Top of the big era

Chapter 1677 The slow flow of water

Zhou Buqi took Jiang Shuying around for a day and was very disappointed.

I thought she was a master's student at a prestigious British university, so she would be something special, at least better than ordinary female celebrities, right? But after a day of contact, there is really nothing special about it.

Even worse than Yang Mi.

This would be meaningless, at least it would be impossible to communicate with her beyond beauty.

Zhou Buqi pretended not to understand some of her hints and invitations, and refused on the grounds of work. He set up a table at the Capital Hotel in the evening, invited Lao Zhang, and also invited Youku and Kuliu over.

Be peaceful!

You don’t even know when the wolf is coming!

Now, major video websites such as Kuliu, LeTV, Youku, Tudou, and Phoenix Video are all going public. Sohu Video and iQiyi are also eyeing the market.

The very important reason is to quickly go public and raise funds, and then grab resources quickly!

The time for copyright wars has arrived.

In the first half of the year, Youku encountered the "Anti-Piracy Alliance" composed of LeTV, Xunlei, Huayi, Jiangsu TV,, Sohu, Youpeng Pule and other organizations, which made Gu Yongqiang dizzy.

Now the situation is very clear, whose website has more content will have higher traffic.

However, content costs money!

Last year, the copyright fee for an episode of the most popular TV series "Latent" was only 10,000 yuan. Now the price is high. The copyright price for a single episode of a mid-range drama has risen to 100,000 yuan.

Who can afford this?

We can only rush to market.

After getting the money, a new round of copyright war started to strike first.

That's not all.

The two giants have already appeared.

iQiyi, a subsidiary of Baidu, and Penguin Video, a subsidiary of Penguin, have also begun to make arrangements to enter the market. Especially iQiyi, Baidu’s biological son, made Gu Yongqiang very angry.

Youku is now the video website with the highest traffic in China, and the main source of traffic is search engines.

In order to promote its own iQiyi, Baidu began to limit the traffic of Youku, and then introduced more traffic to its own iQiyi. Fortunately, in addition to Baidu, domestic search engines also include Weidian.

But even so, the disadvantages are huge!

iQiyi has resources from Baidu and Weidian, while Youku can only get resources from Weidian, but Baidu has limited access to them, which makes it difficult to walk on one leg.

It is conceivable that Youku’s life will not be easy in the future.

But this is a very long-term strategic thinking that most people don’t understand. At least investment banks and investors are very optimistic about Youku, and its IPO valuation in the US will reach US$2 billion.

You know, before Netflix reached a strategic cooperation with Ziweixing Global, its market value was only about US$2.5 billion. Things are different now. Netflix’s market value has reached US$4.2 billion in less than a month.

Zhou Buqi arranged a dinner party, and all parties wanted to give face. Gu Yongqiang and Li Shanyou turned their hostility into friendship.

However, these two people are not good friends.

Gu Yongqiang said: "Last year, the total revenue of national TV advertising was 67.5 billion yuan, 100 times that of Internet video advertising. By this year, the total revenue of TV advertising will exceed 70 billion yuan, which is very large, but the growth rate is very low. And The increase in video advertising may reach 300%."

Li Shanyou said: "Conservative estimates suggest that the scale of video advertising this year will reach 2 billion yuan."

Zhou Buqi was somewhat surprised.

What a character!

It seemed that the two people had contacted each other privately.

The front legs were fighting fiercely, and the back legs began to cooperate to fight for their rights.

Zhou Buqi understood what they meant and did not point out, "Traditional media is declining, and the good days of television are coming to an end. The spring of streaming video is coming."

Li Shanyou sighed, "There is a lot of pressure on copyright. The price is getting higher and higher, making it difficult to pay. A few days ago, I had another quarrel with Lao Chen."

Lao Chen should be Chen Tianqiao, the boss of Kuliu's holding company Shanda.

Zhou Buqi asked: "Why?"

Li Shanyou said: "The copyright price is too high and the cost is too high. In the first half of the year, Kuliu lost 30 million yuan. He is worried that this model will not last long and wants to change Kuliu's video model from a Hulu-type long video website to a It will become a YouTube-style UGC website. However, the national conditions are different, and UGC is not suitable for the country for the time being, so it can only be done on a small scale."

Gu Yongqiang nodded, agreeing with this view.

Youku also has UGC content, which means users produce original content themselves and then upload it to the website. Because the content is original, no copyright fees are required. The advertising fees generated will be divided equally between the creator and the website, so that the website can make a steady profit without losing money. Just like an online novel website, the website can obtain the copyright of the novel for free. After the novel generates subscription revenue, the website can also divide half of it.

But the problem is that this model of YouTube can be developed, because the European and American markets are very developed, and many high school students can buy a digital camera to record their daily life.

The situation is much worse in China. Let alone cameras, there are not even a few digital cameras on many university campuses.

Without enough equipment, it’s impossible to produce much content.

Unless we wait many more years for smartphones to become popular, everyone will use their phones to take pictures and record their lives. At that time, the domestic population advantage will be reflected. With richer content and stronger vitality, China can go further than Silicon Valley giants in this field.

Li Shanyou said with embarrassment: "There is another very serious challenge, which is the copyright issue. The domestic anti-piracy alliance is too powerful."

Then, he took a deep look at his former boss Zhang Chaoyang.

This guy is one of a kind.

Lao Zhang is relatively clean in his business, so he is relatively confident, and Sohu Video has always had a good reputation. Other video websites are fighting and debating every day, but Sohu Video always stays out of it.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said, "There is nothing wrong with anti-piracy."

Li Shanyou said: "Yes, but the UGC model is prone to problems. Users upload content to the website. What if the uploaded content is suspected of being pirated? In 2007, Viacom sued YouTube, claiming 10 billion, because there are a lot of pirated content on YouTube, all uploaded by users. Even more serious,, which was once the first echelon, was directly suspended by the authorities for rectification because some very sensitive illegal content was uploaded. Sorry, this popular website was immediately shut down."

Then, he gave Gu Yongqiang a meaningful look.

Gu Yongqiang's expression changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "What do you mean? Do you think I asked someone to upload you?"

Li Shanyou's expression was calm, "I never said that."

Gu Yongqiang snorted coldly, "I heard it was done by LeTV, please don't falsely accuse me. There are connections behind Their dog-eat-dog approach has nothing to do with industry competition."

Zhou Buqi was a little angry, not because of the two of them, but because of Lao Zhang. This man looked like an old god, as if nothing had anything to do with him.

Fortunately, both of them have their own goals and are not too entangled. Li Shanyou said: "Most domestic video websites now adopt the 'YouTube+Hulu' model, which allows some users to upload. More importantly, Procured long-form video content.”

Zhou Buqi is more concerned about this point, "I remember that Hulu has already generated profits."

Gu Yongqiang said: "Yes, according to their public financial reports, the gross profit was US$12 million the year before last and US$16 million last year."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Youku and Kuliu are now adopting the Hulu model, right? 'Free content + advertising'. Why can Hulu make money, but you are both suffering serious losses?"

Gu Yongqiang thought for a moment and said: "There are mainly three reasons."


"First, the video advertising industry in the United States is developing relatively well. Their video advertising scale may reach 5 billion US dollars this year. We only have 2 billion Huaxia coins, and there is a big gap."

"anything else?"

Zhou Buqi asked next.

Gu Yongqiang said: "Second, it is the user's understanding of the product. In China, the understanding of the Internet is that it is free, and they do not like to spend money to purchase services. This is different in the United States. They have to tip in daily life and have become accustomed to paying. On the Internet The same is true, everyone has a paying mentality when watching video content. You can watch some film and television content for free on Hulu, which is a big surprise. Therefore, Hulu’s video ads are up to 3 minutes long, which is acceptable to users. This is not the case in China. For ads that exceed 30 seconds, users will feel irritated and experience a bad experience, and may jump to other platforms. This results in a difference in the magnitude of advertising revenue."

Many senior executives of Ziweixing proposed setting up a video website, but Zhou Buqi rejected them all.

In fact, he has considered building a streaming media platform in China many times.

But I really couldn't find any good angles.

The two points mentioned by Gu Yongqiang are the current status of the environment and cannot be changed at all.

American streaming media platforms can all make money, but later domestic platforms are losing billions every year. Not to mention, domestic streaming media platforms have lower membership fees, fewer ads and shorter videos, but they have received a lot of criticism.

This problem is really difficult to solve.

Fortunately, the third reason is easier to handle.

Koo Yongqiang said: "Hulu's copyrights are mainly authorized from many Hollywood companies. This licensing model is not procurement, but cooperation based on guaranteed fees and advertising operation sharing. This allows Hulu to have less copyright content. The investment and sharing model are also conducive to the joint growth of copyright owners and platform parties, rather than copyright parties blindly taking advantage of streaming media platforms."

Zhou Buqi immediately agreed, "No problem! I think this model will work!"

The largest copyright holder in China is Jieyu Media.

If you want to make big money, you have to make steady progress.

It is true that we grow together.

At present, the major domestic video websites are weak and capital has not yet entered the market in a large scale. This kind of plan should be adopted to support the growth of video websites.

The more video websites there are, the better they operate, and the fiercer the competition, the more beneficial it will be to Jieyu Media. From a long-term perspective, we should plant more trees in the short term.

Wait until the saplings have grown up, turned into big trees, bloomed and bear fruit, and then harvest the fruits.

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