Top of the big era

Chapter 1887 Five Star Hotel

If a team wants to succeed, in addition to excellent players, superb technical and tactical play, a good locker room atmosphere, perfect logistics, reasonable meals and scientific training, there is also a very important point, which is the ball. Team management.

In this regard, Manchester United is undoubtedly the best in the world. Ferguson has absolute authority in the club. Not to mention the obedience of the players, even the club owner cannot question him.

This is best reflected during the team's home games.

Generally, when a team plays an away game, the team needs to go there a day or two in advance, then stay in the hotel, rest up, and then take the bus to the stadium together to prepare for the start of the game.

Home games are relatively easy because the players all live locally.

Therefore, when most teams play at home, the players will stay at home the day before, and then go to the training base to meet up the next day. They will simply warm up, adjust their status, arrange tactics, boost morale, and put their bodies and minds together. After everything is adjusted, we take the bus to the stadium together.

It can be seen from this that playing at home has a more obvious advantage than playing away from home. It is not only the on-site cheering of the home fans, but the key is that the preparations before the game can be more complete.

This is just common practice.

But management masters represented by Ferguson are different. He must be stricter and more focused.

The players were not allowed to go home the day before the game!

What if the player goes home and has a fierce battle with his girlfriend at night, which consumes his energy and wastes his energy? What's more, what if the players went to bars or nightclubs to eat, drink, whore and gamble?

This will seriously affect the players' game status the next day!

The most typical negative example is Ronaldinho.

His personal life is too bad. This guy loves to pick up girls. Before every game, he shoots at women several times. It seems that this way he can also score goals during the game. He also loved clubbing and music. At the peak of his career, he would often stay up all night the night before a game, and then play the next day with a hangover and alcohol.

The football environment in Spain, France, and Italy is basically the same, and it is related to the social atmosphere of the country.

In this regard, the UK is better.

Mainly because there are enough paparazzi.

With the supervision of the media, the players did not dare to go too far.

Especially a figure like Ferguson, who is like the emperor of British football, with connections throughout the football industry. Rooney secretly went to a Liverpool bar and had a drink. The next day, Ferguson called him into the office and scolded him, just like Ming Dynasty's Jin Yiwei.

A large part of the success of Ferguson's Manchester United comes from his strong management of the team.

During home games, players are not allowed to go home the day before the game. They have to stay in a uniformly arranged hotel. They are not allowed to go out, and they are not allowed to see their girlfriends.

Ferguson's management was iron-fisted, so everyone had to stay in the hotel to recharge their batteries and prepare for the next day's game!

Under this model, the home team's players will reach a very high level in terms of psychological, mental, physical and physical conditions, far exceeding the visiting team's players.

Of course, you will perform better during the game.

Old Trafford has become the home of the devil.

This management method is the culture of Manchester United. Zhou Buqi supports it very much and must stick to it. Even if Ferguson retires, this tradition cannot be changed.

Which player dares to be a thorn in the side, even if it is a player of the level of Neymar or Hazard, he must win it!

However, this model used to be very good, but now it has some minor problems.

Manchester City is on the rise!

Thanks to the repeated purchases by Middle Eastern tycoons, Manchester City has become stronger and stronger. This year, it is possible to compete with Manchester United for the Premier League championship!

In the Manchester area, the proportion of Manchester City fans among local fans is higher.

This gives you an opportunity to do some dirty tricks.

Manchester City wants to compete with Manchester United for the championship because of two aspects: first, Manchester City performs well, and second, Manchester United performs poorly.

This gives Manchester City's fan organization a basis to operate privately.

Manchester United's Carrington training base is in a relatively suburban area. It takes about half an hour to get to Old Trafford Stadium by bus. There are no five-star hotels with luxurious facilities there.

If Manchester United's players wanted to organize themselves and rest in a hotel the day before the game, they had no choice but to go to the city.

At this time, Manchester City fans can take action.

For example, late at night, they beat gongs and drums and set off firecrackers outside the hotel, making noise to affect the players' sleep; for example, when the Manchester United bus drove out of the hotel, fans swarmed up and blocked the road...

This is bad!

Because when Manchester United has home games, the local police force is more used to protect the visiting team to prevent harm from local football hooligans.

However, under the team management model developed by Ferguson, the home team players and visiting team players will all stay in the hotel together on the day before the game, instead of going back to their respective homes.

This is a bit troublesome.

David Gill said: "There was a game in February. Our bus was blocked by fans on the road, which almost caused the game to be postponed."

Zhou Buqi quickly understood the logic and said in a deep voice: "Manchester United's management method of the team cannot be changed. This is the cornerstone of Manchester United's team construction and must be maintained. However, there are One glaring weakness is the hotel.”

David Gill said: "Yes, there are no five-star hotels at the Carrington base, so the team has to take buses to travel around the city. And those third-party hotels lack their own security capabilities and do not have The reasonable protection of the local police force can easily cause trouble for the team. In the past, when Manchester City was a weak team, it was fine, and only the local derby between Manchester United and Manchester City would encounter some situations. Now it is different, Manchester City is already elite The club is already qualified to compete with Manchester United, so there are many extra tricks."

"So what you're saying...we're going to build a five-star hotel near Carrington Base?"

"That's right!"

"How big is it?"

"Just like a normal five-star hotel." David Gill smiled. "The Manchester United-themed hotel outside Old Trafford is just a named hotel and has nothing to do with Manchester United. If this hotel is built, it will It will be a real Manchester United hotel."

Zhou Buqi didn't quite understand the situation, "How is the economic strength near the Carrington base? Can it support such a large hotel?"

David Gill said with a smile: "Manchester is an industrial city, and Carrington is the most famous chemical industry area. There are large oil and gas groups, and the economy has always been very good. In the past few decades, Carrington has been undergoing With the economic transformation, many old factories have been closed and we will begin to develop towards the tourism industry."

"Tourism industry?" Zhou Buqi thinks this is a good idea. "Yeah, the environment over there is really nice. If you didn't tell me, it would be hard for me to imagine that that area used to be a chemical industry zone."

David Gill said: "Yes, not only Manchester United's training base is there, but Manchester City's training base is also there, and it also includes more than a dozen semi-professional clubs. The development of tourism industry around football is a part of the Carrington District New direction of development. There are many high-end hotels there, and the occupancy rate is also very high, but there are no five-star hotels. At the beginning, the team also stayed in nearby three-star hotels, but the experience was not good, so later they went It’s a five-star hotel in the city.”

This time, Zhou Buqi understood.

I feel that building a Manchester United hotel near the Carrington training base might actually be a promising business.

The "heart" of Manchester United is not Old Trafford, but the Carrington training base.

Just like a mobile phone, the Old Trafford Stadium is the appearance and is presented to the user. The team only goes to Old Trafford during games; the Carrington training base is the CPU, and the players and coaches This is where we usually live, work, and train.

Therefore, if Manchester wants to rely on the tourism industry driven by the football industry, for industry insiders and senior fans, the Carrington area must go.

In fact, it’s not that far, only about 10 kilometers from Old Trafford.

Not only Manchester United, but also Manchester City's training base is there. This is obviously an intentional urban planning by the city hall.

For example, Real Madrid takes a fancy to a Manchester United player and sends a scout to inspect the player. It is not enough to just go to Old Trafford to watch the game. You must be stationed at the Carrington base to observe the players frequently for a long time.

Then there are the fans who come from all over the world, these are the source of customers.

David Gill said: "As long as the Manchester United hotel brand is launched, there will be no shortage of tourists, and it is possible to attract all tourists with spending power in the Carrington area. If that doesn't work, we can use other hotels authorized by Manchester United. All naming rights will be cancelled, and only self-operated exclusive hotels will be retained, and die-hard fans will definitely stay there.”

Zhou Buqi nodded, feeling that this idea was feasible, "Tell Lawrence and ask him to prepare a business report."

Building a five-star hotel around the Carrington base would be beneficial to the team.

David Gill takes this perspective as his starting point.

However, this is a commercial project after all.

We can't listen to his one-sided words. Let Gilbert Lawrence, the president of Manchester United's commercial business, also make an evaluation to see if it is reliable. Even if it's unreliable, we still have to do it because it's good for the team.

At that time, there would be no need to build a big hotel, just an internal five-star dormitory with 30-40 bedrooms for Manchester United’s internal use only.

At this time, Zhou Buqi's attention was all drawn to the court.

The score finally changed.

In the 66th minute, Manchester United was in a positional battle. Rooney and Robin van Persie played a beautiful one-two at the edge of the penalty area. Van Persie tapped his heel, and Rooney moved forward and succeeded with a blast from the edge of the penalty area!


After more than half an hour of fierce fighting, Manchester United finally took the lead.

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