Top of the big era

Chapter 1751 You win

Zhou Buqi and Cook had only met seven or eight times in total. There was no excessive friendship, but the conversations between the two parties were full of sincerity. For example, Cook's words are actually suspected of leaking business secrets.

He said that Jobs would take over the job soon and then he would take over.

This means that changes in Apple's top decision-making level will inevitably be reflected in the stock price. If Zhou Buqi is a small person, he can make plans at this time and try to sell or short Apple's stock, and he can make a lot of money.

Zhou Buqi went to visit Jobs in the hospital and only stayed for 10 minutes before leaving.

Now Jobs is like a withered bone, thin and fragile, as if he has changed into a different person. He is really no longer good.

However, Jobs did not give up.

Even at the end of his life, he still had a passion for Apple.

After Zhou Buqi left, Jobs said firmly: "No need to doubt it, it must be like this!"

Cook realized what he meant. "Microsoft?"

Jobs said: "Yes, Microsoft! Microsoft will definitely imitate the iPhone and launch a similar product. This is their consistent style. They must be prepared in advance and restrict them from the industrial structure."

Cook took a deep breath and said, "Then we will deepen our cooperation with Asda."

Jobs said: "In the smartphone market, the biggest rival is not Asda. The alliance between Google and Samsung is the biggest worry. However, a bigger rival than Samsung is Microsoft. We cannot leave opportunities for Microsoft behind us. We cannot We worked hard to defeat Samsung and give Microsoft a market for growth."

"Microsoft intends to cooperate with Asda to jointly launch smartphones equipped with Microsoft's new system."

"Stop them!"


"Microsoft is far more lethal than Google. Android is an open source system and adopts a completely opposite strategy to the iPhone. Microsoft is different. Microsoft has great ambitions. They want to take both open source and closed approaches, just like The Windows system on the PC is like that. We must not give them a chance."

Jobs had a very deep understanding of Microsoft. Microsoft was much more harmful to the industry than Google.

Cook continued: "Microsoft will hold a press conference on the 11th of next month."

"It's not necessary!" Jobs was sitting on the sofa with a sling bottle in his hand. His face was serious and his tone was firm. "No need to wait, it must be like this. Before the press conference, reach an agreement with Zhou! The most important thing is , to prevent their cooperation in the field of mobile phones."


Cook took the order and returned. Next, it is time to further promote the cooperation between Apple and Asda.

Zhou Buqi went to the headquarters of Ziweixing International and met with Lu Qi, Kurian, Shen Xiangyang and others. There was also a very important direction, which was the entrepreneurial project on the Ziwei Cloud platform.

At this moment, cloud computing still has a high cognitive threshold.

The entrepreneurial team's willingness to use cloud computing services during the entrepreneurial stage shows that this team has a firm and accurate understanding of the future development of the technology industry.

This is equivalent to a screening of investment projects.

Entrepreneurship projects that are willing to use Ziwei Cloud are, in a normal sense, more courageous and innovative than those with traditional thinking that still purchase local servers.

Zhou Buqi chatted with Kurian for more than an hour and exchanged views on the future development of cloud computing.

Kurian is particularly confident.

I don’t know if he is pretending or bragging, but he looks very awesome anyway and lists 10 major advantages of Ziwei Cloud over Amazon Cloud.

With these 10 major advantages, the market should naturally choose Ziweiyun as its main partner!

Especially when Zhou Buqi said that he might promote the cooperation between Ziwei Cloud and Microsoft office products in the future. With the flagship product of the office series in the lineup, Kurian's belief in crushing Amazon Cloud was further strengthened.

This somewhat surprised Zhou Buqi.

That's Amazon Cloud!

However, after hearing that Kurian listed a set of investment data, Zhou Buqi was at a loss for words.

Amazon Cloud has been around since 2003. In the past seven years, the total global investment has reached US$6.5 billion. Ziweiyun has only been developing its overseas business for three years, and its investment scale has reached US$4.3 billion!

At first glance, Ziwei Cloud has US$4.3 billion and Amazon Cloud has US$6.5 billion, indicating that Amazon Cloud has more investment.

However, when investing in a cloud data center, the biggest asset is the server.

Hardware products such as servers have obvious timeliness.

Over time, hardware products become less and less valuable.

Amazon Cloud invests an average of US$900 million per year, but the equipment invested in US$900 million in 2003 may only have a current value of US$300 million after so many years.

In other words, Ziwei Cloud’s current investment of US$300 million to build a cloud data center is equivalent to Amazon Cloud’s investment of US$900 million back then.

After some equivalent comparison and conversion...

Kurian gave an inspiring answer.

Taking Ziweiyun as a standard, Ziweiyun invested US$4.3 billion, while Amazon Cloud only invested US$3.9 billion at most. Ziweiyun has invested more than Amazon Cloud!

It is easy to understand in a conventional sense. It is not surprising that Ziwei Cloud has invested more and is better than Amazon Cloud.

Zhou Buqi was very happy, but he couldn't be blind.

Indians are so arrogant that it is difficult to tell the truth from the truth, and they cannot believe all of Kurian's claims. Zhou Buqi still maintains awe of Amazon Cloud in his heart.

Cloud computing requires long-term attention, and Kurian cannot be too optimistic.

Next, there are investment projects.

Zhou Buqi had already made arrangements for Chief Investment Officer Alex Jones to choose among the entrepreneurial projects in Ziweiyun, and a total of 23 entrepreneurial projects were listed.

Not too much.

Zhou Buqi had time to study them one by one, and then... he really discovered the project that made his eyes light up, a picture website similar to Ucgram created by Tang Binchen - Pinterest.

This project aroused the interest of Boss Zhou, not because the project report submitted by Alex Jones was wonderful and the project idea was great, but because he had heard of the name "Pinterest"!

Zhou Buqi doesn't know exactly what "Pinterest" does and how well it does it, but he just needs to understand a little bit. Every company name he has heard of is usually famous and has achieved great success. .

Then there is no need to hesitate.

Zhou Buqi told Alex Jones to immediately go find the "Pinterest" project team, have close contact, and then look for investment possibilities.

Among these 23 entrepreneurial projects, there was another project that attracted his interest. I have never heard of the name, but my business direction is news streaming media. It is to integrate news from many channels and push it to users in the form of information flow.

It’s a bit similar to today’s headlines.

However, Toutiao is more of a non-professional self-media, with too much homogeneous content and a large number of articles from around the world. This kind of thing cannot be done in developed countries, which have strict intellectual property protection.

This kind of news streaming project mostly cooperates with professional media, such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Hollywood Daily. They pay a copyright fee to them, and then transfer it to the App, and the user purchases it in the App. Paid can completely break away from the print media era.

There is video streaming, music streaming, and of course there should be news streaming.

However, Alex Jones gave this project only one star, which is "strongly not recommended" and believes that the business model is too immature.

Another more important point is that the threshold for this thing is very low, the operation difficulty is relatively small, and it is not as complicated as video and music.

If Ziweixing International wants to do it, it can do it by itself. There is no need to invest in a third party.

Zhou Buqi accepted Jones' statement.

At this time, he received a call from Zhou Shaoning: "You win! Apple wants to negotiate! They are willing to compromise on the commission on the 'instructions'!"

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