Top of the big era

Chapter 1686 Time and Space Displacement

Obviously, Liu Qing could not understand Zhou Buqi's point of view.

Not optimistic about the live streaming industry?

Simply baffling!

Liu Qing said seriously: "One of the characteristics of the Internet industry is the displacement in time and space. South Korea's live broadcast industry is doing very well, and Japan is also good. The domestic Internet infrastructure has been further improved, and the industry has shifted. It's bound to happen."

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "Has there been a discussion?"

Liu Qing nodded, "Well, I have communicated with Yiming, Pengfei and Zian that the live broadcast industry will form a trend in the future. YY's current voice live broadcast is so popular, and the video live broadcast that will be launched next will definitely be more popular. ."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Are they also interested in acquiring Duowan?"

Liu Qing said: "I have this intention."

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "This idea is wrong."

"Why?" Liu Qing was confused, "Niconico has launched a live broadcast service in Japan, which is pretty good."

Zhou Buqi said: "You can build a video website in the Japanese market, but you can't do it in the domestic market. Just like the live broadcast industry. Why? Because the environment is different. The Internet concepts in Japan and South Korea are unified with the traditional concepts, and they are based on profitability. For purpose. They only do what is profitable and have higher business integrity.”

Although Japan and South Korea are capital societies, the nature of capital operation is much worse than that in China, which respects the American system.

This is especially true in the Internet industry.

For example, in the live broadcast industry, when a number of relatively good live broadcast websites appeared in South Korea and Japan, subsequent capital stopped investing. Even if this was a big trend, they did not enter the market.

Spending too much money will only cause inflation, drive up prices, and lead to competition and no one will make money.

It's different in China. When we see a trend coming, hundreds of investment institutions rush in together. Even if super giants like BAT have occupied the market, subsequent investment institutions will rush in crazily and continue to fight bloody battles in the market that is already a red ocean.

Because the domestic market is bigger and the plate is bigger.

As long as you invest it, the return will be hundreds or thousands of times.

This triggered a series of credit crises.

Because of the craze for capital, many entrepreneurial teams have impure motives. The purpose of starting a business is not to build a good company, but to attract financing.

After I got the money, I tried to figure out how to use the entrepreneur's control over the company to squander the funds for my own use. Many people even ran away immediately after getting the money.

Due to various reasons, many popular industries have suffered huge losses every year.

For example, video websites, such as live broadcast websites.

It can be done in Japan and South Korea because it can make money and is profitable;

This is not the case in China. The competition is too fierce. All parties are trying to make products with the attitude of "begging" consumers, and they can't wait to spend money to beg users to use their products.

However, the users who begged on their knees all thought that their uncle did not want to spend money, but also wanted the best service. In order to grab users, the major platforms can only continue to please them, causing the entire industry to continue to suffer large losses year after year.

Japan and South Korea are different.

On the surface, it seems that their Internet industry is not developed enough, and the products they produce are very rubbish. Not only are they ugly, but the experience is very poor. It’s 2022, and the design and technical methods used in many websites are antiques from the 1990s.

The logic behind it is that users cannot be spoiled.

Use it if you like!

Anyway, there are only two or three similar websites in the country. If you don’t use them, go to other websites, which may do worse. Because everyone aims to make money, a business consensus can be formed, and everyone has a bottom line when competing.

Once the competition is too fierce, there will definitely be failures, which will lead to the demise of the entire industry.

The most typical example is 360 in the previous life.

Originally, 360 was for search, so I wanted to install all 360 search plug-ins into the browser. But there were a lot of rogue plug-ins at that time, and a lot of plug-ins were installed in the browser, which turned into a fake. In order to solve this problem, 360 launched 360 Security Guard, which killed all competitor plug-ins in the name of cleaning up rogue plug-ins and rogue software.

Unexpectedly, by accident, the security business became an instant hit!

360 transformed into a security product and began to cooperate with Kaspersky, but was suppressed by fellow anti-virus software manufacturers. Zhou Hongyi was so angry that she broke the jar and threw it away. How dare you bully me? Depend on! That’s fine, no one should play! Die together!

I asked Kaspersky and they said it would be free. Kaspersky disagreed, so 360 developed its own anti-virus software. The free 360 ​​anti-virus completely subverted the industry.

If you do this in Korea and Japan, it will be like a rebellion. It will be resisted and rejected by the entire business community, and it will be difficult to get along. Masayoshi Son is very unpopular in the Japanese business community. The big reason is that Masayoshi Son has too deep a presence in China and the United States. He is inspired by the innovative ways of doing business in China and the United States, and often has some business operations that harm others and do not benefit himself. He achieved great success in the industry, but he offended the Japanese business community.

When Tang Binchen first went to Japan to expand the market, he also wanted to introduce free micro-point antivirus to the Japanese market.

After some evaluation, I decided to forget it.

Japan's genuine software market is booming, and consumers are accustomed to spending money to buy software to install. Once the free version is released... too many people will be offended, and Purple MSI Japan will inevitably be subject to strong industry boycotts.

Liu Qing frowned, "Do you think the live video industry is unprofitable?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "No, it's profitable, but it depends on the type and region. Just like in the Korean market, live video broadcasts have been done for five or six years and they can still make money. There are also some foreign live broadcast websites that have members For paid services, the annual fee is 300 US dollars, and the number of members can reach millions. The membership fees alone can generate hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue, so of course you can make money."

"Paying an annual fee?" Liu Qing was stunned for a moment and became even more confused, "An annual fee of US$300? Isn't that too high? Why didn't I know?"

Zhou Buqi said: "This shows that your focus is narrow."

"Yeah." Liu Qing took a deep breath, "I accept the criticism. What website is it? I'll go and do some research. Can live video broadcasts also have a paid model? This is different from Netflix. It reduces traffic and operating costs, and at the same time increases Increased revenue capability. What a great innovation.”

Zhou Buqi scratched his head, "This..."

Liu Qing became more and more confused, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Buqi had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "It's a website for adult movies. Many young girls use their spare time to live broadcast on it to earn some pocket money."

Liu Qing was angry and angry, gritted her teeth and said, "I'm talking about business!"

Zhou Buqi said seriously: "What I'm talking about is business. How can you have industry discrimination? I can tell you that many industry innovations rely on this kind of adult film and television industry. "Avatar" drove the 3D movie. Hong Kong films must follow the trend and make 3D blockbusters. However, the cost of Hong Kong films is too low and the technology is not enough. What should we do? This has to rely on innovation. Just imagine if the 1990s "Jin Ping Mei", "Liao Zhai Yan Tan" and Classic films such as "The Ten Tortures of the Qing Dynasty" and "The Heart Sutra of the Jade Futon" have been made into 3D versions. The immersive viewing experience may really be able to save the Hong Kong film market, which has hit rock bottom."

Liu Qing rolled her eyes and almost fainted, "You know so much!"

Zhou Buqi said: "I'm telling you the truth, you just don't have a clean mind and it's always easy to think wrongly. Do you know about AR technology? The largest application market in the future will be this field. If nothing else, the paid version of live video streaming , is this innovative attribute strong? Paying means reduced traffic, which means reduced exposure. Some female college students can work part-time through this paid live broadcast to earn some tuition and living expenses. Because it is a paid live broadcast , the audience is very small, which can greatly reduce the exposure risk of female college students working part-time.”

Liu Qing thought deeply, and it seemed to make some sense.

When doing live video broadcasts like that, the biggest fear is being discovered by relatives and friends around you. High-priced paid live broadcasts can solve this problem.

Because the price is higher, you can make more money.

And this aspect of content is often the most attractive.

They really complement each other!

But even so, Liu Qing still looked down on this business, "What's the use of this? It's not allowed in China. Does Ziweixing International still want to build a website in this field abroad?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Of course Ziweixing can't do it, but if we are three people, we must have my teacher. Miss Liu, learn humbly, okay? Good people also have shortcomings, and bad people also have advantages. Even a fool will gain something after all his considerations. In this world On the Internet, every piece of dust is beautiful, it depends on whether you have a pair of eyes to discover."

Liu Qing couldn't help laughing, "We're talking about work, don't tease me."

"Who teased you?" Zhou Buqi looked annoyed, "Forget it, go make arrangements and call Zhang Yiming, Guo Pengfei, He Yang, Ji Zian, Wang Xiaochuan, and Liang Rubo over. Let's Let’s hold a meeting and I’ll tell you about this business idea. It’s actually just a layer of window paper. Once you pierce it, you’ll understand. It’s very simple.”


"You can arrange your time. It can be done in the next few days. I'm in the Magic City. I can do it at any time."

Zhou Buqi and Liu Qing chatted for a long time in the office, and then walked around the 6-story office building of Ziweixing International Building.

This is the international department, which is responsible for connecting with overseas business and has many foreign faces.

At a quick glance, there were seven or eight of them, including Big Laohei.

Zhou Buqi randomly picked a big guy and talked to him in Chinese. He spoke very awkwardly, but it was much smoother in English. He is not from Africa, but from the United States. He is working on a mid-stage module based on the evaluation of Douban Reading section and delivering it to Ziweixing International.

The general meaning is that a movie rating website from Ziweixing International will also launch new functions. You can't just rate movies, it's too monotonous. You can learn from Douban. In addition to scoring movies, you can also rate music and books.

Something similar had been done by Zhou Buqi as early as five years ago when he was building the school network.

It’s really a time and space displacement.

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