Top of the big era

Chapter 1672 Infrastructure Tools

Fu Sheng's heart was shaken, and his firm will couldn't help but waver, "No... it's not like that, right?"

Zhou Buqi said: "This will definitely happen!"

Fu Sheng struggled and said: "This is too ugly! Third-party developers used their wisdom and inspiration to develop many interesting apps for the Apple Store, and then Apple discovered that several of them were good ones. Do it yourself, isn’t this peach picking?”

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "What about Microsoft? If nothing else, there are many self-made gadgets on the open platform. Isn't there a similar approach?"

"This will hurt third-party developers."

"Developers are here to make money, and the nature of capital is to flow to profitable areas, regardless of dignity and fairness. As long as Apple can ensure that its own ecosystem is profitable, there will be countless developers to serve them. "

Fu Sheng said slowly: "A third-party platform can develop a flashlight and charge through advertising. If Apple built the flashlight function itself and embedded it directly into the iOS system, there would be no advertising revenue, which is not cost-effective."

"You are completely contrary. Correct business decisions often go against common sense." Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Apple does it on its own. They don't earn advertising fees, but for Apple's system, it is the most cost-effective deal. Not only It will not harm third-party developers and will create greater value for them.”

Fu Sheng said: "You may not always be right."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "That's for sure. I'm not God. But in terms of understanding the mobile phone operating system, I must be right. Planting sycamore trees can attract golden phoenixes. If the sycamore trees planted by a third party If it’s not good enough, there will be pop-up ads from time to time that harm the user experience, so the best way is to clean up all the third-party sycamore trees and then do it yourself.”

Fu Sheng remained silent.

He has no interest in developing a flashlight app. It is just a gadget for children to play with happily. He is ambitious and ambitious, and what he wants to do is big business and big industry.

However, you can tell when you see something small.

The Flashlight App is essentially a tool-based product that assists smartphones and operating systems. It has nothing in common with the "Cleaning Master", "Cleaning Memory", "Battery Doctor", "Safety Guard" and other products it wants to create. difference.

If the flashlight app has no future, then many other similar products may have no future either!

Zhou Buqi said: "If you want to develop and build an operating system, it is just like creating a city. You need to attract the population, which are users; you also need to attract businessmen, which are App developers. With the labor force and commercial projects, Only in this way can we continuously create value and provide tax revenue.”

Fu Sheng suddenly said, "Yeah, Apple doesn't need to run its own business. What they do is an operating system. They don't need to make money from advertising fees. They make money by collecting taxes."

Zhou Buqi said: "If you want to attract people and businesses, the prerequisite is to have a very substantial and complete infrastructure. There are housing, land, water, electricity and gas supply, transportation, and arbitration associations. Flashlight App , is the infrastructure in the operating system. There are so many mobile operating systems on the market and competition is so fierce. Whoever has better infrastructure conditions will be able to attract more users and developers."

Fu Sheng was a little stunned, "This is what you taught me, look at the horizon from the perspective of the sky."

Zhou Buqi said: “If you want to create a great city, the initial stage is the most difficult, because of the imperfection of urban institutions, the lack of and unclear interpretation of policies, and the fact that there are too many unruly people in order to attract investment. Businessmen. This is normal and an inevitable trend in the development of any city. New York a hundred years ago was full of gang wars, Tokyo fifty years ago was full of thieves and criminals, and Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen twenty years ago were full of gangs. , it’s almost the same. But what about now? Now we have a harmonious society.”

Fu Sheng felt a little cold.

Very bad!

Looking at it this way, doesn’t it mean that the product matrix business idea of ​​“Cleaning Master”, “Memory Master” and “Battery Doctor” that he wants to do has no future at all?

Zhou Buqi saw his worries and further explained: "The city needs to develop to a large scale, and the functions of the operating system need to be gradually improved. These all take time. In the early stages of development, we still have to focus on relying on those who are not very flexible. Clean businessmen provide services. As the development becomes more and more mature, you can undo the work bit by bit. You haven’t noticed the reputation of a number of companies that were booming in the past few years, such as Changhong, Lenovo, Gome, and Suning. Are they gradually going down? They haven’t changed, but times have changed.”

Fu Sheng didn't want a similar experience to happen to him, so he frowned and said, "Is this right?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Of course you are right, ruthlessness is the greatest good. Whether it is a country, a city, or an operating system, if you want to become better and better, you must gradually improve productivity through various means. Let the bad ones reform and make the good ones get better and better. If we really can't save it, we will completely ban it."


Fu Sheng can also be regarded as an executive of Ziweixing. After joining the decision-making committee, he participated in every major decision-making of Ziweixing. But he really hasn't thought about the problem from such a high perspective.

I feel very educated!

Just like the "dimensionality reduction attack" that Boss Zhou always said, looking at the business system he wants to build around the "Cleaning Master" from a higher dimension, it seems that all problems have been solved, and the business ideas It was straightened out in no time.

Zhou Buqi continued: "Changhong and Lenovo are declining, while ZTE and Huawei are rising, because technology is replacing trade and industrial upgrading is required; Gome and Suning are declining, and Taobao and are rising, because the sales system based on e-commerce is more efficient and more efficient. productive forces."

Fu Sheng remembered something, "Suning is also going to be an e-commerce company and establish an integrated online and offline sales system. I heard."

Zhou Buqi said: "So the fight between Suning and Gome that has been entangled for more than ten years is over. Suning has smelled the breath and caught up with the new era. Productivity must be constantly upgraded. If one day Taobao and Jingdong also fall behind, they will also They will be treated like Suning and Gome today. The same goes for ZTE and Huawei, including Ziweixing. No one can escape. The most important thing in doing business is that you have to assess the situation, have clear and accurate ideas, and make judgments before policies. , can we remain invincible."

Speaking of which, Fu Sheng also saw the true face of Boss Zhou.

Today's conversation may seem chaotic, but in fact it has only one purpose.

Tool apps such as Clean Master, Memory Master, and Battery Doctor all have the nature of infrastructure. This is different from Helo, which is a chat tool, but it is a service tool and the source of diverse services for the operating system.

But infrastructure tools are different. "Clean Master" can obtain management rights because it is the infrastructure of the operating system. Once this management right is obtained by someone with bad intentions, it may infringe on the interests of users.

In the early days of the mobile Internet, the operating systems were not yet perfect. Whether it was Google, Apple, Symbian, or BlackBerry, they all needed time to polish their own operating systems bit by bit.

This leaves a lot of room for developers to take advantage of, and the operating system can only tolerate it because of its limited power.

When their operating system becomes more and more perfect, they must finally rectify these bad areas and issue a stern warning.

However, will unscrupulous businessmen listen to the advice and restrain themselves?

Quite the opposite.

They will think that the opportunity to make money will disappear soon. While they can still make money now, they should work harder to make more money! Malicious manipulation will only become more serious.

The operating system can't bear it anymore, and it can be regarded as finding an honest reason, so it will ban the entire industry and then build the infrastructure in this field by itself.

At this time, all aspects of the operating system have been perfected, and they have the ability to get rid of these developers and go it alone.

So when Boss Zhou started the conversation, he talked about the "friends" theory and said that the sign of a startup's success is not only going public, but also being acquired.

The meaning is too obvious.

This is telling him that when going to overseas markets, he must make friends everywhere. When the time was almost up and I felt that the operating system was about to take action, I made a judgment in advance and sold this asset that was bound to be banned to a "friend" at a friendly price.

The more friends you have, the easier it is to take action.

This will allow you to leave on a high note.

Waving your sleeves will not take away a single cloud.

At this moment, Fu Sheng had completely understood Boss Zhou's overall plan for arranging for him to start a business abroad. It really had a beginning and an end, and it was all planned out.

However, he still refused to give up and asked: "Why can't we use tool-based apps as an entry point, and then transition to other directions after it is implemented?"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Tools can leverage traffic, but tools have low stickiness and strong substitutability. If you want to maintain your advantage, you must transform to content and socialization, and increase user stickiness through content and social relationships." Sex. Just like Tang Binchen’s Ucgram, it was just a photo editing tool at the beginning, and now it has become a photo social product with photo editing functions.”


"There are two difficulties here. One is the kind of infrastructure products you make. Even if the product is not banned, the business model will definitely be banned and lacks continuity. The second is brand value. With the development of mobile Internet, The more users know about it, the higher the value of a positive brand. The lower the value of a negative brand."

"I really want to sell it..."

Fu Sheng was very unwilling.

The child hasn't even been born yet, and he's already planning to sell the child to make money when the child grows up. How can there be such a black-hearted capitalist?

This boss Zhou is simply more rogue than himself when playing rogue software!

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