Top of the big era

Chapter 1884 More wolves and less meat

This time I go to the UK, first to London and then to Manchester.

I went to London mainly to look at houses.

Senior Sister Zhen Yu, Sun Wanran, and Ning Lu have already gone there first. There are two alternatives. The news that came out is that they are both good. Boss Zhou is asked to go over and make the final decision, which one to choose.

Zhou Buqi was only surrounded by Ning Yaxian, Yang Mi and Dilireya who were responsible for warming the bed.

The rapid changes in the game industry make Lu Qi very anxious.

Zhou Buqi felt much more relaxed and made a decision quickly. To be honest, he had never paid attention to the situation of his friend's studio. When the studio was first established, it was the honeymoon period of the cooperation between Ziweixing and Facebook.

At that time, Facebook also wanted to promote its social gaming business on an open platform. helped provide domestic operational experience and transferred the domestic "parking space" experience.

But this game is like a gust of wind, and the popularity quickly fades away.

Fortunately, this market has been brought up.

Then, there is the farm game that is popular all over the world.

Zhou Buqi only temporarily set up such a studio in the United States at that time. The main purpose was to achieve all-round cooperation with Facebook.

Unexpectedly, after a few years, this small studio has become a bit popular.

Just like picking it up for free.

Taking advantage of the stage where social games are taking the world by storm, sell it as soon as you can!

Even if the market changes suddenly, with the current profitability of my friend's studio, how can it be sold for 1 billion to 2 billion US dollars... It makes me happy to think about buying such a large sum of money!

Zhou Buqi took Yang Mi and Dilireya and planned to go back to the bedroom to celebrate. It would take several hours to get to London anyway, so it was still early.

"Yaxian, I'll go back to the room and rest for a while. If you have anything to do, you can take care of it first."


Ning Yaxian is always smiling and charming.

Only an hour later, something really happened, and Ning Yaxian came and knocked on the door.

In the bedroom, when Dilireya heard a knock on the door, she quickly pulled the quilt over and covered her graceful body. She curled up like a kitten in the arms of the sponsor's father.

Yang Mi was more natural. She got out of bed with bare feet and went to open the door. A rose-like smile appeared on her rosy and beautiful face, and then she apologized: "Re Ya, I'm sorry, I locked the door just now." On."

"It doesn't matter." Ning Yaxian smiled slightly, then looked up and down her youthful and energetic jade-like body, "What a great figure."


Yang Mi smiled sweetly.

"Are you done?"

"I just finished, I haven't taken a shower yet."

"I'm going to have a word with your godfather." Ning Yaxian walked to the bedside and said quickly, "Mr. Zhang said he would go back to China when he was free. He said he was the one you liked. ”


Zhou Buqi got excited, sat up, and pulled up the quilt. Dilireya groaned like a kitten, and then blushed and pulled the quilt over her body.

Ning Yaxian followed Boss Zhou and was well-informed. It was not surprising that these young girls were shy. She smiled and said, "That's the person from the Penguin game business, his name is Ren..."

"Ren Yuxin."

"Yes, that's him. Mr. Zhang said that the discussion is almost over. You can go back and meet with him when you have time."

"I didn't expect that Lao Zhang was so efficient!"

Zhou Buqi was very happy, feeling that Lao Zhang finally played a role and showed a bit of the style of a big shot.

Ning Yaxian pursed her lips and said, "I heard Mr. Zhang's tone, and he seemed to be very happy. He said that he was not polite at all this time and was a bit cruel."

Zhou Buqi burst out laughing after hearing this, "Hard? How cruel can it be?"

Ning Yaxian said: "Mr. Zhang said that he would directly hollow out Penguin's game business!"

"Listen to him!"

Zhou Buqi curled his lips, not believing it at all.

Ning Yaxian said softly: "It's possible that this move is really ambitious. Some time ago, I also read the company's internal documents about the development situation of the Weibo market. Weibo is now the number one in the industry, which is undisputed. But The second-ranked Sohu Weibo and the third-ranked Penguin Weibo are fighting fiercely, and they have used many means to grab users."

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "What do you mean? Is Lao Zhang seeking revenge for his personal vengeance? The Weibo business is killing everyone, and he is venting his anger on the game business?"

"More or less, you're the one who's taking the blame anyway." Ning Yaxian smiled unconsciously and said jokingly, "If I really piss off the penguin, Sohu won't be able to handle it, so I'll throw the blame on you."

Zhou Buqi said nonchalantly: "What if he can really recruit all the core executives of Penguin Game Business and let me take the blame for him?"

Ning Yaxian said: "It should be about the same. It is not easy to change jobs at Changyou. What Mr. Zhang said makes sense. There are at least three supervisors above Ren Yuxin, the group CEO, the group president and the president of the entertainment business group. If you join Changyou, , he is the CEO, the top executive officer.”


"Also, Penguin has been established for more than ten years and has been listed for seven or eight years, so he doesn't get many options. Changyou is a new company that has just gone public and is still in the struggle period of starting a business. By joining Changyou, he can get more Lots of options. Mr. Zhang said he also promised dry shares."

"What? Damn!" Zhou Buqi was speechless and said angrily, "No wonder the efficiency is so high this time. There is a huge reward! I thought he could rely on his personal charm to inspire people!"

Ning Yaxian said happily: "It's not that serious, there are only 2 million dry shares."

Changyou's current total share capital is 1.78 billion shares, and the 2 million dry shares are about one thousandth of the total share.

However, in order to reduce management risks, Zhou Buqi wants to implement a joint CEO system in Changyou. There will be one CEO for domestic business and one CEO for overseas business. The domestic CEO was given dry shares. To be fair, Don Mattrick, the CEO of the overseas business, would have to receive so many dry shares.

"How's it going? Mr. Zhang is waiting for news. He seems to be in Pengcheng now."

"Okay, we'll be there at the end of the month. Please arrange the time. After Jieyu Media's IPO, we will go to Pengcheng to meet them."

"Okay." Ning Yaxian stood up and glanced at Yang Mi with a sweet smile. "You guys can rest for a while. I'll call you when we get there."

Yang Mi said happily: "Thank you, Sister Yaxian."

After Ning Yaxian opened the door and left, Yang Mi climbed back onto the bed and lay in the arms of the sponsor's father again. She sighed and said, "Sister Yaxian is so kind and gentle."

Zhou Buqi said: "Is there something in your words? Who is not gentle?"

"No, I don't mean that, I mean..." Yang Mi bit her lip tightly, hesitated for a while, and then said with red eyes, "She has never looked down on me. Not only Sister Yaxian, but also With Mr. Shi, Mr. Xue and Mr. Zhen, everyone is friendly."

At this time, Dilireya pulled down the quilt, revealing a delicate and pretty face, and nodded like a chicken pecking rice, "Well, I feel the same way, everyone is so kind."

Zhou Buqi is not surprised at all. Women who can enter the Zhou family are very well-educated. Even if there is disdain for girls of Yang Mi and Dilireya's status in their hearts, they will definitely not show it.

Yang Mi sighed and said: "I have a friend who is quite pitiful. Her sponsor has a bad temper at all and often beats her. The sponsor's wife has an even worse character. Every time we meet, she talks He ridiculed her with a gun and a stick, and once said in front of many people that she was a shameless chicken."

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "What does that kind of financial sponsor want from him? A man who can't even protect his own woman is not a man."

Yang Mi said bitterly: "How can it be so easy?"

"Huh? Are you holding on tight and not letting go? Are you being threatened?"

"No, it's because she doesn't want to leave."

"Are you willing to be humiliated?"

"If you're humiliated, just be humiliated. So what? As long as you have money." Yang Mi sighed softly, "This market has more wolves and less meat... Oh no, I mean there are too few financial backers. Girls who want to climb up. There are too many. Even if you are lucky if you can find a big sponsor to raise him, you can’t be picky. It’s only through the good deeds of our ancestors that we can meet such a good sponsor dad like you.”

Dilireya studied at Nortel and had a full understanding of this industry. She nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, she is a classmate of mine."

Zhou Buqi hugged her tightly, "What's wrong with your classmate?"

Dilireya said: "There are several girls in my class who are looking for connections in private. They want to find a sponsor, but they can't be found at all. There are also people who entrust their connections to me. Well... everyone You know Sister Nan Nan is your biological sister, and Sister Nan Nan and I are good sisters, so I just want to find you through me."

"Find me?"

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised. The behavior of college students today is so wild. He felt even more evil than when he was in college.

Dilireya bit her lips lightly and said in a soft voice, "Well, a lot of girls in my class are now going out to take photos, and then find connections to send them to big bosses outside. I have received dozens of them. How many are there, let me forward them to you through Sister Nannan, I hope you can take a fancy to them."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Where are the photos?"

Dilireya's eyes were blank and she blinked a few times, "I don't know, maybe... maybe I asked Sister Nannan to throw it away? She can't stand this."

Yang Mi snorted and lectured: "Don't send random photos to them in the future. Be smart."

Dilireya pouted and said "oh".

When we arrived in London, we first picked up Jiang Bingjie and Li Xinwan.

The two families finally finished playing in Europe, and their parents returned to China. Both girls felt happy and satisfied, and they stayed in London and waited eagerly for the arrival of their father, the financial sponsor.

That night, the four little sisters got together and had a lot of fun.

The next day, Zhou Buqi went to see the house a little tired.

When the real estate agent saw that he was not in good condition, he explained that he was not well rested due to jet lag.

There are two properties in total.

The first set is located in the wealthy area of ​​Mayfair. To be precise, this property is actually composed of two luxury homes. It has a great background. The previous generation owner of the property was the Prince of Brunei.

The reason for the sale was that the Brunei authorities found out that the prince had embezzled US$15 billion from the country, and then bought various luxury goods happily around the world.

Later, the lawsuit was brought to the British Privy Council, which made a judgment and transferred all assets to the Brunei government.

Then, the property will be auctioned.

The two luxury houses combined together cost 100 million pounds.

The reason why there are two sets is because the scale of a single set is a bit small and not enough to accommodate the huge family members and entourage of the big man.

Zhou Buqi was not very satisfied, "Two houses together? Even the mansions next to each other have partitions, so there is no way to connect them inside, so it's inconvenient."

The real estate agent smiled and said: "It can be renovated."

Then, he gave some explanation.

London is an ancient city, and many buildings are two to three hundred years old. Moreover, these buildings are private residences and the government has no right to demolish them. As long as the owners of the houses are unwilling to demolish them, no one can move them. This has led to the fact that London’s land resources have become increasingly scarce over the years. If we only build without demolishing, the land will be exhausted sooner or later.

Today, these ancient buildings with a history of hundreds of years have become nationally protected cultural relics, and even the owners of the houses have no right to demolish them.

This has further led to the lack of land, especially in the central area of ​​London, which is a bit like Manhattan in New York. The scarce land resources can no longer keep up with the development of the city.

In order to cope with this situation, a new trend has emerged in these old houses in London - renovation.

The heritage property of the house is only the external part facing the public.

The interior is private property, you can do whatever you want with it.

Therefore, many of these old houses and mansions in central London are two to three hundred years old. In fact, their appearance is still the same as it was hundreds of years ago. The internal structure and interior decoration have been renovated countless times.

The real estate agent means that after buying these two luxury houses, they can apply to Congress for renovations. After approval, the two luxury houses can be extensively renovated and connected internally to become a super magnificent top-level luxury house.

If this project is completed, it may become the largest luxury house in London, matching the status of Big Boss Zhou.

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