be blind to my good intentions and end up biting Lu Dongbin instead.”

Zhang Chaoyang was almost angry to death, "Are you talking humanly?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "It's just a metaphor."

Zhang Chaoyang snorted: "It's okay for you to deceive outsiders, but don't try to deceive me. Changyou raised US$2.6 billion in IPO this time. Do you dare to say that you didn't target it?"

Zhou Buqi coughed twice, "As for the deal, it's impossible for me to give the game division to Changyou for free, right? This is not in compliance with company law. I can't do anything to harm the rights and interests of small shareholders."

"In the final analysis, I still focus on the cash in Changyou's account."

Zhang Chaoyang was so familiar with this kid that he had already seen through him.

When they were in New York, the two had many exchanges in this regard.

Ziweixing International is not listed. If the market environment is prosperous, it will be fine. Even if it is not listed, there is still a lot of room to raise funds in the market.

But now the global financial environment is getting worse and worse, and the European debt crisis feels a bit out of control. At this time, large companies like Ziweixing International with rapid business expansion may encounter a cash flow crisis.

Over the past few years, too many great companies have collapsed due to cash flow problems.

For Ziweixing International, this is the biggest risk.

By selling the game division at a high price, we can regain some blood and avoid the operational risk of cash flow difficulties.

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "How much money do you have in Changyou's account? No matter how short of money Ziweixing International is, how can it be better than Changyou's money? This transaction must be carried out in the form of mergers and acquisitions. Do you want cash?" I can’t even afford a deal!”

"Ah?" Zhang Chaoyang was stunned for a moment, very surprised, "Can't you afford it for 2.6 billion US dollars?"

Zhou Buqi was immediately amused, "Lao Zhang, how many times have I told you, you have to open your mind and your mind. Changyou's ambition is to become the world's largest gaming company. It's only 2.6 billion US dollars. What? You look down on the game business created by Ziweixing too much! I didn’t tell you, if EA acquires a friend’s studio, the transaction volume may reach 2 billion US dollars!"

Zhang Chaoyang twitched the corner of his mouth, "How much do you want?"

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "This Friend Studio is just the most inconspicuous and marginalized business of the Game Division. Even Friend Studio is worth so much. How much do you think the core business of the Game Division is worth?"

Zhang Chaoyang was stunned, "Don't lie to me!"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Who lied to you? I will send you the materials of the game division later so that you can see the effect. The net profit of the entire division last year was not worse than Changyou!"

"How do you make so much money?"

"The sales fee for genuine games..."Angry Birds", you don't know? It's US$0.99 per download! And "Plants vs. Zombies", the genuine computer game is US$9.9. I saw you were still in the office that time I’ve played there.”

"Any more?"

"Yes, "Minecraft"! This game is the core game. In order to buy this game, Ziweixing also spent nearly 1 billion U.S. dollars. Lao Zhang, I have already said that Friend Studio is only marginal. Business. The real core business, those are games that can lead an era."


Zhang Chaoyang felt a little numb.

Something big is going to happen now.

If Changyou acquires the game division of Ziweixing International, there may be a sky-high price transaction! It will definitely not work to rely on cash to trade, so the only way to do mergers and acquisitions is to use stock swaps.

This is very troublesome.

How many additional shares will be issued in a merger and acquisition transaction?

The original acquisition price of "Minecraft" alone reached US$1 billion. How much is it worth now? What size will the total assets of the entire game division reach?

The net profit is similar to that of Changyou. Not counting the difference in price-to-earnings ratio, it is almost on par with Changyou!

Once merged, Changyou will instantly become an industry giant.

Just like the merger of Blizzard and Activision, after the merger was completed, the new Activision Blizzard company became the world's largest gaming giant.

A good thing is a good thing... but there is one thing that Lao Zhang is worried about.

Once the transaction is completed, Changyou will inevitably issue a large amount of additional shares to Ziweixing International, and Sohu will inevitably lose its status as Changyou's major shareholder.

By then, Zhou Buqi will not only firmly control Changyou's board of directors and management, but also completely control the shareholders' meeting.

Sohu will completely retreat to the second line, changing from the dominant position of Changyou to a subordinate position.

If you say that this kid doesn't have this kind of calculation in his heart, you won't believe it even if you beat him to death!

This bastard!

Lao Zhang was a little angry.

I really can't understand how this kid at such a young age can have so many calculations in his heart. And there are links one after another, one after another, making people dazzled and confused.

The two of them had a very good relationship, and Zhang Chaoyang didn't bother to hide it from him, so he sarcastically said to his face: "Well, boy, you really had your wish. Only now do I realize that I have been fooled by you!"

Zhou Buqi looked serious, "Don't make trouble!"

"Who made the fuss?" Zhang Chaoyang snorted coldly, "Reorganize the management, and the management will listen to you in the future; reorganize the board of directors, and the board of directors will also fall into your hands. Once the investigation of Ziweixing's game division is completed, Mergers and acquisitions will greatly dilute Sohu's share, and the shareholders' meeting will be at your mercy. Changyou will completely become your company! Amazing! So amazing! You are boiling a frog in warm water, wait for me to react I can’t run away even if I want to.”

Zhou Buqi laughed loudly, "Lao Zhang, your heart is too dark, right? Why are you starting to engage in such conspiracy theories like a common man?"

Zhang Chaoyang could only sigh with infinite emotion, "I've been fooled! I've been fooled!"

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "You can pull it down. Whoever can make Changyou's stock price continue to rise will be in your best interest. Don't follow me." Changyou's next core business direction is mobile games, which happens to be purple. MSI International's Game Division is a leader in this field. In addition to "Angry Birds" and "Plants vs. Zombies", Baokai Studio also has more than a dozen mobile games that are well received by the market. Baokai is now The largest mobile game studio in the world!”

As if suffering from Parkinson's disease, Zhang Chaoyang said expressionlessly: "It's over, it's over, it's too late to regret it now."

Zhou Buqi was angry and funny, "Have you been in the entertainment industry for too long and learned to act?"

Lao Zhang then regained his expression and said with a long sigh: "I was tricked by you again. I am too familiar with this kind of transaction, just like when you bought Sogou from me."

"Can it be the same?" Zhou Buqi said confidently, "When Ziweixing bought Sogou, it was a pure cash transaction, a one-time transaction. Sogou was renamed Weidian and developed in my hands. If it hadn't developed, Didn’t I suffer a big loss? The merger of Changyou and the game division is different. It is mainly a merger and acquisition model, a swap of equity, and a long-term cooperation. If Changyou does well, it is good for both you and me; if it does not develop well, it will be bad for both of us. It benefits no one. It’s a win-win situation!”

Zhang Chaoyang leaned back and waved his hand with a resigned attitude, "Forget it, you will be Changyou's chairman of the board of directors from now on, so you can do whatever you like!"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "You still behave well when you get an advantage!"

Zhang Chaoyang said: "When will the transaction be made?"

Zhou Buqi said: "After September, I will take over the operation of Changyou. I must find a way to change the market's view of Changyou and make efforts in the mobile Internet mobile game market!"

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