Top of the big era

Chapter 1811 White lies

Winning the office series of products is worthy of a toast from Zhou Buqi and Kurian. For Ziweiyun, it has taken another huge step forward and gained a greater advantage than Amazon Cloud.

The office series looks simple, but in fact, in the more than 20 years of Microsoft's development, it has become a must-have product for computer office work.

Even though Ziweixing has been promoting the use of its own Weishu in domestic and foreign business, many businesses still require the office series.

With offices on Ziweiyun, more businesses can be provided with options.

Don’t be afraid to work for Microsoft for free. Office is a golden brand.

With the help of the office market, Ziweiyun's platform will have a great ecological supplement when it comes to power, and it will also have more space for discourse when selling.

For example, if a merchant wants to use cloud computing services, Ziweiyun's salesperson can go over and recommend: "Choose Ziweiyun! Office can be used on Ziweiyun, but Amazon Cloud cannot!"

This is enough to pull off the tiger's skin, and Zi Weiyun uses Microsoft's flagship product to expand its own business.

Now that Microsoft is headed by Ballmer, we must firmly seize this advantage.

After Ballmer stepped down in a few years, Microsoft became more and more open. Many cloud platforms can provide office365 cloud services, and Ziwei Cloud's exclusive resources will be gone.

When Zhou Buqi came to the UK this time, he planned to go back quickly, go to watch a game at Manchester United's home court, and then return to China. The domestic Suning matter has not yet been completely resolved.

However, plans changed quickly.

It was the weekend, and Zhou Buqi got up from the warm and fragrant nephrite of sisters Ning Yaxian and Ning Yameng. Ning Yameng has been stationed in Europe for the past six months, and a breakup is better than a wedding. After getting up, I stretched my arms and twisted my waist. I felt that my body was fine and I was not exhausted by the beauty.

After breakfast, get ready to go to the club.

There is a highlight of the Premier League in the afternoon, Manchester United faces Arsenal at home.

Unexpectedly, while watching the game at Old Trafford during the midfield break, he received a call from Sandoku: "Zhou, Liverpool is for sale. Do you know about this?"

"Oh, I watched the news."

Zhou Buqi didn't know this at first, but football is so popular in the UK. There are more football news than entertainment news, and they are everywhere. The biggest recent news in British football is that the British super giant Liverpool can no longer hold on and is about to sell.

It was the American sports giant Fenway Group that acquired it.

Santoku asked: "Do you know Mr. John Henry, the boss of Fenway Group?"


Zhou Buqi's words are concise and comprehensive.

John Henry?

Just a little person!

Zhou Buqi’s friends are all legendary bosses like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Robert Iger. As a small sports boss, he is not qualified even if he wants to move up.

Sandoko hesitated for a moment, then said bluntly: "They asked someone to find me. It seems that John Henry wants to see you. If it is suitable, he will leave for England immediately."

"Meet me?" Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "I don't know him."

Santoku said: "The total cost of Fenway Group's acquisition of Liverpool may exceed 300 million pounds. This is a huge investment for them. In the past few years, the best-run clubs in Europe can only It's Manchester United, even better than Real Madrid and Barcelona. He may want to ask you for advice."

Zhou Buqi couldn't meet everyone, "What's the value?"

Santoku said: "Fenway Group is a well-known sports group in the United States. It owns many professional teams and has a certain influence in the American sports world. If Fenway Group can help, our acquisition of the San Jose Earthquakes will be more easy."

"is it necessary?"

Zhou Buqi did not intend to change his plan to return to China easily.

Santoku said: "The Fenway Group's most important asset is the Boston Red Sox, which is the best baseball team in the United States. If...if you really want to establish a deep cultural impact in the Bay Area through sports, just I'm afraid it's not enough to rely on football and basketball, which are not popular sports. You have to rely on football and baseball."

Zhou Buqi said "Yeah", "This is very complicated."

Santoku suggested: "No matter what, it's always good to meet and make friends. Fenway Group has not yet decided to acquire Liverpool. If you can give them some guidance, it can also strengthen their confidence."

"Okay, you make arrangements, I'll meet them in London."

Zhou Buqi thought about it for a moment and accepted the suggestion.

The current period, affected by the economic crisis, is definitely a sluggish period for European football. A top club like Liverpool can buy it for only 300 million pounds.

With the recovery of the European economy and the comprehensive cooperation between Europe and the Middle East, more and more foreign capital has entered European football... With the influx of hot money, the value of the entire industry has exploded.

More than ten years later, as long as Liverpool develops according to the normal model, it will be worth at least 4 billion pounds.

This is indeed a good opportunity to make friends.

Two days later, Zhou Buqi met the visiting Henrys at their home in London, the elderly John Henry and the young and beautiful wife Linda Henry.

Shaked hands with old Henry.

Then, he hugged and kissed his wife in front of him. Her figure was really good and her skin was really tender. It's a pity that the flowers were ruined by old cow dung.

During the exchange, Zhou Buqi confirmed their idea of ​​acquiring Liverpool.

John Henry is a professional sports industry practitioner with very clear ideas. Zhou Buqi agreed with the set of concepts he proposed, which are similar to the ones he worked on at Manchester United.

In traditional European football, business and competition are inseparable. They are a team of people doing two things. If there is a specialization in the art field, it will be difficult to take care of both.

John Henry expounded a set of ideas that football matters are done by professionals. They do not participate in specific management matters. They only draw up a budget and let the professionals handle it within the scope of the budget.

What they want to participate in is business development, using their experience in operations, marketing, negotiation, negotiation and other aspects in the sports industry to provide Liverpool's business attributes.

Zhou Buqi recognized this idea and made a suggestion that after completing the acquisition of Liverpool, he could reach an in-depth strategic cooperation with Ziweixing Digital Media.

Digital transformation in the sports industry represents the future.

Whoever can take the first step in this field will be ahead of the times, which is highly recognized by the Henrys.

Because of this incident, my return to China was delayed.

"Singles' Day" group buying has begun!

Singles’ Day is November 11th, but actually the group buying for this issue started on November 6th. That night, Zhou Buqi wanted to communicate this matter with China.

Zhang Yiming, He Yang, Liang Rubo, Meng Houkun, Zhou Feng, Cheng Binghao, Meng Houkun and others were all online. The main discussion was the continuity of the cooperation between IBM and

He Yang said in a deep voice: "The news from my side is not very optimistic. IBM seems to have found a solution, and Suning's management is very satisfied. If this group purchase is completed, it will be even harder to break them up."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What does it rely on? That so-called IBM cloud computing?"

Cheng Binghao said: "Yes, it is IBM's cloud data center. It is said that 80% of the servers are connected. The US headquarters has given a death order to maintain the cooperation with Suning."

Zhou Buqi then asked: "Did send a formal notice?"

"Here we go, the on-campus group buying will start tomorrow. You can close the Suning product link according to the contract." Liang Rubo replied, "By the way, the last group buying fee, totaling 35 million, has been paid."

Zhou Buqi was a little funny, "He's so grand and rich."

Meng Houkun said calmly: "Having money is a good thing. We can earn more liquidated damages. In order to save Suning, I think we should take all necessary means to expose IBM's true face!"

The meaning is clear.

If it doesn't work, just come to Yin!

IBM's cloud computing platform is just a very immature semi-finished product. Even relatively mature finished products such as Ziwei Cloud and Amazon Cloud have failures from time to time, not to mention IBM's semi-finished products.

Just a few tricks are enough to bring down IBM's cloud services.

This is not difficult.

Mainly because of the psychological difficulties.

Zhou Buqi did not decide directly, "What do you think?"

Cheng Binghao was the first to express his stance, "I agree!"

Then He Yang said firmly: "I support it. This is helping, and this is a good thing. Just like white lies, not only should this not be morally condemned, but it should be a higher morality."

As soon as he said this, he was admired. Boss He is Boss He, and he always finds the most comfortable angle to explain company decisions.

Soon, everyone expressed their opinions.

All agree.

Including Zhou Feng, the head of cloud computing, she is also very supportive.

Cloud computing is a very high-end emerging industry. Let alone laymen, even many people in the technology industry don't understand it, and they all have a mentality of "favoring foreigners". I think IBM is the world's technology giant, so IBM's cloud computing should be better than Ziweixing's cloud computing.

This is not possible!

This time, it was also an opportunity for Zi Weiyun to step on IBM and take the lead.

Either that or Suning is a good brother, and now it has completely dragged IBM into the water. From outsourcing business to cloud computing business, let IBM make a one-time liquidation!

Zhou Buqi said: "Okay, let's do it. Give them two days to respond first and see the effect. If IBM really uses this simple and crude method to help survive, for the sake of Suning and more domestic Considering the long-term interests of our peers, we have to take action! As He Yang said, the point of a 'white lie' is not 'lie', but 'goodwill'. When we do good deeds, we only ask for help, and we don't ask or leave our names. !”

Cheng Binghao said with a smile: "Don't be so nervous. Judging from IBM's architecture and is impossible for them to expand servers on such a large scale. I think they are forced to have no choice. Maybe we don't need to take action at all. Watch the show enough."

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