Top of the big era

Chapter 1749 The game of competition


Zhou Shaoning didn't know what the young boss was planning.

However, it is probably related to business politics.

This time Asda can relatively smoothly promote all-round cooperation with Apple, mainly due to the trade-offs of the external environment. It is Apple's strategic cooperation to compete with Google and Samsung.

Zhou Buqi said: "Apple agreed to cooperate with Asda and restrict Samsung because Apple is more worried about Samsung. Once Samsung is allowed to expand the market, it will be a bigger hidden danger than Asda. Compared with Samsung, Google's hidden dangers Bigger. Compared to Google... hum, maybe Microsoft has greater hidden dangers!"

"Mobile operating system!"

Zhou Shaoning immediately realized what he wanted to express.

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, it's the operating system. Although Android is doing very well now, I guess... even within Android, not many people think that it will definitely be able to defeat Microsoft. In order to gain a firm foothold in the smartphone market, Microsoft has launched a new operating system based on smartphones and has also cooperated with Nokia... This is Apple's biggest market threat!"

Zhou Shaoning hesitated, "Are you going to threaten Apple?"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "There is no threat, it's just market competition. The whole world knows that Microsoft is going to launch a new mobile phone system. This is a major event in the mobile Internet market. It's hard not to pay attention."

"Well..." Zhou Shaoning nodded, "Indeed, Apple has asked me several times to ask if I am interested in cooperating with Microsoft to launch a Microsoft system version of a smartphone."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, at least this is a negotiating point. Google has already caused Apple a lot of pain. If Microsoft also joins in, I don't know what kind of chaos the smartphone market will be like. The more it occupies the core position, the more likely it will be." The more worried I become. Apple’s current market value has just surpassed Microsoft and become the world’s number one. Once Microsoft launches new products and generates market influence, Apple’s world number one may not be guaranteed. This is a game based on multiple market competitions.”

Zhou Shaoning suggested in a low voice: "How about you go talk to them tomorrow?"

"Okay, I'll go there tomorrow."

Zhou Buqi had already thought about it. This time when he came to Silicon Valley, he would find an opportunity to visit Steve Jobs in the hospital. This was out of basic respect for humanity.

That night, Zhou Buqi called Lacob, another owner of the Golden State Warriors, and went to watch the San Jose Earthquakes game together like an ordinary fan.

The new NBA season hasn't started yet, but Lacob is very excited.

This will be his first season leading the Golden State Warriors.

However, he didn't know much about football.

Going to watch a San Jose Earthquakes game is probably as painful as watching a football game.

Zhou Buqi is relatively indifferent to the content of the game. American football is still at a low point and the level is average. Although this game is the "California Derby" that has attracted much attention in American football-San Jose Earthquakes VS Los Angeles Galaxy.

Being used to watching top European football, a game of this level is really not interesting.

Fortunately, the fans are very enthusiastic.

There is still a sports atmosphere here in the Bay Area.

Unfortunately Lacob doesn’t quite understand.

Zhou Buqi told him about basketball, "How are the Warriors?"

Lacob smiled: "Okay, very good! Especially the rookie you selected, Paul George, is as strong as an ox and performed very well in training camp and preseason. The technical department has already evaluated it. , unanimously believe that he will have very good expected development."

Zhou Buqi said thoughtfully: "Silicon Valley needs a better sports atmosphere."

"Yes, it should be... I'm sorry, I don't know much about football, rugby is okay."

"You know football?"

"Of course, every American boy grew up being coached by his dad in football."


Zhou Buqi didn't seem to have thought about it yet.

Lacob saw something, "Mr. Zhou, are you interested in rugby?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "I don't understand football at all, but someone suggested to me that if I want to take root in American sports more deeply, I must have a football team."

Lacob was shocked, "You want to buy a football team?"

Zhou Buqi pointed into the stadium and said, "I want to buy this team first."

"San Jose earthquake?"


"Mr. Zhou's love for football is admirable."

Lacob took a deep breath and finally understood how the world's richest people play.

How cruel!

According to media reports, it was said that Bill Gates' daughter was interested in equestrian, so the richest man began to search for top equestrian clubs all over the world, and then found the best venues and best teachers to train his daughter.

Looking at it this way, Boss Zhou is about the same.

Zhou Buqiruo said profoundly: "I like football, but Americans seem to like rugby more. The rugby strength in the Bay Area seems not to be very good, right?"

Lacob nodded, "It was very good for a while, but very bad in recent years, just like the Golden State Warriors. This has something to do with the economic situation. The more developed the economy, the more obvious the market reaction."

Zhou Buqi said: "Whether it's basketball, football, or rugby, Silicon Valley should have top teams."

Lacob tentatively said, "Then let me help you keep an eye on it?"


This is the purpose of Zhou Buqi.

The next day, Zhou Buqi called Ning Yaxian and Ning Lu and went to Apple headquarters together.

Met Cook.

First, he expressed concern about Jobs's physical condition, which is something that every Apple employee is worried about. Apple's market value has just surpassed Microsoft's, becoming the world's largest technology company.

Then, Jobs' condition worsened and he was hospitalized for a long time.

This is somewhat ironic about fate.

Boss Zhou was present in person, so there was no need for formal negotiations. Cook invited him into his office. He was very sad about Jobs's experience and sighed, "Cancer is still an insurmountable problem for mankind. Apple will have to Put more effort into life sciences.”

"Well, it should be."

Zhou Buqi also had this idea.

After making more money, what will you do next?

Immortality, of course.

There are many top biological laboratories in the world, all of which are engaged in projects that are far away from ordinary people. They rely on funding from wealthy people and are engaged in some "immortality" research.

Zhou Buqi also heard that there are similar drugs in the industry, and many old men in their eighties or nineties can still manage complex and large teams on the front line.

Basically, they are taking similar life medicines, which can maintain the vitality of cells and delay the passage of life.

However, this time Zhou Buqi came over, the main topic was Microsoft.

He has a handy scoop on this!

Microsoft has been making waves for several years. It has abandoned its mobile operating system in the past and developed a new operating system based on smartphones.

Moreover, they will follow Apple's model and hold a press conference on October 11th!

At that time, major hardware products will be released!

What exactly is the product?

have no idea.

However, there is basically speculation in the industry that it is likely to be a newly developed mobile operating system. But the mobile operating system is at the software level, and what Microsoft wants to release is hardware products.

Combined with the recent in-depth secret cooperation between Microsoft and Nokia, we can basically make some guesses.

Microsoft is likely to launch its own smartphone!

You know, Google did not launch its own smartphones. Google opened up the Android system and invited mobile phone manufacturers around the world to join.

Microsoft is different. Microsoft is personally involved!

This is not surprising. It is in line with Microsoft's consistent style. They even produce game consoles. Their usual approach is to see what others do well, then copy it, and use their monopoly power to beat the original version to death.

Sony and Nintendo did so well in their home console business back then. The two companies almost divided the global market. However, Microsoft entered the market and destroyed these two Japanese companies.

This is what Apple is most worried about.

Based on Microsoft's plagiarism attributes, maybe at the press conference on October 11, Microsoft will launch a mobile phone that truly competes with the iPhone!

Cook just speculated.

The answer to the mystery will not be announced until the night of October 11th.

However, Zhou Buqi was different. He already knew the answer. Not because of his foresight, which could not cover such a large area, but because of his industrial layout in this life.

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