Top of the big era

Chapter 1891 Promising benefits

“The other question is, in what time period are we going to move forward with the transaction?”

Mattrick is the director of the game business, and he is obviously more concerned about his own business. The more beautiful the deal made by his friend's studio, the better.

"The sooner the better!"

Zhou Buqi's consistent thinking is that the more tense the financial situation is, the more cash he has in his account, the safer he will be.

Mattrick was hesitant and tentatively put forward his suggestion, "There seems to be new news on Zynga. At first, it was said that it would conduct an IPO in July. Later, the European debt crisis spread to the United States, and they were worried that it would be The deeper the impact of the delay, the more I want to go public in advance and IPO in May. However, the regulatory authorities recently issued a $20 billion fine on 14 major banks, and there is a cry on Wall Street, and the May listing plan may also be shelved."

"so what?"

"The specific situation is unclear. They seem to be looking for some investment banks and senior people to consult, and are considering whether to force an IPO in May, wait until July, or let it go completely and choose to go public by the end of the year or next year."


Zhou Buqi nodded.

This still makes sense.

Zynga is a social gaming company. This strategy of light R\u0026D and heavy marketing is considered to be the gaming trend of the next era. This is the direction that the capital market is optimistic about. The reason why Zynga encountered the IPO crisis was mainly affected by the European debt crisis and the huge fine of US$20 billion.

The European debt crisis is a long-term financial earthquake, which cannot be avoided or avoided.

However, the impact of a fine can be avoided.

The fine is only a one-time thing. 14 financial institutions have prepared 20 billion US dollars in funds and paid the fine. The matter is over and the story can be turned over.

This is only a real-time emergency, so the impact on the financial market is only short-term.

Affected by the fine, their second quarter financial report will be very ugly.

But by the third quarter, the business of these large institutions will return to normal, and they can move from the dual impact of "European debt + fines" in the second quarter to the single-layer impact of only "European debt."

In other words, after June, the financial market environment will improve appropriately.

The impact of the European debt crisis will still be there, but there will not be the impact of fines.

As the financial industry "recovers", other industries will begin to rebound accordingly. At that time, if you run the transactions of your friend's studio, you may be able to get a better price.

Mattrick said: "I think we can wait for a while, wait until the third quarter... It is best to wait until after July. Let's first see if Zynga will be listed in July, using Zynga as a reference, that When the time comes to complete the deal between Friend Studio and EA, it will be more fair and easier to convince EA's board of directors."

Zhou Buqi said: "What if Zynga doesn't go public in July?"


What Mattrick actually wanted to say was to wait until Zynga went public before trading, because that would make the case easier to operate.

Ziweixing International is easy to talk about. The company is not listed, and Boss Zhou also has absolute say in the board of directors. His will represents the decision of the board of directors.

The same cannot be said for EA, where there will be various opinions on the board of directors.

A very important reason is that we are not sure about the true value of our friend's studio. Some people think it is worth US$1 billion, while others think it is worth US$3 billion. It is difficult to have an accurate assessment.

This would be easier if Zynga went public.

Directly using Zynga's price-to-earnings ratio as a reference, and based on the revenue and profit data of a friend's studio, a more accurate reference price can be calculated.

The transaction can proceed smoothly.

However, he knew what Boss Zhou was thinking, and he would not dare to suggest that he postpone the trading time of his friend's studio.

Zhou Buqi clearly knew that technology stocks, including game stocks, would soar in the future, but he was not sure about certain months in 2011.

At this time, you can’t pay too much attention to details and petty profits.

Can't make every last copper penny.

No one knows when the social game market will completely collapse. If it is delayed for a few months and the market is finished, it will be more losses than gains.

Zhou Buqi said without hesitation: "I have already said that the transaction of my friend's studio cannot be delayed! The current economic situation is tense, sell this business quickly and convert it into cash as soon as possible! I can also tell you in advance According to this news, I will reorganize Changyou’s board of directors in September, and the first thing will be to promote the merger of Changyou and Ziweixing’s game business groups!”

Mattrick took a deep breath, "I understand. Between September, I will definitely push to complete the deal between my friend's studio and EA!"

After September, he will leave Ziweixing International and join Changyou as co-CEO, and he will have more important things to deal with.

Now, as the president of Ziweixing International Game Business Group, he has to take on the last duty and complete the finishing work of the game business department.

The most important thing for this finishing work is to sell the friend’s studio!

Zhou Buqi thought for a moment and said with a smile: "By the way, let me tell you one thing first. After joining Changyou, in addition to the existing salary package, there will be an additional 2 million shares as a bonus. The reward for the game business group’s contribution is approximately one thousandth of the total share capital. This also includes transactions from friend studios.”

"Ah?" Mattrick was quite excited and said tentatively, "In the transaction volume of my friend's studio... I will also receive a similar stock bonus?"

"Yes, it's about one thousandth. In short, it will be calculated based on the dry shares of Changyou's 2 million shares. There is no rush in this matter. I will give you a verbal promise first. After you join Changyou and calculate the share ratio, , and then Ziweixing International will pay you."

Zhou Buqi cannot have 100% trust in these foreigners.

Then we can only promise it for profit.

Mattrick previously served as vice president at EA and has deep connections. He is leading the case of his friend's studio, and there is no guarantee that he will not sell Ziweixing's assets to EA at a low price.

He simply used all of Lao Zhang's strategies.

Anyway, when Lao Zhang was poaching people in China, he had already promised 2 million shares to the established CEO Ren Yuxin, and this part must be fairly rewarded to Don Mattrick.

Ren Yuxin resigned from Penguin and joined Changyou as an entry reward, while Don Mattrick was rewarded for his contribution to Ziweixing International in building such a powerful gaming business group.

Friends Studio is also part of the game business group, and it should also own the shares of this part of Friends Studio.

Probably one in a thousand.

In other words, no matter what the transaction volume between EA and the friend's studio is, Mattrick can personally get one thousandth of the reward... Use interests to tie him up and let him get a higher offer for the friend's studio. .

Mattrick is an American and does not show any humility and courteousness. He immediately introduced him happily and expressed his gratitude to Boss Zhou without any secret.

He also said that after receiving the "commission" from selling his friend's studio, he could buy a beautiful townhouse in New York as his new home.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "But you are right. It is indeed not the best time to sell a friend's studio at this stage. Maybe in the third quarter, completing the transaction in July or August will be the best choice."

Mattrick was very happy and said repeatedly: "Yes, this is a big deal. We hope it will be a cash transaction. We need to give EA a few months to raise money."

April 22nd, the year of Xinmao, the month of Renchen, and the day of Bingwu.

Suitable for: getting married, traveling, meeting friends, breaking ground, opening a business, and signing contracts.

Jieyu Media is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange!

As the founders of Jieyu Media, three female generals, Zhen Yu, Xu Baihui and Xue Baoshan, appeared together and rang the bell together.

To be precise, it's not a bell but a gong.

"Bell-ringing" is a code for market etiquette. It does not necessarily require ringing a bell. Countries have different local characteristics. Some people ring bells, some use drums, some use wooden sticks, and some places use metal sticks.

After all, the sound needs to be louder.

This is tradition.

Nowadays, buying stocks is done electronically. A few decades ago, it was all done on the spot. It was so noisy and chaotic that you couldn’t even hear the sound.

Because Jieyu Media proactively adjusted the scale of financing and lowered the issuance price, the IPO was successfully completed.

The total share capital is 1.16 billion, and 140 million shares were raised on the open market at an issue price of HK$72.8, with a total financing of HK$10.2 billion. This allowed the underwriting financial institutions to take advantage of it. The stock price on the first day of listing reached 94.2 Hong Kong dollars, and the market value was close to 100 billion Hong Kong dollars!

The main reason is that the data given by Jieyu Media is so eye-catching. In the first quarter of this year, the revenue exceeded 2.7 billion Hong Kong dollars and the net profit reached 1.02 billion Hong Kong dollars.

At this stage, it’s a bit of a loss to go public, but it’s finally on the way.

Zhen Yu, Bao Shan, and Xu Baihui each hold 108 million shares of Jie Yu Media. Based on the current stock price, they all have a market value of tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars.

The happiest person is of course Xu Baihui.

This IPO is so spectacular.

The market value of Jieyu Media is almost 10 times that of Huayi!

In the past, Huayi seemed to be taken more seriously in the entertainment circles on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Because Huayi has produced more excellent Chinese-language films, it is considered the leader in the Chinese-language entertainment industry.

Jieyu Media's most profitable business is actually overseas markets, such as the overseas copyright distribution of "The Voice", Hollywood platter investment projects, and the licensing of streaming media copyrights.

Now everyone knows that Jieyu Media is the number one in the industry!

In the mainland market, they seem to have only launched some popular variety shows. In the past few months, they have really entered the mainstream with the box office of "Let the Bullets Fly".

Now I understand, they are making a lot of money in overseas markets!

Xu Baihui became famous now. She held the most spectacular listing celebration cocktail party in the history of the Hong Kong government at the Peninsula Hotel on Hong Kong Island. Almost all famous celebrities from the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places came to support her. There were more than 270 people. A star, the entire Peninsula Hotel was booked.

This unprecedented lively scene has made many senior entertainment professionals in the Hong Kong government feel sad.

An entertainment event of this scale has not been held on Hong Kong Island for more than 20 years. In recent years, Hong Kong Island's entertainment industry has become increasingly depressed, while the mainland is rising at an unimaginable speed.

Zhou Buqi did not participate in this kind of entertainment event in the cross-strait and three places. He took the bus directly to Pengcheng.

Lao Zhang is still waiting there!

This guy is not very honest. He has been very popular in China recently and has been involved in a huge public controversy related to the entertainment industry.

This Lao Zhang really has a soft spot for the entertainment industry!

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