Top of the big era

Chapter 169 Opportunity to Meet Female Stars

Xu Baihui's family conditions are quite good, otherwise she would not be able to afford the tuition to attend the dance academy.

However, after a year of college, she gave up on "art".

Talented people are a bit conceited, and so is Xu Baihui.

However, in the dance academy, no one cares about your talent, who has the higher dance talent, what they care about... is fame and fortune.

In particular, some students have gone out to film during college. Although they will not become popular national stars like Nortel and China Opera, they can still be famous.

All of these people are famous figures in the school.

Classmates sought after, teachers praised, as if they were so amazing.

Once you have really contacted them, you will know that everyone is a big fool, without any cultural accumulation, just drinking and clubbing all day long, playing non-mainstream.

This made Xu Baihui very upset.

She was admitted to Beiwu with a high score back then, not because of chasing stars and money, but because of the art of dance. The result is good, but there is a huge gap between reality and ideal.

When she was a freshman, she fell in love with a boyfriend, who was so handsome, he could be called the grassroots of the North Dance School, and everything that should happen happened.

She thought it was the sweetest love.

As a result, a senior student played a small role in a TV series, and suddenly became a big celebrity in the school, like a star holding the moon. Not long after, she got involved with her boyfriend.

Xu Baihui was scumbag.

It made her very angry and very unbalanced!

In terms of face and figure, what's wrong with her? If it's about brains, let alone, she dared to look down on the whole school. Back then, she entered the school with the highest scores in the college entrance examination and majors.

What happened this time made her disappointed in love, and at the same time, she also had deep resentment towards the entertainment industry.

This instead gave her an idea.

Enter the showbiz!

She wants to become an important big sister in the entertainment circle, and she wants to trample under the feet of those classmates who are stupid but star-studded.

Then, she joined the Ten Schools Entrepreneurship Alliance.

I plan to use this platform to exercise my ability.

Unexpectedly, the Entrepreneurial Alliance exploded immediately.

Several projects have been operated in succession, all of which have achieved great success. He even established Jieyu Media, and even...had the opportunity to get in touch with the entertainment industry!

How could she miss it?

Xu Baihui said: "Yesterday, we received a script. I read it, and it's pretty good."

"What? The script?"

Zhou Buqi was a little puzzled, "Why did you send it to you? Do you have contact with the entertainment industry?"

"No contact, but we are Jieyu Media. Didn't you say that media companies have to be involved in film and television entertainment."

"That doesn't make sense. Why do you have your contact information? You're not a liar, are you?"

Zhou Buqi didn't believe it at all.

These days, China's film and television industry is still in a reckless stage, and a mess of dross culture has flowed in from Hong Kong and Taiwan, as well as all kinds of scams.

Movie scams are one of them.

If you can, go and cheat the coal boss.

Those who are almost capable can deceive ordinary people, crowdfunding and making movies.

Xu Baihui was very unconvinced, and said with red eyes: "It's true, I read all the scripts, and it's wonderful. I also contacted them, and they said they got the contact information from Nortel, not a liar."


"Nortel's academic atmosphere is mediocre, and we care more about fame, fortune and business atmosphere. We wanted to use Nortel as an entry point to open up the campus advertising market of Jieyu Media. The result is regrettable, but we left our contact information."

"What a mess!"

Zhou Buqi frowned, it was hard to understand.

Xu Baihui said angrily: "I said, do you understand? I'll say it again, it's Nortel! It's different from the Chinese opera, Nortel... has a very commercial atmosphere, and the people who come and go are big bosses and big money lords." , the school's management in this area is far less strict than schools like China Opera and China Communications. The school even takes the initiative to contact these rich people and acquiesces in their contact with female students. Then, the school has a number of network resources in its hands , Do you understand? The teaching quality of Chinese opera is higher, but there are more stars from Nortel. There are many opportunities."

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "You mean, Nortel regards Jieyu Media as a beneficiary?"

Xu Baihui blushed slightly, "Propaganda, it must be a little exaggerated, whoever knows they will take it seriously. Oh, by the way, we told you about the relationship between Jieyu Media and Xiaonei. The group buying activity was so popular a while ago, it is estimated that Nortel My teachers saw this too.”

"That's Nortel's script?"

"No, it belongs to an outstanding graduate from Nortel. The school is helping to promote it and find funds."

Zhou Buqi basically understood, shook his head and said, "This is not a good idea. You have already said that, with so many resources from big bosses in Nortel's hands, why don't others invest? You, let's stop the meeting. Did Senior Sister Zhen refuse?"

Xu Baihui said anxiously: "Zhen Yu only wants to engage in campus media, what's the point of that? Didn't you also say that film and television entertainment is the most important thing in the media field."

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said: "Forget it, movies are too risky. Don't say that we are laymen, even experts, even well-known directors, we have to lose. Now we finally made a little money. Playing Do not do this kind of operation."


Xu Baihui's eyes turned red, and she slapped the table, looking very annoyed, tears streaming down her face.

Zhou Buqi was taken aback, "What's the matter with you? If you have something to say, talk it out, what's the rush?"

Wu Yu heard something wrong, so she hurried over to comfort her.

Wiping her tears, Xu Baihui choked up and said, "There is a bitch in our school, just because he played a small role in a TV series, he became our school's belle, and then stole my boyfriend away. I am not convinced, why, I am better than her in everything!"

Wu Yu took her hand and said with relief, "How normal is it for a scumbag to match a dog?"

Zhou Buqi was so angry that he glared at her fiercely: "Shut up if you can't speak! Stupid!"


Wu Yu was dumbfounded.

What's wrong?

Did I said wrong thing?

Also, I'm scolding Xu Baihui's cheating ex-boyfriend, husband, why are you so excited?

The next moment, Xu Baihui couldn't bear it any longer. She burst into tears and burst out laughing with a "puchi", covering her mouth while wiping her tears, with a half-smile and narrow expression on her face, "I know, this is too risky, but that script really It's pretty good."

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly, and asked her strangely: "You don't want to relapse, do you?"

You are getting so hot with Wu Hanqing now, don't tell me you still have fantasies about your ex-boyfriend, isn't that too scumbag?

"Bah! That stinky boy, can my mother take a liking to him?" Xu Baihui snorted.

"Then you are?"

"I just want to prove myself and let all the teachers and students in the school see that I, Xu Baihui, am the best!"

Only then did Zhou Buqi understand her thoughts.

It's nothing more than wanting to prove myself.

This is a kind of fighting spirit, a driving force that pushes her to go forward bravely.

"But film investment, after all, is too risky...So many rich people refused to invest, but they found us, which shows that the project is not very good..."

"Who said that? That's great!"

Xu Baihui quickly wiped away tears, and spoke very fast: "I asked you clearly, this script has been written for five or six years. After the director graduated from Nortel, he also filmed several TV series to practice. Now is the time When he matures, he plans to make movies. Andy Lau even agreed to invest in him!"


Wu Yu screamed, his eyes lit up, surprised and excited, "Really? Liu Tianwang?"

"Then it's still fake? I checked with the teacher at Nortel, and it's true!"

"Then why are you looking for investment?"

"Andy Lau agreed to invest 3 million yuan, but the director's budget is 6 million yuan, which is not enough, so I want to try again. If it doesn't work, I can only contact there."

Zhou Buqi narrowed his eyes, "What's the name of the script?"

Xu Baihui said: "The Big Diamond."

Zhou Buqi shook his head in disappointment.

never heard of that!

A movie he has never heard of must not be a good movie, at least not a blockbuster.

It's true, Liu Tianwang's singing and acting are okay, and he probably doesn't have the vision to invest in movies... In the 1990s, he invested in the movie "Legend of God of War" with an investment of 60 million Hong Kong dollars, but the result was a mess. Incurred huge debts.

Since then, he has embarked on the road of repaying debts. No matter what kind of movie, he accepts and makes movies whenever he has a movie, and has made a lot of bad movies.

Seeing him indifferent, Xu Baihui's eyes turned red again, and she looked pitiful.

Zhou Buqi didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I said you're almost fine, you can become an actor with this acting skills!"

"I'm not an actor, I want to be a trader." Xu Baihui looked arrogant.

Zhou Buqi sighed, and said: "This matter needs to be discussed in the long run. Our business has just started to improve. In fact... so, I promise you, I will definitely help you in the future to make you the queen of entertainment in China! Whether it is A big star or a big director, I have to be respectful when I see you, okay? Let’s forget it this time, we have a big booth now, and I don’t have much energy to be distracted.”

Xu Baihui didn't want to give up, and bewitched, "This is a good opportunity to get in touch with female stars. You don't want to try it? You are a big investor, and the actresses in the play are not..."

As I talked, I couldn't go on.

Wu Yu's big eyes were flickering, staring closely at Zhou Buqi.

Zhou Buqi snorted coldly, "What nonsense are you talking about? Am I that kind of person? I already have a girlfriend!"

Xu Baihui pursed her lips with contempt on her face.


You can really pretend!

Wu Yu pursed her lips and suppressed a smile, her eyes shone with a playful brilliance.

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly, "I'm not interested in female stars, I still have to make money from investment."

Xu Baihui took out a stack of documents from her bag, "This is the script, I printed it out, you can go back and read it yourself! It's really good, black humor! Unless you're blind!"

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