Top of the big era

Chapter 1847 Mentally too fragile

Zhou Buqi felt a little heavy.

This Wang Fang is the savior of Sohu's gaming business. No wonder Lao Zhang trusts him so much. It’s not easy to fire such a person!

Yan Xinlei continued: "After Wang Fang joined Sohu, he received unconditional support from Mr. Zhang. From funds to bandwidth, to servers and environment, they were all the best. We gave him whatever he asked for. Mr. Zhang even personally came forward to visit Lei Jun. His right-hand man hired Shang Jin, the director of Kingsoft Games, to help him.”

"and after?"

"Then "Tian Long Ba Bu" came out, and it suddenly became a national-level game. Then, Mr. Zhang was very happy, so he split the game business and turned it into Changyou Company."


Zhou Buqi nodded.

For talents who have made great achievements in opening up new territories, simply giving some money and options is not enough. They must have a sufficient proportion of shares.

By splitting off the game business and establishing Changyou Company, Wang Fang should be able to get a significant proportion of the stock. In Changyou's ownership structure, Sohu holds 55%, Ziweixing holds 35%, and the remaining 10% is owned by employees. Wang Fang's shareholding is estimated to be between 6% and 7%.

Yan Xinlei said: "However, after the establishment of Changyou, the equity distribution was uneven. Employees held 10% of the shares, and Wang Fang alone held 6.8%. This was nothing. Everyone followed him and accepted it. But the distribution of the rest of the shares was It was unbalanced, and he gave most of the stocks to his fellow villagers. He created a small team in the company divided by region, and relied on this small team to control the company, which aroused everyone's dissatisfaction."

"A conflict broke out?"

"Yes, there was a split. Shang Jin led a group of people and left Changyou angrily, founded Qilin Game Studio, and then developed an online game that was almost exactly the same as "Dragon Babu" called "Genghis Khan". "

Zhou Buqi frowned slightly, "Exactly the same?"

Yan Xinlei said: "Yes, they are basically the same. Even many of the pictures and special effects are the same. Shang Jin... they should have brought a lot of internal information from Changyou."

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously, "Just sue for this kind of thing. Those who learn from me will live, and those who imitate me will die. For creative products like games, there is no way out if they are completely imitated."

Yan Xinlei said: "Yes, we are suing. In fact, I don't think it is a big deal. "Genghis Khan" cannot be compared with our "Dragon". It is estimated that it will be closed down in less than two years. . But... I don’t know what to say about Wang Fang. Maybe he has too much self-esteem, or maybe he has too many psychological problems."


"Didn't they sue "Genghis Khan" here? Shang Jin publicly spoke out, saying that they were not plagiarizing because "Dragon Babu" was developed and designed by him, and Wang Fang did nothing. "Dragon Babu" "Part" is originally his work, and there is no plagiarism."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "What does this mean? The game is copyrighted. It belongs to Changyou."

Yan Xinlei said: "Yes, that's it. Everyone knows that they are messing around. But Wang Fang couldn't stop it after a while. He seemed to be greatly stimulated and humiliated. He got angry in the company and made several remarks in a row. Tian’s temper makes me feel that my gaming talent has been underestimated.”

Zhou Buqi asked: "What's the truth? Who developed "Tian Long Ba Bu"?"

Yan Xinlei said: "Shang Jin is the director of this game, and he led the team to make it. But Wang Fang is the business manager, and he manages the development team. If you really want to talk about it, Shang Jin should account for 95%, and Wang Fang Fang Fang probably accounts for 5%. Everyone inside knows that, so Wang Fang feels insulted. Changyou’s Ace Game was not created by him, and he feels that his authority has been shaken.”

Zhou Buqi knew more about what happened next, "So Changyou later developed a new game "The Deer and the Cauldron"."

Yan Xinlei smiled and said: "Yes, it seems you know, it is "The Deer and the Cauldron". This game has an investment of 80 million US dollars. Wang Fang personally went into battle and devoted a lot of effort to this game. Didn't I just tell you about Wang Fang's early years? Didn't he represent the American online game "Magic Sword"? He was still thinking about it. When designing and developing "The Deer and the Cauldron", he imitated "Magic Sword" and made it a martial arts version of "Magic Sword". He planned to rely on this This game can restore morale within the company and restore your authority and dignity."

"But The Deer and the Cauldron failed."

Zhou Buqi has read Changyou's financial report. Changyou will go public in the United States in March. Last year's financial report was very important, with net profit reaching US$500 million.

Several businesses performed very well, but the only business that was losing money was "The Deer and the Cauldron" which was just launched last summer.

Although the game failed, Zhou Buqi didn't care too much.

Making games is just like making Hollywood blockbusters. How can you make a profit without losing money?

Where there is success, there must be failure.

The failure of this game will not put any pressure on Changyou's business growth.

Whether it is Zhou Buqi or Zhang Chaoyang, they can actually accept the failure of a game. No one can always win.

However, when it comes to failure, some people are broad-minded and strong enough to withstand the pressure, while others are unable to do so and will fall into collapse, such as Changyou CEO Wang Fang.

Yan Xinlei said: "The Deer and the Cauldron failed. Wang Fang seemed to have lost his soul. I didn't have much contact with him. I met him a few times and felt that he had no fighting spirit at all. Later, some people said that he was depressed and mentally depressed. The condition is very bad.”

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "Isn't Changyou developing a new game? It bought the copyright of an online novel from Ziweixing and is going to adapt it into the game "Battle Break OL"."

Yan Xinlei nodded, "Yes, Wang Fang refused to give up and wanted to develop another game, but his spirit was obviously not right, and the atmosphere within the company was no longer as passionate as when he was developing "The Deer and the Cauldron"."

Zhou Buqi now understood the cause and effect, "So I went to India to find faith, to find spiritual sustenance and spiritual relief."

"Yes!" Yan Xinlei was helpless about this, "He just believes it himself, and he wants us to believe it too. After practicing hard, our whole body can be transcended, and we can become a spiritual master. Success or failure will not matter. It couldn't be more important. This is just an escape, not daring to face failure head-on and looking for excuses to cover it up."

Obviously, Yan Xinlei is very dissatisfied with this set of rules.

Through an Indian sect, we help employees awaken themselves and get rid of the pain in the world... Your sister, are you using the company as a spiritual altar?

Zhou Buqi was also very dissatisfied.

No wonder Changyou was so powerful in its previous life and was a well-known game company in China.

It soon fell into decline.

More than ten years later, we still have to continue to rest on the laurels of "Dragon Movie".

If you do this, can you not perish?

The company has become a church!

Judging from Yan Xinlei's current state, what he said is definitely true. There may be errors in the details, but in general it is absolutely correct. This Wang Fang’s problem is too big!

In just this moment, Zhou Buqi made a decisive decision.

No negotiation!

Must be fired!

Wang Fang, as well as his direct team divided by region, must all be fired, and Changyou must be eliminated, leaving no one behind!

Zhou Buqi has very ambitious plans and business prospects for Changyou, and such a group of people will never be allowed to cause chaos within the company.

Once word spread, it became a big joke in the industry.

Maybe even his boss Zhou has become the talk of the industry.

Zhou Buqi said: "So, when we hire people, ability alone is not enough. There are too many capable people in this world. We also need to look at the character and whether they have a strong enough mind. Isn't it just a team split? Well, isn't it just that "The Deer and the Cauldron" failed? So what? You can't bear the little internal and external pressure? Your heart breaks down? Your spirit becomes depressed? Do you have to rely on Indian sects for relief? To put it bluntly, he is simply a coward."

Yan Xinlei agreed, "Yes, it feels worse than me!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "That's definitely not as good as you. How strong your mentality is. When we were in school, you played games in the dormitory every day. I remember Wang Dalong also told me that in some classes, in order to prevent We use high technology to sign in on behalf of others and require fingerprints to sign in, so why don't you go?"

Yan Xinlei smiled and said: "Then I won't learn from you. Didn't you say that if you don't fail the university, it will be in vain."

Zhou Buqi coughed, and said with a bit of embarrassment: "Frustration education is still useful. If you fail a few more subjects, you will feel the pressure of not getting a diploma in college. In the society, you will definitely be better than those good kids." Take care of things."

Yan Xinlei waved his hand, "I've finished telling you about Mr. Wang's matter, what should I do? Do you want to take care of it?"

"Well, I have to take care of it!"

Zhou Buqi did not hesitate and gave a firm and affirmative reply.

Yan Xinlei sighed, "It's not that I want to make a snitch, but if they do this, the company will really be ruined. I have discovered now that no matter how strong a person's ability is, he still needs a good platform to present it. Changyou is I don’t care about others as it is my platform to showcase my personal abilities. I can’t just watch this group of people mess around inside the company and destroy my career platform.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "You are doing the right thing, this is how it should be. Well... Changyou is going to be listed soon, and Lao Zhang may be doing a roadshow in the United States. You should keep this matter secret first, and don't make it public. Zhang Chaoyang and I will study it first and see. Let’s see how to deal with it.”

Yan Xinlei said: "Should we stop the development of "Fights Break the Sphere" first? Mr. Wang's current thinking is consistent. The overall design of the game is copied from "Devil Sword", and the gameplay design is copied from "Dragon Babu" .After this game is produced, it lacks new ideas and is unlikely to be recognized by players."

Zhou Buqi glanced at him with a half-smile, "What? You don't want to play board games anymore? Do you want to develop online games instead?"

Yan Xinlei laughed, "No, I don't show favoritism."

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