Top of the big era

Chapter 1840 43

Chapter 1840 4+3

Due to the influence of Penguin in his previous life to dominate the world with WeChat, Zhou Buqi paid special attention to this.

In this life, Ziweixing preemptively registered the WeChat trademark, and Penguin launched QChat. In fact, it was just a name change, and the resources and operation methods behind it remained unchanged.

In Zhou Buqi's view, the Q-Message launched by Penguin has become Ziweixing's biggest rival in the early stages of deploying the mobile Internet!

Even though Ziweixing's current business is booming, this is all an illusion and is the result of standing at the peak of the PC Internet.

Baidu is also very popular, so what?

We must follow the times and keep up with them.

The showdown between WeChat and QChat is actually a battle between Ziweixing and Penguin in planning the next era. From the current perspective, it is not impressive, just two small products.

But Zhou Buqi knew that this was related to the future survival and development of Ziweixing.

Only success is allowed, no failure is allowed!

In order to develop "WeChat", Zhou Buqi gave this product very high specifications and even established a large business group named after this product - WeChat Business Group.

You must know that this business group also includes Helo and Friends, the two most important products of Ziweixing, and these two products must serve the WeChat ecosystem.

It can be seen that Zhou Buqi attaches great importance to it.

Not to mention, the product manager of WeChat's product is directly served by the business group president Guo Pengfei. The specifications are extremely high and he has the most resources.

In comparison, Guo Pengfei, Fu Hongliang and others were relatively relaxed.

Everyone has arrived and the meeting has begun.

Guo Pengfei said easily: "Let me make a briefing first. As of January 3, 2011, the number of WeChat users was 12.6 million. Among them, there were 2.48 million on iOS, 4.84 million on Android, and 5.2 million on Symbian. There are currently 17 similar products in China, and the two most important competitors are MiLiao and QChat. Among them, MiLiao has 2.2 million users and QChat has 1.4 million users. Fetion has more than 18 million smartphone users. Users, but the products of state-owned enterprises are not of concern and are not under consideration.”

This is a very beautiful data. Zhang Yiming said with a smile: "After all, our products were launched earlier and we have seized the market opportunity."

Meng Houkun is cautious about this, "WeChat's advantage is just that it was launched earlier than MiLiao and QChat. QChat was launched 4 months later than MiLiao, and it already has 1.4 million users in just over a month after it was launched. users, which shows the rapid growth.”

Guo Pengfei smiled and said, "Not so nervous."

Zhang Yiming agreed with the same relaxed tone, "Judging from the current situation at all levels, WeChat occupies a great advantage at every level."

"What about mobile QQ?" Zhou Buqi looked serious, "This is the most powerful product on the mobile phone, even more powerful than UC Browser, so we must be careful and vigilant."

Mobile QQ is so powerful. It has been around for six or seven years and is the product with the highest number of mobile phone installations in China.

This is also the strongest foundation behind Qxin.

Behind WeChat is Helo, behind QChat is QQ, and Helo and QQ are currently about the same size... At first glance, the platform foundations of WeChat and QChat are the same.

Not really.

Both WeChat and QChat are mobile products, and traffic mainly relies on mobile products, while QQ Mobile is unrivaled in this field.

Fu Hongliang explained: "The product features are different. The main user group of QQ Mobile is teenagers, especially middle school students. Sending text messages is too expensive, and I don't realize the benefits of Fetion, so I use QQ Mobile for a long time." College students and other groups use QQ mainly on the computer side."

Guo Pengfei said with a smile: "On the computer side, there is strong competition from Helo. QQ cares more about entertainment properties, while Helo cares more about messaging properties. The product features of WeChat and QChat are actually not consistent with the positioning of mobile QQ. It’s more about the attribute of transmitting messages. Products such as WeChat or MiLiao and QChat are meant to replace text messages, not QQ mobile phones.”

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "You are all right, but there is an undeniable fact that mobile QQ has a stronger user drainage function than Q letter."

There were only 6 people in this small meeting, namely Zhou Buqi, Zhang Yiming, He Yang, Guo Pengfei, Meng Houkun and Fu Hongliang.

Then they split into two factions.

People inside WeChat, such as Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, and Fu Hongliang, all acted very relaxed and full of confidence; Zhou Buqi, He Yang, and Meng Houkun, who were not involved in the design, management, and operation of WeChat, were cautious instead. , serious and full of worry.

Sure enough, Zhang Yiming acted very relaxed, "Even so, there is no need to worry too much, because the competition within Penguin is also fierce."


Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up.

This is often the case. Thousand-mile embankments often fail not from the raging Yellow River and Yangtze River outside, but from ant nests. Internal contradictions are the fundamental contradictions, and no matter how powerful the external enemy is, it is not as threatening as internal strife.

Zhang Yiming said: "The nature of the two products, Mobile QQ and Qxin, are too similar. The two products are handled by two teams. The former is the highest-standard core product at the Pengcheng headquarters. It is managed by the second team of Penguin Group. The handler manages it personally. The latter was developed by the mailbox team in the Yangcheng branch."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "So the QQ team is unwilling to divert traffic to Q Letter?"


Zhang Yiming felt like he was holding something in his hand.

Qxin, which has lost the support of QQ, may not be much better than MiLiao. In comparison, Ziweixing's internal organizational structure is more advanced.

This also comes from Boss Zhou’s strength, decisiveness and foresight.

After the internal organizational structure of Ziweixing was adjusted, WeChat, Helo and Friends Network were all planned to be part of the WeChat business group and became one BU business, so internal resistance could be greatly reduced.

There will be no fighting between different internal BUs like Penguin.

Guo Pengfei smiled and said: "In order to promote WeChat, Yangcheng's team has no choice. Without QQ's resources for promotion, they have to rely on themselves. Yangcheng's team is engaged in QQ mailboxes, so they adopted the QQ mailbox recommendation method. , to attract traffic, promote, download and connect users through QQ mailbox.”

"Is the traffic of QQ mailboxes bad?" Zhou Buqi poured cold water on him again, "Qxin has only been online for more than a month, and the number of users has almost exceeded that of Midiao. Don't be careless in this matter! "

Meng Houkun also said cautiously: "Yes, Qxin at this stage should still be in the testing stage, so the group level has not yet provided resources to assist. As long as Qxin makes some achievements and the market performs well, it will It will definitely attract the attention of the Penguin President Office. By then, the relationship between QQ and Qxin will definitely be opened up."

He Yang was convinced and said slowly: "The most popular social outlet in China right now is Weibo. The best is of course our Weibo, followed by Sohu Weibo, NetEase Weibo is also good, and Penguin Weibo is also good. Although QQ has strong traffic flow and many registered users, there are too few active users and their stay time is too short. In the competition of Weibo products, Penguin has fallen behind. Once they retreat from the Weibo front, they will go all out to attack WeChat. That’s when the competitive pressure will really come.”

These words are mature and prudent, and they do not lack a high-level perspective.

Let everyone recognize it.

Guo Pengfei said: "Yes, this is why we gather together today to study WeChat's core strategic development layout this year."

Zhou Buqi said: "In order to consider victory, consider defeat first. Although WeChat now has many advantages, in terms of planning, the worst-case scenario must be considered."

Zhang Yiming said: "Yes, there must be a worst-case scenario. Once the worst-case scenario really happens... Ziweixing's positioning of 'WeChat' is a core-level, strategic-level product. There is no room for failure and it must succeed. So. , once something bad happens, we must reverse the occupation at all costs!"


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

Guo Pengfei and Zhang Yiming seemed to be singing a double act, and they had obviously had private communication for a long time. However, we encountered some difficult decisions, so Boss Zhou needed to make the decision.

Next, Guo Pengfei's performance began. He coughed slightly and said confidently, "For WeChat's product competition and business promotion, we have mainly planned a '4+3' plan."

Zhou Buqi sat on the sofa and crossed his legs, "Okay, let's talk briefly."

Guo Pengfei said: "Let me talk about the positive first, that is, the '4' in '4+3'. First, at the product level, one of the major advantages of smartphones is the GPS function. The LBS function is now popular all over the world. WeChat must There is a new breakthrough at this level.”

The LBS function is "people nearby".

Zhou Buqi met Larry Page in London and saw the Google Chrome team in London. At that time, a browser standard they started to develop was H5-based LBS, which also provided the H5 component of the browser to find nearby people. Function.

Zhou Buqi is familiar with this, "It's not a big deal. This trend exists all over the world, and MiLiao and QXin will definitely follow suit."

Guo Pengfei said with a smile: "But we have our own industry and we have college students."


Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up. College students were the group he cared about the most.

Fu Hongliang is in charge of products. He said in an orderly manner: "We must maximize the use of the resources of and use the power of college students to promote our products. This time, we are targeting the '' The business of selecting school beauties."

Guo Pengfei looked at Zhou Buqi and said with a smile: "You originally designed the section for selecting school beauties. You have made a great contribution to the popularity and activity of the school network in the past few years. However, the business has never been good. It can break out of the circle. This time we launch WeChat, so we can make good use of this area of ​​business resources."

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