Top of the big era

Chapter 1736 The task of overturning the table

Domestic "instruction manual" projects are not as easy to do as abroad. This is related to the sales model.

In developed countries such as Europe, the United States, South Korea and Japan, operators have excellent services and social evaluations. When consumers buy mobile phones, they usually go to operators. It is simple and convenient, and they can directly match the package.

Therefore, it is easy to make "instructions" abroad. As long as you sign exclusive cooperation agreements with several major mainstream operators, the business will be started.

It is very difficult in China. Operators lack such credibility. As a result, any offline store that sells mobile phones is actually more competitive than operators and can have larger shipments.

With too many channels, the layout becomes very troublesome. Even though Ziweixing is strong, it is impossible to cover all hypermarkets and mobile phone stores across the country in a short period of time.

"I estimate that the effective life cycle of the 'Instruction Manual' in China is 3-5 years. This project is only effective in the early stages of smartphone development. This is a short-term project, and there is no need to have too long-term planning."

Zhou Buqi made a special explanation.

"There is no threshold for this thing." He Yang, who led the development of "Instructions" in the country, sighed, "Once Ziweixing tastes the benefits of this project, many businesses will definitely follow suit. It’s turning this industry into a mess.”

Zhou Buqi said nonchalantly: "If there is no threshold, there will be no threshold. Sign an exclusive agreement."

"Exclusive agreement?" He Yang shook his head, "It may not work."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "So we have to focus on it. Even if we sign an exclusive agreement with small companies and state-owned enterprises like China Mobile and China Unicom, it may not be effective. But it is still very binding on large private companies and foreign companies, especially It's an online platform. My suggestion is that the 'instructions' don't need to cover too much, except for Aisda, just focus on three directions."


He Yang felt a lot more relaxed. If he only focused on three yuan, the difficulty of operating and supervising the "instructions" would be reduced.

Zhou Buqi said: "First of all, it's The main online sales platform for electronic products is By cooperating with, all mobile phones sold by will be given with a 'manual'."

He Yang said with a smile: “You don’t even need to sign an agreement to cooperate with”

Zhou Buqi said: "The next step is Taobao. Taobao has spun off Taobao Mall, but its sales capabilities for large items are still not as good as I estimate that it won't be long before Taobao Mall will also launch a self-operated platform. In addition, We can also cooperate with some well-known official flagship stores on Taobao.”


"Third, we must catch Lei Jun."

"Lei Jun?"

He Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhang Yiming beside him, feeling that such a decision was very challenging.

Sure enough, Zhang Yiming spoke, frowning and said: "Lei Jun has been very active recently and has done several things, all of which are deliberately targeting us."

"That's not true, is it?"

Zhou Buqi didn't believe it. He and Lei Jun had always had a good relationship. Whether it was personal relations or business cooperation, they had been quite happy in the past few years.

"I mainly want to talk about three things." Zhang Yiming paused for a moment, "First, after he resigned, Kingsoft's performance has not improved and the stock price has been sluggish. Qiubo Jun asked him to return to Kingsoft to serve as the chairman of the board of directors. He returned to Kingsoft The first thing they did was launch a cloud strategy, and they wanted to build Kingsoft Cloud."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "I know Mr. Lei's vision, and his business judgment has always been very strong. The cloud computing industry has unlimited imagination, Kingsoft doesn't matter, don't limit it. Ziwei Cloud planted the seeds Once you get the seed, a forest will appear."

This statement actually has a pattern.

In the past two years, many cloud computing manufacturers have sprung up in China.

The reason behind it is that Zi Weiyun succeeded.

If Ziweiyun fails, even if everyone knows that the cloud computing industry is full of prospects in the future, their entry into the market will be very limited. This group of people all have a very clear understanding. Even Ziweixing failed in cloud computing, so what the hell are they doing? Don’t think about it before it’s too late!

It's different now, Zi Weiyun succeeded.

It's like a specimen.

If products such as Amazon Cloud, Microsoft Cloud, and Google Cloud are successful, they will have to weigh appropriately when entering the market, because they are all foreign companies and it is not easy to break into them.

Ziweiyun is different. This is a domestic company. When they are doing cloud computing, once there are technical bottlenecks and problems that cannot be solved, they can just find a solution from Ziweiyun.

Classmates, friends, etc. chat privately and inquire about things.

If you can't find out, just pay a sky-high price to poach the relevant scientists from Ziweiyun, and then you can solve the unbreakable technical problems.

With the seed of Ziweiyun, they can have an imitator to observe, learn and learn from at close range, and use their latecomer advantage to quickly build their own cloud computing products and turn them into a forest.

Somewhat suspected of taking advantage.

Ziweixing has formed a very strong team and spent hundreds of millions of R\u0026D funds. It took more than four years to develop Ziweiyun. Followers will quickly overtake others and quickly make a product. Similar products.

There is no way around it. Someone has to take this step first.

Just like the later domestic chip Cambrian NPU, as soon as this product was released, the domestic AI chip industry became popular, and major technology giants entered the market to imitate it.

The result is that the giants quickly left the Cambrian behind by relying on their stronger resources, channels and ability to attract talents.

But Zi Weiyun is not afraid.

Ziweixing is a giant!

Ziwei Cloud can compete with Amazon Cloud in overseas markets, and it has enough confidence in the domestic market.

Zhang Yiming then said the second thing, "There is also MiLiao, which is a product that directly competes with WeChat."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "What is this? There will only be more and more similar products. Lei Jun needs channels, no channels, no resources, no resources. Don't say that MiLiao is not as good as our WeChat, even if MiLiao is a better product They can’t promote excellent products.”

"And Xiaomi, they are making mobile phones."

"So we need to cooperate with Xiaomi and sign an exclusive agreement so that every Xiaomi phone sold will be accompanied by an 'instruction manual' produced by Ziweixing."

"Is this Xiaomi letting it go?"

"Control? How can I control it?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head.

Yan Guangming said fiercely: "If you want to take control, there is no chance. Xiaomi will most likely follow Aisda's footsteps in establishing a supply chain when making mobile phones. That will be easy. I will contact the suppliers directly and let them not Supply to Xiaomi, or quote a higher price when supplying.”

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Isn't this a shame? If I really do this, how will I face Lei Jun in the future? I still can't be too domineering in business. With Boss Lei's level, if he wants to make a mobile phone, it will be difficult All dangers can't stop him. Since it can't be stopped, it's better to extend an olive branch. And... hum, domestic smartphone manufacturers are not just Asda. We don't stop Xiaomi, on the contrary, we want to provide help in times of need. , establish a good competitive relationship.”

In the previous life, Xiaomi encountered too many difficulties when it was first founded.

In the early stage, because there was no support from suppliers, Lei Jun had to risk nuclear radiation and go to the nuclear leakage area in Japan. He immediately impressed the Japanese, and then he got the supplied components.

Xiaomi’s early ultra-low-price model was somewhat similar to 360.

360 was doing anti-virus and was surrounded by colleagues. Zhou Hongyi was so angry that she couldn't bear it anymore, so she turned over the table and started the free strategy. Xiaomi's ultra-low-price mobile phones have also turned the table on the entire smartphone industry.

It's all a trap to the death.

After Xiaomi succeeds later, it will be even more welcome. Fighting against heaven and earth is like fighting against Buddha.

Zhou Buqi doesn’t think it can stop Xiaomi’s rise.

In this case, you might as well be friendly.

When Asda and Xiaomi compete in the future, they must respect each other and not discredit each other without a bottom line.

"Sending help in times of need..."

The corners of Yan Guangming's mouth trembled and he was speechless. It feels like Boss Zhou really doesn’t have normal business thinking. He actually wants to help potential future competitors overcome difficulties? It's good to provide help in times of need, but wouldn't it be better to kill Xiaomi directly?

Zhou Buqi hesitated for a moment, but said frankly: "The country needs smartphones with low enough prices. Traditional mobile phone manufacturers are making high profits, and they have no such awareness. It is not appropriate for Asda to lower its brand attributes at the moment. .The market needs a low-end smartphone brand.”


Zhang Yiming, He Yang and others were all shocked.

Unexpectedly, the big boss gave "Xiaomi" such a high market role positioning.

Zhou Buqi said: "We must learn from the lessons of Micropoint Antivirus. Even today, people in the antivirus software industry are still scolding us, saying that we have ruined the industry. The same goes for mobile phones. Aisda will not launch it in the short term Ultra-low-priced low-end phones for the public market, firstly, the brand positioning does not allow it, and secondly, we cannot repeat the same mistakes.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone on the other side of the video conference looked at each other in confusion.

This is awesome!

Because there are also lower-level managers such as Zhang Xuhao and Qin He attending the meeting, there is no need to make it too clear.

But Zhang Yiming and He Yang already understood.

The big boss’s plan is quite deep!

There are no low-end smartphones nowadays. No matter how low-end the configuration is, the general price is more than 4,000 yuan, and the profit is high enough. Whoever breaks this industry consensus and drastically cuts prices, causing everyone to follow suit and lose the opportunity to make big money... is the common enemy of the industry.

So offending!

Yan Guangming also understood it, and felt a sudden enlightenment.

No wonder Asterini suspended its low-end machine plan. Originally, it was planned that Astermini would be targeted at both university campuses and the public market.

Later, Boss Zhou urgently revised the plan and gave up opening it to the public.

This is because I feel that Asda has developed and there is no need to play the trick of flipping the table to offend others. It can stand in a higher position and make money and guide the country.

The task of flipping the table and changing the gameplay should be left to the underachieving newcomers who are under pressure!

After Xiaomi overturned the table and the price of smartphones plummeted, Asda took advantage of the trend and launched lower-priced low-end phones in China.

Now, we should give Xiaomi some appropriate help, and then promote the cooperation between the "Manual" project and Xiaomi. When the millet jar breaks, let them control the force and direction, so that the splashed fragments do not hurt Aisda.

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