Top of the big era

Chapter 1754: Figure it out

Jiang Shuying went back to school to take leave, and then took a special flight to the "Gentleman Manor" in Atherton, Silicon Valley. She felt dizzy.

In the past, super mansions that could only be seen in Hollywood movies were now seen with one’s own eyes.

My heart was filled with shock.

Especially when she passed the guard, she was scared. She could see two uncles holding rifles in the guard room. It seemed that if she said the wrong code, she might be shot dead on the spot.

Is this the life of the world's richest people?

What an eye-opener.

When I entered the house, I could truly experience the real life of a wealthy family. Looking around... there were so many beauties, it seemed that everyone was more beautiful than me, and my self-confidence was instantly shattered.

In the evening, when Mr. Zhou came back from work, he took a shower and changed into casual clothes. After having some dinner, I plunged into the study again, saying that I still had work to do.

He is indeed a big shot, he doesn’t have a moment to spare!

Jiang Shuying knew that she was an outsider, and Sun Wanran had talked to her before.

However, even as an outsider, she did not want to be too out of tune with this big family, so she worked hard to please the rich ladies Aunt Xue, Wen Zhixia, and Ning Yameng in the living room, sitting on the floor and teasing a few lively and cute children. child.

At this time, Ning Lu called down from upstairs, "Jiang Shuying?!"

"Ah! I'm here!"

Jiang Shuying quickly stood up and waved upstairs.

This kind of super mansion is spacious, bright and grand. It is not a normal building spacing at all. The distance from the first floor to the second floor is just like the two floors of a normal apartment building.

It's like a palace, and it feels like there's an echo even if you shout upstairs.

Ning Lu shouted loudly downstairs: "Go take a shower, and then go to the study to find Mr. Zhou!"


Jiang Shuying immediately blushed.


Why don't you say this so loudly? There are several hostesses around you. This... this is too embarrassing!

"Go quickly! Mr. Zhou is waiting for you!"

Seeing that she was stunned and motionless, Ning Lu repeated the sentence.

"Oh! Okay, I...I'll go right away."

Jiang Shuying wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in. She had just managed to mingle with Mrs. Zhou Xue, Zhou Wen, and Zhou Ning. It was so good now, and she felt like her fig leaf had been ripped off in an instant.

Dignity spread all over the floor.

Ning Yaxian knew Ning Lu's character, and she couldn't do such a thing. Most likely, it was Sun Wanran's bad idea. He was deliberately causing embarrassment to Jiang Shuying, so he glared at her.

However, the distance was a bit far and there were too many people. Ning Lu didn't notice at all and continued to say loudly: "By the way, after washing, just wrap yourself in a bath towel, no need to wear underwear. Go quickly, Mr. Zhou is waiting!"

"It's over, it's over..."

Jiang Shuying had completely collapsed. Out of normal social etiquette, she should have said hello to the Mrs. Zhou present before leaving. But how could she have any face at this moment? She lowered her head and wished she could hide it in her chest. Her face was as hot as if she could steam an egg, and she headed upstairs.

I didn't step on a step properly and almost fell down.

The house is so big, there are 5 study rooms alone.

Fortunately, Ning Lu leads the way.

After Jiang Shuying took a shower, she simply wiped her hair, wrapped only in a bath towel, and followed Ning Lu in a panic. In a daze...she thought of a summer vacation when she was studying in the theater. I had the experience of going to Hengdian with my classmates to be extras in a Qing palace drama.

In the play, there is a scene where a concubine is sleeping with the emperor.

The general plot is that after the concubine bathed and freshened up, she could not wear anything and lay naked on the quilt. Then a special eunuch came over and wrapped her in a quilt, and then arranged for two eunuchs to carry the concubine away, passing through many courtyards and aisles all the way to the emperor's palace.

The current scene feels very similar to that scene!

The difference is that the plot in the play is that the eunuch wraps up the concubine and carries it to the emperor's palace; in reality, after taking a bath, he wraps himself in a bath towel and walks to Mr. Zhou's study.

"Is Mr. Zhou trying to cultivate my subjective initiative?"

Jiang Shuying's heart was like a drum, and she thought wildly for a while, then whispered: "Secretary Ning, is there anything I need to pay attention to after I go there?"

Ning Lu chuckled and said, "It's okay, don't be nervous, Mr. Zhou is not a bad person. Mr. Zhou is at work, he is very busy. Just do whatever I ask you to do."

"But what if he is too busy at work and ignores me?"

"Well, it's possible."

"Secretary Ning, please teach me..."

There was a bit of pleading in Jiang Shuying's tone. She felt that her family was pretty good, but compared with the real rich and powerful, there was still a huge difference.

Just like the concubines in Qing Dynasty dramas, before going to bed, someone will teach them the rules, but I don't understand anything.

Ning Lu hesitated for a moment and said slowly: "Mr. Zhou asked you to come over mainly because he wanted to relax and release some stress. Work is important, but work must also be balanced."

"Shall I press his shoulder?"

"Have you ever studied massage?"

Ning Lu glanced at her.

Jiang Shuying looked stern, "No."

"Then what did you press?" Ning Lu said calmly, "If Mr. Zhou really doesn't have time to pay attention to you, take the initiative and crawl under his desk from the carpet."

"I understand." Jiang Shuying took a deep breath and bit her red lips, "Thank you."

Ning Lu was really right.

Boss Zhou is very busy.

In the afternoon, he went to Netflix and resolved a potential crisis between Zi Weiyun and Netflix. In this process, all parties must be satisfied.

The relationship between Lu Qi and Kurian cannot be damaged, nor can the relationship between Kurian and Hagentins be damaged.

Zhou Buqi now has a deeper and deeper understanding that friendly interpersonal relationships are often an indispensable factor for success in accomplishing something.

As a boss, the most important thing is to employ people. Behind hiring people, it involves coordinating the relationship between people so that they can cooperate sincerely and unleash their creativity.

This is especially true in the technology industry.

Many scientists are autistic, and each has a weirder personality than the last. Even though they are far apart, it is okay to not understand them. Everyone thinks they are scientists and respect them. If the distance is close, sometimes I can really hate it with itch.

This requires a more intelligent person to help them coordinate this relationship.

At the moment, Zhou Buqi handles Kurian's matter very beautifully.

He had just received a very long email from Kurian, with more than 3,000 words... It was not a business report, but a bit like a self-review.

Zhou Buqi had difficulty reading English, so he didn't care about Jiang Shuying. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted her walking to the desk, kneeling on the carpet, and crawling under the desk.

He was used to it and didn't care. He just patted her head and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Jiang Shuying was also very polite, "Mr. Zhou, you can work, I won't disturb you."

Zhou Buqi reads emails very carefully.

Kurian's attitude in the email was very good. He first admitted his mistake, then gave an explanation, then made a guarantee, and finally expressed his gratitude.

Zhou Buqi actually understands human nature very well.

For people with strong hearts, you should criticize them more. The more you criticize, the more motivated they will be. Guys like Guo Pengfei, Meng Houkun, and Chen Dong were often scolded.

For those who have an inferiority complex, encourage them more, make insinuations, and don't stimulate them too much. If you say something slightly unpleasant, they will think you are insulting them.

Kurian is highly educated, so of course he cannot be evaluated with a simple glass heart. But one thing that has nothing to do with academic qualifications is his skin color. He is too dark, which instinctively arouses high vigilance among such groups.

When you are criticized, what is the first reaction that comes to mind: Are you being criticized for making a mistake, or are you being criticized for being discriminated against because of your skin color?

This should be paid special attention to in Europe and the United States.

If the same thing happened to Ziweixing in China, Zhou Buqi would definitely scold him. It is best not to be so rude here in the United States, especially when dealing with dark-skinned employees. We must be cautious and pay more attention to management art and management skills.

Zhou Buqi handled this matter very well.

Kurian was not notified in advance.

Just go to Netflix and get things straightened out. Then when Netflix contacted Ziweiyun, Kurian felt suddenly enlightened and ashamed, and took the initiative to write a letter of apology.

However, after the matter was settled, Zhou Buqi's tone could be harsher. To warn him, he only responded to this email with two words: "I won't do this next time!"

Although Jiang Shuying was a little distracted under the table, Boss Zhou took this as a test of his concentration and willpower.

He plans to reply to another 15-20 emails.

One of the emails was marked with 5 stars, which was the email that Ning Yaxian or Ning Lu thought should be focused on.

After opening...


It should be focused on.

This is an area of ​​football that has always been close to his heart.

Not Manchester United, but Barcelona!

Ziweixing Digital Media has many businesses, such as the Eagle Eye technology and data analysis software that have been fully promoted in the Premier League, and the official website agency business covering more than 140 clubs in Europe.

However, these are not core businesses.

The core business is Goal, a football community that integrates 140 club official websites and 4 football information websites.

This is a social platform for fans, a bit like the fan version of Twitter.

The difference is that it is also a hodgepodge of football news, with the richest football information in the world. In addition to free content, there is also paid content.

Fans can subscribe to the membership of their favorite club, see the club's membership content, and directly connect with the club's official website.

After becoming a member, an exclusive membership logo will appear on the fan's name, and when he speaks in the community, it is equivalent to being certified as a "senior fan" or "die-hard fan".

In fact, it is to use the weaknesses of human nature to stimulate their desire for comparison and get them to buy memberships.

This "Internet + Football" gameplay designed by Zhou Buqi for European football has never been seen in European football. It can be mastered as soon as it is launched!

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