Top of the big era

Chapter 1836 Can’t miss it

The form of BU is very common, and many large companies do it this way. Google actually has a BU structure now. There is nothing to ask for advice on this.

However, the structure of China-Taiwanization is very novel, and it is definitely a world-class business innovation.

In the previous life, this was the work of Boss Ma from Alibaba. It can be said that he became a god in one move and influenced technology giants around the world, including Google.

After Alibaba implemented the "big, middle platform" structure, Larry Page quickly sent a team to follow up quickly, but the action was too slow.

Larry Page's management level is actually very average, and Google's performance has been unable to increase. Later, he handed over the power of Google to Sundar Pichai, an Indian who was one year older than him.

Sundar Pichai is very powerful. After taking office, he quickly adjusted Google's organizational structure and began to promote seamless cross-platform deployment of products, focusing on "scale effects."

The so-called "scale effect" is actually to use a shared infrastructure within Google to open source infrastructure with common needs and realize a technology platform to serve multiple departments.

In fact, it is "Dazhongtai".

The result was layoffs, support costs cut, channel scope expanded, revenue increased, and Google's stock price began to soar like a rocket.

In this life, Zhou Buqi grabbed such a halo of achievement and became a world-class corporate management master. Even Larry Page came to learn from him.

Seeing the other party asking for advice so eagerly and devoutly, Zhou Buqi felt a little guilty, so he said that he was a practical person, not a theoretical person. If he wanted to explain such a complicated structure clearly, I am afraid that the professional lecturers in the MBA class could not do it. good.

Larry Page didn't mind at all.

Zhou Buqi spent more than ten minutes simply explaining the concept of "big middle platform". This is actually not a secret. There are no secrets in the Internet industry.

Larry Page had obviously looked into it and wasn't surprised.

The theory is simple, but the practice is difficult.

Zhou Buqi also saw what he meant, so he took the initiative to send an invitation, saying that he could send a small team to Ziweixing International to observe and learn from his company's "large middle office, small front office" structure model up close.

This really suited Larry Page's wishes, and he was very happy.

Zhou Buqi said grandly: "There should be no competitors in the Internet industry. The purpose of our technology companies is not to make money, but to promote the progress of technology and change the world. All Internet companies should have the same goal." , all colleagues should join hands and work towards this goal."

Larry Page deeply believed it and was filled with emotion.

Zhou Buqi thought that during this meeting, the two would discuss some business differences between Ziweixing or Asda and Google, but the other party seemed to have no such intention.

Probably he hasn't dismissed Schmidt as Google's CEO yet, and will wait until he takes over.

Zhou Buqi is not in a hurry.

A longer delay would be a good thing for the sale of Twitter shares.

After staying at Google for two hours, Zhou Buqi and his group withdrew, but he did not forget one thing.

"That H5, what's going on?"

Back at the company, Zhou Buqi raised this very critical question.

Paul Koerner, the president of Ziweixing International Europe, accompanied the whole process and explained in an understatement: "It is equivalent to a subset of the browser. It is an HTML5-developed component embedded in the browser. In addition, it does not Features such as local storage and geo APIs. Voice input, camera, accelerator, power management, system notifications and more.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Actually, it's just a comparison with the original App."

"Yes, that's what I mean." Paul Koerner smiled, "Original App development is very complicated and takes up too much space. In comparison, H5 has lower development costs, is more beautiful, and has good compatibility. , can be cross-platform, and has strong dissemination. The promotion of App is too difficult, but the promotion of H5 components is very easy.”

Zhou Buqi doesn’t believe it. If H5 is really that good, apps will not dominate the screen in future smartphones, but H5 will rule the world. “Are they all advantages? What about the disadvantages?”

Paul Corner said: "Compared with the original ecological App, H5 relies on the browser, relies on browser decoding to present content, and strictly relies on the standards and performance of the browser. I just went to Google and saw that their This is what the browser team is doing. Moreover, H5 cannot carry enough functions and needs to download resources according to network conditions. It is not smooth enough and not secure enough."

Zhou Buqi immediately grasped the key point, "The form of App can carry more functions. The form of H5 is limited by the browser, so it cannot have too many functions, right?"

"Yes." Paul Koerner nodded, "From the current point of view, the H5 mode is actually better."


"Powerful App functions require powerful terminal device support. Tablets may be able to do it, but the requirements for smartphones are too high."

"You underestimate the speed of development of the times."

Zhou Buqi glanced at him and felt that this person did not seem to keep up with his own thinking. He had been promoting a "hurry up, hurry up, the mobile Internet is sprinting at the speed of a rocket" idea in Ziwei territory.

Paul Koerner was silent for a moment and said slowly: "The development cost of H5 is lower, it can meet most of the company's brand marketing product promotion needs, and it is more suitable for implementing online marketing plans."

Zhou Buqi rejected it outright, "This makes no sense!"

"Ah?" Paul Koner looked at him deeply and said carefully, "From the PC Internet to the mobile Internet, many technologies are actually common and have continuity. There are not many technologies that truly belong to the mobile Internet. The most popular directions at the moment are probably two directions, one is App development and the other is H5 development.”

Due to the slow development of network infrastructure in China, China entered the mobile Internet a few years later than abroad.

Therefore, there is currently no choice in the direction of App and H5 in China.

But overseas business has already appeared.

App and H5 are the two most important branches in the current mobile Internet technology field.

For large companies, it must be left and right.

Do together!

It's better to make a mistake than to miss it.

This means that there will be more expenses, not only wasted on recruitment and employee salaries and benefits, but the increase in employees will also greatly increase the difficulty of management in the company.

For Zhou Buqi, it was actually very simple. He could clearly give the correct route. He glanced at Paul and asked, "When we recruit, will we also have such a choice?"

Paul Koerner said: "Yes, the ratio is basically 7:3, and the direction of the App should be more. After all, multi-platform development requires more employees."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and made a decisive decision: "Give up H5!"


Paul Koerner was shocked.

Zhou Buqi said decisively and resolutely: "That's it!"

Paul Koner frowned slightly, feeling that the big boss was too arbitrary, and said: "This is decided by the group headquarters, and approved by the technical committee, this is the most reasonable and insurance plan..."

Zhou Buqi said: "Larry Page chatted with me all afternoon. What he mainly said was that Google had too many employees and encountered management difficulties in the organizational structure. The big reason was that there were too many meaningless and bloated departments. Too much. H5 has no future, so there is no need for Ziweixing to get involved too deeply and just give up."

Paul Koerner was a little worried, "What if..."

"There is no such thing as a chance! It's settled. This is what I mean. You can tell Lu Qi that from the perspective of the whole group, we will give up recruiting relevant talents in the H5 field on a global scale."

Zhou Buqi is very decisive. The future is dominated by apps, and H5 is not even as good as a small program based on a popular app.

Purple Star International is currently strapped for funds, especially after acquiring the sandbox game "Minecraft" and Lufthansa's IT infrastructure department. The cash on hand is less than US$1 billion, and the province is saving.

What's more important is saving efficiency.

Put all your energy into the App. There is no need to waste too much thought on the H5 field. If Google is willing to do it, let them do it!

When I come to the UK, Zhou Buqi always goes to watch a game at Old Trafford.

It’s not a routine, it’s love.

It feels so good to go to a home game and watch it.

Especially now that Manchester United is at its peak, whether it is the domestic arena or the European arena, it is invincible. In the evaluation of many media, the strongest team in the world today is of course Barcelona led by Messi, Villa and Habaib, and the second ranked team is the Red Devils Manchester United.

However, Manchester United also has a shortcoming, there are a lot of glass people.

Among the top attackers in the frontcourt, Bale, Robben, and Van Persie are all in poor health and have serious injury risks. For example, recently, Bale and Robben have suffered injuries for more than five weeks, and Robin van Persie is also in poor condition.

Only Rooney is the most reliable.

For the ambitious Manchester United, this is obviously not enough. Ferguson is also planning to retire after winning the Champions League. Of course, he also wants to take advantage of the upcoming winter break to replenish his combat effectiveness.

In fact, in the past few years, the major British media have already chosen a target for Manchester United - the super striker Suarez who is currently playing for Ajax!

Last season, he scored an astonishing 49 goals in the Eredivisie.

This attracted the pursuit of many wealthy families.

However, he was unable to leave Ajax this summer because the club's asking price was too high.

Recently, Manchester United has encountered some employment crises. Ferguson is not satisfied with the team's over-reliance on Rooney's goals. Therefore, this time when boss Zhou visited, Ferguson took the initiative to invite the boss to drink red wine in the box after the game.

One is to celebrate winning.

The first is to talk about the purchase of Suarez.

Ferguson sighed and blamed himself, "I should have made the move in the summer. I didn't expect the team to encounter such great difficulties."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "It's not too late to take action now."

Ferguson said: "The owner of Liverpool has changed, and he has been replaced by an American."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "I know."

"Liverpool have made an application to Ajax."

Ferguson was worried.

Liverpool has a new owner. According to normal logic, in order to please the fans, the new owner will definitely spend a lot of money on signings. Now, Liverpool and Manchester United are interested in Suarez at the same time, and there may be a price war.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said grandly: "It doesn't matter, I'm not Glazer! Not to mention Suarez, even Messi, as long as you can win his approval, I can buy it for you! Money will always be there It’s not a problem! Suarez is a good player, I’m paying attention, and I won’t miss it this time!”

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