Top of the big era

Chapter 1779 The Eldest Princess

Zhou Nan smiled and took her brother's arm, pulling him to sit down, "Don't worry, you're not an outsider!"




Zhou Buqi couldn't laugh or cry.

Zhou Nan said softly: "It's a photo from last year. It was taken when we went out to eat in my hometown. It was just the two of us at that time, and I was still holding your arm like this. I don't know why, but it was posted on Weibo this year. It has become a popular post. Some people spread rumors that I am your girlfriend, and some people say that I am your little lover."

Zhou Buqi said: What a mess!

"The Internet is inherently treacherous. At first, I thought the Weibo team would delete the post immediately. But it turned out well, they didn't care at all and just waited for the incident to unfold."

"Depend on!"

Zhou Buqi was very convinced.

Needless to say, this matter must have been reviewed internally by Ziweixing, and then retained with the tacit approval of harmful friends like Meng Houkun or Guo Pengfei.

Most people don't dare to do this kind of thing.

Of course, there must be a premise that they know that the news is false and that someone is spreading rumors. Many methods of manipulating public opinion are like this. First, they deliberately release some alarmist fake news to arouse publicity, and then actively refute the rumors, saying that bad people are deliberately smearing them. He became famous all of a sudden, or diverted attention.

Things should be similar this time.

Although it was not false news deliberately released by Ziweixing's team, but someone spread it, and it is the kind of false news that can be broken in a pinch, then it should be tolerated for a period of time.

Bring the heat.

For Weibo, it is also an opportunity for an explosion of traffic to attract public attention.

There is nothing Zhou Buqi can do about this kind of thing.

Because it is false, it can be spread; if it were true, the post would have been deleted and the news would have been blocked. Just like a deformed market will cause bad money to drive out good money, a deformed workplace will cause reverse elimination.

Zhou Buqi asked: "What happened next? How to solve it?"

Zhou Nan said with a smile: "There was nothing we could do about it later. The matter got serious and many of my classmates took it seriously."

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "Are you despised by your classmates?"

"How is that possible?" Zhou Nan curled her lips, "They don't know how much they envy me."

"Then what?"

"I don't think it's okay to spread rumors. Even my teacher talked to me and said that I should focus on studying while at school. So I posted a Weibo, posted a lot of photos of the two of us, and then posted a sentence,' My name is Zhou Nan, and Zhou Buqi is my brother! My brother!’ Then the problem was completely solved.”

"Have you made it public?"

"It's not okay if you don't make it public. You can't watch people all over the country misunderstand you, right?" Zhou Nan was helpless, "Even many print media reported on it. If we don't clarify it, it will become a national incident. I quickly posted it. The effect of this post was immediate, and it was quickly under control. The Internet is like this, it doesn’t look at people’s kindness, just like flies. When they see smelly excrement, they all rush up. When they get closer, they find that it is not excrement, and they all They dispersed in a hurry.”

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Who is Da Shi?"

Zhou Nan laughed and said: "It's just a metaphor, brother, anyway, I sacrificed myself for you this time, and I am famous now. After I studied in the Acting Department of Nortel, I only got film appointments in various movies and TV series. I have received more than 70 in the past month."

"Does it feel good to be a celebrity?"

"It was okay at first, but then it became boring. Everyone's attitude towards me in school has changed. Each one is more hypocritical than the other. Now everyone gives me a nickname, calling me 'Eldest Princess'."

"Whose strategy is this?"

Zhou Buqi felt that this matter was quite serious and related to the privacy of the Zhou family. Meng Houkun and Guo Pengfei might not dare to make a decision. There are probably big bosses behind the scenes.

"Whose strategy is it?"

Zhou Nan was slightly startled and didn't quite understand. He obviously didn't have the level of understanding that his brother had.

Zhou Buqi said: "Revealing your identity is not an easy decision, why didn't you discuss it with anyone?"

"We discussed it, my sister-in-law said."

"Which sister-in-law?"

"My current sister-in-law, Shi Jinglin."

"That's it..."

Zhou Buqi basically has a rough idea.

Also, only Shi Jinglin can push this matter forward. She was previously a core executive of Ziweixing, and only she could command people like Guo Pengfei and Meng Houkun.

Then, he made a call to Shi Jinglin on the plane, which confirmed this guess.

Shi Jinglin said: "The photos have been uploaded on the Internet, how can I delete them? You can delete the domestic ones, but you can't delete the foreign ones. The more you cover up, the more people will be suspicious, so why not just honestly explain the matter clearly?" It’s not a big deal. Besides, you can also take some precautions.”


"Yes, isn't Dilireya studying at Nortel? If someone takes a photo of you going to Nortel, or a photo of you two together, you can use Nan Nan as a shield. Say she is Nan Nan A good friend of yours, you brothers and sisters are reunited, and she brought a few friends from her circle with her."

Zhou Buqi couldn't laugh or cry, "You are really good at arranging things!"

Shi Jinglin hummed: "Originally, the influence of Weibo is too great. It is greater than the previous Tianya,, Maopu, and QQ Space combined. Recently, there has been a trend on Weibo. After exploring the financial backers behind many female celebrities, several have been uncovered. The photos of you and Nan Nan were also discovered under this trend."

"Um..." Zhou Buqi felt a little guilty. After all, there were quite a few female celebrities who had a good relationship with him. "How was it? Who did you find out?"

Shi Jinglin smiled and said: "Are you scared? Don't worry, there is no such thing as you. I think it is a good thing that the photos of you and Nannan are exposed. I will take advantage of this incident to pick you out. And then we will take advantage of those who spread rumors and cause trouble." Criticize it severely. Many entertainment celebrities have apologized on this matter."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "You are not a celebrity. Don't you know that it is difficult to be a celebrity? The whole society looks at you with a magnifying glass. How much pressure does this put on Nannan?"

Shi Jinglin said disapprovingly: "Please, she is studying acting. I don't believe you don't praise her! By then, she will have so many good resources, and there will only be more criticism from the society. It is better to clarify it early. , everyone knows that she is the eldest princess of the Zhou family, so any rumors are useless."

"How can she act when she's like this?" Zhou Buqi sighed, "Forget it, I don't think she has any interest in acting. If it doesn't work, let her go to work at Universal Pictures. It depends on herself. "

When they arrived in Seoul, Zhou Buqi asked the modern people to help arrange it, and asked his secretary Ning Lu to take his sister and the four little stars to go shopping together, and go to the mountains to soak in hot springs together in the evening.

Zhou Buqi went to the hotel first and met Zhou Shaoning.

This time in Korea, the cooperation with OEM mobile phones was mainly a success. With this premise, Asda and Hyundai Mobile can establish broader cooperation.

Prior to this, the annual sales volume of modern mobile phones was less than 400,000, and all of them were multimedia mobile phones. After cooperating with Aster3, we started selling Aster3 OEM machines in September, and the first batch of 100,000 units has almost been sold out.

It is expected to sell 1 million units this year.

For Hyundai's mobile phone division, this is a huge success, and may even mean the revival of Hyundai's mobile phone business to some extent.

In addition, Asda also has patent needs. In this field, the expansion of the Japanese mobile phone market has not been successful, and cooperation with Hyundai should be easier.

Zhou Shaoning said: "Mobile phone patents mainly fall into six categories: design patents, material patents, function patents, component patents, internal structure patents and protocol patents. Materials, components and protocols are all core technologies. Don't say we don't have them." , modern mobile phones are also lacking, not even Apple. We still have to fight for design patents, function patents and internal structure patents."

“What does a functional patent mean?”

"It is the functions of mobile phones, such as having a flashlight, player, or general functions such as calls, text messages, WeChat, and games. This is not a modern specialty, and we have to do it ourselves."

Zhou Buqi then asked: "What about the internal structure patent?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "It is the placement of various components in the mobile phone, how to make it light and thin, how to dissipate heat, how to wire, etc. This is what modern mobile phones are best at, and it is considered the best in the world. This is what we mainly focus on. This is not like materials. Patents and agreement patents are so top-notch, but they can play a vital role in the layout of mobile phone patent portfolios."


"Yes, there may be as many as 500,000 patents involved in a mobile phone. It is impossible for any mobile phone to pay all the patent fees. In other words, in fact, all mobile phones in the world are infringing. There are many problems Sometimes, some lawsuits are not necessary.”

Then Zhou Shaoning explained.

Design patents and internal structure patents are generally not very important. Technologies that are not a bottleneck can be easily copied by competitors... Many times, this kind of plagiarism is very covert and will not be detected.

Even if he is discovered, he will turn a blind eye.

The cost of initiating a patent lawsuit is too high.

You're wasting your money on lawyers.

Therefore, certain industry practices have been formed, such as Hyundai and Samsung. Hyundai's mobile phones copied Samsung's appearance design, and Samsung's mobile phones copied Hyundai's structural design. Everyone is even, and no one can sue the other.

Everyone keeps quiet and acquiesces to mutual infringement. There is no need to spend several years fighting to the death for unnecessary non-core patents.

However, times have changed now.

The era of smartphones is here!

Apple is a new force in the mobile phone industry. It has no core patents at all, only some simple patents on design, structural design, and functional design.

And attempts to use these simple patents to strangle major competitors.

The solution is to expand its own patent library, and then find faults with the iPhone to discover possible infringements of its own patents.

I copied you, and you copied me. Let's all live in peace.

In previous lives, Samsung was able to survive Apple’s patent cudgel because when Apple sued Samsung for infringement, Samsung also sued Apple for infringement. Both sides are infringing. The final ruling was that Samsung’s infringement of Apple’s patents was worth more than Apple’s infringement of Samsung’s patents, so Samsung had to pay compensation.

In fact, both parties are breaking the law.

The lawsuit between Apple and HTC is different. HTC lacks foundation and cannot find fault even if it wants to find fault. The ruling is that HTC infringes the law and Apple is the injured party.

For Asda, in the early chaotic situation of the smartphone industry, it should still find ways to accumulate a deeper foundation, so that it can have more layers of insurance, withstand patent trolls, and survive peacefully.

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