Top of the big era

Chapter 1869 Loan

"Dang Dang Dang!"


Ning Yaxian opened the door a crack, with a bright smile on her pretty face, and said softly: "Okay, it's time to get dressed, we're landing soon."

"Get up!"

Zhou Buqi then lifted the quilt, revealing the beautiful youthful bodies of Yang Mi and Dilireya. The three of them held hands and went to the bathroom to take a shower together.

The trip to New York was temporarily coming to an end, and the task there was handed over to Wilson Miller, the vice president of public affairs of Ziweixing Global.

He previously entered politics and served as a California congressman. Later, Schwarzenegger came to power. Wilson felt that the actor governor was too stupid and became very angry. Then he gave up politics and went into business. He successively joined DQT and Wal-Mart, and joined Ziweixing Global in May last year.

He wants to stay in New York and run the headquarters campus.

Zhou Buqi came to San Francisco.

The first thing was to sign a contract to acquire the San Jose Earthquakes for $18 million. The status of football in the United States is really low now, and Beckham can't help it.

This is a good thing for Zhou Buqi, it is a big mistake!

Sandoko has already gone to Brazil to buy another team in Sao Paulo, while Rangnick chose an apprentice from Germany to come to the United States to serve as the head coach of the San Jose Earthquakes.

The new season starts in half a month.

Time is urgent.

So much so that it is impossible for the team to change its name this season and can only complete the season under the name "San Jose Earthquakes." As for the transfer of new players, we have to wait until the transfer window opens in July.

Rangnick is in charge of this part. He will find a few players in the domestic market of the United States, and then poach a few players from Europe, and that's basically it.

However, Rangnick's football philosophy is not in line with the current atmosphere of American football.

When the current American major leagues introduce players from Europe, they bring in some elderly European stars to retire. For example, last year the New York Red Bulls made an amazing deal to buy Henry the Great.

Rangnick is different. He plays a "run and gun tactic", which is modern football. It requires players to keep running to create opportunities. It is fast, direct, simple and efficient. Not so good with older players, he prefers young kids.

Zhou Buqi doesn't care about these processes, he only looks at the results.

However, there is one thing that he has to personally deal with now, which is the issue of the Earthquakes' home court. They can no longer rent the Santa Clara University stadium. It's so embarrassing!

Not to mention that the stadium is small, the facilities are also backward, and it lacks the atmosphere of a real professional sports.

There must be a professional football stadium.

Then, I found the San Jose City Hall and wanted to negotiate to resolve the matter. The government gives some money and approves a piece of land, and the investors give some money and together they build a new stadium.

When it comes to land and real estate, there are far fewer constraints here in the Bay Area than in New York.

Every inch of land in New York is at a premium, and the overly diversified industrial structure requires coordination of all aspects, which is very complicated. There is only the technology industry here in Silicon Valley, and the land is vast and sparsely populated. All parties will agree to build a major sports project to enrich the entertainment life of the San Francisco area.

However, the efficiency of the American system is too low.

Even if the mayor agrees, it still needs to be approved by the council.

It's not enough for the parliament to pass it. We have to make an announcement to see how the locals react.

For example, if you choose to build a stadium at a certain location, there may be a lot of trouble. The surrounding residents may object to the noise and protest, and you will have to spend a lot of money to deal with them. Even the Environmental Protection Association will jump out and say that building the stadium will cause ecological damage and will spend a lot of money on lobbying.

There is a huge gap with the efficient operation of domestic administration.

In the past few years since Schwarzenegger has been governor, what he hopes most is to build a thoroughfare for the people of California, which will not only develop the economy but also improve people's livelihood.

But it can't be passed no matter what. It is believed that building a highway will destroy the ecological environment and will not benefit the current generation but will harm future generations.

Fortunately, Zhou Buqi also received unanimous assurances from several San Jose city officials and council members that the project would be launched soon with little resistance.

Football stadiums are for football games, which enrich cultural life and bring entertainment and enjoyment. This thing is easier to win people's hearts and is not as "scary" as highways.

Based on feedback from the authorities, it is estimated that a preliminary cooperation plan can be provided within three months.

Just wait!

Fortunately, Zhou Buqi is not too anxious. Even if the construction of the stadium is approved, it will take only two or three years to build the stadium. If that doesn't work, we'll find a domestic construction company to take over the job.

Back in California, Zhou Buqi mainly participated in three boards of directors: Ziweixing International, Netflix and Ziweixing Global.

Ziweixing International has officially launched the "mobile first, cloud first" concept, focusing on mobile Internet and cloud computing businesses, and establishing an enterprise framework around these two core businesses.

Netflix will comprehensively promote the markets of developed countries such as the UK, Germany, Australia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, Japan, South Korea, and Singapore, and actively carry out global layout. At the same time, we actively promote our own drama business.

Ziweixing Global is the most important.

Last year, Ziweixing Universal unsurprisingly became the film and television company with the largest global box office, with a total of US$6.64 billion.

"Iron Man 2", with a global box office of US$860 million; "Shrek 4", with a global box office of US$780 million; "The Twilight Saga", with a global box office of US$690 million; "Despicable Me", with a global box office of US$580 million ; "How to Train Your Dragon", with a global box office of US$480 million; "Big Bad", with a global box office of US$330 million; "Robin Hood", with a global box office of US$320 million...

It’s just that the film industry has a relatively long payment cycle. With so many blockbuster movies in the past year, in addition to the timely feedback from the box office market, other channels will have to be completed in the next 2-3 years. .

But this is enough to give a stunning financial report!

In the past year, Ziweixing Global’s revenue reached US$11.81 billion and net profit reached US$2.74 billion.

The company has total liabilities of $5.24 billion and a cash balance of $4.36 billion.

After completing the acquisition of EMI Records, Zhou Buqi's industrial layout of Ziweixing Global has been basically completed.

The film business includes Universal Pictures, MGM, Marvel Studios, Lucasfilm and Summit Entertainment; the music business includes EMI Records, which is basically enough. It is impossible to acquire Warner Records, Sony Records, and Universal Records. At most It is to acquire some small and medium-sized music studios and carry out some small-scale layout.

The last piece of business left is streaming media.

However, this matter is relatively far away. Ziweixing Global does not plan to do it within a year or two. It will first try its best to promote Netflix.

As a result, Ziweixing Global has no more business growth points, and can only rely on the "Marvel Universe", "Star Wars" sequels, "Jurassic Park" sequels, and the "Fast and Furious" series Let’s wait for commercial blockbusters to continue to shine to create more profits.

Except for streaming media, which will be launched many years later, MSI Global's growth potential at the strategic level is not great anymore, and it is time to go public.

At the board meeting, Zhou Buqi made a request.

1. Purple Star Global will complete all organizational structure adjustments this year, mainly the integration of EMI music assets and the organization of group business;

Second, continue to purchase film and television copyrights of high-quality works around the world, the more the merrier;

Third, start the IPO listing plan and complete the listing by the end of next year or the beginning of the next year!

Except for Shi Jinglin who is still in China, most of the family members have come to Los Angeles, including two outsiders, Yang Mi and Dilireya, who gathered together and held a grand dinner at home.

Wu Yu had opened more than a dozen bottles of the rare red wines he collected.

Not drinking too much.

But everyone has different tastes, so they only drink what they like.

This scene was an eye-opener for the young girl Dilireya. She saw what extreme waste was. A dinner alone cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in red wine.

"The expenses at home are so high."

Senior Sister Zhen Yu obviously couldn't stand such a big waste, so she sneaked in to talk to Zhou Buqi while he was working in the study.

Zhou Buqi disagreed, "How much money is this? Compared to waste, happiness is more important."

Zhen Yu said softly: "I've done the math. Last year, the family's pocket money alone cost 63 million U.S. dollars, not counting the 150 million domestic Chinese coins."

"How much money is this?" Zhou Buqi couldn't help laughing, "Senior sister, are you too stingy? This little money is nothing. For a family like ours, learning to spend money is the most important and a good thing. Well … I think there should be a new rule.”

"What's the new rule?"

"Each person spends at least 20 million US dollars in pocket money every year. Just like Senior Sister Wu Yu, I think it's good. If you like red wine, then buy it. The more the better."

"Didn't we make a decision before, but we can't implement it at all." Zhen Yu rolled her eyes at him, "Teacher Wen, Baoshan, Aunt Xue, Ya Meng and others simply can't do it. Consumption is a happy thing, if you set targets If you don’t, you lose the fun.”

Zhou Buqi waved to her and asked her to come over to do it. He sighed and said, "Yes, the women in our family are all too responsible."

Zhen Yu sat on her lap, dumbfounded, "What are you talking about? Is duty good or bad?"

Zhou Buqi said helplessly: "I make so much money, why don't I keep it? Everyone spends it lavishly... If you don't spend it, then I will spend it myself. I... wait until I return to China." It’s not okay to hire one hundred and eighty female college students for fun... Female college students only have a few dollars..."

"Bah, bah, bah, that's nonsense!"

Zhen Yu covered his mouth to stop him from talking nonsense.

In the past few years, Boss Zhou was really capable of doing this kind of thing. Now it’s no longer possible. Success and fame are all that matters. With such a big reputation, it’s too risky to create such a big scene. It’s good to have a few temporarily occasionally.

Moreover, he is already a bit overwhelmed in this regard. The frequency of hunting is no longer as good as in previous years, and he has to spend more energy on his family. The most important thing is to maintain the harmony and stability of the family and ensure equal exposure to rain and dew.

Zhen Yu held his face and said, "I'm not joking with you anymore, I have serious business!"

"What's going on?"

"Our family needs a loan."

"What? A loan?" Zhou Buqi's eyes widened in disbelief, "I don't have enough money to spend? Do I need a loan?"

Zhen Yu's face turned slightly red, "Well, we have to prepare for a rainy day, it's expenses... Anyway, we have to deal with a stock this year to relieve our family's financial pressure. Either pledge the stock for a loan, or sell it directly for cash."

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