Top of the big era

Chapter 1850 Social Network

Soon, the Spring Festival is here.

According to Zhou Buqi's wishes, this year's Spring Festival can be spent directly in the Magic City, or go to Pengcheng, or even the Hong Kong Government. It was so cold back in the north.

In fact, parents of this generation can accept it, and the father even shamelessly handed over the decision-making power to his son. However, it won’t work in the previous generation.

Grandpa said he would go back to the Northeast to celebrate the New Year.

I even go to my hometown village to give out red envelopes to the villagers.

There was no other way, so Zhou Buqi had no choice but to take his whole family back to Spring City in the Northeast, and arrived at the Zhou family compound that had been renovated, repaired and renovated.

There are three villas in total.

The one on the left is where my grandfather, parents, Aunt Liu, my sister Zhou Nan, and other distant relatives who may come to visit live.

The ones in the middle and on the right are completely useless.

There is no way, the villa is too small... Well, to be precise, there are too many people.

In addition to Zhou Buqi, there are also Wen Zhixia, Shi Jinglin, Wu Yu, Xue Baoshan, Zhen Yu, Ning Yaxian, Ning Yameng, Sun Wanran, Ning Lu, Aunt Xue, and four children, as well as Ning Lu She brought her cousin He Feifei to spend the New Year with her.

That is to say, Shi Jinglin did not bring her two half-sisters over, otherwise the population would be even greater.

With so many people, it doesn't really matter on the parents' side.

Grandpa couldn't stand it, so they simply separated.

During the New Year's Eve dinner, Zhou Buqi took his son and his mother Ning Yameng to have a simple meal with the elders. The old man was quite open-minded and let him go.

Zhou Buqi then returned to his home and started the official New Year's Eve dinner.

"My grandpa just issued important instructions and asked me to execute them!"

When he returned to eat here, Zhou Buqi was not polite and sat directly at the head of the family's seat at the front of the long table, and then weakly tried to convey his grandfather's imperial edict.

The other people sat on the left and right sides, actually sitting randomly.

It's so late and the children are all asleep.

The adults are also more relaxed.

At this time, sitting on Zhou Buqi's left hand was Zhen Yu, and on the right was Sun Wanran.

Sun Wanran blinked, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Buqi said: "My grandfather said that one boy is too few in the family. The most important task for our family this year is to have more boys."

As soon as he finished speaking, angry eyes glared at him.

Shi Jinglin snorted coldly: "You're not ashamed either!"

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously and said casually: "What am I ashamed of? It's funny. Having children is the biggest thing in life. Xinxin, Niannian, Ningning, we have three daughters, and we have three sons. One is missing."

Among the three daughters, Zhou Xin is actually not her biological child, but the daughter of Ning Yaxian and her ex-husband.

But this is relatively taboo in the Zhou family.

Everyone treats Xinxin as one of their own. Except for grandpa, who has a relatively outward appearance, everyone else has very good personal accomplishments and can all be treated equally.

This will make Ning Yaxian's heart warm, and will also make Xinxin's growth healthier, without the mentality of being isolated and discriminated against.

As for the son...

His first name is Zhou Jianzhou, and his nickname is Zhouzhou.

Just like the name "Zhou Buqi", it was also written by my grandpa, a half-assed ancient poet. He thought about it for more than half a year before he came up with such a name.

"Jianzhou" roughly means "Everything is as simple as a canoe, but a canoe is like a boat." It is basically another interpretation of the profound meaning of the word "buqi", which can be regarded as a continuation.

As soon as this name came out, everyone liked it very much and thought that the old man was quite educated.

Probably because of everyone's popularity, the old man's self-confidence exploded, and he felt that his grandson Zhou Buqi should have more sons, so that he could show off his talents and choose more meaningful and beautiful names. Fortunately, it is passed down in the family.

When it came to the matter of giving birth, which was relatively private, Ning Lu took her cousin to avoid it. Her sister He Feifei is only 15 years old and is not suitable for being infected by bad information on such occasions.

Zhou Buqi said: "Anyway, that's it. I thought about makes sense. It would be good to have more children. But don't force it. Who wants to have children, raise your hand!"

"Hold your ass!"

Shi Jinglin was so angry that she felt that this person was such a bastard and shameless.

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "If you don't want to give birth, why don't you let others give birth? Okay, now start raising your hands, I will take a look at the situation and then make an assessment."

Everyone at the dinner table was silent.

Big eyes stare at small eyes.

No one raised their hand.

Seeing that everyone was embarrassed to raise their hands, Zhou Buqi gave up, waved his hands and said, "Forget it, let's talk in private later. Sister Bao, go call Ning Lu back, let's start dinner!"

Even during the Chinese New Year, Zhou Buqi's work cannot stop. He has to hold meetings with overseas teams every night, mainly focusing on the Internet industry. At the same time, we must also grasp the first-hand dynamics of Silicon Valley to judge some new situations.

Sure enough, something big happened!

At Google's first board meeting of the new year, it passed the proposal to remove CEO Schmidt, and then founder Larry Page took over the position.

The news has been officially made public.

Within two days, Google's stock price rose 16.4%, which shows that the market is full of confidence and expectations for this familiar new CEO.

What Zhou Buqi pays attention to is Larry Page’s announcement of taking office——

"This is my second time as the company's CEO. I will work hard to improve the company's turnover rate and execution efficiency, and focus development on the biggest bets that can change the world!"

What are the big bets?

At first glance, it seems confusing and confusing.

But as long as the information is not blocked and the latest trends in the Silicon Valley industry can be grasped in a timely manner, everyone will know what the biggest bet he is talking about is.

It’s actually a social network!

Last year, Time Magazine in the United States selected its Person of the Year, and it was Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook.

Such a selection has actually been criticized in Silicon Valley.

Because everyone knows that many of Facebook's creative ideas come from the Friends Network, the so-called social network... Ziweixing is no worse than Facebook!

Even in the latest mobile Internet field, Ziweixing is far ahead!

Overseas mobile Internet is developing rapidly, and the trend has taken off. Hundreds of social products have appeared. Among so many products, the number one one is Helo from Ziweixing, which currently has 120 million users!

Secondly, there is Ziweixing, Ucgram, a picture social product with more than 75 million users.

These are the two most popular apps on mobile phones right now.

In contrast, Facebook has almost no success on mobile.

Facebook is a very complex and huge product, and the product design is too complex and lacks an in-depth understanding of the mobile app.

Restricted by the hardware configuration of smartphones, the resulting phenomenon is that many smartphones will be very stuck and not smooth when running Facebook.

Therefore, there is a voice in Silicon Valley that Time Magazine is right to put its annual selection on social networks. This is indeed an emerging product that has brought the greatest change to the world in this era!

In the past, there was a distance between people, and many people would never have contact in their lifetime.

Things are different now. Through the platform of the Internet, social networks have connected people all over the world. Except for a few countries, people all over the world can contact each other without hindrance. This is true globalization. great fusion.

The social network deserves the award.

However, it would not be right to just give Zuckerberg an award.

To award the prize, at least two people should be awarded. It should be Mark Zuckerberg and Zhou Buqi who win the prize together.

But there is no way. The editors of "Times" cannot understand the development of the Internet situation and do not know many inside stories at all.

Not to mention those editors, even many people in the industry disapprove of the mobile Internet. Oracle's Larry Ellison spoke publicly, claiming that "the mobile Internet is drunk driving." It is probably a satire that the mobile Internet is driven by a group of drunken and confused drivers who step on the accelerator and run wildly. The risks and blindness can be imagined.

No matter what, in this era, social networks are the consensus of the world!

In the past few years, Google has launched more than a dozen social products, and all of them failed without exception, including Google Talk, which spent more than 500 million US dollars to promote it, but Helo spent millions of dollars in marketing funds. With a blast of the hammer, he was beaten to pieces.

The failure of the social business was the fundamental reason for Schmidt’s resignation.

After Larry Page came to power, one of the most important things he did was to develop the social network business.

Zhou Buqi was very concerned about this.

We need to find a way to sell Twitter to him, and we need to find a way to turn our hostility into friendship with Google.

Before the Spring Festival, Zhou Buqi and Zhou Shaoning met in the capital, and they mainly talked about the third alternative of "WeChat". It was Asda that launched the low-end mobile phone business and then captured the market share of "China Cool Alliance" in one fell swoop, thereby influencing users' choices from the terminal and forcing users to only use WeChat and not QChat.

This is an alternative to an alternative to an alternative.

With the current development momentum of WeChat, 99.99% will not be able to use this trick.

However, Asda will definitely launch low-end machine business in the future.

A mobile phone with a retail price of about US$700 is actually nothing to developed countries such as Europe, the United States, South Korea and Japan. It is the salary of a few days of working at McDonald's.

But this is not possible for some developing countries. The price is too high, which is equivalent to one or two months' salary for many people.

The high-end machine market is very small, with only about 20 countries in the world. Even in top developed countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, 25%-30% of the mobile phone market is supported by low-end phones.

The real big market for smartphones in the future will actually be the low-end market.

However, the brands "Aster" and "Ziyuan" have high-end positioning. Once they use this brand to launch a low-end phone series, they will ruin their reputation and cannot do this.

Are you going to launch a new brand for low-end phones?

That would be too difficult.

If you want to successfully operate and promote a new brand, it will cost a lot of money.

Look to Google and you may be able to solve this dilemma!

Google's acquisition of Motorola has been basically negotiated, with a transaction price of US$12.5 billion.

Google's purpose in reaching this deal is not to personally make mobile phones. It is taboo to be both a referee and an athlete. The larger purpose is that Google wants to obtain tens of thousands of Motorola patents to enhance Google's capabilities in mobile device technology.

Zhou Shaoning fell in love with the brand "Motorola".

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