Top of the big era

Chapter 1692 Clothing Group Purchase

Zhou Buqi will stay in Magic City for a while.

I visited several local Internet companies and felt like I was in another world.

He has taken Ziweixing to make great strides towards the mobile Internet era. He has not paid attention to the PC product business for a long time. However, I visited several companies and found that they are all working enthusiastically on the PC Internet. They are high-spirited and full of hope for the future.

Especially, because they participated in the "Magic Reform Helo" plan, which allowed them to gain a lot of traffic, and then they never returned in the direction of social games.

In this life, Cheng Binghao was recruited by Zhou Buqi long ago, and there is no

However,'s industry status is likely to be replaced by 51. It has played social games in various ways and made a lot of money.

After tasting the sweetness, they further developed in this direction.

This is somewhat sad.

If you cannot calmly evaluate this large but not strong industry, you will be lost in the dust of the times.

I visited several Internet companies in succession, including social networking, recruitment, group buying, music and other websites, but none of them were very optimistic. Zhou Buqi kindly expressed his vision for the mobile era, but these people thought that Boss Zhou had ulterior motives.

In comparison, my own level is still higher!

There is quite a feeling that all the heroes in the world are under my wing.

Not to mention senior executives, even middle managers are of very high standard. is now integrated into the new media business group, led by Liang Rubo. This guy's three fires always seem to be burning in the most accurate and most needed places.

When he succeeded Tang Binchen in managing, he launched a series of reforms, the most famous of which was the "three circles" module, "Friends Circle", "Secret Circle" and "Interest Circle", which directly made flourish and become a The website with domestic traffic second only to Baidu.

After being transferred to the new media business group as president, he took action again.

The first choice is the school network!

He appointed a new vice president of Xiaonei Network, named Qin He. He has a nice name. She is in her early thirties... and she is a woman. She was hired from She is at the M5 level and is in charge of on-campus group buying.

Reorganizing and upgrading on-campus group buying is Liang Rubo’s first priority after taking charge of the new media business group!

The new semester is about to start.

The fourth "91 Shopping Festival" is about to begin.

I remember that when Shi Jinglin was still the president of the campus business group, she led a team to organize this online shopping festival around college students, targeting the shopping needs of college students when the new semester starts on September 1st.

However, in the past few years, the product categories for on-campus group buying have been very limited.

After all, Ziweixing is not a professional e-commerce platform.

This e-commerce model, which is similar to B2C and B2B, has too high product selection requirements for the B-side... that is, There are many unsafe products, and they would rather not sell them than lose the brand.

Therefore, in the past few years, although on-campus group buying has been successful, it has not fully met the shopping needs of college students.

There are two main sales categories.

One is electronic products, which Zhou Buqi started making back then; the other is cosmetics, which Shi Jinglin started making back then.

Liang Rubo came to power, and he must be dissatisfied with this status quo.

In other words, he needs achievements that are truly his own!

He wants to develop new major categories in addition to electronic products and cosmetics!

His choice was clothing.

After Zhou Buqi heard about it, he was very surprised. He really couldn't figure out how to make a product like clothing through on-campus group buying. When Shi Jinglin was in charge of the school network, she actually wanted to open up two markets, one for cosmetics and one for clothing. But after trying group buying two or three times, I gave up on the clothing business.

Does Liang Rubo have the Midas touch to turn stone into gold?

Zhou Buqi was very curious and happened to hear that the newly appointed vice president of, Qin He, who was in charge of on-campus group buying, was in Shanghai and wanted to adjust the business structure of's logistics transfer center in Shanghai.

Liang Rubo had already returned to the capital, so Zhou Buqi joined in the fun and went directly to the logistics center to meet this new recruit from has five major logistics centers across the country, corresponding to North China, Central China, East China, South China and Southwest China. All of them are logistics warehouses jointly built with

This is more convenient.

With the growth of, the cooperation between on-campus group buying and has further deepened. In the past, in order to deliver goods for on-campus group buying, many methods were devised to avoid packages being switched or stolen by courier companies during the process.

Now that JD Logistics has begun to see scale, it is no longer needed.

On-campus group buying is aimed at schools. Delivery is easier and logistics costs are lower, and can handle it. Liu Qiangdong obviously also has a very strategic mind. Last year, in order to exclusively undertake the express delivery business for on-campus group purchases, he offered an ultra-low price of 1 million yuan per year.

Such a logistics price may not even cover the cost.

But Lao Liu is also great. What JD Logistics is pursuing now is not profit, but brand!

Cooperating with on-campus group buying is equivalent to promoting JD Logistics to college students across the country, allowing college students across the country to personally experience JD Express’s top-notch services that outperform its peers.

In this way, can create a better image in the minds of college students.

The unit prices of the products in are very high, and the profits are also very high. Price-sensitive users generally will not go shopping on The vast majority of users who are not price-sensitive have college degrees.

This is targeted marketing.

In short, there are more and more cooperation between on-campus group buying and, and there is a strong alliance against Alibaba. At this time in the previous life, was not yet a first-class e-commerce platform. It could not compare with Dangdang, and it was still fighting with Yi Xun and Amazon.

This life is different. With the strong brand support of on-campus group buying, has become the largest B2C e-commerce platform in China since two years ago.

Zhou Buqi went to Jingdong's warehouse center. This was his first time there.

I found it to be very big, it felt bigger than three football fields.

The on-campus group buying area is very small, about the size of half a football field.

Zhou Buqi had never seen Ms. Qin He before. From a distance, he could see that this woman with short ear-length hair and a handsome and capable appearance was probably her.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou, my name is Qin He, and I am currently in charge of on-campus group purchasing."

Qin He walked over quickly. He looked ordinary, but had a very good temperament, confident, calm, and quite aura.

Zhou Buqi shook hands with her and smiled, "Hello, I'm Zhou Buqi. Nice to meet you."

Qin He said happily: "Mr. Zhou, don't be so polite to me. I just received the news that you would come over. I was a little flattered."

"I'm not Mr. Zhou, just call me by my name, or Lao Zhou or Xiao Zhou." Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Ziweixing values ​​equality and doesn't like the idea of ​​hierarchy."

This was just their first meeting, and Qin He was a little dazed. Facing such a young and promising Internet entrepreneur who was well-known in the industry, he would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous.

In his mind, he recalled the series of business miracles that young boss Zhou had created in the Internet industry over the past few years, and his brain felt a little short-circuited for a while.

"Qin He? Miss Qin?"

"Ah?" Qin He was stunned for a moment, "Oh! Sorry."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Don't be nervous. I'm just here to take a look. On-campus group buying has developed very well in the past few years, and the cooperation with on the logistics level has also been fruitful. You are now in charge of on-campus group buying, and you need to continue to deepen the follow-up. Cooperation with”

Qin He nodded repeatedly, "Well, I know that's major shareholder is Ziweixing. They are a family."


"I came here mainly to communicate with people from JD Logistics and prepare for the clothing group buying for the next 91 Shopping Festival. This may be different from the group buying form in the past."

Zhou Buqi said: "I came to see you this time just to learn about your clothing group purchase."

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