Top of the big era

Chapter 1657 Store Rules

London, England.

In the conference room on the first floor of his home, Zhou Buqi met several main people in charge of Ziweixing International, Ziweixing Global and Asda. There were 11 people in total, the lowest level was senior vice president.

He laid out the project plan of "Instructions".

Tang Binchen is the overall person in charge of the project, and all other companies must actively cooperate. However, there must be a distribution of benefits in this matter.

Although the big boss of these companies is the same, the composition of other shareholders is different. If you help out selflessly, wouldn't you be working for someone else?

However, distributing benefits is the most difficult.

It’s also the easiest to argue with.

The bickering turned into a tug-of-war, and nothing was accomplished. Zhou Buqi showed a very strong stance, no need for discussion and no bargaining. Whoever does not do well will step down!

If you want to share the cake, you must first make the cake!

Now that the cake has not yet been completed, all parties are thinking about dividing the cake in the future, and begin to scheming and calculating for their own interests, which will inevitably affect the success of the cooperation.

Zhou Buqi was rude and decided with one word.

All parties must cooperate with Tang Binchen and do whatever he says! No one is allowed to bargain! As for the reward for doing things, we will talk about it later!

I won’t treat you badly after all!

Tang Binchen planned this "instruction manual" project to cooperate with operators. The core purpose is to let his picture social product Ucgram take root and develop in the European market.

But once this project is completed, it will not only benefit the Ucgram product, but all C-end products of Ziweixing International in overseas markets.

This is a big business plan.

Compared to the success of these products, the mere remuneration is really not worth mentioning.

After the meeting, Zhou Buqi left Tang Binchen behind and said with a smile, "How was it? I see you are quite nervous?"

Tang Binchen was a little embarrassed, "You really want me to be the commander-in-chief?"

"What is the problem?"

"Others are easy to talk to, but Zhou Shaoning also wants to listen to my arrangements?"

"Are you scared?" Zhou Buqi was a little funny, "You see he didn't say anything. We are a family and we should help each other. He will listen to your arrangements."

Zhou Shaoning is the chairman and CEO of Aisda Group. His level is too high. It is somewhat uncontrollable for Tang Binchen to command him. This arrangement is somewhat reckless.

However, Zhou Buqi did it on purpose.

Through this incident, we can see how good Tang Binchen is and what his communication level is. In the past, when he was in charge of the Friends Network in China, something went wrong and communication was not very good.

If Zhou Buqi hadn't sent him to the Japanese market, he might have resigned.

Tang Binchen hesitated for a moment and suggested: "You can call him later and let him take it seriously. Aisda's channel resources will play a vital role in this project. Can we quickly and at the same time To go out and sign exclusive agency contracts with the eight major operators in Europe and the United States, we mainly need to rely on Asda's relationship to take the lead."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "What are your plans?"

Tang Binchen said: "It's actually very simple. First, use the cooperative relationship between Asda and the operator to come to the door to sign the contract. Then Global Distribution will be responsible for the operation and help design, print and distribute the brochure. Wait for Ziweixing International When the business matures and the marketing department is perfected, the operational work can be taken over by the marketing department. It can then operate independently."

"Where's the advertising?"

This is what Zhou Buqi cares about most. This is not just as simple as making money by selling advertising space for "instructions". Such precious channel resources for precise push, after the exclusive agreement is signed, and it has certain monopoly attributes, must be Just make the most of it.

Tang Binchen said easily: "This should be the simplest. Just let the U.S. headquarters do it and let Luqi arrange it. If the manual project is completed, I believe there will be many excellent apps in Silicon Valley. Take the initiative to seek cooperation with us.”

Zhou Buqi said slowly: "This is actually similar to the Apple Store on iPhone and the Google Store on Android. It is an offline version and a paper media version."

Tang Binchen smiled and said: "Yes, it's quite similar."

Zhou Buqi said deeply: "So, we must make full use of store resources. In addition to rankings and recommendation positions, there can also be a more important factor."

"What is it?"



Tang Binchen didn't quite understand.

Zhou Buqi said: "If you want to use the Apple Store, you have to log in to your Apple account. If you want to enter the Google Store, you also have to log in to your Google account. Our 'Instructions' store also needs a similar set of rules and a similar account to provide users with convenient and high-quality services.”

"Unified account..." Tang Binchen pondered for a moment, then woke up instantly and took a deep breath, "Helo account! Yes, this is right! This is how it should be done!"

Zhou Buqi said: "For some users who are not very proficient in using smartphones, registering a new App account is troublesome. Many people don't like to download and use new Apps, because they are blocked by the registration process. It must be Find a way so that users don’t have to register, but can register and log in with just one click.”

This was done in China two years ago.

Many online games and web pages can be quickly logged in through Helo on the PC to complete the bundling. In other words, when users play an online game, they do not need to register. They can log in quickly using their Helo account.

This mode can even be adopted on the mobile phone.

Although Tang Binchen has developed overseas in recent years, he is now a member of Ziweixing's decision-making committee and has been paying attention to the development of Ziweixing's domestic business, both learning and imitating. If you find any excellent products in China, you can copy them abroad and promote them all over the world.

Ucgram is a model of success.

At that time, Ziweixing made several photo editing products at the same time. Meitu Xiuxiu was successful and has been retained. One of the abandoned teams was unwilling to give up, so they found Tang Binchen from Ziweixing Japan.

Tang Binchen did some research and slightly modified this product that was abandoned in China, and turned it into UC Beauty, a popular product in the Japanese market. Later, the version was revised to add social attributes and promoted to the European and American markets, which is now Ucgram.

Tang Binchen has always been a follower of Zhou Buqi, so he was able to follow his ideas and immediately reacted, "The reason why Helo is more popular than Google Talk, MSN, Skype and other mobile products is that it is easy to register. , registration can be completed using mobile phone number and text message, which greatly facilitates users.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, that's the idea. Registration for Helo is very simple, but for other apps, it's too troublesome to register. The apps recommended in the 'Manual' are aimed at the most basic smartphone beginners. There can’t be too cumbersome operations.”

Tang Binchen followed his words and continued: "So we need to make it clear to all apps that want to join the 'Manual' store. If you want to join, you can, but you must activate Helo's quick one-click registration and one-click login functions. Directly call Helo's user avatar and The username serves as the user avatar and username for the new App."


"It's the early days of the mobile Internet. As a result, in order to avoid the complicated registration process, most users will choose to use Helo's one-click registration function and combine the Helo account with many others such as YouTube, Gmail, Spotify, Important products such as Ucgram and Evernote are all bundled together.”

Tang Binchen felt like the sun was shining through the clouds.

It’s safe now!

Yes, this is how the Internet should be done!

I copy what is domestic and what is foreign, and what is foreign and copy what is domestic... As long as it is good, I can use it for my own use. This binding model of quick registration and quick login has been developed in China for two years.

However, overseas markets are not developing very well.

In fact, Helo has already provided an open UI interface in overseas markets. As long as other apps are willing, they can apply for access to a Helo account to complete the bundled login.

But, they don't want to.

This is equivalent to being caught by Helo.

If there is friction between the two parties and Helo gets angry and closes the interface... this will be tragic. Users who used Helo to quickly register in the past will not be able to log in.

This is disguised manipulation.

Of course, this is very malicious. It is literally using its monopoly position to attack its peers, and it is likely to face heavy penalties.

But so what?

A monopoly case may take several years to handle from beginning to end. Even if the investigation is clear later and Ziweixing is punished... the other party's app will have been dead long ago.

Just like the Apple Store, once an App is removed from the store, it is almost a death sentence for the product on iOS, and a company may go bankrupt as a result.

With the powerful legal team of a large company like Apple, they can always find the most suitable reasons for "removal" to avoid monopoly clauses.

No one likes the fate of their products to be controlled by others.

However, many times people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads.

Fortunately, there are many app stores on Android. Apple is very strict. There is almost only one Apple store, which has a strong deterrent effect.

In the early days of the mobile Internet, "instructions" were an excellent channel for product promotion. There was no better marketing channel that could directly face users.

As long as it is made, there will definitely be more monks and less meat, and the supply will exceed the demand!

In this case, Ziweixing, for the sake of user convenience, requires that the apps that join the "Manual" store be connected to the Helo interface... Even if they are not willing, they have to agree!

Just like if an app wants to enter the Apple Store, it must comply with the rules of the Apple Store.

With that, Helo takes off!

And it has the foundation to soar in the sky and never burn out.

If you can bind YouTube, Netflix, Spotify, Yahoo, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Ucgram, Evernote, Microsoft cloud disk and many other products to your Helo account. Then, the user’s future choices are locked.

Even if a chat tool that is better and more popular than Helo appears in the future, they will not be able to replace it. Because Helo is bound to all the apps in his daily life, it can no longer be disconnected. This kind of unavoidable and constant migration cost can greatly improve user loyalty.

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