Top of the big era

Chapter 1803 CPO

Meng Houkun said: "Yes, the management of the company is actually about managing people. The assessment of hard indicators such as indicators, performance, efficiency, and interests is very important. In fact, there are also soft indicators. For example, Liu Yudong's promotion in the school network in the past two months caused his The competitor was very angry and left with half of the team. This was actually caused by poor internal communication. The promotion rules were not clearly explained, which led to misunderstandings. They also thought that there were other reasons behind it, which caused unfairness."

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "Are you very ambitious? Do you want to solve all the problems?"

Meng Houkun said: "It is obviously not enough to find and solve problems. We must draw inferences from one example to improve the system. This is another contradiction between Wang Haiyang and I, and it is also the reason why you think Wang Haiyang has done a good job. This Totally wrong."


Zhou Buqi was a little surprised. This guy was directly targeting himself and criticizing him sharply.

Guo Pengfei was not convinced, "Don't kill everyone with one blow. I'm in charge of business. Boss Zhou is usually so busy. Can he notice those little things?"

Meng Houkun did not argue with him and continued: "Wang Haiyang's ability is praised because he handled the incident better. In my opinion, the better it is, the worse it is. Human resources work and business work are not of the same nature. Just like a hospital, the higher the annual income growth, the worse it is doing. But many hospital indicators are based on performance, which is ridiculous."


"Compare Ziweixing to a house. There are many flies in the house. Wang Haiyang's job is to get rid of these flies. He does a good job and keeps swatting the flies. The more flies he kills, it means that his Doing a better job? On the contrary, this idea is completely wrong!”

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath, "Yes, the disadvantages of single KPI thinking."

Meng Houkun said: "The reason why there are flies in the room must be that there is some garbage in the room that can produce flies. As long as the garbage is cleaned up, there will inevitably be fewer and fewer flies. Flies are just the appearance, garbage is the essence. The cause is a flaw in the system. The more flies Wang Haiyang kills, the more it shows his incompetence in system construction."

Zhou Buqi joked: "Okay, I think you can be the chairman."

"Pull him down!" Meng Houkun is very self-aware and knows that he is too far away from that position. "I just feel that the company has become bigger now, and there are many problems in personnel management. I am in charge of Jinyiwei, so I can start to deal with some internal corruption. , malfeasance of duty, this is all about treating the symptoms rather than the root cause."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Let's talk about it. What flaws do you think there are in the management system?"

Meng Houkun said: "That's too many! I'll just name a few. For example, I have statistics. This year, there were a total of 62 resignation disputes in the company."

"Is there any reference?"

"Yes, 23 cases occurred in Baidu and 11 cases occurred in Alibaba. There is no investigation by other companies."

"Is the difference so big?"

Zhou Buqi opened his eyes wide and was quite shocked.

Meng Houkun said: "There are many reasons for this phenomenon, such as employee benefits are too good, the resignation process is too formal, business managers are all engineers, etc. But in my opinion, the main reason is the flaw in the system."

Zhou Buqi was very concerned about this, "Well, tell us!"

Meng Houkun said: "The role of HR should be a matchmaker, to connect men and women. When the business needs people, HR will help recruit and introduce employees to the business. What if when you get divorced, the breakup work is also handed over to the matchmaker? Do it? Can there be no disputes? The man and woman must speak clearly to each other. How can the matchmaker know what happened between them? It is impossible to do this kind of thing for others. If it is done for you, there will be disagreements. "

Zhou Buqi asked: "Is this the reason for all resignation disputes in the company?"

Meng Houkun said: "Yes, basically. If the business manager wants to lay off people, he will inform HR. Then HR will go out to talk to the employee about the dismissal. The employees are confused during this process, and they were fired without knowing the reason. Once they feel that they have done a good job and have been squeezed out of power in the workplace or have been fired for speaking out, they will make trouble and want to report to higher-ups in the company that they have been wronged and unfairly treated. treatment."

Zhou Buqi turned his head and looked at Guo Pengfei, "This should be a common phenomenon, right?"

Guo Pengfei looked a little embarrassed, "Many business managers are in product, technology, analysis, and marketing, and they are not very good at handling interpersonal relationships. Resigning is also a skill, and most people don't know how to deal with it. Very good."

Zhou Buqi looked at Meng Houkun again, "Where is HRBP? Can't it solve the problem?"

HRBP refers to the HR assigned to the business department.

In technology companies like Ziweixing, almost 100% of the business managers are engineers. They are definitely not as good at processes, mechanisms and management as professional administrative workers.

HRBP emerged to solve this problem.

The Human Resources Department sends a group of HR personnel to the business line to assist and guide business managers in solving these administrative tasks, including talent evaluation, assessment, and dismissal.

In this way, the business manager does not need to spend too much attention on this kind of top-down management, and can focus more energy on the business.

Meng Houkun said: "HRBP can solve the problem to a certain extent, but it is not enough. HR is better at processes, systems, management, and communication, but they do not have a deep understanding of the business. The resignation of employees is often related to the business or even technical fields. If it is handled by a person who understands business and technology, it may be explained clearly in a few sentences. If it is handled by HR, it may not be able to explain the point in a hundred sentences. "

Zhou Buqi asked: "Then what do you think we should do?"

Meng Houkun said: "This is what I said, we need to establish another system to supplement it. As the times change, many old employees cannot keep up with their business capabilities, and it is difficult for them to be qualified for some business positions. However, they all I have worked at Ziweixing for many years and have accumulated a lot of management experience and have a very good understanding of business processes."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "They all have a sense of ownership."

Meng Houkun said: "Yes, they will be more loyal than the new generation of young people. With them sitting in control and guiding the employees' thoughts, psychology, and values, the probability of being poached will be lower."

The phenomenon of poaching in the Internet industry is very serious.

Many times when poaching people means that the entire team is taken away collectively, it will cause huge harm to the company. The most typical one is on-campus group buying. Because it does so well, it has attracted the attention of too many e-commerce companies, and they constantly send headhunters to test and recruit people. In the last Liu Yudong incident, a group of people resigned. In addition to Ziweixing's own institutional reasons, there were also external competitors who were behind the scenes and were constantly poaching people.

In addition, there are also reasons for management experience. The replacement of high-level leaders in the school network will cause certain ideological disunity, which may cause some turmoil.

If a group of old employees are in charge, these problems can be solved.

First, some old employees whose business capabilities cannot keep up with the company's development do not need to be laid off. They can be transferred to the "second line" and stop doing business. Pay more attention to the mental health of employees and form a bridge to resolve issues. Internal conflicts among employees.

Conflicts at work are often not caused by personality, exclusion, or infighting, but by various misunderstandings caused by information asymmetry.

It will be easier to convince people if veteran employees with certain prestige who have worked for many years handle these matters.

Second, these carefully selected old employees have a sense of ownership and have held very important positions in the past. They can also play a supervisory role. Once the new team is too focused on short-term benefits and ignores long-term value when making decisions, they can form constraints to keep the company's development on track.

Third, these old employees who have been transferred from the business line understand the business better than traditional HR, and they can master more comprehensive information. When dismissing employees, having these old employees come forward will have better results than HR. They are experienced, prestigious, knowledgeable about business and technology, and can analyze the reasons for the dismissal of employees from more perspectives and give They fully explain.

Fourth, once the business manager is poached or cannot be present due to special matters, these old employees who have had supervisory experience in the past but have been relegated to the second line can temporarily step in.

Meng Houkun said: "For old employees, it is actually best to be like Cheng Binghao. If he can't become CTO, he will retire and become the dean of Ziweixing Engineering Institute. That's fine, and his fighting spirit is still so strong. But this is just an example. For most people, there should still be an overall design at the institutional level."

Zhou Buqi generally agreed with his statement and looked at Guo Pengfei, "What do you think?"

Guo Pengfei said thoughtfully: "I think it makes sense. It's a bit like Ali's political commissar system."

"Huh? It's true!"

Zhou Buqi had long heard Boss Ma speak eloquently that he had built the best internal management system in the world for Alibaba.

To say it is the best in the world is somewhat of a boast.

But it’s really awesome.

In terms of the organizational structure design of the company, Boss Ma is definitely world-class. His most important ability as a layman to bring Alibaba to such a high level is his excellence in system design.

"You should seize the opportunity to learn." It is difficult to invent and create, but it is easy if you have a learning object. Zhou Buqi relaxed immediately and said to Meng Houkun with a smile: "Why don't you go to Ali to learn Their political commissar system? Huawei also has a similar system, you should also learn from it."

Meng Houkun said angrily: "I still need to learn from them? This is my family philosophy! Mr. Ren of Huawei was born in the military, and Boss Ma learned it after he went to the army to observe and learn. They all copied the gourd. I’m half-assed, this is the real thing!”

Zhou Buqi laughed loudly, "You guys from the snow are all awesome."


Meng Houkun was slightly startled.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and suggested: "Let's go and take a look. There are always some changes and modifications in running a business. Learn from it. Well... Wang Haiyang is the CHO, right?"

"Yes, chief human resources officer."

"That's it, you study first and summarize it with Professor He Yang and Professor Han. If this is done and everyone agrees, then...then you will be the chief talent officer! The CHO is responsible for profits and efficiency, and you, the CPO, are responsible for People and culture!”

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