Top of the big era

Chapter 1791 Internal Response

In the evening, everyone stayed in the hotel.

It was past 10 o'clock in the evening when Kurian called and asked if Zhou Buqi was busy and said he wanted to meet. There were too many female relatives here, so Zhou Buqi put on his clothes and went downstairs to find him.

Kurian spent his travel expenses, and it was impossible to get a presidential suite, but the specifications were not low, and it was a high-end suite that cost more than 300 euros a night.

After going over, I found someone else in the house.

a woman.

Zhou Buqi was stunned, thinking that Kurian was meeting his lover here, but looking at her age... this woman was plain-looking and very fat, and felt that she was not worthy of Kurian's talent.

After some introduction, I found out that this woman's name was Hannah, a German, and a college classmate of Kurian's when he was studying in the United States.

Now, Hanna is a Vice President of Lufthansa Systems, having previously worked in the Group Headquarters.

This is internal response!

Zhou Buqi suddenly realized it, and looked at Kurian with an even closer look.

Well, this guy can do it!

In terms of business methods, they are not rigid at all. When doing business, you have to be flexible in your methods, as long as you don't break the law.

Kurian invited Zhou Buqi to come over and sit down, and explained: "This time I asked Hannah to come over, mainly to talk about Wolfgang Maierhuber."

Zhou Buqi had a very good impression of the chairman and CEO of Lufthansa Group, who was straightforward yet steady.

After all, this was a secret private meeting. Ms. Hanna did not want to waste time and said quickly: "Meiya Huber was born in 1947 and is 63 years old this year. He has worked for Lufthansa for 40 years and was a maintenance engineer in the early days. He became the Executive Vice President in 1992. The September 11 incident in 2001 caused a devastating blow to the global aviation industry, and Lufthansa was also greatly affected. In 2003, Mr. Maier Huber was appointed in the face of crisis and became Chairman and CEO of Lufthansa."

Germany's business model is rather strange, it is a two-sessions system.

For companies in other countries, the board of directors generally appoints the CEO. If someone becomes the chairman and CEO, he will be the real leader.

In Germany, not necessarily.

Because in addition to the board of directors, there is also a supervisory board.

The board of supervisors supervises and guides the board of directors.

In many cases, the chairman of the supervisory board is the real leader.

Even though Mr. Maierhuber is the chairman and CEO of Lufthansa Group, he is only the number two figure.

Hannah continued: "Lufthansa is a state-owned enterprise and uses an electoral system. The term is usually five years, and elections are usually held every 0 to 5 years. In 2000, Lufthansa held an election, and in December 2005 It expires on the 31st. However, Mr. Maierhuber took office in 2003. At that time, the aviation industry was still in a sluggish state and his performance was not good. If he wants to be re-elected, he must show very dazzling results. OK."

Zhou Buqi listened very carefully. He had always been interested in the legendary stories of these all-powerful business tycoons.

Kurian had made more preparations, so he could vaguely guess, and said in surprise: "In 2005... I have seen public materials, Lufthansa acquired the Swiss Airlines Group this year!"

"Yes, it's Swissair." Hannah nodded. "The 911 incident caused a devastating blow to Swissair. They were heavily in debt and were forced to ground their flights. At that time, no one refueled the Swissair planes or The airport grounded its planes because the company was no longer able to pay for fuel and airport taxes, leaving thousands of passengers stranded at airports in different countries around the world. Later, with the help of the Swiss government, banks and private institutions, SWISS was able to After a short take-off, it was still unsustainable. At this time, Mr. Maierhuber found an opportunity and launched an acquisition of Swiss Airlines. In less than a year, the transaction was approved by Germany, Switzerland and the European Union. , in March 2005, Swiss Air Lines was officially merged into the Lufthansa Group. Just one week later, the new elections for Lufthansa came."

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath, "So he was successfully re-elected."

"Yes, unanimously approved."

"A very strong hand."

"We all admire Maia Huber, who put in the best effort in that case."

Hannah had participated in that earth-shattering case as an assistant throughout the whole process. Looking back now, it is still fresh in her memory.

"Huh?" Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows and suddenly thought of something, "Re-election? It's October 22, 2010. His term is coming, right?"

Hannah smiled and said, "Yes, there are still two months."


Zhou Buqi glanced at Kurian and understood everything at once.

No wonder!

It stands to reason that Lufthansa is a state-owned enterprise. They have only been using Ziweiyun's services for a month or two. Then they discovered the power of cloud computing and wanted to withdraw. Then they wanted to separate the IT infrastructure department. Get rid of this baggage.

Isn't this too fast?

Is it too efficient?

It turns out that we have reached a critical period again!

There are only more than 2 months left until December 31st. It is conceivable that Mr. Maierhuber must want to do something big in the last stage of his term!

Zhou Buqi took a deep breath and said: "Mr. Mai Yahuber is 63 years old this year... This is nothing. With the current science, technology and medical conditions, as long as he is not confused and has the ability, he can work for two or three more terms." Not a problem.”

Hannah hesitated, "Mr. Maier Huber is trying to become the chairman of the supervisory board."

"Oh..." Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said with a smile, "Anyway, Ms. Hannah, thank you very much for coming to tell us such news this year."

Kurian reminded: "The IT infrastructure department will be split up and sold, and Hannah will be heavily involved. After completing this part of the work, he will apply for annual leave and go to East Asia for a month's vacation with his family."

Zhou Buqi understood it as soon as he heard it, and said grandly: "Ms. Hannah, I have many companies in Asia. When you want to go to China, Japan and South Korea for vacation with your family, you must tell me in advance. I will be responsible for your family. All arrangements of man.”

"Thank you." In return, Ms. Hannah gave another crucial piece of information, "The IT infrastructure department is a big burden. Many years ago, the group intended to split it up and sell it. 1,400 employees, annual Employee salaries, benefits, and insurance alone amounted to 230 million euros. In the first half of the year, we had private contacts with SAP, but SAP’s offer was less than 1 billion euros, so the negotiation was not concluded.”


Zhou Buqi finally understood.

If it hadn't been for such an insider, I would have been almost deceived by Lufthansa!

Zhou Buqi had doubts before.

Lufthansa Group is a German state-owned enterprise. This time they split off the IT infrastructure department and sold it, it must be at a very low price. It is impossible to recoup the US$2.5 billion investment.

This may mean the loss of state-owned assets.

Since state-owned assets are destined to be lost, of course it is better to lose them to one's own people. Of course, it is to cooperate with Germany's largest IT giant, SAP Group!

Now, Lufthansa's main acquisition targets are all foreign companies, which is not common sense!

For this reason, Zhou Buqi called Mr. Hope specifically to ask. He said that Hope would not participate in this case.

Hope wasn't lying.

But he didn't tell the whole truth either.

It turned out that Lufthansa and SAP had already been in private contact.

But there was no agreement.

Lufthansa believed that SAP's bid was too low and seriously underestimated the value of the IT infrastructure department, so it refused to cooperate. Because internal talks collapsed, Lufthansa began soliciting bids from foreign IT giants.

This information is very important!

Mainly two points.

First, with SAP's reference standard, the value of the IT Infrastructure Department will exceed 1 billion euros, but it will not be much higher. This is the reference advantage.

Second, the two main competitors, IBM and Oracle, would not have known in advance that Lufthansa intended to sell its IT infrastructure department. This is the time advantage.

After Hannah left, Zhou Buqi said decisively: "There are only two months left. For a large project worth more than 1 billion euros, the time is too hasty."

Kurian was very happy and said excitedly: "Yes, IBM and Oracle are both listed companies, and their processes are more complicated. In 2 months, they may not even be able to complete due diligence. If there is no detailed due diligence report, the board of directors would not be able to approve the acquisition."

As for the IT service company in France, you can automatically ignore it and there is no need for any discussion.

Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes slightly, "Mya Huber spoke loudly and listed several very strong competitors. In fact, they don't exist at all. We want to finish this case within 2 months." If it works, only one company in the world, Ziweixing, can do it!"

Kurian shook his head and laughed: "I always thought that Germans are very serious and can't even joke. I didn't expect that Maier Huber made a serious joke with us."

Judging from the information currently available, unless it is an internal transaction between German state-owned enterprises, Lufthansa will not be able to complete this case within 2 months.

This means that Ziweixing International is the only choice!

Ziweixing International is not a listed company, and Zhou Buqi has full control over the company.

due diligence?


As long as Boss Zhou is satisfied and agrees to the acquisition, we can negotiate tomorrow and sign the deal the day after tomorrow.

Mai Yahuber hoped for a quick victory, and Zhou Buqi did not want to delay.

For Ziweixing, the sooner it takes over Lufthansa's IT infrastructure department, the sooner it can enter the European outsourcing market. The IT Infrastructure Department has more than 20,000 servers, which is an exaggeration.

After Ziweixing International takes over, it can further optimize resources and make use of excessively wasted server resources to meet the rapid growth of Helo, Ucgram, and even Netflix and Spotify in Europe.

There is also the optical fiber business, which is equivalent to a breakthrough.

Zhou Buqi slapped his thigh and said, "Then it's settled! SAP's quotation should not exceed 1 billion euros. Our quotation should be more beautiful. It would be better if it exceeds 1 billion euros. There is no need for too much. The attitude can be stronger, they We can’t wait! The initiative is in our hands!”

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