Top of the big era

Chapter 1824 Advanced Strategic Promotion Business

For the traditional business model, the normal logic is to make money from consumers, either by pressing suppliers for payment, or by going to banks for loans... and then use the money to advertise to expand the market and attract more people. consumers, thereby making more money.

On the surface, traditional companies can "cheat" money from banks or suppliers.

For example, the money borrowed from the bank will not be repaid, and the payment for goods to suppliers will not be paid.

It's actually very difficult to do.

If you want to get a bank loan, you must have collateral; to obtain payment from suppliers, you must have a strong goodwill guarantee.

Therefore, for traditional industries, if they want to make money, they still have to rely on the final consumers and their consumption.

The Internet is different.

This is also the reason why many older generation entrepreneurs cannot understand the Internet, so early domestic Internet companies relied on foreign funds for investment.

There is no guarantee of collateral or goodwill on the Internet.

When an Internet entrepreneur makes a product, there can be no consumers. It can only be used by users for free, and then continue to burn money to make products, research and development, marketing, and operations.

What does the future hold?

have no idea.

Anyway, we have to burn money now, and spend a lot of money to build this Internet product that has no future.

Where does the money come from?

Loans were out of the question.

Not to mention startups, Ziweixing has grown to the scale it is today, and it is impossible to get loans from domestic banks. Ziweixing's domestic loans do not rely on Internet business, but real estate. For example, the Capital Headquarters, Pengcheng Headquarters, Magic City Headquarters, and branch data centers across the country rely on the mortgage of these physical assets to obtain loans.

For start-up companies, what should they do if consumers don’t give them money and there are no loans?

Then you can only rely on venture capitalists.

Especially when you first start a business, you are called an "angel investor". The origin of this title is because there is a group of people who came to the world like angels. When the Internet entrepreneurial team was in the most difficult and helpless time, they stood up. They did not see any possibility of making money, but they had the courage to pay for their dreams. .

However, after the Internet has developed for so many years, this entire set of industrial models has become increasingly mature, and the "angel" attribute is not so strong. Because everyone has fully understood it and is betting on the future to gain super profits.

Then, more and more big capital poured in.

In other words, in the entrepreneurial stage of Internet companies, it is not banks, not suppliers, not consumers, not entrepreneurial teams... but big capital that pays! It’s a venture capital institution!

It's a bit unethical to pursue bubble value from consumers. It is logical to make this big money from capital. If you don’t make money, you won’t make it in vain!

The probability of success in starting an Internet business is extremely low, and it is a matter of choice.

For those failed entrepreneurial projects, they basically rely on capital institutions to foot the bill. The money these institutions pour in is destined to fail and be wasted.

What a shameful waste!

It would be better for Ziweixing to get as much money as possible.

Professor Han Leshui's analysis made the idea even clearer.

Zhou Buqi concluded: "Yes, the bubble value we are pursuing is derived from the upcoming capital boom in the Internet industry. But Boss He is right, the bubble value is too high. Once the capital boom cools down, this The business will be in difficulty. Therefore, Ziweixing has to walk on two legs. On the one hand, it can make a lot of money by working hard to chase the bubble value. If you can make a fortune, it is a fortune. On the other hand, it must do some consumer-oriented business down-to-earth to stabilize the business. Keep the basic base.”

He Yang nodded and stopped talking.

Then, it was Guo Pengfei's turn. He was more radical and said calmly: "The pursuit of bubble value does not mean that Ziweixing wants to create bubbles, but that it helps other startups create bubbles."

Meng Houkun said with a smile: "Do good things?"

Guo Pengfei said: "Yes, it is to do good things. By helping start-up companies create bubbles, they can get more funds from venture capital institutions. Ziweixing wants to become a platform that helps others create bubbles and does platform-type business. Earn commissions like taxes.”

Zhang Yiming gave an accurate explanation of this, "It is a virtual project based on all Ziweixing's promotion channels."

"Yes!" Guo Pengfei slapped his thigh, "It seems we want to go together!"

This discussion is actually mainly about the business of selling traffic.

In addition to several departments such as cloud computing and the Academy of Engineering, Ziweixing's main core business is actually the traffic business. Ziweixing makes the best free products and attracts the most users.

With more users, traffic will increase.

Then, rely on this traffic to help third-party customers promote.

The so-called bubble value... means that when capital's hot money pours in, it is easy for Internet entrepreneurial projects to obtain far more funds than they actually have.

How to get the most funds?

The most intuitive judgment is that this entrepreneurial project has very beautiful data.

The project Guo Pengfei mentioned is to help other startups create beautiful data, such as daily active volume, registered users, pageviews, etc., and create bubbles through data.

Help other startups blow bubbles. When the bubbles are blown, the startups can raise more money. Of course, the startup company has to pay Ziweixing a fee that far exceeds the actual advertising value plus the bubble value.

Ziweixing is an Internet company. Over the years, it has actually been on the road to entrepreneurship without stopping. The biggest entrepreneurial project within Ziweixing now is WeChat, which has high hopes for the mobile terminal.

Therefore, when this group of people analyzes the needs of their peers, they can often be more sharp, direct, and accurate.

Zhang Yiming and Guo Pengfei have similar ideas. He always speaks slowly, "Internet startups often encounter some very urgent and critical moments, such as competing for the track, and a new product must occupy the minds of users as quickly as possible; For example, in financing, the calculation of valuation has a leverage effect; in competition, the winner-takes-all rule will greatly intensify the competition between the first, second and third in the industry. These are all related to data."

He Yang also agreed with this statement and said: "Yes, the more critical the moment, the more no matter the cost. For the purpose of capital turnover, many companies have private loan interest rates reaching 40%, which is the highest rate of loan sharking."

Zhang Yiming said with a smile: "Yes, it follows this idea. When we do business, we can divide it into two types, one is daily situations and the other is emergency situations. The bubble value that can be pursued in daily situations is relatively limited. Emergency situations When the time comes, the greatest benefits will be achieved.”

Zhou Buqi agreed with this statement, "Yes, just like Yahoo's strange order, 10 million US dollars to create 20,000 new users. This is an emergency situation on the eve of financing, and there is fierce competition from opponents. So the other party will do it at any cost. Spend huge sums of money to achieve the goal.”

Zhang Yiming said: "Yes, so a new high-level strategic business department should be established in the marketing department to handle some emergency large orders. For example, I heard that Jumei Youpin is going to start financing. A beautiful data will be very useful to them." It’s very important. If Jumei Youpin reaches a cooperation with us at this time, this senior strategic business department will design a complete promotion plan for it, using Ziweixing’s, Toutiao, Weibo, Helo,, Products such as Weidian Security Guard, Meitu Xiuxiu, Weidian Notes, etc., all resources are put together and promoted together... The most conservative estimate is that they can increase their number of registered users by 10 million within 3 days."

Guo Pengfei was very supportive, "It makes sense!"

Zhang Yiming continued: "In the current middle-end business, the quick registration fee is 3 yuan. This plan is too monotonous. I have asked them to make changes and make it progressive. No matter how much the price is, every new addition in daily situations User, if we make 5 yuan, the price of the exclusive marketing strategy created by this advanced business department will definitely be higher, maybe 10 yuan or 20 yuan."

He Yang is in charge of the marketing department, and he knows this very well, "We are very good at this!"

The so-called advanced strategic business department's business is really done internally by Ziweixing.

For example, Ziweixing launched a new product called Weidian Music.

In fact, there are already a number of excellent music products on the market such as Kugou, Kuwo, QQ Music, Tiantian Dongting, Xiami Music, and Baidu Music.

Micropoint Music’s entrance was very late.

At first glance, it seems like there’s no chance.

However, Ziweixing is the Internet company with the highest traffic volume in China and has the highest exposure. When WeiDian Music is promoted, there will be a high-level meeting within ZiWeixing, and then several major businesses will be mobilized collectively, including Friends Network, WeiDian Search, Toutiao,, Weibo, Helo’s gold coin mission, and WeiDian Security. Defender’s software business recommendations and more.

Move out across the board!

2-3 days of violent impact, then 8-10 days of relaxation period, then another 2-3 days of violent impact, then 8-10 days of calm period, and then another 2-3 days of intense fire period.

In one month, the number of users of Weidian Music has exceeded 100 million.

At present, the number of users of Weidian Music has reached 170 million, ranking third in the country after QQ Music and Kugou Music.

This is what traffic means.

It can even be said that with Ziweixing's current strength, if it makes a product, there is no possibility that the product will be very good but there will be no market.

As long as the product is good, Ziweixing's own channels will definitely be able to launch it.

Similar business, Ziweixing has become very mature in the past few years.

The high-level strategic business department proposed by Zhang Yiming within the internal structure of the marketing department is actually not new at all. It is just a set of product promotion plans that Ziweixing has been familiar with in the past few years for public sale!

Anyone with money can buy it.

Of course, the price will be very high and full of bubbles.

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