Top of the big era

Chapter 1819 Gears and Flywheels

Zhou Buqi really doesn't want to get involved in this kind of thing, but since he's already here, he can only bite the bullet and say, "She's quite beautiful, but... there's no need for a divorce, right?"


Shi Guotai sighed.

"When a man is doing business, he will inevitably have fun outside. This is not surprising, and everyone understands it, but it is boring to take it seriously."

Zhou Buqi couldn't say many things clearly. After all, the other party was an elder, so he could only remind him in a subtle way.

Do you want to play?

Play whatever you want, no one will stop you!

However, it would be too childish to take it seriously while playing it. A stable family and a successful career often complement each other. How can you casually play serious with a girl in her twenties?

That's too irresponsible.

Shi Guotai was silent for a long time, "I have been thinking about this for half a year."

Zhou Buqi frowned, "Are you serious?"

Shi Guotai said in a deep voice: "Well, really!"

"As for it?"

Zhou Buqi is angry and funny.

Something always happens between the boss and the secretary. This phenomenon is very common, especially in East Asia. The main reason is that the boss is too busy at work and spends very little time with his family. Instead, he spends more time with his secretary.

As time went by, I got involved with the secretary.

However, the father-in-law of the Shi family has obviously met him before. He has been through the Yingying Yanyan family for so many years. He has such rich experience, how could he make such a low-level mistake?

Shi Guotai sighed, "I'm not afraid of your jokes. Meng Yun and I... we really love each other."


Zhou Buqi was drinking tea when he squirted out and almost choked.

Shi Guotai looked serious, not joking at all, and said: "I know it's ridiculous to talk about this kind of thing. I am 40 years older than her and 16 years older than her father. But in true love All obstacles in front of us are no problem.”

Zhou Buqi felt goosebumps rising, and he felt like he was in a Qiong Yao drama. He opened his eyes wide, "Love?"

Shi Guotai sighed and said: "Can I not understand the truth? At my current age, I have a stable family and a prosperous career, and I have such a good son-in-law..."

Zhou Buqi smiled and waved his hand, "It's easy for me to say this, mainly because other people are not willing to accept it."

"I am 60 years old this year."


"Most of my life has passed. My children have grown up and have families. I also want to pursue a life of my own."


Zhou Buqi couldn't laugh or cry.

I think this father-in-law of the Shi family can really raise a high profile. Why is this old-school scumbag argument so ridiculous?

Shi Guotai looked at him deeply, "Did you marry Linlin because of love?"

Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment and looked suspicious, "Yes, apart from this reason, is there any other reason why I should get married?"

This is the truth.

These people in the family, Wen Zhixia, Wu Yu, Shi Jinglin, Xue Baoshan, including Ning Yaxian and Sun Wanran, actually all have the element of love. In comparison, Ning Yameng, Ning Lu and Aunt Xue are much worse in this regard, but it is for other reasons.

Shi Guotai nodded and said calmly: "I haven't. I have never felt love in my life. I got married more than 20 years ago just because the woman had some connections in her family and was able to get approval to do business for me."


Zhou Buqi was thoughtful and seemed to understand.

Shi Guotai said calmly: "People can only live one life. I have lived for most of my life, and I have never really felt the taste of love, and I have never really pursued love. I have everything and feel everything in my life. It’s over, but the only thing missing is love.”

This argument is absurd.

But Zhou Buqi believed it.

Is it possible to say that he was deceived by the vixen?

Can a 20-year-old girl handle the well-informed and experienced Shi Guotai? In the face of his life experience and worldly experience, that kind of emotional conspiracy is a joke.

As he said, all the reasons for persuasion actually go without saying.

What kind of truth does he not understand?

But even so, he still made the decision to divorce resolutely, and it was not a hasty decision. He had been thinking about it for more than half a year...

Zhou Buqi hesitated for a moment and said slowly: "Then there's no need to divorce, right?"

Shi Guotai glanced at him, "How can we get married without divorce?"


Zhou Buqi is very confusing.

Shi Guotai said calmly: "I have lived for most of my life, and now I just want to pursue a desperate and vigorous love. This is of course related to marriage."

Zhou Buqi wanted to laugh.

However, if you think about it from the perspective of this old father-in-law, it cannot be said that it is completely unreasonable. I have experienced everything in my life, I have a second spring in my career, and now I have some personal spiritual pursuits.

Zhou Buqi couldn't say much about this kind of thing.

Everyone's life is his own, and everyone has the right to pursue the life he wants.

Moreover, this kind of thing where a big boss in his 50s or 60s gets divorced and marries a girl in her 20s has happened frequently in China in recent years.

This is basically the reason.

The career is successful, the family is happy, and there is nothing else to pursue in life. The only shortcoming is that the times were not good when he was young, and he was unable to have a vigorous love.

As he got older, he was unwilling to give in, so he rushed forward regardless of worldly opinions.

However, there is one thing that can be discussed more, Zhou Buqi said: "In two months, Taizun Real Estate will be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange IPO."

Shi Guotai smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. I told you, this is love and has nothing to do with property."


Zhou Buqi frowned.

Shi Guotai said: "I talked about this with Meng Yun. Even if I get married to him, there will be a prenuptial property agreement, and she won't get a penny. She agreed."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "It's not that simple. What if I have a child?"

Shi Guotai waved his hand, "At least it will not affect the listing of Taizun Real Estate."

Zhou Buqi said: "If you really make up your mind to divorce, you must do a good job in dividing the property. It doesn't matter to Linlin. She can not ask for a penny, but other people must divide it well and don't cause any unpleasantness. This The matter should be suppressed and handled in a low-key manner, so as not to cause uproar in the city."


Shi Guotai showed a smile on his face, very happy.

He heard it, and the son-in-law agreed. As long as the son-in-law agrees, with his weight and influence in the family, no one else can say much.

Zhou Buqi really couldn't handle this kind of thing, so he went back and explained the specific situation to them, and hurried back to the capital the next day, citing work as an excuse.

This is not an excuse, there is a real job.

The revision of "Taobao Preferred Channel" is of great significance.

First, it can reduce the risk of channel survival after being blocked by Taobao.

Taobao is too powerful.

Zhou Buqi knows this very well. During this "Double Eleven" shopping festival, because Ziweixing made a lot of money as a Taobao customer, Boss Ma was not happy and called him specifically.

There were even more ruthless cases in previous lives. A number of websites such as Mogujie and Meilishuo made great contributions to the diversion of Taobao. But when these websites developed and were considered to have seriously infringed Taobao's interests, Taobao blocked them all without saying anything.

The "preferred channel" should reduce the weight of Taobao to increase its own vitality, so that the channel will not be unable to continue after being blocked by Taobao.

Second, facing more e-commerce platforms, we can cooperate with more e-commerce platforms.

This is of great significance and has deep strategic value.

The "Preferred Channel" is backed by and Toutiao. It has a lot of traffic, and the products are carefully selected and the quantity is relatively small. This means that it is possible for a certain item to become a hit in a short period of time.

For example, on Vipshop, a high-quality and low-priced piece of clothing was selected into the "Preferred Channel".

Normally, Vipshop's traffic is smooth and changes regularly according to a certain curve. However, once a product is selected into Ziweixing's "Preferred Channel", it means that with the huge traffic support of and Toutiao, the traffic will increase dramatically in a short period of time!

This may cause Vipshop to collapse because the server is overwhelmed, like

what to do?

You can't expand the server on a large scale just to have a chance to be selected as a "preferred channel" in the year of the monkey, right? The best way is to use Ziweiyun's services to rent some temporary servers to deal with sudden traffic bursts.

In other words, if the revised "Preferred Channel" is completed, it will be an opportunity for Ziweiyun to dominate the domestic e-commerce market!

This is Zhou Buqi's favorite "gear effect", which means that gears have an interlocking effect in the transmission process.

Third, it can provide users with more high-quality and low-priced products.

There are more and more domestic e-commerce websites.

For example, a new product called Jumei Youpin recently came out, which specializes in group buying cosmetics. Its business model is almost exactly the same as that of on-campus group buying cosmetics.

The difference is that the school network is only for college students, while Jumei Youpin is for the whole society.

There are so many e-commerce platforms and an endless supply of products, which will undoubtedly increase the difficulty of choice for users. Many times, online shopping is just like offline shopping. It is not about shopping for a certain purpose, but about wandering around, finding products you like, and then buying them.

There are so many dazzling products on e-commerce websites that shopping is too strenuous.

The meaning of the upgraded version of the "Preferred Channel" is to find a professional product selection team to compile a batch of exquisite, high-quality and low-priced products on major e-commerce websites.

In this way, users no longer need to wander around in different websites. They can go to or the "preferred channels" of Toutiao to catch them all.

It will be very convenient.

The more convenient the "preferred channel" is, the more users will like to shop in this channel; the more people shop here, the traffic will continue to grow; the skyrocketing traffic will make third-party e-commerce platforms unable to handle it, and will become more There is an urgent need for Ziweiyun's services; with all the benefits, Ziweixing will work harder to create a "preferred channel" and create the best product selection team, and then users will like to shop here even more...

This creates a "flywheel effect".

In addition, what Zhou Buqi values ​​the most is that the business model of the middle office business can give full play to the advantages of quick registration and quick login.

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