Zhou Buqi read the meeting materials and sighed.

Sun Wanran's analysis is correct.

That's it!

No wonder Zhang Yiming commented on Fu Sheng and Tang Binchen, saying that they have gone in completely opposite directions. This is really the case. This is like the two martial arts masters in the martial arts novel "The Swordsman". Fu Sheng is the leader of the Demon Cult, who does everything; Tang Binchen is the abbot of Shaolin, upright.

In the early days of mobile Internet, letting smartphone users break out of the circle was the biggest headache for every mobile Internet company. They have obviously developed a very good App, but there is no suitable channel to promote it to users.

A very important reason is that some users are cautious about smartphones.

Enthusiasts can flash their phones every day and play all kinds of tricks with their smartphones; but some users who don't know enough about new products don't dare to download them randomly for fear of damaging their phones, even if they know that a certain app is good.

To solve this problem, there are two options.

One is to help users install the App on their mobile phones, which is the "pre-installed" solution. One is the concept of "instructions" to educate users and tell them that it is actually easy to download fun and interesting apps. Don't worry. Once you download and install them, you can register and log in with one click. It is very easy!

Both of these options are correct ways to play.

The shortcomings are obvious.

The former is too expensive, even Ziweixing can't afford it;

The operation of the latter is too difficult. It has to cooperate with publishers and distributors, sign exclusive agreements with telecom operators, connect with major Internet companies, and constantly change versions... which is what Boss Zhou has. There are many resources, including the channels of Asda and Ziweixing Global, otherwise the "instruction manual" project would not be possible at all.

This is a bit like the righteous martial arts, which requires laying the foundation since childhood and practicing hard. The strength increases very slowly and it is difficult to achieve results in a short time. In contrast, the evil martial arts is much easier and easier to achieve quickly.

Fu Sheng plays this kind of evil way.

The reason is also very good.

The Internet has a very distinct attribute, which is to compete for the track. For the same product, whoever can occupy the track first will basically win more than half. Competitors who enter the market later will have to put in more effort and pay a greater price if they want to break this pattern.

If you want to quickly occupy territory, the best way is of course to use evil methods!

Fu Sheng's idea is very simple, relying on the fact that the current mobile phone operating systems are not perfect enough and have many loopholes and defects. In addition, in order to compete for market share, mobile operating systems will intentionally or unintentionally condone some "violative" behaviors of many developers, tacitly allowing them to do evil on their own territory, so as not to drive away customers.

This is an opportunity for a breakthrough!

For example, as long as a smartphone user downloads the Weidian Security Guard App, the App will automatically start in the dead of night, start running in the background, and automatically start downloading and installing other apps.

When the user wakes up the next morning, hey!

There are several more apps on the mobile desktop!

This is equivalent to "pre-installed".

The difference is that this model does not cost a penny, and then you can install many of your own apps into the user's mobile phone.

You can even make money by providing third-party services!

Much more money than the "instructions" project!

For example, after this model is put into operation, various apps can be installed on mobile phones as quickly and efficiently as possible. This is a "promotion" intermediary!

At that time, many Internet companies will surely come to your door and pay high prices to invite you to help them increase the number of installed apps and users.

The pre-installation of an app on a Samsung phone costs US$13.60, and the micro-point charge is a little less, US$10, right?

What is this concept?

Develop 100 million new users, that’s $1 billion in revenue!

In this era of mobile Internet, is there any easier way to make money than this model? The key is that this thing has little technical content and is easier than robbing money.

It can be said that Fu Sheng's product ideas are no different from those of 3721 and 360 Security Guards back then. They just want to promote what they used to do on the PC Internet to smartphones.

How unique!

No wonder Zhang Yiming, even if he wanted to fire Fu Sheng, spoke highly of him and considered him to be one of the two most important figures in Ziweixing, alongside Tang Binchen, who had a precise understanding of the mobile Internet industry.

This is really a crooked way. If the "background download" plan planned by Fu Sheng is really implemented, the efficiency and results will definitely be far ahead of the "instruction manual" plan planned by Tang Binchen.

However, Ziweixing cannot do this!

On this point, Zhou Buqi agrees with Zhang Yiming, Ji Zian, Guo Pengfei and others.

Ziweixing is known as the most upright sect in the domestic martial arts world. Even in overseas markets, it is one of the "seven decent sects". Absolutely no such guy who bullies his master and destroys his ancestors is allowed to appear inside.

The evil martial arts is very good, but the sequelae are also very obvious.

The speed of cultivation is quite fast, but there are too many subsequent disadvantages.

The "Manual" project can not only "build the country", but can also contribute to the future "defending the country" through Helo's one-click registration and one-click login plan.

This is an upright practice of a famous family. The deeper you practice your inner strength, the more obvious the later effects will be.

The "Background Download" project can indeed conquer the world at the fastest speed, far ahead of the righteous martial arts. However, serious problems will arise in the later stage of defending the country.

Don’t treat users as fools!

As mobile phone users gain a deeper understanding of the mobile Internet and new media becomes more and more disseminable, the subsequent backlash will become more and more serious.

At that time, it is very likely that he will go crazy and die without any help from his competitors.

However, Zhou Buqi does not have such black and white thinking as good and evil.

He is familiar with history, and most of the time, corrupt officials can govern the world better for the court than honest officials. If a corrupt official goes to provide disaster relief, he may be able to save 2 million people; if an honest official goes to provide disaster relief, he will basically be dismissed and investigated.

The behavior of upright officials cannot save the victims, and it can easily harm themselves. Bad money drives out good money, so this issue must be viewed dialectically. In chaos, magic can only be defeated with magic.

It is precisely now the early days of the mobile Internet, and we are in an era of chaos.

On this side, Zhou Buqi was thinking about his strategy to deal with Fu Sheng after returning to Beijing.

On the other side, the seafood dinner has been served.

Being able to enjoy a delicious seafood feast on the plane is really exciting and exciting. That’s Boss Zhou, who can invite five-star chefs on the plane.

Salmon, lobster, lobster, bread crab, mussels, oysters, mackerel, Atlantic cod, Scottish haddock, etc. are the most famous seafood species in the UK.

It's enough to just sit back and enjoy the achievements.

Sun Wanran handed over a piece of oyster meat with a fork. It was fragrant in the mouth, had a sweet taste, and was very layered. Zhou Buqi was very satisfied with the meal.

The next moment, Ning Lu also sent an oyster.

Zhou Buqi ate again.

Unexpectedly, when he finished eating, Yang Mi also picked up a piece of oyster with a smile...

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Damn! Even if it is good food, you can't eat it like this. There are so many categories. Can you try something else?"

The three girls burst into laughter.

Sun Wanran glanced at him with a half-smile, "Eating oysters can strengthen your yang. We also have good intentions and want to provide you with nutrition to prevent you from consuming too much."

Zhou Buqi's eyes scanned the faces of the three of them, and he said warily: "What do you want to do? Three against one?"

Ning Lu and Yang Mi were both embarrassed to joke with him.

Sun Wanran was his junior high school classmate. He could be more bold and pursed his lips and said, "What are you doing? Are you scared?"

Zhou Buqi snorted coldly and said with great pride: "Let me tell you, let alone three against one, I am not afraid of four against one or five against one! Even if there are thousands of people, I will go!"


Yang Mi murmured in a low voice. This was a judgment based on her own experience. She and the four sisters Jiang Bingjie, Li Xinwan, and Dilireya could take care of him.


Zhou Buqi stared.

Yang Mi quickly turned into a smile, peeled off a piece of crab meat and handed it to his mouth, "Crab, it's delicious!"

Sun Wanran couldn't help laughing and said: "I'm supplementing protein!"

Zhou Buqi said: "I think it's time for you to supplement your protein intake."

Sun Wanran's momentum suddenly weakened, "Farewell, you can replenish them, I'll just eat some shrimp... Well, this langoustine is a bit like the domestic crayfish!"

"Well, it's quite similar, but it's not as delicious as crayfish. The chef is not good at it." Yang Mi agreed and made another suggestion, "Sister Wanguan, sister Lulu, after returning to China, let's go eat crayfish! I know a store that’s delicious!”

Sun Wanran looked at Zhou Buqi, "What about you? Are you going?"


"Spicy crayfish."

"Put it down, Malatang is just about the same."

"Poor taste."

Sun Wanran curled her lips, feeling that this person was not romantic or gentle at all.

At this time, the satellite phone came.

From domestic.

It was He Yang who called in person.

Sun Wanran used external release.

He Yang spoke concisely and explained the subject of the call: "The decision-making committee has just been held. 13 votes were in favor and 3 abstained, and the issue of firing Fu Sheng was passed."

Zhou Buqi accepted this, "Well, I understand, you go talk to Fu Sheng. Tell him not to worry, and wait until I get back to talk to him. Tell him that I will not abandon him!"

Sun Wanran was sour and angry, muttering in a low voice: "I am gentler to men than to women."

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