Top of the big era

Chapter 1707 The mastermind behind the scenes

This is often the case. The truth is very simple, but when you can be in it, it is often difficult to distinguish.

Zhou Buqi got inspiration from Wu Yu. Sister Wu talked about the conflict between the toy factory and the carton supplier in a half-showing and half-complaining way. This gave him a new understanding of the relationship between Google and Asda.

Zhou Shaoning said in a daze: "If this is the case, then we can really change our thinking. The previous thinking was to have a good relationship with Google so that Asda can maintain its status as the king of Android phones. From this point of view, there is no such thing. necessary."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "As far as the current situation is concerned, Google is working hard to win over Samsung, and Samsung is also working hard to get closer to Google. Although Aisda and Google had a two-year honeymoon period, Aisda is still The excessive market share in the Android market is not in Google’s own interests.”


Zhou Shaoning felt that the entire business idea came together.

The most distressing problem that had been locked in my mind for the past two months was easily solved by changing my perspective.

Samsung wants to please Google and come forward to file a lawsuit with Apple.

Why must Asda follow the cards?

Isn’t this Samsung taking the lead?

More importantly, even if Asda follows suit and works hard like Samsung to maintain a friendly relationship with Google, so what? Will Asda gain Google's goodwill by showing good intentions?

Zhou Buqi said: "Many people say that shopping malls are like battlefields. I disagree. I think shopping malls should be more focused on friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation. However, around Google, Apple, Samsung, and Asda, It’s a matter for a company, it’s the distribution of interests in an industry with an annual output value of hundreds of billions of dollars, and there won’t be any human feelings at all.”

Zhou Shaoning nodded, "The new Internet era is coming, and the Android system is the core product for Google to dominate the next era. They will not shake the overall situation of the life and death of the Android system just because of simple personal relationships or small favors."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, this is the overall situation. No matter what Asda does or does, as long as Asda is the number one in the industry, it will definitely be checked and balanced by Google to a certain extent."

At this time, both parties had reached a consensus of opinion.

The truth is actually not difficult.

In ancient times, it was a struggle between imperial power and prime ministerial power. If the emperor does not want the prime minister to have too much power, he will promote new ministers to share the prime minister's power, so that the ministers can form factional checks and balances. The emperor is aloof and contented.

In modern times, it is a shift in contradictions in management strategies. For example, in North Korea, life is very poor, and many times you can't even eat. If the authorities cannot resolve this internal contradiction, they will turn to external contradictions. Cursing imperialist ambitions every day allows the people to vent their anger on the United States, and the internal pressure is transferred away.

Nowadays, Asda is too powerful in the Android camp.

Big enough to threaten Google's existence.

At this time, small favors are meaningless, and Google is bound to play some dirty tricks.

On the one hand, it supports Samsung and checks and balances Asda; on the other hand, it transfers the contradiction between Google and Asda to the conflict between Asda and Samsung, Asda and Apple.

Don't tell me, this strategy worked quite well for a time.

In the past few months, Asda has really focused its main conflict on Samsung. It believes that Samsung's Li family's business methods are too shameless, and they are lowly and low-key to work as a pawn for Google.

But after careful analysis, I found that this was not the case at all!

The big boss behind it is actually Google!

In other words, for Asda right now, no matter what it does, it must be wrong, and it must not be as popular with Google as Samsung. This is determined by market share.

In this case, why does Asda take huge risks to litigate Apple?

Plagiarism is a given and anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

You will definitely lose in a lawsuit.

It's in the United States again, Apple's home turf.

Just pay the patent fee honestly and settle the matter!

Zhou Buqi said: "Business in capital society has only one evaluation criterion, which is profit. The conflict between Asda and Google does not lie in Asda's attitude, but in Asda's market share. This is unacceptable Reconciled contradictions. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you file a lawsuit with Apple or not. The common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of having a treasure."

Zhou Shaoning believes deeply, "Android has already started to be developed, and its market position has been stabilized. Google is trying to balance the competitiveness of the Android market."

"Yes, it's just like bidding. The more intense the competition between Party B, the more benefit Party A will have."

"So, we don't need to worry too much now, and there is no point in worrying. Google will definitely do its best to help Samsung develop the Android phone market."

"Keep a balance."

"Yes, Asda is now the number one in the market, and Google will inevitably tilt towards Samsung. Similarly, if Samsung surpasses Asda one day, Google will also take more care of Asda. This has nothing to do with the likes and dislikes of the relationship. , this is power play."

"So there is no need to worry, it's settled!" Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Samsung is not willing to join forces with Asda to fight Apple and Google, then we will withdraw. Secondary contradictions must compromise with the main contradiction. Now I can see clearly that the opponent of Android is not Apple at all. The real mastermind behind this is Google!"

This is definitely a mystery that he only saw in this life.

In his previous life, he always heard about comparisons between Android phones and Apple phones, and thought that Android phones and Apple phones were really competitive.

Now that I figured it out, I realized that this is not the case at all!

The competitor of Android phones has never been Apple phones, but Android phones of other brands. It is Google that uses an invisible hand to make Android phone manufacturers fight to the death.

Google, hiding behind the scenes, is playing tricks on these Android phone manufacturers.

Apple is just an “external hostile force” to Android phone manufacturers.

Even if Android phones can indeed compete with Apple, that is the last hurdle.

You have to pass two levels first.

The first level is to defeat all other Android manufacturers, so that I can dominate.

The second level is to challenge Google and rebel! Let Google surrender and let Google truly and thoroughly tailor the Android system to a certain mobile phone of a certain company.

Google’s technology is much better than Apple’s, so why is the Android system so much worse than the iOS system?

The big reason is that the Android system is not tailor-made for a certain mobile phone from a certain manufacturer. It is a public operating system platform. The iOS system is a system specially designed by Apple for the iPhone.

This is the biggest limitation of the Android ceiling.

After passing the first two levels, Android manufacturers are truly on the same level as Apple and are eligible to compete.

Otherwise, even if Samsung Electronics was at its peak in its previous life, its market value was only US$300 billion, while Apple's market value was approaching US$3 trillion. The two parties were not at the same level at all.

The opponent on the same level as Apple is Google, not Samsung and the entire Android mobile phone camp.

For Asda... let alone challenging Apple in the third level, I'm afraid he can't even pass the first level now.

Hard core technology is a stuck technology.

Hardware mainly refers to the chip; software mainly refers to the operating system.

The lifeline is in other people's hands.

However, it is not impossible to fight.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "For Google, this is the highest-level strategic plan. It has nothing to do with posture, relationships, or even short-term interests. This is the overall layout of the entire Android system. Even if Aisda offends Google to death It doesn't matter. If Samsung dominates, even if Google is reluctant, it will definitely help Asda to seize Samsung's market to maintain the balance of competition."

"Since you're not afraid of offending Google, let's do it!" Zhou Shaoning snorted and made up his mind, "I have never regarded Apple as a rival. The reason why I am interested in smartphones is because I participated in At the launch of the first-generation iPhone, I felt the shock of the technological revolution brought about by Steve Jobs. I am not interested in digging the well. I am not interested in fighting Apple to the death for Google. Apple is Google's opponent, but not Asda's opponent. ."

Zhou Buqi asked: "How much patent fee does Apple want?"

Zhou Shaoning said: "Not much, each mobile phone is less than 7 US dollars. Now every time an Aster mobile phone is sold, the patent fee is between 98 and 142 US dollars. A mere 7 US dollars is nothing at all."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Then go to Apple and have a good discussion on the price. Don't be afraid of paying, the iPad brand is still in our hands. The trademark rights of China, Japan and South Korea alone are enough for Apple to drink It’s over. And…Jobs is seriously ill now.”

Steve Jobs is the idol of all technology people. Zhou Shaoning looked heavy and said, "Well, I heard about it and I'm already in bed."

Zhou Buqi said: "Without Steve Jobs, the creativity of the iPhone will inevitably be greatly reduced. At this time, it is Aster's opportunity to show his talents. Aster strives for more design patents, and within a few years, it will offset Apple's design patents. . Talking about cooperation with Apple is much easier than talking about cooperation with Google. Things that money can solve are the easiest things."

There is no strategic conflict between Apple and Asda, it is nothing more than interests.

This is the easiest thing to do.

What is difficult is the conflict between Google and Asda. This is the value of Google's long-term survival, and it cannot be solved by a simple distribution of interests.

Zhou Shaoning sighed, "It feels uncomfortable to have the operating system in the hands of others."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Microsoft can't even handle Android."

Zhou Shaoning asked: "Is Microsoft really not good enough?"

"Definitely not."

"Microsoft has re-developed a smartphone operating system for the mobile Internet, and I even received an invitation."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

Zhou Shaoning said: "Microsoft wants to cooperate with Asda to launch one or two Microsoft-based smartphones, and has also given a free quota of 2 million mobile phones."

Microsoft's operating system is not free, mobile phone manufacturers need to spend money to purchase it.

However, Asda is a popular mobile phone manufacturer, and Microsoft is very generous and is willing to provide a free system to 2 million mobile phones. If the sales exceed 2 million units, it will be charged.

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "The free quota of 2 million units is quite generous? Microsoft is still sticking to the PC Internet era and hasn't woken up yet!"

Zhou Shaoning said with a smile: "This is at least a bargaining chip, and we can find system support for the next generation of fingerprint unlocking solutions."

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